UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #3

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To any medical professionals........how long does poisen stay in a frozen corpse???
If Susan is found soon, will it still show in her hair? blood? stomach etc????
Sorry to ask such a morbid question but I am thinking JP is buying time, thinking what he did will no longer prove it by evidence.

I think alot of poisons will stay in the hair and nails a long time.

With the mention of other illnesses, I'm wondering if there was any long term poisoning going on here? I was kinda shocked to see Susan's hair in her most recent pics....it looks to have gotten very thin.
(bbm) I'm not in a box nor are my emotions overruling my logic. Quite the opposite.

And what's "obvious" is that "Josh" hasn't ONCE considered "his children."

That not ONE decision he's made has had his little boys' best interests at heart or in mind.

Not when he was controlling their mother. Not when, instead of allowing them to stay w her, w the mother and the life they had known, he took them out into sub-freezing temps; nor when he took their mother out. And certainly not now while he perpetuates this charade for his OWN benefit and allows them to go on believing his LIE that their mother may be coming home. :furious:

How exactly is it "better" for Josh to attend a prayer service for someone whose whereabouts he alone knows yet refuses to divulge and in all probabilty MURDERED. :waitasec:

*I* don't "understand" ANYTHING Josh is doing OR saying... it is all a LIE.



First of all, I never implied you were posting with emotions OR that you were inside a box. I indicated that is how I post and think.

When I wrote my comment about Josh taking his children away from the media, etc., etc. IS based on the now regarding the children's well-being with the media camped outside their door, not what happened before Susan was missing regarding their marriage and Josh's controlling ways.

It is very possible that Josh told his son that all these people are praying for his mother's safe return. I can almost see Josh saying that, but there isn't much anyone can do to stop him YET!

My main concern is that Josh remains public in some form or another so LE can watch him. I don't foresee Josh coming forward with any additional information regarding Susan.

What Josh did prior to Susan's disappearance regarding the allegations of being controlling etc., can't be changed, BUT keeping any eye on Josh and pressuring him is in the "now and present."

We don't know WHY Josh attended the service, but I bet 2 cents, IF he didn't show up at any of the vigils we would be talking about why he didn't show up at A vigil.
IMHO, Josh did not flee to Washington to avoid the press. IF he had, he would NOT have attended the candle light vigil. He didn't even know when or where either of them were until 1/2 hour before. He had to call someone in Utah to find out.

Ask anyone who's been involved in the search for a missing loved one. When they talk to the various organizations on how to keep the momentum up in the search, they're told one of the most successful tools are the candle light vigils. They advise you to hold a vigil and contact all the media you can before hand.

Also, IF Josh was there only for the support and love of his friends and family, he would have approached his fil and he would have DEFINITELY had his son, Mr. Cox's grandson, approach his fil too.

Josh was there only to take the eyes of the world off him as a suspect, but it didn't work.

Someone posted about what anti-mormon lit is out there. There is tons. Some generated from ex-mormons who rally against that faith. Some is from other christian denominations that hate Mormons. Then there is the Cult watch groups that classify the LDS as a cult. JP daddy might be in any one of these categories.

Maybe JP does have another woman. Anything is possible.
I have clicked on this link 6 or 7 times and I can't find a comment at 11:37on 12/21/09 or anything by docscoob. I see that many other people can see it but for some reason that post is missing when I click on it. :banghead:

OMG, YOU ARE RIGHT ! It is gone.
I have clicked on this link 6 or 7 times and I can't find a comment at 11:37on 12/21/09 or anything by docscoob. I see that many other people can see it but for some reason that post is missing when I click on it. :banghead:

looks like it got deleted....the sltrib is removing posts that are highly accusatory...I wish I would have copied/pasted it but I don't think we're supposed to grab a whole post from another site.

Next time I'll save it in wordpad.

THAT is scary!

"Smoking gun"


"Sworn to secrecy"

OK, I'm going to go out on a limb here.................Another woman?

Time will tell,

Just now catching up reading, fran, and cannot find the comment. Has it been removed? If so, could you state what it says? That has been done here in the past. TIA
Just now catching up reading, fran, and cannot find the comment. Has it been removed? If so, could you state what it says? That has been done here in the past. TIA

Yes, I missed it too and would like to know what it said. Can you give us an idea? Thanks so much.
I always hope everytime I hear something like this,more family members step up and help women in these situations.Women have to prove they can take care of the kids themselves in a custody hearing.I just pray more women will tell family,some just don't want to look like a failure and stay quiet,or afraid of losing thier kids,but everyone needs to step up and help.I'll bet everytime this comes up in the news,more and more families do step in and help the women.

The problem is, often times, the woman must WANT help. I've seen many cases where they were offered help, (ie Susan was advised to leave him), but they either want to do it on their own or aren't ready to admit defeat yet.

I know someone it took 7 years before she finally got out and it was only because he literally tried to kill her and she wasn't even then convinced. It was co-workers who saw her bruises and cuts who persuaded her to turn the in. She even waited a few days before telling her parents because she was waiting for some of the bruises to go away because she knew they would be horrified.

The majority of these cases there is no evidence of physical violence, just control, manipulation, angry words. Many of these every-day Joes just don't look like they'd actually hurt anyone, other than words.................That is until you see them in full battle mode,...............then they're a different person.

This is just what I've learned from friends and from the pages of WS. Thank goodness I never had to endure anything like this............and bless all who have survived these types of situations.

First of all, I never implied you were posting with emotions OR that you were inside a box. I indicated that is how I post and think.

When I wrote my comment about Josh taking his children away from the media, etc., etc. IS based on the now regarding the children's well-being with the media camped outside their door, not what happened before Susan was missing regarding their marriage and Josh's controlling ways.

It is very possible that Josh told his son that all these people are praying for his mother's safe return. I can almost see Josh saying that, but there isn't much anyone can do to stop him YET!

My main concern is that Josh remains public in some form or another so LE can watch him. I don't foresee Josh coming forward with any additional information regarding Susan.

What Josh did prior to Susan's disappearance regarding the allegations of being controlling etc., can't be changed, BUT keeping any eye on Josh and pressuring him is in the "now and present."

We don't know WHY Josh attended the service, but I bet 2 cents, IF he didn't show up at any of the vigils we would be talking about why he didn't show up at A vigil.

(bbm) My main concern is JP TELLS LE WHAT HE KNOWS. As for his decision to drag his four year-old along on his charade, it was NOT for his son's benefit IMO as there were more media there. If that was his concern he'd have kept both his little boys indoors, warm, sheltered and shielded from any prying cameras.

I'm not gonna speculate re what anybody ELSE would be thinking under a different scenario... I can only assure you I'd be thinking he was at least behaving like the disinterested, disconnected, unhelpful husband he IS; but we mustn't forget disingenuous and deceitful, so it's par for the course--and befitting of a posing, hypocritical, pretender. JMO

The post in comments said "Josh did it." Also, called him an SOB and said "those that knew", "sworn to secrecy" that's what i remember

it wasn't a long post, only 3 lines, iirc
To any medical professionals........how long does poisen stay in a frozen corpse???
If Susan is found soon, will it still show in her hair? blood? stomach etc????
Sorry to ask such a morbid question but I am thinking JP is buying time, thinking what he did will no longer prove it by evidence.

Have to ask - what's the poison and when was it given in relation to when she died; also was it injected or oral. If Susan died quickly after injestion, there wouldn't be enough time for the poison to be metabolized and deposited in the hair and nails. Dead people can't metabolize anything! Might be evidence in other organs such as the stomach. mho

If the poison was metabolized over time, it would be deposited in the hair and nails, skin and other organs, whatever sites the poison deposited itself in. Sorry, this isn't very clear but it's a complex question. mho
Just now catching up reading, fran, and cannot find the comment. Has it been removed? If so, could you state what it says? That has been done here in the past. TIA

I have it. Am I allowed to post it?


ps............I still have the window open from when I found it so I don't show it deleted yet....fran
The problem is, often times, the woman must WANT help. I've seen many cases where they were offered help, (ie Susan was advised to leave him), but they either want to do it on their own or aren't ready to admit defeat yet.

I know someone it took 7 years before she finally got out and it was only because he literally tried to kill her and she wasn't even then convinced. It was co-workers who saw her bruises and cuts who persuaded her to turn the in. She even waited a few days before telling her parents because she was waiting for some of the bruises to go away because she knew they would be horrified.

The majority of these cases there is no evidence of physical violence, just control, manipulation, angry words. Many of these every-day Joes just don't look like they'd actually hurt anyone, other than words.................That is until you see them in full battle mode,...............then they're a different person.

This is just what I've learned from friends and from the pages of WS. Thank goodness I never had to endure anything like this............and bless all who have survived these types of situations.


I think she did seek support from her church. Unfortunately, the church elders usually side with the husband no matter what. She was made to feel guilty.
I have it. Am I allowed to post it?


ps............I still have the window open from when I found it so I don't show it deleted yet....fran

Maybe leave off the name of the poster, IMO. I have read comments in this thread about what had been stated in newspaper comments. I would not understand what it could not be stated.

Sorry, I did not see the comment about having to link to it. I guess I do not understand because some of the comments have been discussed and/or referred to in this very thread.

Thanks anyway, fran! You are a gem!
You have to link to it ...

I could link to it, but it's been removed so it won't show up when you go to the link. I have a copy of it though.

Actually, I think I better not post it on the open forum. It may have been removed for a reason. No sense in causing trouble.

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