UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #5

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Not that it really matters, but I believe it was confirmed several days ago, possibly by OKand3js, that Josh wasn't starting a new job. He was employed doing computer work at a trucking company, iirc.

That is correct. Josh had already been employed at that job for a little over a year, so he was not just barely starting it on that Monday.
That is correct. Josh had already been employed at that job for a little over a year, so he was not just barely starting it on that Monday.

My bad, I thought I read somewhere it was a new job.

That doesn't change the underlying fact that his story about forgetting what day of the week it was is IMO not believeable.
I don't think it would hurt the case against him, but I am more worried about it hurting what he thinks of me. As of right now, he is thinking I am being supportive and nice and willing to help. He doesn't know what I really think about him and what I think he did to his wife. I guess in the long run it doesn't really matter especially if he gets caught when all is said and done, but if I can still stay in good terms with him, I may be able to help in some way. Not helping him, but helping our cause and what we all wish to be done here. Does that make sense?

And believe me, I really do want to share it. I talked to Tricia about it a little and she said she will email me about it in a few. Once we hash it out a little and I can get some advice, then maybe we can take it to the basement if I feel comfortable enough to do so.

Josh is moving soon right? Will you be in contact with him then?
When will he officially be out of Utah???
My bad, I thought I read somewhere it was a new job.

That doesn't change the underlying fact that his story about forgetting what day of the week it was is IMO not believeable.

We all heard that by media the first week.......wrong news

Please be patient. I am cooking right now and I need to get with OKand3Js

about this situation. Everyone take a break until I get done then it will be handled and everyone will be happy, I hope.

There is a member's only section on WS. You must be a registered member to read/post. It is called the Parking Lot (what we fondly call the basement). In other words MEMBERS ONLY.

I don't think the basement would be much safer than the regular board. I only found this board because I have a particular interest in Susan's case, and became a member so I could join the discussions. No reason anyone in Josh's "defense team" couldn't do the same, or Josh himself.
But doc, "Josh is hurting..." And they "really don't know if anything happened..." :rolleyes:

Heavy sigh... anyone ever heard the saying we become "so heavenly minded we're no earthly good?" Or how about being "so openminded our brains fell out." I mean honestly... it seems we're so intent on appearing "nonjudgmental," "tolerant," and "accepting" that we're fearful of taking a stand on anything anymore. :banghead:
If I thought her husband murdered my best friend--and was packin up and leaving w/out giving LE any answers--oh I might show up alright... and threaten to kick his sorry @$$ if he didn't tell where she was! :furious:


Exactly, kiki!

BBM: I am still shaking my head over all of this goodwill toward a 'more than likely murderer'!

I simply cannot wait for the truth to come out and Josh to be indited. May be a while coming, but it is surely coming!
That BBM statement could not be further from the thruth. LE can say at any point they believe Josh murdered Susan. They can tell him to his face he murdered her. No family or friend has to pretend like he is innocent and they can tell him to his face they think he did it and stay away from or shun him.

The only people that have to presume innocents are the judge and 12 jurors in the court.

My statement was "Also bear in mind that even after someone is arrested the law has to see them as innocent (or at the least not guilty) until proven guilty."

"The Law" is ultimately the judge of the court of jurisdiction, and that was what I was referring to, not the police, or law enforcement. So, like it or not, a person IS NOT GUILTY in terms of RECOGNITION of that by the LAW. Obviously cops can and do interrogate people all the time by accusing them of lying, demanding that they admit guilt, etc. Anyone who has seen detectives interrogate suspects who later turn out to be innocent has seen that. They will tell the suspect that they believe the suspect "knows a lot more than they are telling", that they "know they did it", etc. And then the same day someone else completely unrelated to their suspect is fingered by a witness as the person who actually did do it.

All I'm saying is that I don't believe for a minute that JP is the only person in WVC that is capable of murder. In one case in Napa, CA, the murderer who finally confessed (to the absolute surprise of everyone, including LE) was one of the female murder victim's best friend's husband. She had actually married the guy after he had murdered her best friend. And she went on with as his wife for a full year after the murder before he finally confessed.

So yes, I'm quite aware that the cops and anyone on the street can go up to JP and call him every name in the book, but the evidence will be what the jury will go by, not their emotions.

P.S. Yes, JP has acted awfully guilty, and he may in fact be happy his wife is dead, but the fact remains that any number of drug or alcohol-addled people could have walked in that house and abducted SP and took her into the desert or to their house and killed her - and they may not even be able to tell you why they did it. We just don't know what happened yet.
And I will say again, I am sorry if it offended anyone.

I honestly felt that those of you who thought I was being stupid or ridiculous for going over there to help out regardless of what we all think he did, did not want to know my observations as they didn't agree with me initially. I guess I was wrong and everyone wants to know regardless...

That was my reasoning behind that post. Once again, sorry if it offended anyone.

The other reason is that several people said things like "Aren't you concerned who will read this and make the connection?" And they are right. Someone very well could read this. Obviously no one has as of yet, otherwise Josh would not have let me in this morning when I went over there, but he did let me in...so nothing has been read. But now I am just being overly cautious I guess.

I am just unsure of what to do about it now...

I really did not realize who you were until these last few posts. Whomever is reading here could be just about anyone, just as we could be just about anyone ourselves. Your identity is not known here unless you decide to reveal it yourself.

Anyone reading here would now know that you are someone who went over and helped Josh today.

BBM: I would just do what I wanted to do about it. MOO
Geez! My last post posted 3 times! I have deleted 2 of them.
Agreed, but no way to know what LE is saying is the truth. They apparently actually did say that they didn't have a GPS track on the rental car, which is a strange thing to come out and say if that was the truth, so it was indeed probably a falsehood to try to lull Josh into making another foray into the countryside. Perhaps they did try to follow the rental car but JP lost them before heading out of town.

It's probably a legal issue of what the police have to officially call him. It seems to be POI if they don't have any actual evidence linking a person to a crime. Once they have SOME evidence, no matter if it is so-so circumstantial evidence, then they feel more bold about officially calling an individual a suspect. The fact is that the police have to be somewhat circumspect about what the official line is that gets published, or the police department can be sued for libel. In private of course, they can and do sling all manner of accusations in the face of whoever they can get into the interrogation room. Edit: Okay that's an unfairly broad statement, and I think most detectives say what they feel they need to say to get a suspect to confess - and obviously a lot of guilty suspects don't want to confess. But it happens all to often that the detectives are making heavy accusations against people that are voluntarily talking to the police in an attempt to clear their name. If a person truly is innocent of a crime but the police are convinced they did it - it is living hell for the suspect if they stay in the interrogation room.
I really did not realize who you were until these last few posts. Whomever is reading here could be just about anyone, just as we could be just about anyone ourselves. Your identity is not known here unless you decide to reveal it yourself.

Anyone reading here would now know that you are someone who went over and helped Josh today.

BBM: I would just do what I wanted to do about it. MOO

Please keep in mind our OKand3Js is very new to the world of Internet true crime discussion. I am sure with everything that has happened around her having to figure out what the best thing to do concerning this forum will take time.
OKand3Js - I think that the chances are ziltch that JP or any of his relatives are hunkered down somewhere reading posts on the internet about the case by a bunch of people who are 100% convinced of his guilt. I honestly think that JP is just happy for each day he's still walking around a free man.
It just seems unbelieveable that he'd be allowed to go roaming around completely undetected. Can you imagine having to decide if it is safe enough to go move the body? That rental car drive just casts so much more suspicion on Josh.

LE is being extremely careful how they handle this "POI. I agree they have to right now. The Captain said Josh was being frustratingly closed-mouth. I pray they find Susan soon, and the test results on the wet spot tell us more. Josh is shockingly blatant in running away to a different state now!

JMO, if he was innocent he would not leave, he would stay close to Susan's family, keep his sons in familiar surroundings, and he'd be cooperating with the search for his beloved wife. Josh's actions are screaming guilty to me. Is he innocent and just a bad actor and liar, I personally think not.
If this guy isn’t guilty of murder then he is someone who is more concerned about himself then for a missing wife. Either way he doesn’t deserve anyone’s help doing anything. The only help I would give Josh is to drive him to the police station so he could answer some questions.
Doctorwoof said................... I wouldn’t put a piece of lint in a box for that idiot.

LOL :gift:
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