Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #16 *ARREST*

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How does this keep going back to drugs being a factor? I have seen nothing to suggest this. Am I correct that a definitive link between the two has yet to be established?

You are absolutely correct. We have not seen any evidence at all that ML was into drugs. (I believe that her friends have said that it was quite the contrary.)

For that matter, I don’t think we’ve seen any evidence that AA was into drugs—although people have raised their eyebrows as they wondered how he got the money to buy his house.

We do have some evidence that they knew each other from some sort of an online connection—he had her ‘profile picture’ on his phone—we don’t know from what site.
The problem and the mystery are that, for whatever reason, ML did not want to be with a girlfriend. (Maybe she knew they’d be asleep. Maybe she knew they couldn’t provide what she was looking for?) She wanted to be with AA.

I think she didn’t realize what AA was, of course. We don’t know yet what she thought the relationship was. I think the texts/chats will tell the story.

Millennials are all about *experiences* IMO.
She was a young lady who was in CA in the morning and
-bam- back in SLC in the evening. Why not meet.
Yes the texts will tell.
How does this keep going back to drugs being a factor? I have seen nothing to suggest this. Am I correct that a definitive link between the two has yet to be established?

The 3 AM meeting time and place is throwing everyone for a loop. Why would a pretty, college girl meet a seemingly strange man that late after a red eye flight at a random park? Why not get dropped off at the guys house or her house or a restaurant? Why didn't he pick her up at the airport?

There was one media story about a connection between the two on the day he was arrested. A reporter camped out behind the police station, I believe, spoke off-camera with friends of ML entering a backdoor at the station before and after the police press conference.

The reporter described one man stating (paraphrasing) that he knew the disappearance would be tied to AA and that he had warned ML about a bad feeling about that guy.

But a definitive link has not been stated. They were both active on social media and dating sites, which is all anyone can guess.
I'm getting the feeling they were casual acquaintances. She is headed home and while they text, he mentions where he is maybe they should meet up. She sees no harm in getting a ride from him as he has been a harmless computer geek thus far. AA obviously had different intentions that ended resulting in ML's death, likely sexual in nature.
Using dating apps doesn't make one more inclined to use illicit substances. I understand that their cell phones were both present at the park but nothing else suggests she was there to intentionally meet him. I wonder if he somehow conned her to meet up to say hi as opposed to some nefarious cause.

Reading through his background, I wouldn't be surprised if more instances (other than the one already known) are discovered in which he became sexually aggressive. My stance thus far is the two met for whatever reasons and AA wouldn't take no for answer.

What I mean is there is no evidence that Kenzie used drugs. I do not think this meeting was to score drugs.

There is evidence that she used dating apps as did AA; therefore, the logical conclusion would be that would explain the meeting up although I don't believe it was sexually motivated on Kenzie's part. I am not ruling out other possibilities; this just seems the most logical.

AA was accused of rape; the woman made an incident report but did not press charges. His ex-wife feared him, and several other women that met him online (Tinder) either said he was aggressive and they got creeped out and never met or did meet and were creeped out. He seems to have a pattern of being aggressive. On the first page of this thread, there is a link to his meetup profile which lists his very long list of sexual interests as well as other things if you want to check that out. It also contains all his other social media accounts.
But a definitive link has not been stated. They were both active on social media and dating sites, which is all anyone can guess.

Well, there has been a definitive link. They had texted at 6:00 pm the night before she went missing, so they had each other's personal phone numbers as opposed to just communicating through an app.
Under state law found at Utah Code § 76-5-301, a person can be charged with kidnapping for:
  • Detaining or restraining a person against their will:
    • For a “substantial” amount of time.
    • For any amount of time, if there is a risk the victim will be seriously injured.
“Detaining” means keeping someone in a location against their will. “Restraining” means interfering with the person’s ability to move freely.

Kidnapping charges become aggravated when the defendant commits kidnapping and additional elements are present – for example, using a weapon or acting with intent to commit a sex crime (e.g. rape, aggravated sexual assault).

Utah Kidnapping (Code 76-5-301) Defense Attorneys

Thank you.

I knew aggravated kidnapping had to have required factors to raise it to the aggravated level rather than just kidnapping someone against their will or moving them from one place to another.

Imo, LE already has evidence to know the kidnapping was aggravated.

Imo, it started in his vehicle.

How does this keep going back to drugs being a factor? I have seen nothing to suggest this. Am I correct that a definitive link between the two has yet to be established?

drug speculation is mostly coming from speculating why KL would have met someone at the park at 3am. particularly if this meetup wasn't sb/sd related, which seems plausible since AA is younger and appears less wealthy than your standard SD, it leaves us wondering what else would draw you to the park at 3am after a long weekend.

however, i dont think this is drug related, at least not solely. regardless of whether or not they met in person prior to that night and/or how they exactly defined their relationship (romantic, flirty, friends etc), i believe they had a rapport going.

from there, i think we will learn that her reasoning to meet AA was a combination of many of the factors we are all discussing: imo, i think AA offered her the opportunity to not be alone after a long weekend as well as possibly an invitation to meet up with other people (he could of told her the park was a mutual meeting place w others), drugs he could share, food he cook, if she had a crush on him she'd be more energetic about going rather than just a friend....imo, i dont think she had one sole reason for wanting to meet him but like many young people making plans, i think she thought whatever he suggested sounded more fun than her alternative options.

unless we learn there was a sinister element to their relationship, i really dont think she gave it a lot of thought; not in a bad way, just in a normal way of "i dont feel like being alone and im not in the mood to study and my sorority sisters said they are going to sleep and im not tired so why not...."
Well, there has been a definitive link. They had texted at 6:00 pm the night before she went missing, so they had each other's personal phone numbers as opposed to just communicating through an app.

I know I am playing catch up here for but I know that you can easily text through countless apps. I haven't seen anything yet that says they texted each other via personal contact info as opposed to using any of the chat apps to converse.

Pixie, well surmised! And thank you for clearing up my confusion.
I know I am playing catch up here for but I know that you can easily text through countless apps. I haven't seen anything yet that says they texted each other via personal contact info as opposed to using any of the chat apps to converse.

Pixie, well surmised! And thank you for clearing up my confusion.

You’re right. As far as I know, there hasn’t been any reason to believe they communicated through ‘regular texting’ as opposed to a myriad of different chat apps.
All I heard in one of the pressers was “texting”, I don’t believe they specified an app. Theoretically I would think that could include WhatsApp, Burner, etc. but I would think the phrase “messaging” would have been used if it was a dating site or app messaging function? Maybe I’m reading too much into it though.
All I heard in one of the pressers was “texting”, I don’t believe they specified an app. Theoretically I would think that could include WhatsApp, Burner, etc. but I would think the phrase “messaging” would have been used if it was a dating site or app messaging function? Maybe I’m reading too much into it though.

I definitely thinking you're over analyzing this fact. Any one of our generation would understand the different between the terminology when used but in todays' modern culture, texting is anything that let's you send a direct message to another person. I even use Google Voice for my business which is an app that let's me send messages and phone calls. My clients definitely call it texting. LOL
i understand that lots of folks here believe they were meeting for breakfast. I am not in that group. :)

I don't know if it is a lot of folks. I am also in your group. In no way do I think she was meeting someone to go out for waffles and/or steak and eggs. She was a fifth year student in SLC and per family and friends was dating several people casually, was on dating sites and at minimum a SB site. She would have to be more naive than I believe if she had lived there that long and engaged in such things to meet someone in a park in an area nowhere close to such amenities.

I have no problem believing a college student is up or wanting to be out and about at 3 a.m. I have a huge problem believing this was some innocent purported breakfast "date" she bought into. You do not go to a park in NSLC at 3 a.m. in the morning to go to breakfast.

One thing that stands out to me (a few things do) is the one girl who claims to be a best friend said she texted her while she was in CA to see how she was doing or some such and she never received an answer. She went on to explain she was probably one of many who contacted her and KL was likely busy, etc. so never responded (paraphrasing). I never really understood why she even brought this up unless perhaps it was to say when her last contact with her was because she was not missing yet when she was in CA.

Now on that same thought, she did not answer her alleged very good friend's text while in CA but she was in contact with AA while in California. That says something to me... There was also contact the day before she came home and I doubt that was to arrange either breakfast or drugs for that matter. Whether either did drugs to me is not relevant, but I doubt the meeting was for drugs. They apparently knew each other on some level and that is confirmed by the friend the reporter talked with who also said something about KL's and AA's arrangement/relationship.

If she was in deep sorrow over her grandmother, or not, contact with him was apparently still more important than responding to a good girlfriend while in California, whatever the reason for that was. I do not think it was breakfast...


Edited to fix typos.
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