UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #6

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I looked at Josh's Dad's page last night before I went to bed. :eek: LOL, I think there is something wrong with this guy. I see a guy who is full of himself and thinks he is seriously cool.............:cool: NOT. Maybe now that so many of his children are back living at home, he can form a family band. Just my personal opinion, but I think Steven Chantrey has some sort of mental problem! I do wonder what Josh's poor Mother had to go through before she got away from him.

Wonder if Josh has updated his Dad's page because the dates at the bottom are: 2005 - 2010. Anyone notice that or know what that means? TIA.

As far as searching goes, I am all for searching and feel there should be an ongoing search effort even if it is just around the West Valley outlying areas. I have read all of the reasons not to search, but I would still be searching if it were my friend or loved one missing.

We need an update from LE. The evidence recovered from the house or van has been at the crime lab long enough for LE to have an idea what it may reveal. They may not have the final report, but IMO, they do know what they are looking at by now. I had expected an arrest within a couple of weeks.

I do not want Susan's case to grow cold. She is out there somewhere and needs to be found for her boys' sake and her familiy's sake. My thoughts and prayers are with Susan, her boys, and her family each and every day.

The way this reads, I think you may have confused Josh's father's childhood (from the Steve Chantrey website) with Josh's childhood.

Josh's father is the Steve Chantrey character, and he's the one whose mother split with the kids, then dad found them, then his dad split with the kids with his parents' (Josh's Grandparents) help.

Arg, you are right. Wrong generation. Josh is the child of the second generation of divorced families. And Josh, himself, is in the third generation of a broken family.

I guess dysfunctional family stories sound the same to me?
From what I understand, she saw Peterson (a neighbor; not sure if he is LDS) for some marriage counseling, and he's on record for advising her to leave him. Does anyone know if she saw another counselor?

I think the WellsFargo coworkers are going to be key in this investigation. I don't recall ever reading where Susan discussed "fearing" Josh with Peterson. (Correct me if I'm wrong). But with the coworkers at her work, there seems to be (at this point) more direct communication about fearing him, documenting journals, discussing the fact she'd never commit suicide, etc. It seems to me that she may have felt safer communicating with coworkers than with her own neighbors and friends. And if true, for good reason since her niche at work was so separate from Josh's influence.

After all, who keeps a journal at work? I think most bosses would be annoyed that an employee would be journalling on company time.

My understanding was that she talked to Peterson about marriage guidance counselling because he had already gone through it. After a few of therse informal chats he advised her to leave Josh, as he couldn't see the situation improving. I don't know if she ever saw anyone else officially, or if Josh knew about her chats with Peterson.
I wonder if the reason Kiirsi and the rest of the friends and family aren't searching is because they already know Susan is not alive? The sense of urgency wouldn't be the same, I would think, and perhaps they're just waiting for the results back for the arrest, and don't want to tip off Josh. Also, if Josh were my neighbor, and I thought he killed his wife, I sure would be happy the sooner he got out of the neighborhood.
I lived in SLC for over 10 years, it is a great place. I am not LDS, but my LDS friends and neighbors were all wonderful, loving caring people. I'm certain that when they feel the time is right, there will be plenty of memorials and tributes to Susan.
My understanding was that she talked to Peterson about marriage guidance counselling because he had already gone through it. After a few of therse informal chats he advised her to leave Josh, as he couldn't see the situation improving. I don't know if she ever saw anyone else officially, or if Josh knew about her chats with Peterson.

I remember Peterson called the cops on Josh once too. I wonder what that was about.
I agree with you, and I am sure we're all thinking the same thing!
It's too bad these utah residents aren't massing together to try and do something. I know the snow level is high, but come on try some searching!!

I live in Utah and agree, I just do not understand why there are no searches.
There are so many possibilities, many far fatched, but no matter what someone wants to think, Susan is somewhere!
What if Josh really is innocent (I know I know, just throwing this out there) and Susan was abducted while he went on his smore making trip in the middle of the night. Have neighboring homes been searched? She could be held captive down in someones cellar just waiting and praying for someone to come save her.
What if she was sleepwalking and walked out of the home on her own and eventually collapsed, dying from the cold.
Were there ever tracking dogs brought in?

Yesterday I made a trip in to Provo/Orem, I had my dog with me and so we stopped along the way for me to walk him for potty breaks, we were up in Soldiers Summit and Susan was so much on my mind, everywhere we walked I looked closely at everything thinking "This is where a body could be laying" There were some large propane tanks surrounded by concrete slabs, I went over there to if there was anything unusual.

I'm wondering if there are some people who do want to do more, but are being held back by the Bishop of their church? If the Bishop wanted a search going on, believe me there would be a search going on!

Josh does not strike me as someone who is willing to put much effort into anything. So I tend to think disposing of a body is the same way, he's going to want to get rid of it asap!
I wish Tim Miller would get involved, people here need a fresh breath of air, new ideas and the focus needs to be on finding Susan!
I'm wondering if it would help at all to start a letter campaign to the president of the Mormon Church? They do have the power to get hundreds of thousands of people looking, if they asked, members from all over the country would suddenly come to help! Why are they so quiet?


Ok, here is a link where it shows how to contact the LDS
I hope I don't get in trouble for suggesting this but there is much truth in the saying The squeeky wheel gets the grease"

There is nothing at all mentioned on their website about Susan missing and I think that is an outrage!

I live in Utah and agree, I just do not understand why there are no searches.
There are so many possibilities, many far fatched, but no matter what someone wants to think, Susan is somewhere!
What if Josh really is innocent (I know I know, just throwing this out there) and Susan was abducted while he went on his smore making trip in the middle of the night. Have neighboring homes been searched? She could be held captive down in someones cellar just waiting and praying for someone to come save her.
What if she was sleepwalking and walked out of the home on her own and eventually collapsed, dying from the cold.
Were there ever tracking dogs brought in?

Yesterday I made a trip in to Provo/Orem, I had my dog with me and so we stopped along the way for me to walk him for potty breaks, we were up in Soldiers Summit and Susan was so much on my mind, everywhere we walked I looked closely at everything thinking "This is where a body could be laying" There were some large propane tanks surrounded by concrete slabs, I went over there to if there was anything unusual.

I'm wondering if there are some people who do want to do more, but are being held back by the Bishop of their church? If the Bishop wanted a search going on, believe me there would be a search going on!

Josh does not strike me as someone who is willing to put much effort into anything. So I tend to think disposing of a body is the same way, he's going to want to get rid of it asap!
I wish Tim Miller would get involved, people here need a fresh breath of air, new ideas and the focus needs to be on finding Susan!
I'm wondering if it would help at all to start a letter campaign to the president of the Mormon Church? They do have the power to get hundreds of thousands of people looking, if they asked, members from all over the country would suddenly come to help! Why are they so quiet?


Great post. I would like to ad I have seen the Mormon church call out thousands of volunteers from around the world to come and help restore towns , search for bodies and feed those thousands of workers every day for months when the Teton Dam broke in Idaho.

I just noticed you say Josh took off his wedding ring. How did you know that? Is that something in a video the police wanted preserved?
I thought this was an interesting comment on Kiirsi's blog: "About the Josh video–I didn’t make it, or the fliers with his picture on them. I am working very closely with Susan’s family and they do not want to show a profile of “Cox family versus Josh.” They just want to concentrate on finding Susan."

Clearly, the whole strategy on their side is, "Don't do ANYTHING that will keep us from having access to our grandchildren."

What a sad, sad position to be in.
FYI to moderators - there's no link to thread #6 at the end of thread #5
Great post. I would like to ad I have seen the Mormon church call out thousands of volunteers from around the world to come and help restore towns , search for bodies and feed those thousands of workers every day for months when the Teton Dam broke in Idaho.

I just noticed you say Josh took off his wedding ring. How did you know that? Is that something in a video the police wanted preserved?

I saw it in one of the news videos. I backed it up several times. There's no ring there. It was shot during the last day Josh was in town. (WVC.)

Also, for what it's worth, there is a fella (well, I'm assuming it's a "he,") who posts on one of the newspapers in the comments section.... he lives there, and he's going to search this weekend. He's asking for other locals to join in. I don't even think he's LDS. I've seen, I think 2, posters pledging to be there. He got Home Depot to donate orange (or red??) tags for those participating to put on their vehicle antennas so they'll be automatically known to be part of the group. So if any of you here live close by and want to search, here's the chance. I wish so much that I lived close enough to help.

I still want to know about that "message" Kiirsi said she got that said that Susan was alive in another state.... anyone have a link to the source of that information ?

I thought this was an interesting comment on Kiirsi's blog: "About the Josh video–I didn’t make it, or the fliers with his picture on them. I am working very closely with Susan’s family and they do not want to show a profile of “Cox family versus Josh.” They just want to concentrate on finding Susan."

Clearly, the whole strategy on their side is, "Don't do ANYTHING that will keep us from having access to our grandchildren."

What a sad, sad position to be in.

That is a sad position but if you are seriously looking for Susan that can't figure into the the equation.
I still want to know about that "message" Kiirsi said she got that said that Susan was alive in another state.... anyone have a link to the source of that information ?


Its in her blog, but she doesn't say she got a message, just that she has her reasons for believing this


And, my opinion, she's entitled to that opinion, and to do things the way she wants, just glad there are other venues for people to consider other possibilities.
I saw it in one of the news videos. I backed it up several times. There's no ring there. It was shot during the last day Josh was in town. (WVC.)

Also, for what it's worth, there is a fella (well, I'm assuming it's a "he,") who posts on one of the newspapers in the comments section.... he lives there, and he's going to search this weekend. He's asking for other locals to join in. I don't even think he's LDS. I've seen, I think 2, posters pledging to be there. He got Home Depot to donate orange (or red??) tags for those participating to put on their vehicle antennas so they'll be automatically known to be part of the group. So if any of you here live close by and want to search, here's the chance. I wish so much that I lived close enough to help.

I still want to know about that "message" Kiirsi said she got that said that Susan was alive in another state.... anyone have a link to the source of that information ?


Karen, I wonder if it was on one of those earlier videos too that the cops wanted copies of.
Great post. I would like to ad I have seen the Mormon church call out thousands of volunteers from around the world to come and help restore towns , search for bodies and feed those thousands of workers every day for months when the Teton Dam broke in Idaho.

I just noticed you say Josh took off his wedding ring. How did you know that? Is that something in a video the police wanted preserved?

I had wondered a few days ago about his wedding ring, I didn't know if he had worn one before, so I posted a question in the Ask Questions thread and a very sharp member was able to go back and find video of him wearing his ring, and then days later not wearing it.

One telling line is "After learning a few chords I began writing songs of my own. Most were unremarkable and immature in their style and content." Obviously nothing has changed there.

So the "About" section of the Steve Chantrey website is confused in the timeline and whether he was raised by a single mom, single dad, or what. It reads like the product of a delusional mind IMO. Josh's dad may or may not have been physically involved with Susan's disappearance, but mentally emotionally he's put a huge strain on their marriage.

I looked at Josh's Dad's page last night before I went to bed. :eek: LOL, I think there is something wrong with this guy. I see a guy who is full of himself and thinks he is seriously cool.............:cool: NOT. Maybe now that so many of his children are back living at home, he can form a family band. Just my personal opinion, but I think Steven Chantrey has some sort of mental problem! I do wonder what Josh's poor Mother had to go through before she got away from him.

Wonder if Josh has updated his Dad's page because the dates at the bottom are: 2005 - 2010. Anyone notice that or know what that means? TIA.

As far as searching goes, I am all for searching and feel there should be an ongoing search effort even if it is just around the West Valley outlying areas. I have read all of the reasons not to search, but I would still be searching if it were my friend or loved one missing.

We need an update from LE. The evidence recovered from the house or van has been at the crime lab long enough for LE to have an idea what it may reveal. They may not have the final report, but IMO, they do know what they are looking at by now. I had expected an arrest within a couple of weeks.

I do not want Susan's case to grow cold. She is out there somewhere and needs to be found for her boys' sake and her familiy's sake. My thoughts and prayers are with Susan, her boys, and her family each and every day.

(bbm) Agree! Especially w bolded!! I'm telling you something is seriously "off" about SP/SC. His self-effacing, false humility when referring to his early lyrics--is actually classic textbook pathological narcissist. The truth is any admission of flaws or imperfection must be confined or relegated to the past--as his inflated ego and self image and high opinion of himself in the present is incapable of tolerating anything which threatens his superior sense of self-importance.

This man is disturbed IMO and very likely passed along serious pathology to JP and other family members. Narcissism breeds narcissism. We know all but one of SP's adult children live w him and that's because NPD parents live vicariously thru their children--who we know are viewed only as extensions of themselves, and sources of narcissistic supply. (They either will merge w their child--or become ambivalent due to pathological envy.) No one growing up in a home w a NPD narcissistic pathological disordered parent emerges unscathed. JP hasn't had any intervention, counseling or therapy afaik, and SP continues to be the sole role model in JP's life afaik too--this is not good! It would however explain the controlling described, and symbiosis w/in this family--which sustains the illusion of "oneness." :rolleyes: Much like JP's father, who is fixated himself to this day on the early years, it seems JP's wife's decision to finally separate herself from Josh was, in his eyes, the ultimate "betrayal" and too great a threat to his existence... abandonment is always the narcissist's greatest fear and in their twisted perception, it's kill--or be killed as in death to their superfragile egos.

As suzi says, good gawd SP's music is horrible.

...not to mention I do believe this could be our Mr. Red Coat, darting into Powell home, following JP's porch interview.

I had wondered a few days ago about his wedding ring, I didn't know if he had worn one before, so I posted a question in the Ask Questions thread and a very sharp member was able to go back and find video of him wearing his ring, and then days later not wearing it.


I posted the photo of Josh with the ring HOWEVER, I was incorrect with regards to Josh NOT wearing the ring.

Apparently the second photo I found, I thought that was Josh, but I was mistaken as it is Josh's brother. I removed the photo and part of that post.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4663535&postcount=3"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Q & A ABOUT THE CASE** Ask A Question, Leave An Answer**NO DISCUSSION**[/ame]

I am still on a hunt for a photo of Josh without a ring.

Please excuse my error! :crazy:
Thank you, Dr.Fessel.

I'm so tired of reading the lame reasons and illogical excuses about why no one is searching for Susan.

It makes no sense that Susan rates only a couple of Internet Sites displaying her photos and requesting prayers -- while 20 plus ward friends put their own lives on hold to expend their energy to pack, sort, carry and load a U-Haul truck so Susan's suspected murderer could more easily flee 800 miles to the safety of his daddy's gated community.

High energy and extended physical efforts find missing persons. Purple ribbons do not!

Not only are there no LDS members with boots on the ground looking for Susan, there isn't even a single rose left on Susan's doorstep.

I live within 15 miles of Laci Peterson's former home. Within HOURS of the announcement of Laci being missing, there were hundreds of people out in the cold rain on Christmas Day, searching the parks, rivers, swamps, woods and anywhere else they could think of.

Professional AND citizen searching began immediately and continued for months. We didn't know where to search either -- but we still searched!

Laci's front yard became a hopeful shrine of good wishes and prayers -- including rows and rows of hand written messages, stuffed animals, beautiful flowers and plants.

Where is Utah's angst - agony - OUTRAGE? _ Where is ANY emotion of urgency to locate your kind, loving, Salt Lake City mother?

Shame on Utah! Shame on Susan's church family which encompassed her entire being!

It's long overdue that Susan's smiling Internet photos and posted flyers be replaced by photos of Josh - his personal van - and his rental van.

It's long, long overdue that Utah residents get off their butts in front of their computers, and physically search for Susan!

in my humble opinion

~~respectfully snipped~~ and rose comment underlined by me.

Personally, I am beyond baffled.

I don't understand it either. It just makes no sense. Someone earlier mentioned that maybe the reason LE isn't searching, and hasn't asked anyone else to search, is because they know she is deceased, and they will (in my words) tell Josh, "show us where she is, and we'll take the death penalty off the table."

But think about it. That is not to LE's advantage. They should WANT to have her back home so they can go for the DP.

The only other reason I can think of, would be that they believe she is alive.

Josh did not go to church that fateful Sunday, and this was a requirement he was to fulfill, or Susan would dump him. If, after Jovanna left, they had a huge blow-up fight about it, and Susan got her purse and keys out and said she was taking the boys and leaving, I can see a situation that could have gotten out of control, and (A. he accidentally killed her <~~my theory,) or B. she took off running into the night with nothing but her clothes on her back, (been there, done that, got the tee-shirt, saw the movie,) and has hidden out somewhere. You have to take into account, Josh's size. From the photos of the 2 of them standing outside together, I'm going to say he's easily 6'4". A man that big could easily scare the bajeebers outta me.

But then what ?? If she was safely with someone, she could come forward. If she went underground, I don't know how she would be able to get her sons.

LE came right out and said that with the evidence they have, they have enough to solve this crime. But what about Susan and her family ?? If LE believes she is no longer living, I cannot think of one good reason they would not search for her. Plenty of searches go on when there is snow on the ground. And if anyone in the church asked for volunteers, there would likely be thousands show up. Texas Equisearch would be there. If I lived there, I would have already started searching. The very day she was reported missing. And unlike Josh ("I wouldn't even know where to begin,") I would simply get a map, circle the address, and go OUTWARD from there. How simple is that ?? Take each road that leads out of town, and look in the ditches. Stop at every (turn out ??) in the road, park the car, and carefully look over the edge of the drop off to the land below.

As far as the rose......... well, that just makes me feel sad. No one has even put a flower in her yard ?? Well, if someone wanted a flower or flowers in her yard, and was afraid of being accused of tresspassing, all they would have to do is just call a florist, and request that it be placed on the doorstep. Come to think of it, I might just do that. We've all got the home address. Now that Josh is gone, I would love to see the house on tv on the news with flowers and teddy bears on the porch.
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