UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #5

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I keep wondering if Josh's red hands were from scrubbing them alot after the murder to get the blood off he kept seeing on them.
AWESOME video! THIS is going onto my Facebook page!

Josh's pix and van should of been plastered all over te place from day 1.
Someone had to of seen him with 2 little boys and that van somewhere!!!
Josh Powell's sister upset with move
January 8th, 2010 @ 11:15am

SALT LAKE CITY -- Josh Powell's sister says she is not surprised he is moving back to their home state of Washington, but she is disappointed.

Virginia Graves says Josh should not be moving to Washington. "I think he'd be better off staying here [in Utah]," she told NBC's Today Show Friday. She says she has gone to help Josh pack, but it hasn't been easy.

"The relationship is strained right now," she says.

It's been one month since Josh's wife Susan disappeared, yet Graves still has hope. "I would like everyone to continue to keep looking," she says.

I am eager to hear if Josh let Kiirsi or Okand3J's help with the move today. The more they are able to interact with Josh and his family, the bigger chance one of them will slip up and disclose valuable info which could lead to Susan.
I think it's great that Kiirsi and Ok are willing to grin and bear it, (being nice to Josh), in the hopes that they can either preserve Susan's keepsakes or gain info important to solving this case!

OKand3j's, please keep us updated!

SEARCH THE GARBAGE!!! TAKE IT and open later!!
See what he throws out..........LE are you here???
PLEASE check his garbage!!!
Hi Ok :) Just wanted to say one needn't "point fingers" to exercise caution and reasonable boundaries. It's always puzzled me to hear the rationale, "well, they will do it w or w/out my help so I might as well assist." I am concerned that when we participate, we're condoning a person's behavior, versus taking a stance and holding that person accountable for their own choices. And his choice to pack up and move with the boys just four weeks after his wife disappears when Susan hasn't even been found is deplorable and reprehensible IMO.

It is thus far Josh's choice to pack up and move the boys away from the community in which they have lived w their mother. When friends and churchmembers then assist Josh w that task, it appears friends and the church are sanctioning his shady behavior and actions.

While it may take "courage," chances are there is also some curiosity involved--and we all know where that got "the cat." As amateur crimesolvers there are many things into which we can look--from a safe distance--w/out inserting ourselves into investigations.

And while tempting to believe we can assist LE by directly involving ourselves, we are overestimating our own role when we think that our "impressions" are going to help LE solve the case. What will solve the case is LE's thorough analysis of data from phones (numbers, pings etc), computers, financial transaction records eg, forensic lab results--which are expected any time--and introducing these in a court of law.

However mine is only one opinion. I mean no disrespect, I am only humble enough to accept there exist some (necessary) limitations to my role in solving crimes.

Understand completely. Two possibilities (and it certainly could be a little of both) he's carefully watching them as much as they are carefully watching him, as well as possibly wanting to appear he's (now) found religion.

Let me limit my comment here and say only that there is more than one way to lose one's wife--or even one's entire family. Believe me when I say if Josh is the malignant, narcissistic, self-absorbed person I suspect him to be, it's my contention that losing his wife--at his own hand--will do nothing to authenticate or help this man find true "religion." Please, if you'll all excuse me for a moment, I am feeling rather nauseous... :sick: JMHO

Hi Ok :) Just wanted to say one needn't "point fingers" to exercise caution and reasonable boundaries. It's always puzzled me to hear the rationale, "well, they will do it w or w/out my help so I might as well." I am concerned that when we participate, we're condoning a person's behavior, versus taking a stance and holding that person accountable for their own choices. And his choice to pack up and move with the boys when Susan hasn't even been found is deplorable and reprehensible IMO.

It is thus far Josh's choice to pack up and move the boys away from the community in which they lived w their mother. When friends and churchmembers then assist Josh w that task, it appears friends and the church are sanctioning his shady behavior and actions.

While it may take "courage," chances are there is also some curiosity involved--and we all know where that got "the cat." As amateur crimesolvers there are many things into which we can look--from a safe distance--w/out inserting ourselves into investigations.

And while tempting to believe we can assist LE by directly involving ourselves, we are overestimating our own role when we think that our "impressions" are going to help LE solve the case. What will solve the case is LE's thorough analysis of data from phones (numbers, pings etc), computers, financial transaction records eg, forensic lab results--which are expected any time--and introducing these in a court of law.

However mine is only one opinion. I mean no disrespect, I am only humble enough to accept there exist some (necessary) limitations to my role in solving crimes.


I appreciate your post from the bottom of my heart. It is not a popular view at times, but I totally get it, and agree. I hope it's OK to agree with this thinking, and not be seen to be personally dissing folks who feel differently.
Josh may simply be moving in an attempt to escape his demons.

Someone earlier mentioned that he had a "haunted" look about him. Whatever happened in that house may very well play over and over in his head every day. Perhaps the kids are asking a lot of questions, crying and grabbing at Mommy's things, ugh, it's painful to even write this.

I'm still hoping that this is the precursor to the confession. He knows she's dead and he knows where she is. Otherwise, there would be no demons to run from.

Taking those kids to the "gated community" will certainly keep the media at bay. Look at Tiger Woods -- only a few aerials and a gas station shot of Elin....those places are locked up tighter than a drum.

My heart just aches for Susan's family, though. I wonder if JP will allow them time with the kids before they leave? I'm so afraid that he won't, for fear that the kids will be questioned.
I keep wondering if Josh's red hands were from scrubbing them alot after the murder to get the blood off he kept seeing on them.

Good thought Dr. Fessel - I've also wondered if he has a steam cleaner. Pretty sure that steam would cause the back of his hands to glow 'red'. moo
Hello all...
I had a dream about Susan's location...
I had a dream that she is on a road or near something called PINE
like PINE road or PINE something?
Maybe under some pines?
Also a dream about a mine
in a mine on a road beginning with PINE?

my dreams do not amount to anything but I wanted to post here this anyway..I was wondering if anyone else had a word or dream about SUSAN?
thanks WS
Josh Powell's sister upset with move
January 8th, 2010 @ 11:15am

SALT LAKE CITY -- Josh Powell's sister says she is not surprised he is moving back to their home state of Washington, but she is disappointed.

Virginia Graves says Josh should not be moving to Washington. "I think he'd be better off staying here [in Utah]," she told NBC's Today Show Friday. She says she has gone to help Josh pack, but it hasn't been easy.

"The relationship is strained right now," she says.

It's been one month since Josh's wife Susan disappeared, yet Graves still has hope. "I would like everyone to continue to keep looking," she says.


It's good to hear that at least one of the Powell clan has some smarts and seems to care about what happened to her sister-in-law! And, it's another pair of eyes watching to see what he discards, hides, takes, etc.

Powell Sr. is probably very unhappy about her statement :(

Are you concerned at all that perhaps Josh or his immediate family may be reading the posts on the Internet concerning the intentions of those that may help Josh pack up the house?

Thank you Patty....that is exactly what I was thinking and worried about. There are a lot of things he could learn by reading posts on the internet. I don't think he is going to volunteer any information to Susan's friends.
Anyone have the street address?
I would like to view the house via live map please?
It's good to hear that at least one of the Powell clan has some smarts and seems to care about what happened to her sister-in-law! And, it's another pair of eyes watching to see what he discards, hides, takes, etc.

Powell Sr. is probably very unhappy about her statement :(

besides everyone knows he will keep the family away from the children if he gets picked at by them....
Everything I've heard about Josh's sister's concern for Susan has warmed my heart. I know Susan was visiting her on a steady basis. I feel she may really be mourning for Susan. They probably talked about Josh often. He was a weird duck when his family has to describe him as "Josh is just Josh". I think they all knew he was a "not right" in the head, but there was no need to examine it - not until Susan disappeared from the face of the earth and Josh is running away to Daddy. I bet Josh's sister knows in her heart of hearts that her weakling brother is responsible.
Thank you Patty....that is exactly what I was thinking and worried about. There are a lot of things he could learn by reading posts on the internet. I don't think he is going to volunteer any information to Susan's friends.

I agree. Beyond not talking, I figure he's either already done or will do whatever he wants with Susan's stuff. He may have some items he can "stage" sort/give away/discard in front of the church folks, but good grief...there are 24 hours in a day. Anything he doesn't want anyone else's input in what should with it he can always opt to just take care of whenever the "helpful eyes" aren't there.

And about posts on the internet...if he hadn't already figured it out, I feel it's very likely his defense attorney told him about them from the first day they met.
Hello all...
I had a dream about Susan's location...
I had a dream that she is on a road or near something called PINE
like PINE road or PINE something?
Maybe under some pines?
Also a dream about a mine
in a mine on a road beginning with PINE?

my dreams do not amount to anything but I wanted to post here this anyway..I was wondering if anyone else had a word or dream about SUSAN?
thanks WS

You never know...it may mean something! I did a quick search and there are quite a few mines on, in or near towns, roads, forests and lakes with Pine in the name. Most appear to be south of Salt Lake. I'm going to try to look into this a little further and will post what I find a little later today.
I agree. Beyond not talking, I figure he's either already done or will do whatever he wants with Susan's stuff. He may have some items he can "stage" sort/give away/discard in front of the church folks, but good grief...there are 24 hours in a day. Anything he doesn't want anyone else's input in what should with it he can always opt to just take care of whenever the "helpful eyes" aren't there.

And about posts on the internet...if he hadn't already figured it out, I feel it's very likely his defense attorney told him about them from the first day they met.

Yupper ...
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