VA - 6-YEAR-OLD in custody after shooting teacher, Newport News, Jan 2023 *mom charged* #2

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fine..but again your solution isnt anything releastic that I ve seen ? have you seen it in reality ?
what is this institution you are suggesting ?
I know Ive seen a doc on a mother of budding killer , who for years ran to everyone screaming ( my son is a psychopath ) and NOT one was listening .. untill he commited his first crime
another case that is a lil different is of my cousins son...who is a teen with very severe mental disability that includes aggression ..even though this aggression has never been outside home..the only solution she was offered to abandon him completly ( losing every right she has ) into some institusion where he can be beaten to death by other patients ..he was already attacked there and she had to take him out
I am not saying .. leave the mother alone. she isnt guilty ... but again this is just burying your head in the sand by refusing to see the bigger picture, that there is a problem with how society and the system has no help

The problem in THIS case is that the mother did not seek help. Any help. Instead she kept protecting her son from the consequences of his behavior, over and over again. There are child psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists in Virginia. There are centers for inpatient treatment, designed for kids. did the mother try to obtain help in any of these spots? No, she refused to do anything, until it led to thragedy. Abby Zwerner was nearly killed and has to deal with lifelong health consequences of the injuries she sustained, her students have to deal with mental trauma caused by the shooting, all because the mother of the perpetrator was negligent. Refusing to do anything with serious mental issues of your child is a negligence. Leaving weapon in reach of a child is a negligence. This mother is not a victim of a system, this mother was deeply negligent and now is paying the consequences of that.
I finally got to watch the abc interview

At 4:56 (ish) in the linked video Deja Taylor is asked if the gun was “locked somewhere?” She nods and eventually mumbles “mm-hmm”. I assume that is intended to be an affirmative response.

MOO - I believe that is a lie. - MOO

Just prior to that, the man to her left (her lawyer?) says, “I don’t know that a, any adult, knows exactly how he got the gun. (emphasis his, and mine) What exactly is he trying to imply?

MOO - SPECULATION - He makes it sound as though a teenager handed the child the gun. I don’t necessarily think that is what he is trying to imply, but that is how it is coming across to me. I do think, maybe, he is trying to frame some sort of defense.

Edited to Ask… does anyone know if a teenager also lived in the child’s household at the time he accessed the gun?

I picked that up as well, or implied a roommate or the child's father handfed hium the gun.
One clip is from an officer driving a patrol car on the way to the school Jan. 6. You hear the officer pray.

“Heavenly father keep our officers safe, keep our students safe, let us make the decisions we need to make,” he says.

Then you see he exits the car and heads toward the school.

“It’s hard to talk about without getting choked up,” said Newport News Police Chief Steve Drew. “I know that officer, Officer Watkins, he’s been here awhile, he has a family of his own. I thought it was very fitting to see him exit his vehicle and run towards the school. I think that’s what officers do everyday.”

In another you see an officer leading children through a hallway with a big smile saying, “We’re doing great. Keep marching. Alright, we’re turning this train left …beep beep!”

Drew said that officer, Sgt. Carter, puts off a much different image in the video then the one he typically conjures as one of the most highly trained sergeants in the department. Carter, he said, works in SWAT and is one of the best tactical trainers.

I picked that up as well, or implied a roommate or the child's father handfed hium the gun.
That's pretty much what I've been thinking all along.
They are deep in CYA mode and imo this will not change.
What's going to happen at the next school this boy is placed in ?

Something went wrong with this child.
Either nature or nurture, we'll probably never know.

The mother claimed the gun was secured.
Obviously it was not.
During the ceremony, police shared publicly unseen video of officers responding to Richneck Elementary School in January when a 6-year-old student shot his teacher.

The snippet of video shows toofficers found a unique way to lead the kids to safety.

Officer Clark Carter was one of those who helped the other students.

“Our goal was to give them something that would take their mind off of what just occurred. My idea was to pretend we were riding motorcycles, and you got all the kids to put their hands up and pretend they were riding motorcycles and we were revving our engines and we were rolling down the hallways. It seemed to help. It took their mind off of what occurred and they were just playing a game,” Carter says.

“It was nerve-wracking and we knew we had to get there so we can protect the kids,” Carter adds.

“I am one of our active threat instructors and one of my things is personal to me because I have kids that go to school in this city and I want somebody to respond the way I would respond to save their child, to save mine,” Carter says.

Incidents like the one at Richneck Elementary School are a harsh reminder of the dangers that police say officers face every day on the job.

“It’s hard for me to put in words the things that officers see today, things I wish they never have to respond to,” Newport News Police Chief Steve Drew says.
I picked that up as well, or implied a roommate or the child's father handfed hium the gun.
Just watched the interview. They know exactly how that child got that gun. If he was doing well at the school he was sent to last year, I wonder why mom didn't insist that he remain there? I also question why he missed so many days of prek and k. I don't believe that charges are racially motivated AND I don't think that the issue has been blown up as great grand dad suggests. I also don't feel his apology is sincere. It seems like they want to blame the school for the child being there. Detectives listened to her excuse about the gun, searched the home, and investigated before deciding she needed to be charged. I believe Deja really loves her child. Yet she struggles to accept the full effects of his disability. She said he can never sit still. I'm not sure what effect his medication was having, but a teacher trying to manage 1 student who can't sit still, has to do it at the expense of all the other students. Here lies a big problem. Constant redirection and attending to this student's behaviors, in my opinion, had to be extremely exhausting and determental to the other kids' learning. If he talked about being ignored all week he surely, imo, smashed her phone in anger. I feel that until the family truly accepts responsibility for what has happened, admit the truth, and truly work with the experts to ensure this child gets the best help he can, in the most appropriate environment, little progress will be made.

There is so much to unpack in this article. Suffice to say, children are at school to learn. Not be the center of attention. He probably was not "ignored", the teacher was teaching all children.
Just watched the interview. They know exactly how that child got that gun. If he was doing well at the school he was sent to last year, I wonder why mom didn't insist that he remain there? I also question why he missed so many days of prek and k. I don't believe that charges are racially motivated AND I don't think that the issue has been blown up as great grand dad suggests. I also don't feel his apology is sincere. It seems like they want to blame the school for the child being there. Detectives listened to her excuse about the gun, searched the home, and investigated before deciding she needed to be charged. I believe Deja really loves her child. Yet she struggles to accept the full effects of his disability. She said he can never sit still. I'm not sure what effect his medication was having, but a teacher trying to manage 1 student who can't sit still, has to do it at the expense of all the other students. Here lies a big problem. Constant redirection and attending to this student's behaviors, in my opinion, had to be extremely exhausting and determental to the other kids' learning. If he talked about being ignored all week he surely, imo, smashed her phone in anger. I feel that until the family truly accepts responsibility for what has happened, admit the truth, and truly work with the experts to ensure this child gets the best help he can, in the most appropriate environment, little progress will be made.

I concur.
well said.
I don't think this child will e able to move forward if he isn't given proper therapy, treatment, and the right education for his needs.
Agreed with all above !
Sad for this child because if he doesn't receive intense therapy outside of his home environment, he could wind up in prison some day.
Who wants THAT for their child ??
He probably WAS being ignored at home, big time, and that's why he was acting out at school.

The school's method of handling all of this also sounds like a case of "let's create problems so we can 'solve' them."
Agreed with all above !
Sad for this child because if he doesn't receive intense therapy outside of his home environment, he could wind up in prison some day.
Who wants THAT for their child ??
Agreed. I’m a special ed kid too. I’m in high school and I have an IEP. IEPs don’t excuse this. If the kid has behavioral problems get them some treatment and therapy. It’s much needed. I have ADHD same as this kid. EXTREMELY severe.

Diagnosed at 5 years old and was on meds right away. I feel sad for the boy. He really felt left out? I feel sorry for him but I feel like he needs some serious therapy. I wouldn’t say what most would say to “throw him out of a window”. He has a disorder and doesn’t respond to traditional discipline. I work as a babysitter. I work with one family with a child with ADHD. An 8 year old girl. Extremely severe and unmedicated.

Her parents use traditional discipline on her and she has been expelled from 3 schools! She’s in third grade. You of course need to discipline your child. That’s rule number one of parenting. But if your child has special needs you need to recognize that too. Don’t use it as an excuse though. It’s not an excuse but it could be a reason. This boy’s parents failed him. I hope he gets the help he needs so badly.
He probably WAS being ignored at home, big time, and that's why he was acting out at school.

The school's method of handling all of this also sounds like a case of "let's create problems so we can 'solve' them."
I agree. Source: I have ADHD too. As a child I was very similar to this boy. Got kicked out of preschool for my behavior. Diagnosed with severe ADHD in kindergarten. I’m a high schooler now.
Agreed. I’m a special ed kid too. I’m in high school and I have an IEP. IEPs don’t excuse this. If the kid has behavioral problems get them some treatment and therapy. It’s much needed. I have ADHD same as this kid. EXTREMELY severe.

Diagnosed at 5 years old and was on meds right away. I feel sad for the boy. He really felt left out? I feel sorry for him but I feel like he needs some serious therapy. I wouldn’t say what most would say to “throw him out of a window”. He has a disorder and doesn’t respond to traditional discipline. I work as a babysitter. I work with one family with a child with ADHD. An 8 year old girl. Extremely severe and unmedicated.

Her parents use traditional discipline on her and she has been expelled from 3 schools! She’s in third grade. You of course need to discipline your child. That’s rule number one of parenting. But if your child has special needs you need to recognize that too. Don’t use it as an excuse though. It’s not an excuse but it could be a reason. This boy’s parents failed him. I hope he gets the help he needs so badly.
Thanks for your post !

I feel sad for the teacher, A.Z.; and also saddened for this child.
It's unfair that his behavior continued until the attack on Ms. Zwern , and I think he needs more help away from his family. After hearing them speak, I don't know if what the great grandpa is saying is completely true and that this child is indeed improving.
Just saying. :(
I don’t even know where to begin with all of this. This was no typical student issues. Even one with special needs. I have never seen a child required to have a parent present in order to attend school, much less one so young. That is some seeeeeeerious stuff there. I cannot believe this is being spun like the teacher just didn’t give him enough by Answering his oh so simple little question. Ok. Well. Now we see why it got as bad as it did. No accountability and blame shifting. That’s what the home environment consists of. Nothing like beating this teacher while she is down.

There is so much to unpack in this article. Suffice to say, children are at school to learn. Not be the center of attention. He probably was not "ignored", the teacher was teaching all children.
I see the mom is back to her old strategies of downplaying her son's issues and blaming everyone else for his behaviour. I mean, ma'am, your son almost killed his teacher, it's time to wake up, smell the coffee and stop pretending he is a little midunderstood angel. And his issues are much, much more than the untreated ADHD (by the way, how does she know it is ADHD? She refused to get him diagnosed, right?). The often premeditated violence he displayed is absolutely not a symptom of an attention disorder. From my teaching experience I can say it is rather a result of not putting any limits or boundaries for the child at home, vehemently and blindly defending the child when he misbehaves outside, bad, violence glorifying behaviour models at home and giving the child unlimited and unmonitored access to the media.
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