UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #6

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If I had to guess regarding the card, she was so angry and hurt IMO that Nathan didn't conform to his new life with enthusiasm and joy..Most of all he didn't know her or show her love the way that she felt that she deserved.

She felt jaded and cheated. Nathan wanted to go home where he could be with the "other mother". I wonder if she thought well if I can't have him..I'll be damned if she will!

So Happy Mothers Day..Love your son Ethan was a stab in the heart, punishment for being the mother to Ethan that she couldn't be.

ETA: I think it shows premeditation or at the least Prediction. Ethan wasn't ever coming home to his "other mother" again.
Nothing useful to add here. I just wanted to say how heart breaking this is. My thoughts are with Ethans father Joe and the rest of his family. I don't like to think of what this poor baby suffered in has last few days on earth.
It sounds pretty sadistic to me.
I think we'd have to know more about SS past and patterns to make a educated guess.
I am guessing childhood abuse, mental illness and meth addiction caused this perfect storm that ended in the tragic death of an innocent child.

I have also wonder about NS and anabolic steroids... From a few of the pics it looks like he may have been using them... Not to be snartky but his head looks much smaller than his shoulders and upper arms. I know I have heard about "roid rage"... no indications as of he was into body building just a thought I had..MOO

maybe he or they did just use meth.
Marchers hit the streets for 2nd day in honor of Ethan Stacy
May 23rd, 2010 @ 4:10pm


A personal note about allergies:

One 4th of July not too long ago - probably when I was 39 - I came out all over hives. Bad hives. Scary, scary, scary hives. One measured 13 in. long by 6 in wide on my back. They started at one foot, and crept up my body. When I felt my chest tightening and my throat burning, I high-tailed it to ER...and passed out at the intake. I am fine, was fine in a matter of moments (a great place to pass out is the ER), and I was pretty quickly admitted for observation. I was, literally, bruised from the hives. They were so bad, so fast, and so widespread that it was very scary...the one on my back was purple and swollen for days.

We discovered that I have a significant allergies to spiders. The little wee house spiders, not necessarily big scary ones, but those little crawlers. Apparently I had been bitten several times on my foot (never even noticed it) and ended up in hospital. I now have epi with me at all times...

All of this is to say you can get bruising from an allergic response. Not - repeat, NOT - like that blessed boy's face, but you can get them. And yes, as has been noted, your throat and neck and chest/lungs "close up" (swell) and you can stop breathing pretty quickly.

I DO NOT believe this happened to Ethan. He was beaten to death, God bless his soul. I am just relating a personal exerience FYI only.

Herding Cats
The way I see her sending the Mothers Day card, when she bought it she was already setting up her defense. Thinking that when all the sh*& hit the fan and people found out something was wrong,(in her mind it would be a missing child) she was going to look like a kind, generous and loving mother because she helped him send this card to another woman.

In some rare situations I can see a mother help a child get a card for their step-mother etc, but IMO it would not have just been a card with writing in it by the mother, the child themself would have done some printing on it and also maybe color or picture etc.

Whenever I get a card from my niece who has little children, she always let's them do a little something to put their own stamp on the card, a little personal sign that the child helped with it.

S was in clean up mode when she sent that card IMO

Sometimes when I mail something from here I'm surprised at how quickly it arrives, it's not uncommon for me to mail a letter to Chicago and it's gets there in 2-3 days from Utah.

I have also wonder about NS and anabolic steroids... From a few of the pics it looks like he may have been using them... Not to be snartky but his head looks much smaller than his shoulders and upper arms. I know I have heard about "roid rage"... no indications as of he was into body building just a thought I had..MOO

maybe he or they did just use meth.

yes, or "roid" rage. I didn't initially think of that but that is another drug option that induces crazed rage.

The way I see her sending the Mothers Day card, when she bought it she was already setting up her defense...

...S was in clean up mode when she sent that card IMO


This crossed my mind, too. It's possible she was overcompensating Ethan's "absence" with an overly exaggerated "presence" to the people who would be the first to ask, "Where's Ethan???"
I, personally, don't think SS was smart enough to send the card as a cover her a$$ attempt. I think she did it just to be a stupid beoytch! IMO it was a in your face, he's with me now and he's staying with me.
I, personally, don't think SS was smart enough to send the card as a cover her a$$ attempt. I think she did it just to be a stupid beoytch! IMO it was a in your face, he's with me now and he's staying with me.

I agree.
I have to say I will never feel the same about slushies again. I can't wrap my mind around what they have done.
S.B. My initials are SS also. Please do not turn your back on slushies. Have one for me and one for Sophia.
A couple things really are bugging me (in addition to the hundreds). If his jaw was 'a mess" according to SS from scratching it, would that indicate some other drug? I know when I've had epidurals my face itches incredibly bad. I just can't help but wonder if they were giving him something. Ugh, I hope it wasn't meth.:sick:

And, if SS was the type of person to model her behavior after others, that is really disturbing.

The whole mother's day card is crochety to say the least. I know it's not always easy dealing with step parents, but written words can convey just as much meaning as spoken words. :cow:
I do not think she is going to see the light of day again. If she does happen to, she will be to old to have a child. Regardless I do not believe she would ever be allowed to raise another child.

I agree, unless our system fails.

I have tried reading back through the other threads...and can't find the answer...but why did she have Ethan?

That poor little boy. All children that age want is love and acceptance...I can see him trying and failing and trying and failing...sigh...

Rest in peace sweet boy
Charges expected to be filed in killing of Ethan Stacy
Last Update: 5:44 am

Davis County prosecutors are expected to file charges Friday against Ethan Stacy's mother and step-father, the two are believed to be responsible for the little boy’s death.

According to the latest reports, prosecutors are likely to charge both Ethan's mother Stephanie Sloop and Ethan's step-father Nathan Sloop with aggravated murder.

Kelli O'Hara-Ethan Stacy: an intense two weeks
Last Update: 5/23 11:22 pm

My assignment: the Ethan Stacy Story

Two weeks ago, I walked into our morning meeting and Jon Du Pre was assigned to a story of a little boy who had supposedly wandered away in the middle of the night. All we knew was that the child's name was Ethan Stacy, he was 4-years-old and had walked out of the apartment in the middle of the night barefoot.

By the end of the day, as I was filing another story for deadline...Du Pre was live in Layton reporting on the parent's arrest and Annie Culter was reporting on the child's body found some 30 miles away.


A lot of people have asked me how I can report what we've learned, and to be frank you have to have a level head and know that more will come out.

There is so much more we'll learn this week,


I think we need to prepare ourselves that there are going to be even more upsetting details coming regarding what happened to precious little Ethan.

I will be keeping all my fellow sleuthers following Ethan's case in my prayers. Let's all take good care of ourselves as the case progresses, and remember to step away and take breathers when we need to. I've been forcing myself to back out of this thread when I need to, get a hot cup of good tea, take a hot bath, stick my head out the window and take a good slow deep breath of the fresh spring air, watch the birds, watch kids playing, and just cry when I need to, lay down and just let it all out until I'm done, rest a bit, then splash some cool water on my face, and do some other things for as long as I need to before checking back. Please take the time to do whatever you need to in order to deal with what was done to sweet little Ethan. I care about all of you very much. :blowkiss:

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