GUILTY UT - Michele MacNeill, 50, found dead in bathtub, Pleasant Grove, 11 April 2007 - #6

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Wonder why the prosecutors didn't track her down and have her as a witness?

I would like to have heard a fuller explanation of her "feeling weird" and also more details about her "feeling like a slave". She did mention something about having to do housework. And babysitting. Did all the girls have chores or just her?

Lots of statements here that were not followed up.

sort of sounds like there were little subgroups in the house...Giselle and Ada...Elle and Sabrina...and then the bio girls and Damian.
I don't think we know even 10% of what went on in that was not all ballet and happiness. There is probably a very good reason why the pros. did not want her on the stand...everyone in that house has/had a full package.
OK, some of you won't get this but I think Dorothy Kilgallen was one of Gypsy's ancestors. Anyone else see the resemblance, especially with Dorothy's notably weak chin?!

I have heard of Dorothy Kilgallen and as fascinating as her life was I do not see any resemblance to Gypsy.
After reading some of the reports of Giselle on the After Dark show on HLN, I wish I watched it. I just can't stand their format.

getReal, love your Alfred E. had him in my house for years. :floorlaugh: I dont care a lot for the program but I like Vinnie and Smith. They dont scream and are realistic..:seeya:
I just heard Giselle on HLN After Dark, and it was so sad. She really felt rejected by the whole family. I did not catch all of it, but apparently she felt the older girls, including Alexis, rejected her and that the two older girls from Ukraine also were tight together and she felt like an outsider with them. The only one she seemed to feel close to was Ada. I caught only part of the beginning, where I believe she said Linda Cluff (Michele's sister) brought her back from the Ukraine and she lived with her for a time. She said she is on her own now, but "doing ok." One of the guest "jurors" asked her about her feelings about Michele, and she said that after she had been here for two years she no longer felt like part of the family and she said she felt like she was their slave, doing cooking, cleaning, and taking care of Ada.

She said she felt Martin was very fake, that he sometimes seemed to be nice to Michele but she felt that was fake. She said Michele did the best she could trying to get along in the situation. The night before her death, Giselle heard them arguing and Michele saying something about not wanting to deal with whatever it was at the time and wanting to be left alone about it.

The day of Michele's death, Damian picked them all up from school and took them somewhere for several hours and then took them back home. She said no one said anything to her about what happened. She said she finally decided to leave her room and met Martin on the stairs, where he told her her mom was gone and she said he had a funny smile and didn't seem sad. Apparently she thought from the beginning that he had done something and said she felt "weird about the whole thing." She said that later Martin hugged her but she said it was not the sort of hug someone would give another in consolation, but that it was "weird." She also said he had molested her earlier and she told Michele. She said Michele told her not to confront Martin about it because he was "having a bad time." Then Michele took her to a counselor but never spoke to Giselle about it again.

My take on the whole of it is that although it's obvious her time with the MacNeills was so much less than she hoped, and even though she is estranged from the rest of the family, she is saying the same thing as the others - she suspected Martin from the beginning and that he is a fake. When she spoke of him, she could have been any of the other daughters we have heard from, only she is less emotional than they are. She said he controlled everything and everything was his way; Michele had no say. What a sad life. :(
That she and the other adopted children were afraid of him. That Michelle had no say in how the kids were raised. That MM groped her early on.

Oh, are you serious? How awful! Poor girls went from the proverbial frying pan into the fire.
OK, some of you won't get this but I think Dorothy Kilgallen was one of Gypsy's ancestors. Anyone else see the resemblance, especially with Dorothy's notably weak chin?!

Yes, I see it! The personality is nothing like Dorothy, but, yes, there are things about Gypsy, somewhat the appearance, but maybe more in the way she moves, that remind me of Dorothy. Very interesting. I don't think Dorothy would be impressed, LOL.
Does anybody have any idea why on earth Martin and Gypsy went to such great lengths to falsify her identity? I'm not aware she had any prior felonies or anything which would make her think it would make her life easier. Him, on the other hand...

Perhaps just so in the future he could deny having known her prior to Michele's death?
Does anybody have any idea why on earth Martin and Gypsy went to such great lengths to falsify her identity? I'm not aware she had any prior felonies or anything which would make her think it would make her life easier. Him, on the other hand...

Perhaps just so in the future he could deny having known her prior to Michele's death?

I think he may have presented her as his daughter so that she could get benefits (military ID)
Ah, yes, more free gummint moolah via fraud. Of course.
From everything I've heard from the various siblings, I think it was a very strange household all the way around. I think there are more secrets no one is talking about.
For those who missed HLN After Dark and would like to see it, you can stay up and watch it or record it.

HLN After Dark will be on again at 3 a.m. EST/ 2 a.m. CST.
From everything I've heard from the various siblings, I think it was a very strange household all the way around. I think there are more secrets no one is talking about.

I suspect the same.
I wonder why the defense didn't put on their own medical experts. Did they think they under minded Dr. Perper's testimony?
He sure seems guilty but with so little direct evidence it may be hard to convict him. So much destruction in his wake, Michelle is dead, Damien is dead, the girls suffered mental trauma and in his word, are 'ruined'. That's what MacNeill said about Ada, in light of her finding her mother dead. He KNEW how this would affect them all.
NG asked him three questions.

Q: How did he become a witness.
A: He told his lawyer and his lawyer contacted the pros.
Q: Why did you do this
A: I thought it was the right thing to do.

He said what Martin told him upset him and thought they kept inmates charged with murder separate from the other inmates which is why he requested to be moved.

I believe him and I also believe what the other inmates had to say.

I also believe him and the other inmates. They did not know each other so there is no way they could of put their heads together to come up with similar stories.
JMO, Martin ruled the household and made everyone else feel inferior. Probably was emotionally and verbally abusive among other things. His children probably inherited mental disorders from him. It is not their fault. He is not capable of love. Novelty is what he wants in a woman. He would tire of Gypsy as well and move on to his next victim. I suspect his daughters may have suffered from some sort of sexual abuse. JMO
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