VA - Alexis Murphy, 17, Shipman, 3 Aug 2013 - **ARREST** - #3

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Thought there was a main suspect in Brittany's case who lived very near to where her phone last pinged (very, very dangerous terrain!)...(Brittany's case is also featured on ID "Disappeared")

You are correct. Raymond Moody, a RSO who lives outside of Myrtle Beach, has been named as a person of interest in the disappearances of Brittanee Drexel and Crystal Soles:
Detectives say Raymond Moody is the primary “person of interest” in the 2009 disappearance of 17-year-old Brittanee Drexel, who was last seen on surveillance video leaving a popular Myrtle Beach hotel along Ocean Boulevard in a case that sparked widespread media coverage. Moody, who served 21 years in prison for abducting and raping a California girl in 1983, is also being looked at in connection with another missing woman, 28-year-old Crystal Soles, law enforcement sources told*

Read more:

I've always felt that Moody was responsibe for Brittanee's disappearance (I can't explain it, it just "feels" like the correct answer to me); her mom maintains that some of the people she was in Myrtle Beach with on vacation may have been involved.

Even if RAT has an old address listed in Charleston, SC, that's about 2 hrs from Myrtle Beach (where Brittanee disappeared). I'd think missing women in and around Charleston and back in VA would be more likely victims.
"camo-wrapped Suburban at that time."

slightly o/t, but we've talked a lot about these wraps...IIRC, in the thread about the possible abduction of the unknown little boy on July 4th...

Interesting. I don't recall....was the vehicle in that case a camo-wrapped Suburban?
Now we can add Charleston, SC to the places he lived.Check out #82

Apparently he also lived in Fort Walton Beach, FL (according to your link and scrolling down to #82). I'd love to know when he lived there so I could search for missing women & unsolved murders of women for the time he was there.

Particularly because of these cases-
Kemberly Ramer -
Andrea Durham -
No problem. That paragraph is not very well written and I thought at first it meant Morgan's killer, too.

I live in a very very ethnically mixed area (greater Boston) where we get to be familiar with a wide variety of facial and body types; I have thought the sketch of the Fairfax rapist looked more like he was Iranian or Iraqi or even northern India. I don't see any reason he couldn't be Hispanic, especially considering that many Hispanics are mixed descent, with African and native blood.

Apparently RAT has a prior conviction for a violent crime, though. If that's true, then he can't be Morgan's killer because his DNA would have been in the Virginia database and would have turned up as a match before now.

Up until very recently, DNA was only taken after a felony conviction. A revision in the law has made it allowable to take the DNA of persons only accused of a felony.

[9] The Supreme Court of Virginia upheld the arrestee law (Anderson v. Commonwealth of Virginia, 650 S.E. 2d 702 (Va.2007)

...[10] Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida (by 2019), Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico (2011), North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota and Vermont authorize DNA collection from any individual charged with a felony offense. Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Virginia authorize collection for a subset of felonies...

[13] For example, arraignment or a judicial probable cause determination is needed for collection in Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia;

"Who is responsible for initiating expungement?"

In order for an arrestee profile to be uploaded to NDIS, states must have FBI-approved expungement provisions that describe the process for expunging a profile if a qualifying charge is dismissed or results in acquittal. Most states place the responsibility for initiating expungement on the individual from whom a sample was collected. States that bear the responsibility for initiating expungement include Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia.[17]..."

Depending on when RAT was last charged with a felony...DNA may not have been taken unless he was CONVICTED.
I wonder what DNA evidence, if any, they have. Surely there is something more that directly links him to her abduction. I just hope they are pointed in the direction of her location at this point. I don't think they will find AM anywhere near his property. I feel like he has gotten away with something like this several times. He abducted close to his house, as I don't think he believed LE would want to risk bringing him in again, but it doesn't sound like he would keep her there.

Another thing: Didn't his criminal record (posted in thread #2), contain a stalking charge dating back several years? That makes it clear that this isn't something he recently started doing, IMO.

Yes, iirc, 2003 Charlottesville against a MAN. The charge was later dismissed.
A bit pricey for a whole van. I really don't see why this guy put it on his truck if he did as seems he had rent issues ,yet gas and get ups were must haves...

Honestly, I know so many guys in the south who live with their mama and have nothing else to their name to speak of aside from a truck they've put more money into than they would have on a spent on rent if mama had kicked them out. Doesn't surprise me at all.

I do kind of think RAT probably did a camo-wrap because he thought his truck could "blend in" to the natural environment when he disposed of victims, not just cause it looks cool (to some people...not to me).
:seeya::seeya::great::rockon::hen::partyguy::HHJP:From RAT's long detailed conviction list, it appears he gets suspended sentences time after time! This is worse than going to jail and getting your sentence reduced for all the reasons they come up with. No wonder this RAT had such a cocky look to him, he never goes to jail!

The first picture I saw of him, my first impression was that he is a narcissist! He just had a cocky, smirky look and the way he carried himself. No one was going to touch him! Well RAT, hopefully this time you won't ever be getting out to see daylight again!

BUT, a lot more details are going to have to come to light for this to happen! This could be a case that will be the big break for a new lawyer and make his career!

Just having RAT talking to AM at the gas station, following her out in his car, her scent found with her car at the side of the theater and the apt. clubhouse, and RAT identified as being in Bliss alone on the day AM disappeared. This just does not seem to be the quality of stuff to charge one with murder! The outside cameras on buildings are many times just fake, or old and do not work. Do we know for sure about the outside camera at the theater? Did the clubhouse have a indoor or outdoor camera? Have I missed some connecting pieces?

What is the difference in an abduction charge and a kidnapping charge?
TIA f:seeya:eek:r your answers.
I swore I saw a pic or video where it looked like there was damage across the entire bottom of one of the could have been from a previous incident. Someone else mentioned it in post #4 of this thread...but it is very possible that my eyes were playing tricks on me, because now I cannot find a pic..of course!

It was in one of the news videos when they were loading the car onto the flatbed. I'm not sure now what I saw because the still pictures don't show it. The damage, I thought I saw, was on the entire lower panel/skirting under the doors of the passenger side.
From this article, he has arson charges.

So, he's a fire starter....not good.

If anybody out there remembers any fires in the area during this time frame, it would be worth reporting to LE. Travis Forbes lit a fire to dispose of evidence...we also know that fire was involved in both Noelle Paquette's and Tim Bosma's cases. :(

There was a fire set the morning of the discovery of Morgan Harrington's remains. It occurred in North Garden, if I remember correctly.
I believe they're in VA Beach.
I'm curious about the Virginia Beach family members. Do we know if RAT is originally from that area? Any time frames for how long his family has been there?
Not looking for names to sleuth, just dates.
I'm hoping today is the day. I've been thinking about Alexis all day, especially after seeing her poor mother at the press conference. I don't care if it's him talking, a tip, randomly finding just needs done!

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Ok, actually I am not a total newbie. Use to post a LONG time ago under another user name that I couldn't for the life of me remember. :seeya:

Anyway...this case has hit me strongly for some reason. Could be the fact that my daughter lives about 45 minutes away from the scene and myself about 2+ hours. I've driven that stretch of 29 myself on a number of occasions. My heart breaks for Alexis and her family. I hope they find her alive and safe but it's hard to hold out hope when they arrest a suspect and don't find the victim.

A few thoughts.

1. Several have said he may have lured her by saying something was wrong with her car. Seems a likely scenario but I'm not so sure. Anyone who has looked at her twitter feed knows that she was on her phone almost constantly. I would question that she'd just follow a stranger without texting someone, tweeting something, or calling someone. I know teens can be rather naive but it's just hard to imagine her being so trusting of some creepy dude like this. I think he got to her some other way. I could be wrong, but I don't see her just following him. I think she'd have called family or someone and told them.

2. Someone said on the previous thread that his vehicle is certainly one that couldn't be missed. Not in this neck of the woods. I wouldn't give a vehicle like that a second glance because people around here drive all kinds of odd vehicles. As soon as I saw it I thought "I've seen that vehicle or something similar" and I don't even live in Nelson county. Nobody would think twice about the spot light either. Creepy if you ask me but not unusual in these parts.

3. The camper. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a meth lab or something of the sort. We had a house not from from us busted for cooking meth. They had a camper back in the woods. Always freaked me out to see it back there when I took a walk.

4. Someone mentioned him not "owning" property. I don't think that's significant. It is very possible he knew his way around in the woods and mountains behind the house he was renting. There is nothing back there. Nothing but woods and mountains. It's pretty secluded. This is going to be a hell of a search if he doesn't own up. We've had a very wet summer so foliage is thick, thick, thick. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of it.

5. Is he the RT 29 stalker? That was one of my first thoughts. He knows the area, he's been in the area all up and down 29. I think it is very possible they will connect him to a number of crimes if the cards are played right.

Above all...I hope and pray Alexis is alive and they find her soon. My heart is just breaking over this.

:wagon: Forestchilde! :welcome:

Welcome back! Great, insightful post from a "local"!

he may have towed that car to C-ville

RSBM: I found a picture of the car. It could not have been towed- as the front of the car is facing the curb. It is a front wheel drive- and must be towed with the front in the air, back wheels on the ground. Unless he put the towing vehicle up on that curbed grass....

Also- they tracked A scent to the clubhouse. They did not specify whose scent.

I believe you are correct in thinking he dropped the car off there & got a ride from the clubhouse.
I finally caught up and now there are just a few here.

Time to read some of the articles re: the family speaking out and the 29 Stalker.

I hope someone remembers seeing him in that truck but it could have been another vehicle he had access to.

I get the sense, too, that he doesn't necessarily work alone all of the time. But, I could be wrong. I think the two guys and that one guy's girlfriend, in the Samantha Clark case need to be talked to again. Wonder where they are 2.5 years on, since her disappearance.

Question: Do those wraps go on & off at will?
RSBM: I found a picture of the car. It could not have been towed- as the front of the car is facing the curb. It is a front wheel drive- and must be towed with the front in the air, back wheels on the ground. Unless he put the towing vehicle up on that curbed grass....

Also- they tracked A scent to the clubhouse. They did not specify whose scent.

I believe you are correct in thinking he dropped the car off there & got a ride from the clubhouse.

Agreed, again it didn't even occur to me that he or someone parked it with the front tires to the curb...great catch!
1. Posts from virtually everyone who either lives in the area or travels through it says that cell phone signals at that general location are sketchy at best.

2. The man was purportedly talking to her at the pump, and LE purportedly stated that his vehicle followed her out. I can think of no better explanation - especially if he turns out to be the 29 stalker. I mean, if he is the 29 stalker then it's his MO, and it's something he's clearly perfected over the years.

3. You'd be surprised how easy it is for a con and/or sociopath to fool someone - even those much more seasoned and acclimated to the cruel world than Alexis is.
This is what I am thinking...

This has been honing his skills for a long time (IMO)... And he probably has quite a few tricks up his sleeve... Not to mention he may be quite a good "actor" by now... Kind of like a chameleon...

therefore... Though scary to accept... But even people trained in "stranger danger" can be fooled...


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