UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #5

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There are few possibilities with the rental car. The most obvious is that Josh went back to the dump site to finish disposing of the body. My gut feeling is that he didn’t do this. It would be taking a huge risk. If he were spotted in the area where her body is ultimately found he would be done. Since the police were processing his van he had to have some fear he might be followed.

Another possibility is that he went to familiarize himself with an area that he could later claim to LE was where he went camping. He could leave some type of evidence around to back up his camping story.

One thing I wonder about is how he got to the airport to rent the car? I’ve read that after LE was finished with his van he asked his neighbor for a ride to the police station to pick it up. There hasn’t been any mention of who took him to the airport. If he didn’t have a problem asking his neighbor for a ride to get his van then why not ask him for a ride to rent a car? If he was trying to rent it without anyone knowing then that is incriminating. He would know that eventually LE would find out he rented a car but he didn’t want them to know until after he had the use of it.[/QUOTE]

While not knowing what company he rented from, I do know that Enterprise will come pick you up if you can't get to their location. If some other companies have followed this lead and offer this service now, then it would explain how he go there. Maybe a friend of his took him there as well.
The interview again, from 4:00-4:25
What the HEck is he talkin about here??

"I haven't told them anything..they overheard stuff..but I haven't...(inaudible)...By the time it all started, I...I was already...Iuuhhh.....ya know.. was already late, n......went to bed....n....it's just been hectic ever since.

Personally, I've always thought he was ACTUALLY talking about the night Susan DISAPPEARED!:(

The kids heard stuff but...................it was late and he and they went to sleep.

It's double speak for Josh!

BBM I doubt many people of non-Christian religions would agree.

I think the conversation was turned away from religion. If it hadn't, I'd be curious to know which qualities you think they wouldn't want to emulate.

As for a search, I just don't know where anyone would suggest people search. Do you search her neighborhood? Or where he said they went camping? I don't know why he'd be honest about that - what's a little lie, when you're piling it on top of murdering your kid's mom?

I am hoping the police haven't moved because they are waiting for forensic evidence that will give them a better shot at him. At the end of the day, I would rather they come up with something that will stick, rather than just something that was fast.
The interview again, from 4:00-4:25
What the HEck is he talkin about here??

"I haven't told them anything..they overheard stuff..but I haven't...(inaudible)...By the time it all started, I...I was already...Iuuhhh.....ya know.. was already late, n......went to bed....n....it's just been hectic ever since.


I know the reporter asked about the boys and what he's told them. Overall, I think he's trying to find some answer while not thinking about what truly happened and not letting that accidentally slip. jmo
There are few possibilities with the rental car. The most obvious is that Josh went back to the dump site to finish disposing of the body. My gut feeling is that he didn’t do this. It would be taking a huge risk. If he were spotted in the area where her body is ultimately found he would be done. Since the police were processing his van he had to have some fear he might be followed.

Another possibility is that he went to familiarize himself with an area that he could later claim to LE was where he went camping. He could leave some type of evidence around to back up his camping story.

One thing I wonder about is how he got to the airport to rent the car? I’ve read that after LE was finished with his van he asked his neighbor for a ride to the police station to pick it up. There hasn’t been any mention of who took him to the airport. If he didn’t have a problem asking his neighbor for a ride to get his van then why not ask him for a ride to rent a car? If he was trying to rent it without anyone knowing then that is incriminating. He would know that eventually LE would find out he rented a car but he didn’t want them to know until after he had the use of it.[/QUOTE]

While not knowing what company he rented from, I do know that Enterprise will come pick you up if you can't get to their location. If some other companies have followed this lead and offer this service now, then it would explain how he go there. Maybe a friend of his took him there as well.

I believe his two boys were staying with his sister and bil. He could have gotten a ride from them. IMHO, they knew he wasn't at their house and we KNOW he wasn't at home.


What was?

I was quoting a post that seems to have poofed.

Sorry, I posted something that was meant to be an off-topic private message to someone. Stupidly, I had a couple windows open, and responded in the wrong one.

Carry on. I'm just going to hang out over here in the corner. :couch:
Kiki, I snipped the parts I can anwer - I hope you don't mind.

You ask fair questions. And I don't know what is being discussed in Susan's ward. But I don't get the sense that anything is being done for Josh at Susan's expense. Look at the Elizabeth Smart thing. There were huge searches for her after she turned up missing. The same thing happened with Lori Hacking. But in both those cases, people at least had an idea as to where they should begin a search.

In both of those situations, the person responsible for the crimes turned out to be LDS men (or, in the Smart case, an ex-LDS man). Those men didn't "get off easy" for their crimes. And neither man is currently an LDS member (both have been excommunicated). In both those cases, the community mourned for the victims (and celebrated when Elizabeth Smart was found safe).

From a philosophical standpoint, people of all religions should strive to be like Christ. Christ rebuked when someone was in need of rebuke; but he served everyone, regardless of who they were. He even showed kindness to those who murdered him "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do). I'm not suggesting that any Mormon is like that. But that is the model to which we should aspire.

(bbm) Yea Dom well He also turned over some tables IIRC. Just reading this, now caught up after being gone all afternoon. Don't wanna revival but here again, totally out of context. So I'll respond then let this go cause ya know there's also those little parts about "If your brother sins rebuke him and if he repents, forgive him. (Lu 17:3) "Rebuke your neighbor openly, so you will not share in his guilt." (Lev 17:19) And let's not forget, "He who rebukes a man will in the end gain more favor than he who has a flattering tongue." (Prov 27:4) Not to mention about reproving and having no fellowship w the works of darkness, discipline, standing firm, and putting certain people away from us, I mean seriously c'mon now... the community there is hardly in any danger of being too harsh on JP. Someone just needs to get a spine.

Joshy, get behind me.

There is one critical question I keep trying to answer. Did Josh plan on killing Susan that night or was it an act of rage? If he planned to kill her why did he choose that night? It certainly wasn’t because he had airtight alibi arranged. If he didn’t plan on killing her then that would eliminate a lot of the speculation about poisoning her. The answer to this question will go a long way in figuring out what happened that night.

The way the events played out it would seem very unlikely that he had a plan in place to kill her. He had no credible alibi set up. No one, not even Josh, could be stupid enough to think that the story he gave police would deflect suspicion away from them. Looking at it this way it seems obvious that he didn’t have a plan in place and most likely killed Susan during an argument.

It is possible that he did have a plan and something went wrong. He might have chosen that night because he knew the snow would cover his tracks. While disposing of Susan’s body he got stuck in the snow. Not being able to call for a tow, for obvious reasons, he spent several hours digging himself out. When he was unable to get home before their friends and family got concerned his plan fell apart.

What do you think did he have a plan or not?

I think he had a plan, and if I read correctly that he was to start a new job the next day, that may have played a factor
Personally, I've always thought he was ACTUALLY talking about the night Susan DISAPPEARED!:(

The kids heard stuff but...................it was late and he and they went to sleep.

It's double speak for Josh!


I agree, You just expressed it better than I did.
The only one I can remember is Daniel van Dam (SP?) A group of volunteers literally stumbled upon her remains. They had no specific place to search so they literally started looking around all over.

This was a bit different though because the discovery did not happen on a day of a big public search.

If I remember correctly that is.

This is just a guess, but I think LE should trace where he answered his cell phone from the day their friends and family thought the entire family was missing. It took him two hours to get home from where-ever he was. He had to have been at least 75 miles still from home, IMHO.

IF they figure out what area he was in there, then figure out the actual mileage on that rental car, divide it in 1/2 and go towards that direction, IMHO, they MAY have a good chance. At least it's better than throwing a dart at a map!

Was it not you who posted this earlier today?:

Amanda Reckonwith: ( 6 hours ago) Prayers for the safety of the 40 searchers out there today. God willing, may Susan be found.

Yes. I mean that. Susan is in my prayers EVERY day as is her family.

Just because I disagree with their methods does not mean I am against them at all. Those 40 searchers out there today in groups of 5 to cover more ground are not organized by the family.

I have a multi-faceted way of looking at cases I guess. Or maybe I am insane, the jury is out.
Love the cartoon doc, aw that poor "Billy" just keeps gittin bossed around first he has to go stand by the wet spot for a photo opp, now it's "Shut up kid and put the lamp in the box..." Please don't get me started rofl again I can't take it!

(bbm) Yea Dom well he also turned over some tables IIRC. Just reading this, now caught up after being gone all afternoon. Don't wanna revival but here again, totally out of context. So I'll respond then let this go cause ya know there's also those little parts about "If your brother sins rebuke him and if he repents, forgive him. (Lu 17:3) "Rebuke your neighbor openly, so you will not share in his guilt." (Lev 17:19) And let's not forget, "He who rebukes a man will in the end gain more favor than he who has a flattering tongue." (Prov 27:4) Not to mention about reproving and having no fellowship w the works of darkness, discipline, standing firm, and putting certain people away from us, I mean seriously c'mon now... the community there is hardly in any danger of being too harsh on JP. Someone just needs to get a spine.

Joshy, get behind me.


At the risk of getting busted yet again today, I find it interesting you brought this up. I was talking to someone the other day about judgement. First of all, I hereby profess I am merely human and stumble all the time. But I have also come to realise that there is a fine line between giving an opinion and judging someone, wouldn't you say? When celebrities do wrong I see people say they deserve to lose their jobs and so on. Or a situation like this where someone has lost a life due to horrible circumstance. Society seems very unforgiving anymore and I always believed God wanted us to be forgiving. Which doesn't mean forgetting but accepting responsibility, working thru problems and moving on, part of healing as well.

So in this situation that Josh is in, just how far does someone reach out to him in hopes to get him to confess, before we are judging him?

::: grabs naughty mat and prepares for pending session in time out :::
Yes. I mean that. Susan is in my prayers EVERY day as is her family.

Just because I disagree with their methods does not mean I am against them at all. Those 40 searchers out there today in groups of 5 to cover more ground are not organized by the family.

I have a multi-faceted way of looking at cases I guess. Or maybe I am insane, the jury is out.

Listen chica........you rock! Your PB albums on the many, many missing persons are a god send and it's the place to go for reference on pics, articles and videos.

KUDOS to you Manda........and a Mayan Coffee laced with B&B..........lol!
Listen chica........you rock! Your PB albums on the many, many missing persons are a god send and it's the place to go for reference on pics, articles and videos.

KUDOS to you Manda........and a Mayan Coffee laced with B&B..........lol!


KUDOS to you Amanda for ALL that hard work!!! :woohoo:
The interview again, from 4:00-4:25
What the Heck is he talking about here??

"I haven't told them anything..they overheard stuff..but I haven't...(inaudible)...By the time it all started, I...I was already...Iuuhhh.....ya know.. was already late, n......went to bed....n....it's just been hectic ever since.

Thanks for that link, I hadn't seen the whole 6 minute interview before. If there was ever an interview where the interviewee was trying not to answer with anything useful that was it. I guess it was not long after that that he got advise from his lawyer not to talk at all.

If 5pm was "the time it all started", how come that was late but 12:30am wasn't too late to go camping? I thought he'd taken the boys camping once before on his own, and they'd both gotten ill afterwards. Did he learn nothing from that?

Or was the time "it all started" really when he had an argument with Susan? We know he didn't go to bed then, so like Nomad, I'd like to know what on earth was going on in Josh's head during this interview.

Presumably that was the rental car he was getting out of, and the boys weren't in it with him, so where were they that day, and if he left them with someone what excuse did he have for driving hundreds of miles alone?

If he were trying to look innocent, surely his excuse would be that he was driving round WVC, looking for Susan in her favourite spots, calling on friends and neighbours to join him in his search? And if he were doing this, wouldn't he involve at least one other person to help look with him?

I really wish the interviewer had asked him where he'd just been.

He acts really dopey and slow in that interview, is he really that dopey and slow all the time? I don't get the feeling he's a husband who wants his wife back alive.

Seems like there's a hundred things he could have been doing to help find Susan more effectively than what he is doing.
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