UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #5

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Hi Tricia Frankly I'd be delighted to "lose contact" w JP, for all this "grace" and no confrontation or accountabilty he hasn't opened up to anyone yet--and he's not going to. He's headed straight back to WA where he's opted instead to hole up and hunker down w daddy, meanwhile LE will be watching him--and rightfully so. JMO (bump, snip)


Kiki, it does seem odd, such as like someone mentioned previously, if she did just disappear and he had nothing to do with it, how would she be able to find him if she was able to escape and return - there's no concern from JP regarding that. On the other hand, he is moving right into the "backyard" of SP's parents. If he had actually murdered Susan, it would definitely seem abnormal to quickly move right up to nearby where her parents (the Coxes) live. And finally, whether JP is responsible or not, there has been some kind of tramatic event resulting in his wife's disappearance, and he is going to get the most support from his parents - and as long as there is no evidence, you can bet that the parents are going to give JP every benefit of the doubt possible. As long as he doesn't confess guilt to his parents, his parents really have an obligation to support him. Even if he winds up confessing to the police, his parents will still love him unconditionally - hey where else do you get love like that except from your parents?
(snipped) JMO, if he was innocent he would not leave, he would stay close to Susan's family, keep his sons in familiar surroundings, and he'd be cooperating with the search for his beloved wife. Josh's actions are screaming guilty to me. Is he innocent and just a bad actor and liar, I personally think not.

Reminder - both sets of the boys grandparents live in Washington, right? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about that. But grandparents are usually pretty good about giving love and support to their grandchildren. So from the boys' welfare and future happiness perspective, staying in Utah may actually not be as good of a choice, however bad it makes Josh look. Probably some may disagree, but that's okay with me.
Maybe I should not have worded my post that way. I have just been very emotional today and felt as though if certain people didn't agree with what I was doing, then that also meant that they didn't care to hear about what went on while I was there. That was my reasoning behind my post. Sorry if it offended anyone. It has been a hard day.

I honestly don't know what to do here. I want to share with all of you what I observed today and what happened because I know we all want the same thing...to find Susan and to find the truth of what happened and to get justice for whoever did this to her, but I am feeling cautious now as a few people have pointed out that anyone could be reading this. I didn't really have a concern about that before but now I am unsure.

I know for a fact that Josh has not been online at all in the past month. He just does not want to read anything about the story and does not want to read all the crap people are saying about him. And I also know that the family has not turned on the tv in WA at all because they don't want the boys to see any of it. But I am nervous that a certain other individual may be doing some snooping online to see what people are saying, so I really don't know what to do.

I mean, the chances that they found WS of all places and are reading all of our speculations, is pretty slim...IMO. What do you all think? Should I just risk it and share it all on the main board or keep it to pm? Or is that against the rules? I just don't know...sigh.

You can do whatever you want. I would feel the same way if I were you. Since some here have been hypercritical of people helping JP put Utah behind him, I would assume that they would not even want to know what your observations are, so no I would not share those on the main thread. I know that Kiirsi is aware of this thread since she mentioned it in her own blog.

I personally see nothing wrong with someone helping Josh pack up his and Susan's belongings, even if it turned out her murdered her. But then I don't think him moving to WA is that bad of an idea, from his kid's perspective, and since I don't think Susan will be returning as a living person, the kids are the most important.

It's the police's job to find the real killer, not the friends of Susan. Is there anyone besides a very few people that really harbor hope that Susan will be found alive? The police can fly up to WA anytime that JP gives them the go-ahead, and all WVCPD is out is the airfare.
Well, I sure hope Josh doesn't get too comfortable because he still has some explaining to do. And there may be another move in his near future.

Josh, remember Susan, the mother of your children? She's still missing! We aren't going to just forget about it, and neither are LE.
Kiki, it does seem odd, such as like someone mentioned previously, if she did just disappear and he had nothing to do with it, how would she be able to find him if she was able to escape and return - there's no concern from JP regarding that. On the other hand, he is moving right into the "backyard" of SP's parents. If he had actually murdered Susan, it would definitely seem abnormal to quickly move right up to nearby where her parents (the Coxes) live. And finally, whether JP is responsible or not, there has been some kind of tramatic event resulting in his wife's disappearance, and he is going to get the most support from his parents - and as long as there is no evidence, you can bet that the parents are going to give JP every benefit of the doubt possible. As long as he doesn't confess guilt to his parents, his parents really have an obligation to support him. Even if he winds up confessing to the police, his parents will still love him unconditionally - hey where else do you get love like that except from your parents?

(bbm) Hi Dwight, agree w bold. Re his untimely move to Wa, I'm sure to Josh it's no more than both a nuisance and minor annoyance that Susan's parents live near same area as his father's gated... compound. Nope, doesn't strike me as the least bit "abnormal" but quite in character actually that JP should still slink off to his father's--as what he's worried about clearly isn't her longsuffering parents but the watchful eye of WVCPD as well as the intense local media pressure--to whom his snivelling face is now all too familiar.
So his parents have an "obligation to support" their adult son--while he lays up in their home, refusing to cooperate w LE, the only POI in the ongoing investigation into his missing wife and mother of his children--to support this "unconditionally?"
Oh, you must mean kinda like a get outa jail free card? Whoa... love may be unconditional but consequences are not. Not all behaviour is acceptable nor does "unconditional love" cave in to every demand, become a doormat, or sanction wrong behaviour w/out any consequences or by turning a blind eye. Love "rejoices in the truth." Hmmm looks like you and I may have different working definitions of "love."

You can do whatever you want. I would feel the same way if I were you. Since some here have been hypercritical of people helping JP put Utah behind him, I would assume that they would not even want to know what your observations are, so no I would not share those on the main thread. I know that Kiirsi is aware of this thread since she mentioned it in her own blog.

I personally see nothing wrong with someone helping Josh pack up his and Susan's belongings, even if it turned out her murdered her. But then I don't think him moving to WA is that bad of an idea, from his kid's perspective, and since I don't think Susan will be returning as a living person, the kids are the most important.

It's the police's job to find the real killer, not the friends of Susan. Is there anyone besides a very few people that really harbor hope that Susan will be found alive? The police can fly up to WA anytime that JP gives them the go-ahead, and all WVCPD is out is the airfare.

Okay if there is such a thing as being "hyPERcritical" of condoning JP's bad behavior, then surely it must follow there's such a thing as being hyPOcritical of unruly, deplorable behavior.

So "nothing wrong" w helping the only POI in a missing person (and as you so shrewdly predict, what will likely become a HOMICIDE) investigation, leave the state after refusing to answer LE's questions...
If Josh or anyone else were the least concerned about his children--innocent victims--then from the "KIDS PERSPECTIVE" what they should be DOING is encouraging Josh to STICK AROUND AND TELL LE W/E IT IS THEY NEED TO KNOW TO HELP LOCATE THEIR MOTHER. Or don't Susan's boys even deserve to ever learn the truth and say goodbye to THEIR MOTHER.
Now, re it being *LE's* job to conduct the investigation, on that we can agree. JMHO

Reminder - both sets of the boys grandparents live in Washington, right? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about that. But grandparents are usually pretty good about giving love and support to their grandchildren. So from the boys' welfare and future happiness perspective, staying in Utah may actually not be as good of a choice, however bad it makes Josh look. Probably some may disagree, but that's okay with me.

I do disagree Dwight. If this were actually JP's objective, he could and would have left the boys w the Coxes, where they DESERVE to be, on the first trip--and MARCHED HIS SORRY, SNIVELING BEHIND BACK TO WVC LE TO FULLY COOPERATE.

He's not thinking about those poor children--he wasn't thinking about them that night, when he dragged them out into the subfreezing temps in the middle of the night. Not when he decided to MAKE THEIR MOTHER DISAPPEAR. And NOT NOW when he drags this out even longer.


There's sleuthing that needs to be done here, Friends.

JMO, I don't see blood when I try to imagine what happened to Susan. I don't think Josh would shoot her, or that he cracked her skull. I tend to think he strangled her. Really trying to figure out when another big fight occurred, when he may have drugged her, and why there was a wet spot in the LR and not in the bedroom?

Here are the questions running through my mind:

Did they argue after Jovanna left, or before she came over for dinner? Did Josh decide early that day to give Susan a drug, and to go through with a premeditated plan? Was it not planned, and she wasn't drugged, and her death a result of Josh's rage in the middle of a terrible fight? What is that wet spot? What did the boys hear or see?

Also wonder if Jovanna is helping out in the packing. Where's she been?

Bold mine.

On HLN! :crazy::crazy::crazy:
I don't want to be too graphic here, so I'm going to try to be a bit subtle - which is not my strong suit! There are certain functions that occur upon death that could explain that wet spot being something other than blood. KWIM?

Of course, it COULD be blood from a death caused by other than strangulation. But strangulation is also a viable theory that we can't rule out. It's also a very common method of murder in scenarios such as what many here have speculated happened in that house the night Susan disappeared.

Hoping the tests will be back soon to indicate what was being cleaned up. This is exactly the scenario that has me worried. An argument, Susan with keys in hand ready to leave and threatening to take the boys followed by a violent escalation. I think he probably strangled her. :(
how do you get to the parking lot....please help...

Not sure if there are a requisite number of posts before access is granted, but normally, go to forums and scroll down. It took me awhile to find it too.
how do you get to the parking lot....please help...

Go back to the Main Forum Index which is here:

Scroll down until you see "Private Forums" and then click on "Parking Lot".

Here is the direct link to the parking lot.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=35"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Does anybody know what the coverage of this case is getting up in WA? I know down here in Utah it's still on the local news, last night they were showing the moving vans etc. I'm just wondering if the people up in WA are seeing everything we are? What kind of reputation does the Powell family have up there? I'm hoping there are a lot of supporters to Susan's family there, IMO those 2 boys need saving and need to be with Susans family, doesn't Susan have siblings? If she'd been working before on some type of will, did she have it listed who she wished to raise her babies?

IMO, although the basement is a "Private Forum" at WS, that doesn't mean that the information provided in the "Private Forum" is secure from "cyber-world". We have no idea if there are members who are with the media, or members anxious to post out to other forums. Although PM's are private between members, again, sharing the information in a PM is not secure should a member decide to take the info elsewhere.
Has Josh officially moved to Washington state yet???
If Utah wants him back, will they have to do extridiction paperwork?
BY now shouldn't some of te forensic tests be back?
I think Josh is getting things set up in regards to his children. If he is arrested at least the boys will be set up already with his father probally in hopes they just stay with him ( his dad). I have been wondering what will happen to the boys and more then likely the court will allow the kids to stay with what they are use to which will be Josh's father home.
It worries me that Susan's parents may be cut off from the children if that happens, prayers are with them.
What a selfish, selfish person Josh is. I certainly hope they have enough to arrest him soon. There is no doubt in my mind what happened here in regards to Josh and Susan I just hope he doesn't get away with it for years.....
I don't think the basement would be much safer than the regular board. I only found this board because I have a particular interest in Susan's case, and became a member so I could join the discussions. No reason anyone in Josh's "defense team" couldn't do the same, or Josh himself.

ITA! I'll bet Josh's attorneys have someone reading here. It always happens with cases like this. Do a google search and something from Websleuths almost always comes up within the first page or two.

Posting in the basement does nothing to prevent anyone from reading. They'd just have to make enough posts to be able to gain access.

I hope OKand3Js and Tricia are able to come to a conclusion that best serves the interests of Susan, her children and her family.

I have had some of the same concerns that you expressed. I wondered if Susan's family will be deprived of time with their grandchildren.
I think that Susan and Josh got into an altercation, it got physical and she hit her head or something like that and died. He scooped the kids up, they fell back asleep in the car and he disposed of the body. Let's hope it all gets sorted out and the families do the right thing for the children. They are very vulnerable and their mother, whom they loved, is no longer there for them.
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