VA - Alexis Murphy, 17, Shipman, 3 Aug 2013 - **ARREST** - #3

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DATE:August 13, 2013
RE:Alexis Murphy case

An advisement hearing for Randy Allen Taylor, who is charged with abduction in the Alexis Murphy case, was held this afternoon in the Nelson County Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court.
Judge Kenneth W. Farrar appointed P. Scott DeBruin of Lynchburg, Virginia, to represent Taylor on the abduction charge. Taylor’s next appearance, a preliminary hearing, will be held in the Nelson County Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court on January 9, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
The preliminary hearing will only determine whether there is probable cause to send the case to the Nelson County Circuit Court Grand Jury for trial.
Taylor remains held without bail at this time.
this is a loooong time to hold someone without arraignment.

I think they are building a huge case imhoo
At the risk of sounding controversial, I guess one would have to know this community well to understand the remote chance that the victim would have had willing social interactions with the perpetrator, for example, that she would have been amenable to having him take her shopping. I guess I observe things through an anthropologist's eye, because that's my background. I will say that there are few voluntary intersections between a well-brought-up girl like Alexis, from a fairly middle class family, and a transient. Nelson county residents live in relative harmony, as much as that's possible in the U.S., but groups still gravitate the way they do anywhere else in America. In 2013, for many community residents, aside from neighbors, which this man and Alexis were not, the only place intersections with people outside of the traditional group take place at school, work and shopping areas. JMHO
Awesome. TIA!!

I personally am particularly interested in areas thirty miles south of the gas station. I named some areas upstream also that stood out on a map upon a cursory glance (IIRC Tye River, James River / JR State Park / Some <forgot the name> Mills...

29 south is much less populated than 29 north. Past the Liberty within a mile is the High School and Middle School and then another 2 miles in an Elementary School. After there is not major shopping/stores, etc. you hit Madison Heights (right outside of Lynchburg).

You are correct - there is Tye River, James River State Park (which is huge), Montebello which is just 3 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway and there are back roads that lead to the other side of Nelson County - another pretty rural area.

Dont' forget Amherst... but in both Nelson and Amherst you have the blue ridge parkway, Crabtree falls (the west side of 56), Lake Nelson, Thrasher's Creek Lake, Mill Creek Lake, etc.. Lots of stuff on route 151 which goes through both counties and has lots of backroad connectors between 151 and 29... regardless of all of this... Nelson and Amherst both do not need a camp ground or place of location on a map to show you a good spot to hide a person, alive or not alive... just look out any window... or in most of y'all's cases on any sat view of the maps and you will see that most of both counties are mountains and mountains of nothing but woods.... here's some ideas for you... we have lots of fighter jets fly over because the train here because of the mountainous topography.... there are still moonshine stills here... there are still mountain folks who live up in the mountains who do not connect with others and eat lots of possum, squirrel, and groundhog... thats not a judgement, its an actual fact.. and they are good folks... but my point is... these two counties are extreme rural with pockets of civilization... some pockets are transplanted by wealth & culture (breweries/wineries/resort/etc), some pockets are native residents going back generations... but again, Nelson has one stoplight in the entire county... Amherst is similar... both have the blue ridge parkway, both have national forest, both have state park... he could have put her anywhere.. i just hope they have what they need from him, his stuff, and tips.. to find her and bring her home...

Here is RATs picture from court today.

he's looking even rougher then when taken in...

also... this may have been posted while I was typing this, but Headline News at 4pm EST is supposed to be showing a segment on AM according to NBC29
New member to the board.

I first found out about this case on twitter and proceeded to google her name and RAT's and this was the first link to pop up. YAY!

Anyway, this case has fully taken over my life for the past few days. I can't stop refreshing the web hoping and praying for more information, hopefully a positive recovery. Having just graduated undergrad and entering into law school next week, what a way to kick it off, huh?

Reading this board it is not a doubt im my mind that we have gotten a serial killer/rapist off the streets. Until this case concludes, I will remain hopeful for a positive outcome, while also mentally prepping myself for the worst. I am so glad that this case has gained national attention. Nancy Grace will be covering this story tonight and we all know she plays ZERO games when it comes to missing children. I hope RAT can find it in himself to give up her (and his other victims) whereabouts to provide some closure for the families. That is the absolute least he can do.

I am a true believe that everything happens for a reason. God is using AM for a much larger purpose than what's a hand. This case got, what I believe, the R29 stalker off the streets and it will also bring about much awareness.

Not here to offer any scenarios, you guys are experts at that. Just here hanging on to hope.

this is a loooong time to hold someone without arraignment.

I think they are building a huge case imhoo

I'm with you here. I also think they are buying time to see if they find AM. If she is found deceased then he will face the murder charge obviously, and they can send him to trial on all counts.
this is a loooong time to hold someone without arraignment.

I think they are building a huge case imhoo

God, I hope so.

The only thing that I wonder about the possibility of him being the 29 stalker....would he have ever taken the chance of having a relatively major news source in the local area do a feature story on him with pictures. Assuming he has had failed attempts, as we know the 29 stalker has had. Wouldn't he be fearful of someone recognizing him??
this is a loooong time to hold someone without arraignment.

I think they are building a huge case imhoo

Yeah. They either already have charges they are getting ready to pop him with, or think they are close to finding Alexis. No way they could wait five months for an arraignment, well, here they couldn't. Don't know about there.
I think the family has just seen him around town. There was mention in one article that he had been seen before on the street where AM lived though.

I think it will come out that he spotted her at the gas station at some point and stalked her prior to attack. Sounds like it would be the M.O. given the other cases he may be connected with. It seems like it was a planned attack.
At the risk of sounding controversial, I guess one would have to know this community well to understand the remote chance that the victim would have had willing social interactions with the perpetrator, for example, that she would have been amenable to having him take her shopping. I guess I observe things through an anthropologist's eye, because that's my background. I will say that there are few voluntary intersections between a well-brought-up girl like Alexis, from a fairly middle class family, and a transient. Nelson county residents live in relative harmony, as much as that's possible in the U.S., but groups still gravitate the way they do anywhere else in America. In 2013, for many community residents, aside from neighbors, which this man and Alexis were not, the only place intersections with people outside of the traditional group take place at school, work and shopping areas. JMHO

I don't find that controversial at all, but truthful. This man would not have been in their social circle. I don't think she would have gravitated toward him, at all.
Holy cow, something just popped in my head...I just remembered something...A few months ago I was researching attempted abductions in another case (I can't for the life of me remember which case it was..)...I remember coming across a boatload of recent attempted abductions in Virginia Beach...there were so many I remember making a post about it. I have no idea yet how close this is to Shipman, looking to see if I can find post / thread...
Hey carbuff, did you get that work address okay? ;) LOL
Dont' forget Amherst... but in both Nelson and Amherst you have the blue ridge parkway, Crabtree falls (the west side of 56), Lake Nelson, Thrasher's Creek Lake, Mill Creek Lake, etc.. Lots of stuff on route 151 which goes through both counties and has lots of backroad connectors between 151 and 29... regardless of all of this... Nelson and Amherst both do not need a camp ground or place of location on a map to show you a good spot to hide a person, alive or not alive... just look out any window... or in most of y'all's cases on any sat view of the maps and you will see that most of both counties are mountains and mountains of nothing but woods.... here's some ideas for you... we have lots of fighter jets fly over because the train here because of the mountainous topography.... there are still moonshine stills here... there are still mountain folks who live up in the mountains who do not connect with others and eat lots of possum, squirrel, and groundhog... thats not a judgement, its an actual fact.. and they are good folks... but my point is... these two counties are extreme rural with pockets of civilization... some pockets are transplanted by wealth & culture (breweries/wineries/resort/etc), some pockets are native residents going back generations... but again, Nelson has one stoplight in the entire county... Amherst is similar... both have the blue ridge parkway, both have national forest, both have state park... he could have put her anywhere.. i just hope they have what they need from him, his stuff, and tips.. to find her and bring her home...

he's looking even rougher then when taken in...

also... this may have been posted while I was typing this, but Headline News at 4pm EST is supposed to be showing a segment on AM according to NBC29

Thank you! Bringing this forward for my records / research!
Holy cow, something just popped in my head...I just remembered something...A few months ago I was researching attempted abductions in another case (I can't for the life of me remember which case it was..)...I remember coming across a boatload of recent attempted abductions in Virginia Beach...there were so many I remember making a post about it. I have no idea yet how close this is to Shipman, looking to see if I can find post / thread...

Shipman is in mid-Southern VA kind of in the center and VA is in the south-eastern corner of VA near the NC state line on the Atlantic Ocean. I'd say they're about 2 hours away. BUT it's possible RAT has family connections in VAB. I haven't been able to verify it yet though.
If I could just comment on the speculation re: RAT being the RT 29 stalker and allowing himself to be photographed/interviewed with the media for a previous issue-just MHO but I can totally see this happening. I would say that many serial killers have huge "God complexes" and delusions about planning/getting away with their crimes, and it would fit perfectly for RAT to have thought that. He seems to be a grievance collector for a number of reasons and I think this will eventually be seen to have be part of his overall psyche.
I just hope Alexis is found soon.:please:
If I could just comment on the speculation re: RAT being the RT 29 stalker and allowing himself to be photographed/interviewed with the media for a previous issue-just MHO but I can totally see this happening. I would say that many serial killers have huge "God complexes" and delusions about planning/getting away with their crimes, and it would fit perfectly for RAT to have thought that. He seems to be a grievance collector for a number of reasons and I think this will eventually be seen to have be part of his overall psyche.
I just hope Alexis is found soon.:please:

Yeah, I did have that thought. I really hope that they are able to solve many cases with the capture of this creep.
Hey carbuff, did you get that work address okay? ;) LOL

I dunno. I think maybe it's got camo wrap on it :D

Just kidding. Yes, thanks to everybody who posted the info. I'm working on a new map now.
Sorry. I should have clarified. They know of him. They don't personally know him or are associated with him, but they know who he is.

Don't apologize! We all appreciate your input more than you know!

Thank you for clearing that up!

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I haven't read much about this case and this is 100% speculation, but I was looking at Alexis Murphy's twitter and was wondering if she could've been ''catfished''? Catfishing is when someone, usually an internet predator, creates a false identity online (usually to trick someone into an emotional/romantic relationship). Could it be that this Randy Taylor guy pretended to be a younger guy online, Alexis Murphy found him attractive and, not knowing this 'boy' was really Taylor, they arranged a meeting/date at the theater?

People usually don't go to movie theaters alone and I really think Murphy might have gone there to watch a movie with this 'boy' she met online. She might've freaked out when she realized Taylor was a creeper and she was abducted at that point. Because there is NO way I can see her willingly going with this guy under any circumstances.
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