UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #3

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I sure wish Susan's family would quickly file an ex parte motion to get temporary custody of those two little boys. IMHO, Josh is very unstable emotionally.

It would be a shame if something happened to these boys because everyone thought there was no way Josh would hurt them. They thought the same thing about Susan as well.

Besides, Josh has already shown he's not fit to take care of two small children. Taking them out after midnight in a sub-freezing snow-storm to sleep in a van overnight, he can't even remember where, and giving them smores for breakfast?

He's not fit, either way.


In California, the in-laws could apply for a guardianship of the minors. They could ask for temporary orders at the same time they filed the petition. I actually think I could make a good case for them to have guardianship on a temporary basis, based on the facts of the case. The comments that he is like a ghost and can barely function, that his wife is missing but he won't cooperate and got the heck out of town without notification to LE, the midnight camping in subfreezing temps, being confused about the day it was (points to mental instability), getting fired as a result and thus having no means to support the kids, being an uncooeprative person of interest in the investigation of the disappearance of his wife, having had the police called on him before, the statement that his toddler and preschooler are giving HIM the support he needs, instead of vice versa, etc.
Now, he could state, in response, that he has help with the boys from his father and that his father is providing for them. My counter argument would be that the father seems to be enabling his son, does and did not have his DIL's best interest at heart and is helping to hinder the investigation. I would point out that looking out for Susan's best interest is in the children's best interests and that not doing so is bad for the children.
I would also argue that an enabler cannot control a possibly unstable man and is not the best person to provide protection for the children.
Finally, and most important (but related), I would argue that without a guardianship, josh is free to leave his father's residence and go anywhere, with those babies, at any time and given his condition and lack of funds, that could be detrimental to the children.
Would I win for the Cox's? I would predict that in California, no, not right away, with the exception that the court may grant a guardianship to them but allow physical custody to remain with the father as long as he stays with his FIL. However, in Utah, which would be the proper jurisdiction as that is the last residence of the children for the last six months, the Cox's would have a far better chance of getting a "full" guardianship and taking custody because of the feelings in the state about josh and what he may have done to his wife and now, because of the information that has come out about how his FIL tried to break up the marriage, and steer josh away from his faith. With the right judge or custody evaluator, that could prove a boon to a case brought by the Cox's. I'd like to see them try, for the sake of the kids!
On another note, I think it should be policy that children of murdered parents should, all else being equal, go to the family of the victim, rather than of the murderer.

THAT is scary!

"Smoking gun"


"Sworn to secrecy"

OK, I'm going to go out on a limb here.................Another woman?

Time will tell,

Maybe the "other woman" is WAYNE? :crazy:
:mad: I really wish media would stop reporting this:

Salt Lake City resident Wayne Hamberg, one of Josh Powell's friends, has said Josh and Susan Powell had problems like any other couple, but he never saw any signs of domestic violence or other serious issues.


because Wayne told People Magazine he's never met Susan!! How could he possibly know about any DV situation!??

Although Hamberg has never met Susan Powell, he says Joshua talked about her occasionally during their twice-monthly club gatherings.


Thanks for the link!

Oh brother! He didn't even know Susan?

I believe I mentioned the other day he should be quiet or he's going to look like a fool.

LOL, well, I was right!!!

Just sayin'
To all the lovely ladies here that got away from a narcissistic, abusive, husband or bf and you are alive this Holiday season - REJOICE. I know I do. Our job now is to help protect and guide other women in these kind of bad relationships to get away safely.

Susan was such a beautiful person. I wish she had the chance to get away and have a new life with her children. It appears Josh ripped away her chances, and took her life from her. Now, may he pay for that. I'm waiting to see him get his.
That is the point I was trying to make.

IF Josh had showed up at the vigil in Utah, that would be one thing.

But when he goes out of state and then appears at a vigil there, you need to ask yourself, "WHY?"

The purpose of the vigil is to pray for her return and the candles are to light her way home.

So what? Susan is going to show up in Washington?

Then on top of that, he doesn't even extend a hand to her parents.

Sorry Josh, doesn't work for me,


Precisely. The purpose is, afterall, to BRING SUSAN HOME...

...and WHO is the ONE PERSON who CAN--yet REFUSING--TO DO THAT!?


He hasn't an OUNCE of shame.

He gets NO POINTS from me. :rolleyes:

Why were the kids taken to a babysitter if he didn't have a job before?Didn't he just get that job or did NG not get that right?I thought maybe not another woman,because he was at home with the kids,but if they weren't with him,hm.There's also online things,he was into computers,I guess they have his computer and cellphone records.
To all the lovely ladies here that got away from a narcissistic, abusive, husband or bf and you are alive this Holiday season - REJOICE. I know I do. Our job now is to help protect and guide other women in these kind of bad relationships to get away safely.

Susan was such a beautiful person. I wish she had the chance to get away and have a new life with her children. It appears Josh ripped away her chances, and took her life from her. Now, may he pay for that. I'm waiting to see him get his.


When I hear Wayne talk about "broken" Josh... I want to hurl (bird chunks). Gmab.

"Brokenness..." would confess. A "broken" man would lead LE to his wife so her children and family could grieve and mourn properly. Thus far, all JP is doing is wallowing in self-pity. NOT the same. Believe me when I tell you that w/e tears he's managed to shed are for himself. JMO

IIRC, Lisa and Craig Stebic lived like room mates til their divorse went through and
she has been missing for years.......now he is a merry widowerer............never caught.
Kept his children away from her relatives just like drew p.
I always hope everytime I hear something like this,more family members step up and help women in these situations.Women have to prove they can take care of the kids themselves in a custody hearing.I just pray more women will tell family,some just don't want to look like a failure and stay quiet,or afraid of losing thier kids,but everyone needs to step up and help.I'll bet everytime this comes up in the news,more and more families do step in and help the women.
I am pages and pages behind. Just wanted to quickly post that Josh is the typical bully. Runs (from Utah) when they have to stand alone, but bold and brave when someone (his bully dad) has their back.
If you want to look more innocent,wouldn't it make sense to go to the vigil in the area where your wife is being searched for?Pass out fliers,help feed searchers,be proactive like you cared.Maybe the media was camped out more at the Washington vigil than Utah one.

There you go... now you're thinking like JP... ;)


IIRC, Lisa and Craig Stebic lived like room mates til their divorse went through and
she has been missing for years.......now he is a merry widowerer............never caught.
Kept his children away from her relatives just like drew p.


You're absolutely right, as always Patty. Attending A vigil--in ANY location is of positively NO CONSEQUENCE when one is UNCOOPERATIVE w LE and hiding behind a LAWYER. No it makes no difference, I guess I just find it unconscienable that under these circumstances, he would deny this poor woman's family even the chance to pray genuinely among themselves, or intrude upon others w a SINCERE desire and hope to bring Susan home to her boys and family. JMHO


Oh my goodness, I am not always right. :crazy: What I do is remove my emotions and look in from outside the box.

Josh is part of the Cox's family through marriage. The vigil was a world-wide vigil and everyone in the world was invited to attend.

Josh should have attended the vigil because it was better for him to go, then not go at all. It made no difference if he went to the one in Utah or Washington at least he is still in the US.

Josh NEVER should have brought his son, but I understand why he brought his son. It was safer for him to have his son with him then to leave the child with someone only to be asked questions. I feel whoever was watching the other child, if they had the older son, they would have asked questions.

I understand Josh leaving the state of Utah to be in Washington as his children needed to be away from the media. And we know, Josh needed to get out of town for a while too for very obvious reasons.

I am thinking very positive that the evidence collected at the Powell home shows something especially in the rug.

By all reports, Josh is suppose to be quite intelligent although that hasn't come across through the media. But the one thing Josh doesn't have is "street smarts" and this is what is going to bring Josh down.

I'm not sure if Susan will be found soon, but I feel eventually she will be found and brought back to her family.

Josh brought one of their two boys to the vigil, but he didn't let Chuck Cox speak with the boy. A group tried to shield Josh and the child from view.

"Through the legs there, I got a peek of Charley," Chuck said of his grandson. "He's looking pretty good. Looks like he doesn't have a clue of what's going on."

have I said today that I thought Josh was a jerk?? :furious:


Josh brought one of their two boys to the vigil, but he didn't let Chuck Cox speak with the boy. A group tried to shield Josh and the child from view.

"Through the legs there, I got a peek of Charley," Chuck said of his grandson. "He's looking pretty good. Looks like he doesn't have a clue of what's going on."

have I said today that I thought Josh was a jerk?? :furious:


My God in Heaven,thier child is possibly dead and these people are keeping her children away from thier grandparents!!!
After watching this case the past 24 hours, I've come to a conclusion.


I don't know if you're reading here or on other websites, but you're obviously trying to 'hush criticism' by your actions. Every time the discussion flows one way, you attempt to bridle criticism by,...............say appearing at the vigil last night. Everyone thought you'd run to Canada, but you showed them, didn't you!"

Well, guess what, just like everything else you've done thus far, we've seen before. Yep, we've even seen the guy who he and his friends were watching our website and would react according to the conversation. Obviously to quell descent against them.

Didn't work then and it's not going to work this time either. WE have your number and so does LE and every media outlet that is covering this.

Your goose is cooked!

You're already 1/2 baked!

It's just a matter of time.

A matter of time before LE is knocking on your door, no matter where you run to, and they'll have a nice shiny set of bracelets to go on your wrists that are attached to those wind-chapped hands.

No matter what you say or do, it doesn't matter. You were too sloppy, plus it now seems someone you swore to secrecy is about ready to talk, IF they haven't already.

tic-toc, tic-toc, tic-toc


soon, very soon,

Oh my goodness, I am not always right. :crazy: What I do is remove my emotions and look in from outside the box.

Josh is part of the Cox's family through marriage. The vigil was a world-wide vigil and everyone in the world was invited to attend.

Josh should have attended the vigil because it was better for him to go, then not go at all. It made no difference if he went to the one in Utah or Washington at least he is still in the US.

Josh NEVER should have brought his son, but I understand why he brought his son. It was safer for him to have his son with him then to leave the child with someone only to be asked questions. I feel whoever was watching the other child, if they had the older son, they would have asked questions.

I understand Josh leaving the state of Utah to be in Washington as his children needed to be away from the media. And we know, Josh needed to get out of town for a while too for very obvious reasons.
I am thinking very positive that the evidence collected at the Powell home shows something especially in the rug.

By all reports, Josh is suppose to be quite intelligent although that hasn't come across through the media. But the one thing Josh doesn't have is "street smarts" and this is what is going to bring Josh down.

I'm not sure if Susan will be found soon, but I feel eventually she will be found and brought back to her family.

(bbm) I'm not in a box nor are my emotions overruling my logic lol, quite the contrary.

And what's "obvious" is that "Josh" hasn't ONCE considered "his children."

That not ONE decision he's made has had his little boys' best interests at heart or in mind.

Not when he was controlling their mother. Not when, instead of allowing them to stay w her, w the mother and the life they had known, he took them out into sub-freezing temps--nor when he in all likelihood took their mother out. And certainly not now while he perpetuates this charade for his OWN benefit and allows them to go on believing his LIE that their mother may be coming home. :furious:

If he wasn't going to lead LE to Susan, then fgs leave her family in peace to comfort one another.

How exactly is it "better" for Josh to attend a prayer service for someone whose whereabouts he alone knows yet refuses to divulge and in all probabilty MURDERED. :waitasec:

*I* don't "understand" ANYTHING Josh is doing OR saying... it is all a LIE.


To any medical professionals........how long does poisen stay in a frozen corpse???
If Susan is found soon, will it still show in her hair? blood? stomach etc????
Sorry to ask such a morbid question but I am thinking JP is buying time, thinking what he did will no longer prove it by evidence.

Josh brought one of their two boys to the vigil, but he didn't let Chuck Cox speak with the boy. A group tried to shield Josh and the child from view.

"Through the legs there, I got a peek of Charley," Chuck said of his grandson. "He's looking pretty good. Looks like he doesn't have a clue of what's going on."

have I said today that I thought Josh was a jerk?? :furious:


This is heartbreaking. :(

I hope Mr. Cox is seeking legal counsel. He needs to get an emergency ex parte for those boys. ASAP!

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