VA - 6-YEAR-OLD in custody after shooting teacher, Newport News, Jan 2023 *mom charged* #2

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There definitely seems to be common ground between the school admin and the mother—both want to blame Abby for what happened. Why though? Makes no sense to me. My opinion only.

Has anyone come forward to accuse Abby of being neglectful or abusive? I haven't heard anything negative so far, except she was well-loved even her own son she said liked Abby.
No one wants to be responsible or lose their lawsuits.
I even have sympathy for this single mother, but her interview is not helping her case at all. She almost seemed defiant and ordered to give out an apology than a heartfelt one.
Her son shot someone, it could be her dad or her next if he doesn't get his way. If the kid is this dangerous how is Grandpa going to control him safely? The new school prepared for him? What about his classmates and teacher?!
I wonder if this is ADHD and not something else at play here.

I hate to say this, but I believe we are hearing the words on record of the mother of a future criminal.
She just thinks she is going to make such comments and the rest of the world is going to nod and it will all go away. Not so…people are going to be checking in to see how this family does in the future.
No way this and other incidents are ADHD alone, they reek of obstinate defiant behavior. Oh, and so do the mom’s comments. Imagine that

Has anyone come forward to accuse Abby of being neglectful or abusive? I haven't heard anything negative so far, except she was well-loved even her own son she said liked Abby.
No one wants to be responsible or lose their lawsuits.
Has anyone come forward to accuse Abby of being neglectful or abusive? I haven't heard anything negative so far, except she was well-loved even her own son she said liked Abby.
No one wants to be responsible or lose their lawsuits.

I haven’t heard that thankfully. There’s this threat of a counter suit:

“In the statement, Branch says the consideration for a countersuit comes as "it has been brought to our attention that prior to the shooting, another student in Ms. Zwerner's class warned her in class that the 6-year-old shooter had a gun and Ms. Zwerner allegedly told the student to sit down and be quiet”

I haven’t heard that thankfully. There’s this threat of a counter suit:

“In the statement, Branch says the consideration for a countersuit comes as "it has been brought to our attention that prior to the shooting, another student in Ms. Zwerner's class warned her in class that the 6-year-old shooter had a gun and Ms. Zwerner allegedly told the student to sit down and be quiet”

I haven’t heard that thankfully. There’s this threat of a counter suit:

“In the statement, Branch says the consideration for a countersuit comes as "it has been brought to our attention that prior to the shooting, another student in Ms. Zwerner's class warned her in class that the 6-year-old shooter had a gun and Ms. Zwerner allegedly told the student to sit down and be quiet”

This attorney seriously thinks this teacher was somehow to blame?

Let’s just imagine what bloody heck would break loose if this teacher lost, and set a new standard that teachers could be legally blamed for such incidents…
It is May- for many teachers that is a great time to resign and find something else to do. If an admin does not support its teachers when one has a discipline issue and an unruly violent kid- why would teachers think they would be supported in a law suit?

We don’t pay teachers enough as it is, and now they could be pulled into law suits by the parent of a child who attempted to shoot them in their classroom? Seriously?!

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I even have sympathy for this single mother, but her interview is not helping her case at all. She almost seemed defiant and ordered to give out an apology than a heartfelt one.
Her son shot someone, it could be her dad or her next if he doesn't get his way. If the kid is this dangerous how is Grandpa going to control him safely ? The new school prepared for him? What about his classmates and teacher?!
I wonder if this is ADHD and not something else at play here.
Unless grandpa is fairly fit and competent, and he might be, this still sounds like a bad idea for this child.
Keeping the bad behavior concealed and, 'in the family', so to speak.
So, is the grandpa custody thing new?
I'm checking here upthread and elsewhere... I thought I'd read he was in dcfs custody and receiving treatment ?

Guess not, he is with his great grandfather.
Alrighty then.
I'd imagine the therapy is outpatient and occurring elsewhere from the home ?
Hope it's working.

The boy remains in the legal custody of Calvin Taylor, who said the boy is in school elsewhere and getting therapy. He said he worries, however, about the boy's future living in Newport News.

"I just don't think the constant negativity [from] my community is allowing this to boil over," he said. Deja Taylor, he said, should not be absolved for her actions, but deserves to be looked at "as a human being who made a mistake."

"Jan. 6 was a terrible day for a lotta people," he said. "A terrible day for the teacher, a terrible day for the kids that was in that classroom, a terrible day for my great-grandson,
Red bolding mine.
Great grandson ?
How old is Calvin ?
Is he able to handle this boy's outbursts at all ?
My goodness.

I agree with the poster upthread who referenced Calvin's words about, "...constant negativity ... to boil over..."; and the concern it's causing him.
While I never condone any vigilante activity, I don't think that's what's happening here.

Abby Zwern could have died.
She may have ongoing health issues because of a six year old who was able to procure a loaded (and safety off & cocked ?) gun !!!!
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Just where on a six year old's body would a gun like that be concealed ?
Iirc, he wasn't even lightly 'frisked' as his (paraphrased) 'pockets weren't large enough...'.
Even if it was tucked into his waistband, and a jacket or shirt pulled over the weapon, it should have easily been visible !

Helps to know where to look, and what everything should look like?

I'm very confident that I could spot a pistol on a 6 year old.

Why, you ask?

Long ago I worked men's wear. A man come in, wanted to make an appointment to be measured. I can do that now, I said. Oh, no, you see, I need an appointment. We went back & forth, offered to go to a dressing room, offered a male employee, tried to make requested appointment. He wouldn't set a date or time.

I picked up a size card, wrote his sizes down -- I measured men for a living & yes could accurately do this -- handed him the card and said "and you are left handed."

He said "you don't know that" so I gestured taking a pistol out of a shoulder holster with my left hand. He was carrying!

He left with the size card.

More currently, Mr. Laughing's best buddy is a retired state trooper. In this state, LE generally carries off-duty & retired LE carries.

Our little game is -- I tap the pistol, no matter what he's wearing. 100% success rate, large frame, small frame, revolver, whatever.

Yeah, I'd find a 9MM on a 6 year old. Yeah. Probably without touching him.

jmho ymmv lrr
I"Jan. 6 was a terrible day for a lotta people," he said. "A terrible day for the teacher, a terrible day for the kids that was in that classroom, a terrible day for my great-grandson,
Red bolding mine.
Great grandson ?
How old is Calvin ?
Is he able to handle this boy's outbursts at all ?
<snipped for focus>

From the photo of the mother, great-grandfather, and attorney that appeared in MSM when they gave the interview and some speculation, the great-grandfather might be around 58-60 years of age, and he certainly looks fit enough to take care of a 6 year old. JMO.

Edited to add link of MSM article with photo of mother, great-grandfather, and attorney -

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Regarding the (great) grandfather and custody, CPS prefers to place a child with relatives when they remove a child from their parents. This is likely the setup here, after the shooting.
Shooting a teacher (or anyone) doesn't tend to go hand in hand with ADHD. Particularly a well planned and executed shooting. My 6YO has ADHD, his ADHD makes it even less likely he could pull this off as the executive functioning skills this would require would be well beyond him. The ADHD is a smokescreen to cover a far bigger issue, in my opinion.
Unless grandpa is fairly fit and competent, and he might be, this still sounds like a bad idea for this child.
Keeping the bad behavior concealed and, 'in the family', so to speak.

I hope Grandpa is up for it. :(
I hope we don't hear in 10 years that he shot Grandpa because he said, "No, you cannot borrow the car. "Are they offering this child specialized therapy or just sending him home with Grandpa and wishing for the best? I wish I knew how another country would handle this success, with a healthy outcome.
<snipped for focus>

From the photo of the mother, great-grandfather, and attorney that appeared in MSM when they gave the interview and some speculation, the great-grandfather might be around 58-60 years of age, and he certainly looks fit enough to take care of a 6 year old. JMO.

Edited to add link of MSM article with photo of mother, great-grandfather, and attorney -

Great-grandpa? He looks really young and healthy. He looks 60. How old is the mother I thought in her 30's.
ADHD has three sub-groupings: inattentive, hyperactive, impulsive. They usually appear in combination. Obviously the kind of behavior displayed by the child regarding to the shooting was not inattentive. It most certainly was not impulsive as it was clearly planned. It also was not hyperactive. So, clearly, that kind of behavior cannot be explained with his ADHD. Looking at the Vanderbilt questionnaire (used for diagnosing ADHD), the behaviors displayed by the boy could be indicators for Oppositional Defiant Disorder or a Conduct Disorder.
<snipped for focus>

From the photo of the mother, great-grandfather, and attorney that appeared in MSM when they gave the interview and some speculation, the great-grandfather might be around 58-60 years of age, and he certainly looks fit enough to take care of a 6 year old. JMO.

Edited to add link of MSM article with photo of mother, great-grandfather, and attorney -

Her grandfather, Calvin Taylor, who has legal custody of the child, agreed that the boy’s “behavior had changed [for the better] in the classroom” before the shooting.

The article goes on to quote the great grandpa, but it's not clear if it's her dad or her grandpa sitting next to her ?
I'm just guessing his placement with a relative is a CYA move and maybe family members aren't the best place for the six year old at this time ?
The same family raised his mother who seems to be deflecting responsibility.

“He had started medication and he was meeting his goals, academically,” Taylor said.
Her grandfather, Calvin Taylor, who has legal custody of the child, agreed that the boy’s “behavior had changed [for the better] in the classroom” before the shooting.

If this boy was threatening and terrifying other students and staff prior to the shooting, I doubt he was changed for the better.
Just saying.

A school spokesperson told ABC News it could not comment on issues related to “a student’s educational record.”
Because it might not fit the narrative ?
There is of course doctor/patient confidentiality in the medical realm, so the same could apply to a school, but I'd imagine the lawyers for Ms. Zwern do have a right to look at his behavior in the past ?

Imo, this school admin failed their teachers horribly.

I wonder what A. Zwern has to say about the bot's actions in the days and weeks leading up to when she was shot M00.

ADHD has three sub-groupings: inattentive, hyperactive, impulsive. They usually appear in combination. Obviously the kind of behavior displayed by the child regarding to the shooting was not inattentive. It most certainly was not impulsive as it was clearly planned. It also was not hyperactive. So, clearly, that kind of behavior cannot be explained with his ADHD. Looking at the Vanderbilt questionnaire (used for diagnosing ADHD), the behaviors displayed by the boy could be indicators for Oppositional Defiant Disorder or a Conduct Disorder.
Yes, I agree. None of it fits with ADHD.
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