Found Deceased UT - Dylan Rounds, 19, Lucin, Box Elder Co, May 2022 #2 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Things bothering my mind:
1.) C.C said in an interview that CV was witnessed by others as being shoeless, beaten and bloodied. We aren't sure where C.V. was beaten or where he was for 3 days his family says he was also missing.
2.) If I was farming and it was raining and I needed to store my grain/seed truck. I wouldn't want to walk 5 miles back in the rain/worsening conditions. I would call someone to follow me over, even in my own truck so I wouldn't have to walk back in the rain.
3.) I don't think K.W knew he was part of a hoax. I think he was trying to relay information that was being told to him as accurate.
4.) The phone was pinged in a specific 15 mile radius, that, to our knowledge hasn't been searched or only partially searched.
5.) The Boots. I can't wrap my head around the boots. At first I thought they might not even belong to DR and possibly to CV. It's possible they can be the same size and style...The parents seem to be absolutely sure they are his though. Its possible they were taken to ensure he wouldn't run off through the desert or to slow him down if he was successful at escape. My gut is leading me to believe that C.V.s situation is somehow related to D.R.s disappearance.
All speculation and things that are nagging at me.
Oh I agree it’s unlikely Dylan washed it. I’m just trying to account for why the wheels were muddy and the rest was clean. It doesn’t seem to be much of a stretch to me to think someone (whether Dylan or, more likely, another player that may be responsible for his disappearance) washed the whole truck but by the time it was washed, it had started raining and the ground got muddy which got the tires muddy. In this scenario, it would narrow down the timeframe to something happening to Dylan before it started raining, or at least before the ground may have gotten saturated with rain. This whole theory is blown out of the water if the pressure washer was near the truck of course.
I wonder if whoever washed the truck did it to wash away any DNA, fingerprints, etc. but didn't bother with the wheels/tires thinking there wouldn't likely be any evidence on them. Just thinking out loud.
Is it against TOS to spell out the names that are being represented here by just two initials? I'm having a hard time following this, because I can't tell who posters are referring to.

If it's not against TOS, could someone link me to a key for who the names are, or just take a moment to list out who is who?

Thanks so much -
Yup. I remember the Mackenzie Lueck case having more suspicious circumstances, but even so, law enforcement initially lacked the probable cause to do much about it.

There were innocent explanations in that one, and she was a legal adult.

The same applied here, even with some things that may have seen off to the family.

They've got to follow the law, and with thousands of people going missing a day, odds are that it's going to end like the overwhelming majority of those, with an explanation that does not involve a crime being committed.

Of course time passed, more information came to light, and here we are:

A probable case of foul play.
Same state too....although quite a distance away.
Same state too....although quite a distance away.
Lol. I was simply using that as an example in regards to probable cause, and I completely forgot that also happened in Utah.

Like this one, I was also a bit torn in the beginning. It was the passage of time that solidified things a bit.
Is it against TOS to spell out the names that are being represented here by just two initials? I'm having a hard time following this, because I can't tell who posters are referring to.

If it's not against TOS, could someone link me to a key for who the names are, or just take a moment to list out who is who?

Thanks so much -
I think we can use full names of people who have been named in MSM (only Dylan's parents?), but I don't know about the names mentioned by the admins of the official Find.. fb page. There are also approved interviews with Dylan's mother, where she gives first names of some people. No official suspects yet, so we can't publicly sleuth anyone.

DR = Dylan Rounds
CC = Candice Cooley, Dylan's mom
JR = Jason Rounds, Dylan's dad
I'd like to know more about Dylan's farmland and how that evolved. I wonder if someone else felt passed over and waited patiently... Dylan had the seed ready...

And if Dylan hadn't been so predictable, so dialed in with his family, his absence might not have been noted as quickly.

How did shoeless guy come to be in the middle of nowhere with no shoes? Had he met with trouble, the same trouble that was exacted in full on Dylan? Might those have been his boots? The same size and style as Dylan's, taken and discarded by a person who left him without shoes, miles and miles from anywhere? No shoes, no water-- what sort of death sentence would that be?

I feel like Dylan may have been up against some determined foes.

While this case is especially troubling, the Websleuths Terms of Service still apply.
That means:
- the ONLY people who may be sleuthed and discussed are the missing person, Dylan Rounds, and anyone named BY LE as a suspect or POI. Everyone else is off limits and posts that discuss them may be removed.
- random YouTube videos MUST BE APPROVED by mods or admins FIRST before posting. Those failing to get approval may be removed.
- posts that reply/respond to those that violate the above TOS may also be removed.

When many ignore the TOS and post in defiance of the rules, it results in a need to clean up the thread, which sometimes requires a thread closure. None of us want that.
Please help keep this thread OPEN by Reporting any questionable posts rather than responding to them and perpetuating the violations.

THANK YOU for upholding the Websleuths standards.

Bumping @CocoChanel's OFF LIMITS warning message pinned on page one of each thread.

This case had been different here primarily because DR's mother, CC, made the decision to use social media/Youtube as her platform to share news about this missing person case versus MSM.

As a result of CC's decision, we've been exposed to several WS unapproved YT creators on the main thread for a one-time only post. However, it's important to note that these same YT creators generally DO NOT adhere to WS TOS to NOT name individuals that have not been identified by LE and POIs or suspects. Again, this makes them Hands- Off per the Mod warning above.

And to further compound the confusion about any initials floating around, the family's former PI has also appeared on the same one-time YT channels, not only naming numerous individuals, but also accusing them of very serious offenses, past and present, without any factual basis to do so. Clearly another violation of TOS.

Understandably, it's also a common procedure for investigators to contact all individuals that had recent contact with DR with hopes to obtain credible information that might be useful in this now, criminal investigation, and also rule them out.

IMO, in compliance with TOS, we need to trust that BECSO is conducting these interviews and if/when any of the "initialed" are suspected to be involved in DR's disappearance, we will learn this from LE and MSM, and not via social media rumors.
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The family and law enforcement had received tips to look in Lucin, Utah, a town nearby Round's farm.

In Lucin, the family discovered the identity of the man. He had voluntarily contacted them and didn't know where Rounds was.

Search parties and efforts continue in the area and into nearby areas in Nevada.

At first, the Box Elder County Sheriff's Department issued it as a missing person's case, but after more suspicions arose, it has now been updated to a criminal case.

The family has found three people of interest on their own, including two former employees Rounds was known to work with. Cooley says, no suspects have been found, but no person of interest has been cleared.
How did shoeless guy come to be in the middle of nowhere with no shoes? Had he met with trouble, the same trouble that was exacted in full on Dylan? Might those have been his boots? The same size and style as Dylan's, taken and discarded by a person who left him without shoes, miles and miles from anywhere? No shoes, no water-- what sort of death sentence would that be?
The boots found discarded behind a dirt pile on DR's farm were identified by his parents as their son's boots and the same were sent to a lab for presumptive testing for blood stain substance. (Recent results confirm stain positive for blood substance but origin (animal/human) unknown).

While we know of DR safe since his encounter with the shoeless man on Wednesday, May 25, unless named as POI, he can't be discussed on the thread other than the knowledge shared by CC that he's since been incarcerated on an unrelated, outstanding warrant. MOO

ETA: add date of encounter w/shoeless
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I hope Dylan is okay and found soon. I grew up in the middle of nowhere and find it odd that his family claims he doesn’t socialize, stays at his farm, has only one pair of boots, doesn’t use social media. Very unusual for family members to know every aspect of a young person’s life. How would they know if he was in a romantic relationship, had social media accounts under a different name, hung out with others???? Would he necessarily share the good and the bad of every facet of his life? Doesn’t make sense in this day and age.
The boots found discarded behind a dirt pile on DR's farm were identified by his parents as their son's boots and the same were sent to a lab for presumptive testing for blood stain substance. (Recent results confirm stain positive for blood substance but origin (animal/human) unknown).

While we know of DR safe since his encounter with the shoeless man on Wednesday, May 25, unless named as POI, he can't be discussed on the thread other than the knowledge shared by CC that he's since been incarcerated on an unrelated, outstanding warrant. MOO

ETA: add date of encounter w/shoeless
Just to clarify -- I'm wondering if shoeless guy was also a  victim -- that he and Dylan were both victims of the same enterprise that resulted in Dylan being missing -- and shoeless guy survived only because Dylan happened upon him (giving him a ride) and  that he survived, the same element came for Dylan. With deadly results.

Like maybe there's something bigger here than Dylan.

I hope Dylan is okay and found soon. I grew up in the middle of nowhere and find it odd that his family claims he doesn’t socialize, stays at his farm, has only one pair of boots, doesn’t use social media. Very unusual for family members to know every aspect of a young person’s life. How would they know if he was in a romantic relationship, had social media accounts under a different name, hung out with others???? Would he necessarily share the good and the bad of every facet of his life? Doesn’t make sense in this day and age.
It makes perfect sense to me simply because we're simply not a homogenous race.

I believe they share what they know of him at any current time.
I wish this case was getting more media attention. It seems like the most likely scenario is that he’s dead, at least that’s what I’ve come to believe from media/social media. If he’s not? No one is looking for him alive.

Are citizens in neighboring towns and counties even aware that he’s missing? Even looking? Has there been been one reported sighting? Seems like there aren’t even sightings that end up being misidentification but if there were at least misidentifications then it would indicate people are looking for him and aware that he’s missing.
Just to clarify -- I'm wondering if shoeless guy was also a  victim -- that he and Dylan were both victims of the same enterprise that resulted in Dylan being missing -- and shoeless guy survived only because Dylan happened upon him (giving him a ride) and  that he survived, the same element came for Dylan. With deadly results.

Like maybe there's something bigger here than Dylan.

Anything is possible but I really don't think the two are related for the following:

CC provided that she personally talked to the shoeless man, and his teen son has worked for DR.

Because he voluntarily came forward when his encounter with DR was published in MSM, it's most likely what led to his whereabouts known, his arrest, and incarceration, on what CC stated was an unrelated, outstanding warrant.

Given it nearly a month, seems to me that if the shoeless man was a victim, where evidence suggested his situation extended to DR, I believe this would have long been uncovered by investigators.

Generally, LE would have probably followed up here and released a composite or description of the alleged assailant-- if only for questioning whether the individual had seen DR that was missing. IMO, the shoeless man was not the victim of a crime, but probably a victim of addiction. MOO
I am sure WS has very well thought out reasons for the many restrictions on what can and cannot be included in posts. However, IMHO, it seems counterintuitive to “sleuthing” if a poster can only parrot what LE has already publically released as far as POI or suspects. Especially so when Dylan’s family has consistently expressed harsh disdain for the investigative actions and implied lack of support by LE. I am and will always will be a rule follower…so I will continue to follow this thread closely and keep my thoughts to myself.
I am sure WS has very well thought out reasons for the many restrictions on what can and cannot be included in posts. However, IMHO, it seems counterintuitive to “sleuthing” if a poster can only parrot what LE has already publically released as far as POI or suspects. Especially so when Dylan’s family has consistently expressed harsh disdain for the investigative actions and implied lack of support by LE. I am and will always will be a rule follower…so I will continue to follow this thread closely and keep my thoughts to myself.
I think the rules are understandable and fair enough. We can’t accuse innocent people of a crime (on a hunch)and we all must know that would happen. It would just be a free-for-all. I wouldn’t want that to happen to any of my friends or family members.

We can carefully word an opinion without naming anyone and most will understand. IMO
I wish this case was getting more media attention. It seems like the most likely scenario is that he’s dead, at least that’s what I’ve come to believe from media/social media. If he’s not? No one is looking for him alive.

Are citizens in neighboring towns and counties even aware that he’s missing? Even looking? Has there been been one reported sighting? Seems like there aren’t even sightings that end up being misidentification but if there were at least misidentifications then it would indicate people are looking for him and aware that he’s missing.
It appears that there are no new public searches because local LE and FBI are doing their investigation. From the official fb page a few hours ago:

"We really have no new news to report on the search for Dylan. It may be this way for a little bit, while local LE and FBI conduct their investigation."

The page admin also addressed some recent rumors:

"I have been told nothing has been taped off as a crime scene. Local LE and FBI are conducting an investigation on the properties. Items have been taken into custody, like the campers. There was a Burning Man Festival (E11) nearby so they may have put up a sign and maybe roped off the land to keep folks away."

By now I think everyone has access to the official FB link that has been approved so I won't link it.
All I can say ( and have said from the beginning ) is I'm really surprised it is allowed on here. Don't get me wrong, there is probably good info, but it really seems to contain A LOT of questionable content.
Edit- Went ahead and linked newest post.
In order to comment, you need to agree to respect differing opinions (ok) and agree that the grain truck has been searched (???). The comments are all over the place, and these had to have been approved/vetted? And are constantly reminded to not speculate or spread rumors.....It just seems odd to me. IMO
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