Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #5

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Exactly. And I would add that the timing of the FBI's involvement is no coincidence. MOO

I was reading something unrelated to this case, where a former FBI agent was being interviewed. He was asked what shifts in a case for the police to get involved. He explained that the FBI isn’t called in for more man power or for boots on the ground searching, that the FBI is called in when forensic help is needed — “when science comes into play that’s when the FBI is called because most state police depts don’t have those capabilities.”
This thread is moving at lightning speed, trying to keep up with possible scenarios and I wondered - in these SD/SB relationships, do SD's get jealous if they are not the only one? Is it expected in a SD/SB relationship that the SB only have one SD? I've wondered since we started talking about this if she didn't have more than one (like the alleged screenshot of her Facebook comment suggests), and maybe she met up with one that night that found out she had more than one, somehow, and he wasn't okay with it.

Unless the arrangement was specific that open dating was welcomed, it would be like any other relationship. Of course someone could get jealous, that’s human nature. It does appear that at one point in time (over twelve weeks ago) Kenzie may have had multiple. We have no way to know at this point if they all knew and were accepting, it one of them or both of them didn’t know, or if Kenzie was even still in these exchange relationships.

Just a note: while I am being direct and clear that SB/SD relationships most commonly function not based SOLEY on sex, I’ve never once said that sexual relations don’t occur, can’t occur, or aren’t part of these relationships on some level. I’m just trying to make it clear that SB/SD relationships aren’t sex workers and aren’t as taboo as media would like to make them out to be.

Just based off how she's dressed here and it appears she has very little make up,when in many of her other photos it appear she normally wore some, I wouldn't think she would meet a sugar daddy looking this way. Makes me lean to someone she's known for a while and is very comfortable with.
Yes, and it also makes me think the plan to meet was made at the last minute as opposed to in advance. Imo
I wonder if Southwest monitors user-history, since you agree to their TOS when you log in to their wifi. I wonder if it's possible to see a list of websites that were accessed on that flight? Probably not, and might not be useful, but who knows.
I can imagine, since 9/11, that such things like in-flight use of wi-fi is logged and kept for some period of time. From such records they should be able to identify her phone and isolate the records for her usage. They should be able to use the IP address destinations of any data send/receive and be able to identify the App being used. From that a warrant to the App company should allow them to find out the user on the other side of any communications and the ip address for that user's device. From there they should be able to work that backwards to where that device was. If they keep working it back there is a more than reasonable chance of identifying the other party.

This would take some time to do since it would involve several warrants, one after the other.

The same process can be applied to the airport wi-fi - SLC, LAX or both.
What makes you think that she hasn't known her SD's for awhile? We know she commented 12 weeks ago that she had two of them. How long had she had them? MOO

It also seems to me, based on the available information, the person she went to meet was someone with whom she has a relationship. How her dating lifestyle is defined doesn’t matter for this purpose. Regardless of how she met this person, it doesn’t preclude there being a very real relationship between them.

The fact that ML went to meet this person in the middle of the night after an emotional weekend and a flight delay makes me lean toward a relationship. That she went in “airplane clothes” and little make up makes me lean toward a relationship. I think many are baffled by how this may have started but in the end they may look very close to how any other couple might.

And just like many other stories on this forum, I fear that she has fallen victim to something done by an intimate partner.

In the SeekingArrangements profile that was brought up on the news, ML's username was BeachBaby96 (please correct me if I'm wrong).

Also, is posting usernames allowed here? The rules are really fuzzy to me.

I believe a public, sm profile (not locked down or private) may be posted here but only if ownership is verifiable as 100% accurate.

Although dating sites were recently referenced in MSM, I don't recall reading any "usernames."

Unless you can verify the username 100%, or provide MSM source/link, please remove random name.

WS is facts based sight -- we don't want to be speculating about or sleuthing some other random user.

Thanks.. :)

KSL TV provided screen of ML's alleged profile at "" with username "Beachbaby96." However, it's very clear on the page that the this account is private.
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Good morning everyone. It is deeply concerning me more at this point. I don't believe this disappearance is voluntary. If it was, I believe we would have heard from Kenzie by now.

If that was the case I think she would have called LE and said I'm fine, no need for media attention, this was my choice etc. But that's not happening and that concerns me.
I’m so sorry Yellowmoose. I cannot fathom what you must be going through. My heart goes out to you, to Kenzie and her family. I I I think I can speak for a lot of us here at WS, that we all want to find her as well, and want this young, beautiful girl to come home. I still have hope. We have to keep that hope. Thank you for being here. A VI is an invaluable source here. Thank you for coming forward. ❤️
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^^Seeking Arrangements Privacy Policy^^
Lol, I have remained silent on this subject until now but let me tell you, if people here were to observe what I take out of town for a weekend they'd think I was relocating permanently. :p
Yeah, I was thinking she actually packed pretty light.
Since she was coming from her parent's home, there's also a chance she brought back more than she went with. Imo
Anyone remember the case here of the two women that were found in suitcases? Not sure if it was in Illinois, Michigan or Wisconsin a few years ago. It turned out that the perp was an ex-cop who was into BDSM and these women had willingly traveled to meet him so he could dominate every aspect of their lives.

One of my theories is that this could be a similar situation, but whoever she met had different expectations then she did. (That’s all I will say here due to TOS)
Wisconsin. That was a cop that actually lived in my neighborhood for awhile. I'm not a VI on that case, but I do know a bit about SZ - everyone around him, including our whole neighborhood, had NO idea what he was doing.
For me - Something or someone was really important to go meet at 3am in a dark deserted park after a night flight lugging my checked suitcase.

I would have been in comfy clothes with no makeup - ready for my own bed. Not up for meeting someone without at least a quick shower and freshen up my makeup.

How far is the park from where she lived?
the images are so grainy but I'm not seeing a fitbit but she does have long sleeves, don't they usually slide down the wrist a bit when you are picking up luggage or are they tight fitting?
  • It’s now day 9 since anyone has seen or heard from #MackenzieLueck.
    @slcpd using multiple tools to search for her including these images of her at the airport on June 17th. The latest on the investigation

In a workout pic from Instagram she isn't wearing any watches either. Seems like that would definitely be the time to wear your Fitbit or apple
I doubt the Lyft driver would have remembered what she was wearing, judging by their recall of the car park that night!
With the size of her luggage wouldn't you think the Lyft driver would have helped her with that luggage. If not I know big bulky luggage does not move the way you want it to and when you're tired it can be a struggle. It's very odd he wasn't very attentive. If there was someone who met her if they were on the up and up that person would have jumped at the opportunity to help transfer her luggage.
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