VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #1

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There is another very important name who was involved with Affordable Adult Vacations, Zaglanitis, and Baxter prior to 2004. His name is Thomas Wild.
Post subject: Newsletter
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 3:56 pm
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:33 pm
Posts: 33 Hello everyone,


As many of you now know, the former Affordable Adult Vacations is no more,

We are now And along with the new name, a new website, new promotions, and new ideas. We are now looking to the future.

The former sites ( ) are no longer affiliated with us. We have now severed our relationship with Alexis with the move to our new site, and we are now taking our bookings through Randy in Boston. You can get in touch with him at 1-*advertiser censored*-xx-xxxx-1 (1-*advertiser censored*-*advertiser censored*-xxxx) or at

Our reasons for the change were several, but it consisted mostly in a need for us to control our destiny and how our public viewed us. With the move, we now own and control our web site and all of the services surrounding it. And we make several pledges to you:

1.) There will be no more question of a third party embellishing reality. Our website will contain the facts, all of them. No half truths, and no excuses. The fact is that 9 guests out of 10 LOVE what we have to offer and the number of you that book again, or send your friends is a testament to that. There is no reason to have anything but the truth on our site.

2.) All of our photos will be CURRENT. The selection of women at the resort is incredible. We have absolutely NO reason to have to show models or girls from other locations or 10 year old photos. This may have been done by our previous booker and web master but NO MORE. We control the site and we will make certain that what you see is what you CAN GET.

3.) There will be no more confusion about who does what and who owns what. We all know Mike the manager, and some of you have met Ray. The owner is Tom Wild, and our new person in charge of bookings, web promotion and customer support is Randy. He will soon be joined by Amilcar for our Spanish guests

4.) We will be receptive to ANY suggestions that you have, be it about the villa or about the web site. If you have an idea that you think will make us better, we will use it. Our goal is to make certain that you have a GREAT time, and you are more aware of how we can help you do that than anyone.
Drug smuggling is a major problem on cruise ships. Last year a leading maritime source, Lloyd's List, reported on the problem of drug smuggling on cruise ships. In an article entitled "Drug Crimes Linked to Cruiseships Soar 52%," Lloyd's List stated:

"UK based Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) told Lloyd’s List there had also been a sharp increase in drug smuggling on cruise ships, which prompted it to issue a specific alert to cruise lines. SOCA said that despite its alert, cruise operators are down playing the problem and continue to rely on existing security measures to deal with the problem. The upsurge appears to be linked to professional drug gangs increasingly targeting cruise vessels. According to the law enforcement agencies, drug gangs have turned to cruise ships because drug enforcement agencies have worked hard to stifle smuggling routes using yachts, fishing boats, cargo vessels and aircraft. The gangs now see cruise ships as alternative vehicles for carrying drugs."
Rebecca Coriam

They met with the captain and officials from Disney in a small room on board the ship where they were shown the CCTV footage of their daughter.

"We asked if we could have a copy and we were told 'no'," said Mrs Coriam.

The couple said they had no opportunity to question the crew.

Instead, they said they were shown her room, the staff quarters and to Deck Five, where they said officials put forward a theory that Rebecca had been swept overboard by a wave.

However, the Coriams said they had doubts that was possible and said as the deck was in front of the ship's bridge, they believed someone would have seen what had happened to their daughter.

If someone was only using a photo of Amy that they had found elsewhere on the internet, that could account for the photo being there in 2002, not there and then there again later. Where could they have gotten the photo if it wasn't original to that site? Where else could that photo be found? It looks like at least some of the escort photos are also on

So then, is there a connection between Amy Bradley , and Robyn Gardner?
Found this excellent Guardian article about Rebecca Coriam after posting my last post. Almost 13 years to the exact day/hour of Amy's disappearance. Almost the exact same age.

There's no talk of it, but many people on board know something terrible occurred on this route – to Puerto Vallarta and Cabo San Lucas – earlier this year. At 5.45am on Tuesday 22 March, a CCTV camera captured a young woman on the phone in the crew quarters. Her name was Rebecca Coriam. She was 24, from Chester, and had recently graduated from a sports science degree at Exeter University. She'd been working in Youth Activities on board for nine months, and apparently loved it. But on the phone she was looking upset.
If someone was only using a photo of Amy that they had found elsewhere on the internet, that could account for the photo being there in 2002, not there and then there again later. Where could they have gotten the photo if it wasn't original to that site? Where else could that photo be found? It looks like at least some of the escort photos are also on

Hi Exia! I'm nowhere near caught up but one thing I know I can add is this: The escorts are required to have an adultfriendfinder account.

I read some of this thread as well as online stuff. I've skimmed through several other sites that have threads for Amy. I'm going back to them tomorrow & starting a file. I back searched the original flyer that Amy's photo (*advertiser censored*) was advertised in & found several working links when googling the full link, which allowed me to open up the cached page. I kept seeing Canadian ties.

Here's some conspiracy theory trivia: How did Baez meet his wife again? Or is she an ex now? Has anybody ever wondered why he was so quick to jump to Giordano in Aruba? Funny how that goes...

Traced it back to Nashville, an llc in Nashville...but not before it went through Venezuela & back to the states to Arizona.

Then there's Mr Pink that popped up in Natalee's case...

Lots of stuff on the net, hard to figure out what to stick with & what to throw away. Always a safe bet to follow the money.

Again, really want to help everybody on Amy's case but don't want to chime in until I'm educated on her stats. There's so much info on many different sites. I think once I start a file of notes, I'll try out some sort of timeline. I think it's important bc these "escort services" open & close on a daily basis. I'd like to trace contacts & owners. Then I'd like to trace their emails.

There's so many ways to get into accounts by back door methods, but alas hacking is illegal... :D
Hello everyone,


As many of you now know, the former Affordable Adult Vacations is no more,

We are now And along with the new name, a new website, new promotions, and new ideas. We are now looking to the future.

The former sites ( ) are no longer affiliated with us. We have now severed our relationship with Alexis with the move to our new site, and we are now taking our bookings through Randy in Boston. You can get in touch with him at 1-877-GO-WILD-1 (1-877-468-4531) or at

Our reasons for the change were several, but it consisted mostly in a need for us to control our destiny and how our public viewed us. With the move, we now own and control our web site and all of the services surrounding it. And we make several pledges to you:

1.) There will be no more question of a third party embellishing reality. Our website will contain the facts, all of them. No half truths, and no excuses. The fact is that 9 guests out of 10 LOVE what we have to offer and the number of you that book again, or send your friends is a testament to that. There is no reason to have anything but the truth on our site.

2.) All of our photos will be CURRENT. The selection of women at the resort is incredible. We have absolutely NO reason to have to show models or girls from other locations or 10 year old photos. This may have been done by our previous booker and web master but NO MORE. We control the site and we will make certain that what you see is what you CAN GET.

3.) There will be no more confusion about who does what and who owns what. We all know Mike the manager, and some of you have met Ray. The owner is Tom Wild, and our new person in charge of bookings, web promotion and customer support is Randy. He will soon be joined by Amilcar for our Spanish guests

4.) We will be receptive to ANY suggestions that you have, be it about the villa or about the web site. If you have an idea that you think will make us better, we will use it. Our goal is to make certain that you have a GREAT time, and you are more aware of how we can help you do that than anyone.

Hey you guys, we now have a new idol. "Be like Mike"? Forget that. I want to be like John, our 82 year old guest that visited us recently. Amazing. Viagra, Cialis, Levitra? He not only got it up, the girls said that he wasn’t shootin blanks either!

Thanks girls!

Next, lets clear up any rumors that you might have heard:

March, April and May have been very good months and we are operating as usual. June bookings are good, and we have been getting reservation requests for as far ahead as Thanks Giving (The US one!)

Miami and Caracas:
For those of you who have to spend a night on the road in either Miami or Caracas, we have now negotiated rates with some of the local hotel chains

In Miami, our guests are welcomed at:
Red Roof Inn
3401 Northwest Lejeune Road
A Miami , Florida U.S.A. 33142
(305) 871-4221

The rates we were quoted were $49.00 / night if you book directly at the hotel rather than through the 800 number and state that you are en route to Venezuela with ... Number=255

What we are:

One of the best descriptions of what we are was given to us by a previous guests:

"Thomas, this place is perfect. Beautiful women, a small group of guests, and an atmosphere that is like family. I travel a lot in my business, and I stay in hotels all the time. And what you have here is definitely not a hotel. It is great. You and the girls here have given me a chance to have a break from my routine, relax, recharge my batteries, fulfill my fantasies, and go back home refreshed. Thank You."

From R.R.

We are a PRIVATE villa.
We have been in business for several years
We offer a VACATION package that includes activities, and events,
We HAVE on site management… all the time 24/7

We are NOT a few rooms in a 32 room FAMILY motel
We are NOT a fly by night operation that tosses up a web page and hands you a line
We are NOT a trip with a room and a girl. No one there to assure that everything is as it should be…

Our women:
Contrary to rumors, we have had quite a few new women join us and we have started adding new profiles to our pages, and you can expect many more in the next week or two. You might notice something about our pictures… The women in our profiles are almost always photographed on the resort itself. Those of you that have been with us will recognize the settings and backgrounds. If the profile pictures are not done on site, you will see the women with others from our group in the gallery.

The others on the team:
Luis Fernandez is still the main contact at Caracas airport. As a matter of fact, he has been so busy that we have recently brought him on board full time. Sankar, Pedro, and Marelys and the rest of the resort team is also still with us, and we hope will be for a long time to come.

New Specials:
We have been running our little refers a friend special for a while now, and we want to try something new. In an effort to support our troops, and thank them for their effort and sacrifice, we are offering anyone who found themselves in a combat zone in the past 6 months a little R&R (At our resort, that means Rock & Roll!) If you are booking for a week, we will add a second two for one to your time with us On The House. Doesn’t matter what country you are from, just show us that you are a member of the armed forces, and that you were stationed away from home in a combat zone in the last six months, and we’ll get you a whole 24 hours more of 20 finger massages. (and more!!)

The NEW Villa:
We have recently acquired access to the villa next door. You will find pictures of it on our site soon also. We are at the moment using it to accommodate overflow and / or groups, and we may start using it for special events in the future. The facilities include four rooms, as well as a pool and hot tub.

Our work on the mesa has also begun. We have extended the patio, and the pieces to the spa and waterfall are on order. Expect a new yard in the next 6 to 8 weeks.

News about the web site:
Our new site is You will find that most of the good features from the past are still there, but we have made the site much easier to use, much nicer to go through. We have also begun working on multi-lingual versions. Expect the French and Spanish sites to be up and running in the next 10 to 15 days also. They are in the process of being translated now. We will be introducing a new contact, Amilcar to our Spanish guests. He will soon have a direct toll free number, and his own email address. Randy will handle all of the English and French callers.

Our gallery is being PURGED of any picture that does not reflect OUR villa. We have so many good pictures of our girls, activities and guests that there is no room for pictures of other places and times. And that’s a good thing.

Our bulletin board is up and running! Feel free to drop by and post a little note. We are happy to see you all.

We have new email addresses everyone!

You can now reach us at:

General Information

Sales information


Tom Wild direct:
The Girls

We are looking forward to seeing you all soon on the island…

Thomas, Randy and the rest of the team.

I have found the Amy Lynn Bradley case beyond bizarre ... I think it's great that there are still people keeping this thread active ...

FindAmy you have been great -- I've been reading and catching up and you've done a good job giving what you can ..

My question is (and if this isn't appropriate , mods please snip this)

I am aware there are many reasons one would be kidnapped ... but what I find so strange about this case , isn't the "kidnapping" (sadly , as we know this happens and gets tossed under the rug) itself ...

It's what happened since her dissapearence . Now the main thing that confuses me the most is the photographs . I am positive it's Amy (based on he statements I've read and from what I can see it's her (the hiding of tattoos was a real "obvious" , and strange).

I'm also convinced that there have been confirmed sightings ...

But the photos are the real "what the heck" thing for me , so I will try and ask this and word my question as best I can ..

- The photos are placed on a website for adult vacations.
- The photos are the opposite of flattering.
- The photos are of a missing American.
- The photos had a "name" , so whoever put them there must have knowingly done so ..

So what I don't get is ... why ?

If someone is kidnapped and for a reason ... why would the kidnappers post these pictures or have them posted ? They are not like the other pictures at all , and clearly show a woman in distress. It's clear who owned the website based on the last few pages , so I don't see why the police couldn't get to the bottom of the photos ..

The photos seem like a "taunt" to the family , but why ? I'm sure the captors figured that brothel websites would be searched and the photos would be seen ... so why post them ? I would think that a missing american crusie victim wouldn't be "showed off" online ...

You mentioned people taking pictures of the bradley's guests in VA after they came home .. IIRC you said that the police linked them to the people who are holding her captive ..

So with the photos online , along with going as far as having people go to the Bradley's .. it makes me just have to ask if it's possible that Amy is being held for a possible problem / debit that a family member had with someone ??

This case is just so bizarre -- and I can't get past the photographs and reason for posting them other then trying to "rub something in someone's face." ...

Sorry if this comes off the wrong way -- I'm just trying to think of why the heck these eerie , dark , and disturbing photos would be published of a missing American on a brothel website , who isn't (iirc you feel as well as I) a sexual slave or prostitute ???

Thanks FindAmy , and good job sleuthing guys !
Members, please hold off opening a new thread. We'll be opening a new thread within the next day or two.

Post subject: Newsletter
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 3:56 pm
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:33 pm
Posts: 33 Hello everyone,


As many of you now know, the former Affordable Adult Vacations is no more,

We are now And along with the new name, a new website, new promotions, and new ideas. We are now looking to the future.

The former sites ( ) are no longer affiliated with us. We have now severed our relationship with Alexis with the move to our new site, and we are now taking our bookings through Randy in Boston. You can get in touch with him at 1-*advertiser censored*-xx-xxxx-1 (1-*advertiser censored*-*advertiser censored*-xxxx) or at

Our reasons for the change were several, but it consisted mostly in a need for us to control our destiny and how our public viewed us. With the move, we now own and control our web site and all of the services surrounding it. And we make several pledges to you:

1.) There will be no more question of a third party embellishing reality. Our website will contain the facts, all of them. No half truths, and no excuses. The fact is that 9 guests out of 10 LOVE what we have to offer and the number of you that book again, or send your friends is a testament to that. There is no reason to have anything but the truth on our site.

2.) All of our photos will be CURRENT. The selection of women at the resort is incredible. We have absolutely NO reason to have to show models or girls from other locations or 10 year old photos. This may have been done by our previous booker and web master but NO MORE. We control the site and we will make certain that what you see is what you CAN GET.

3.) There will be no more confusion about who does what and who owns what. We all know Mike the manager, and some of you have met Ray. The owner is Tom Wild, and our new person in charge of bookings, web promotion and customer support is Randy. He will soon be joined by Amilcar for our Spanish guests

4.) We will be receptive to ANY suggestions that you have, be it about the villa or about the web site. If you have an idea that you think will make us better, we will use it. Our goal is to make certain that you have a GREAT time, and you are more aware of how we can help you do that than anyone.

Alexis Zaglanitis, Paul Baxter, and Thomas Wild were all involved with AAV when Amy's photograph first appeared in December of 2002. These three have to know something.

Zaglanitis was gone by 2004, but Wild and Baxter reinstated Amy's photograph on the website. They claim that their photos are current so they must know something.

Mike the Manager is Michael Hooper.

I have no doubt that these people are reading here at Websleuths. Amy's name appears at Google with Websleuth references. This is probably why the website has been closed.

I have found the Amy Lynn Bradley case beyond bizarre ... I think it's great that there are still people keeping this thread active ...

FindAmy you have been great -- I've been reading and catching up and you've done a good job giving what you can ..

My question is (and if this isn't appropriate , mods please snip this)

I am aware there are many reasons one would be kidnapped ... but what I find so strange about this case , isn't the "kidnapping" (sadly , as we know this happens and gets tossed under the rug) itself ...

It's what happened since her dissapearence . Now the main thing that confuses me the most is the photographs . I am positive it's Amy (based on he statements I've read and from what I can see it's her (the hiding of tattoos was a real "obvious" , and strange).

I'm also convinced that there have been confirmed sightings ...

But the photos are the real "what the heck" thing for me , so I will try and ask this and word my question as best I can ..

- The photos are placed on a website for adult vacations.
- The photos are the opposite of flattering.
- The photos are of a missing American.
- The photos had a "name" , so whoever put them there must have knowingly done so ..

So what I don't get is ... why ?

If someone is kidnapped and for a reason ... why would the kidnappers post these pictures or have them posted ? They are not like the other pictures at all , and clearly show a woman in distress. It's clear who owned the website based on the last few pages , so I don't see why the police couldn't get to the bottom of the photos ..

The photos seem like a "taunt" to the family , but why ? I'm sure the captors figured that brothel websites would be searched and the photos would be seen ... so why post them ? I would think that a missing american crusie victim wouldn't be "showed off" online ...

You mentioned people taking pictures of the bradley's guests in VA after they came home .. IIRC you said that the police linked them to the people who are holding her captive ..

So with the photos online , along with going as far as having people go to the Bradley's .. it makes me just have to ask if it's possible that Amy is being held for a possible problem / debit that a family member had with someone ??

This case is just so bizarre -- and I can't get past the photographs and reason for posting them other then trying to "rub something in someone's face." ...

Sorry if this comes off the wrong way -- I'm just trying to think of why the heck these eerie , dark , and disturbing photos would be published of a missing American on a brothel website , who isn't (iirc you feel as well as I) a sexual slave or prostitute ???

Thanks FindAmy , and good job sleuthing guys !

I don't know why these people posted Amy's photo online. It's bizarre, but they obviously had a reason.

I can speak for the Bradley family. They are a lovely family and none of them have had any problems. There would be absoutely no reason for this group to be retaliating against the Bradleys.
Post subject: Newsletter
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 3:56 pm
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:33 pm
Posts: 33 Hello everyone,


As many of you now know, the former Affordable Adult Vacations is no more,

We are now And along with the new name, a new website, new promotions, and new ideas. We are now looking to the future.

The former sites ( ) are no longer affiliated with us. We have now severed our relationship with Alexis with the move to our new site, and we are now taking our bookings through Randy in Boston. You can get in touch with him at 1-*advertiser censored*-xx-xxxx-1 (1-*advertiser censored*-*advertiser censored*-xxxx) or at

Our reasons for the change were several, but it consisted mostly in a need for us to control our destiny and how our public viewed us. With the move, we now own and control our web site and all of the services surrounding it. And we make several pledges to you:

Something isn't right with this explanation. Affordable Adult Vacations did go down the tubes in 2004 and Zaglanitis was out of the picture. Thomas Wild and Michael Hooper split off and started My Wild Vacation. This was not the same resort as Total Satisfaction. Total Satisfaction was started by Paul Baxter. From what I understand, Paul Baxter and Total Satisfaction are the ones who were posting Amy's photo from 2004 until 2005. In 2002, Thomas Wild, Paul Baxter, and Zaglanitis were all together. They split up in 2004.
Thanks FindAmy , I just had to ask because from what you've posted , and all the information about Amy that's avaible .. I wanted to know if her capture was possibly for personal reasons or an unpaid debit (which was a reason for human trafficking/slavery according to wiki).

Now my next question is this --

Could the FBI already have spoken to Mr. Baxter and the other associates with this "adult vacation" spot ?

It seems like (iirc you said the FBI went to margarita island) the FBI would have already spoken to Mr. Baxter or the other owner/manager , no?

If Playboy was invited to this place , and the man appeared on a documentary ... I just don't see why he would have posted pictures of a high profile missing person on his website (and pictures of a girl in obvious distress ?)

I know that Mr. Baxter's hotel was "legal" , and unfortunately there is a market for this "sex tourism" crap .. so just because someone runs a buisness in this field , it doesnt make them "automatically guilty" of a crime . But those pictures obviosley came from somewhere , and are posted on a website with known names so do you know if Mr. Baxter possibly already spoke with the FBI , and there are details which are not public ?

Such a weird case ...
Post subject: Newsletter
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 3:56 pm
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:33 pm
Posts: 33 Hello everyone,


As many of you now know, the former Affordable Adult Vacations is no more,

We are now And along with the new name, a new website, new promotions, and new ideas. We are now looking to the future.

The former sites ( ) are no longer affiliated with us. We have now severed our relationship with Alexis with the move to our new site, and we are now taking our bookings through Randy in Boston. You can get in touch with him at 1-*advertiser censored*-xx-xxxx-1 (1-*advertiser censored*-*advertiser censored*-xxxx) or at

Our reasons for the change were several, but it consisted mostly in a need for us to control our destiny and how our public viewed us. With the move, we now own and control our web site and all of the services surrounding it. And we make several pledges to you:

Something isn't right with this explanation. Affordable Adult Vacations did go down the tubes in 2004 and Zaglanitis was out of the picture. Thomas Wild and Michael Hooper split off and started My Wild Vacation. This was not the same resort as Total Satisfaction. Total Satisfaction was started by Paul Baxter. From what I understand, Paul Baxter and Total Satisfaction are the ones who were posting Amy's photo from 2004 until 2005. In 2002, Thomas Wild, Paul Baxter, and Zaglanitis were all together. They split up in 2004.

That's why I posted it ...

Such a shady underworld that goes on , but unfortunately it's "legal" in these countries , and when profit can be made people jump on the opportunity ...

I just can't see PB posting pictures of a missing American , with no (at least public) explination ??

That's why I am curious if he was interviewed and possibly cleared ? I know his "job" is definetly not "normal" and many would say "immoral" -- but if the FBI confirms the pictures are of Amy , I find it hard to believe this guy was involved ... he's apparently not "hiding" from ownership of the resort , he invited playboy and a camera crew , and we all know who ran the website ---

So wouldn't LE have talked to him ? I'm just trying to think why a businessman would do such a thing ? The pictures were found a long time ago and he isn't arrested , so maybe he was talked to and cleared after a non public explination ??

Is the Dr. Phil show avaible online ?
That's why I posted it ...

Such a shady underworld that goes on , but unfortunately it's "legal" in these countries , and when profit can be made people jump on the opportunity ...

I just can't see PB posting pictures of a missing American , with no (at least public) explination ??

That's why I am curious if he was interviewed and possibly cleared ? I know his "job" is definetly not "normal" and many would say "immoral" -- but if the FBI confirms the pictures are of Amy , I find it hard to believe this guy was involved ... he's apparently not "hiding" from ownership of the resort , he invited playboy and a camera crew , and we all know who ran the website ---

So wouldn't LE have talked to him ? I'm just trying to think why a businessman would do such a thing ? The pictures were found a long time ago and he isn't arrested , so maybe he was talked to and cleared after a non public explination ??

Is the Dr. Phil show avaible online ?

You've done your homework and you know that Amy's photographs were released on the Dr. Phil show.

The FBI did investigate. Sometimes people like Alister Douglas or AAV owners are cleared due to a lack of available evidence. That doesn't necessarily equate to innocence.

The Bradley family did absoutely nothing to cause their daughter's disappearance, and the people at Affordable Adlut Vacations know exactly why they posted Amy's photo over a period of four years.
Thanks FindAmy , I just had to ask because from what you've posted , and all the information about Amy that's avaible .. I wanted to know if her capture was possibly for personal reasons or an unpaid debit (which was a reason for human trafficking/slavery according to wiki).

Now my next question is this --

Could the FBI already have spoken to Mr. Baxter and the other associates with this "adult vacation" spot ?

It seems like (iirc you said the FBI went to margarita island) the FBI would have already spoken to Mr. Baxter or the other owner/manager , no?

If Playboy was invited to this place , and the man appeared on a documentary ... I just don't see why he would have posted pictures of a high profile missing person on his website (and pictures of a girl in obvious distress ?)

I know that Mr. Baxter's hotel was "legal" , and unfortunately there is a market for this "sex tourism" crap .. so just because someone runs a buisness in this field , it doesnt make them "automatically guilty" of a crime . But those pictures obviosley came from somewhere , and are posted on a website with known names so do you know if Mr. Baxter possibly already spoke with the FBI , and there are details which are not public ?

Such a weird case ...

The FBI investigated the situation.
Thanks FindAmy , I just had to ask because from what you've posted , and all the information about Amy that's avaible .. I wanted to know if her capture was possibly for personal reasons or an unpaid debit (which was a reason for human trafficking/slavery according to wiki).

Now my next question is this --

Could the FBI already have spoken to Mr. Baxter and the other associates with this "adult vacation" spot ?

It seems like (iirc you said the FBI went to margarita island) the FBI would have already spoken to Mr. Baxter or the other owner/manager , no?

If Playboy was invited to this place , and the man appeared on a documentary ... I just don't see why he would have posted pictures of a high profile missing person on his website (and pictures of a girl in obvious distress ?)

I know that Mr. Baxter's hotel was "legal" , and unfortunately there is a market for this "sex tourism" crap .. so just because someone runs a buisness in this field , it doesnt make them "automatically guilty" of a crime . But those pictures obviosley came from somewhere , and are posted on a website with known names so do you know if Mr. Baxter possibly already spoke with the FBI , and there are details which are not public ?

Such a weird case ...

Amy's photograph appeared years before the documentary was filmed. I don't see a correlation.
Post subject: Newsletter
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 3:56 pm
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:33 pm
Posts: 33 Hello everyone,


As many of you now know, the former Affordable Adult Vacations is no more,

We are now And along with the new name, a new website, new promotions, and new ideas. We are now looking to the future.

The former sites ( ) are no longer affiliated with us. We have now severed our relationship with Alexis with the move to our new site, and we are now taking our bookings through Randy in Boston. You can get in touch with him at 1-*advertiser censored*-xx-xxxx-1 (1-*advertiser censored*-*advertiser censored*-xxxx) or at

Our reasons for the change were several, but it consisted mostly in a need for us to control our destiny and how our public viewed us. With the move, we now own and control our web site and all of the services surrounding it. And we make several pledges to you:

Something isn't right with this explanation. Affordable Adult Vacations did go down the tubes in 2004 and Zaglanitis was out of the picture. Thomas Wild and Michael Hooper split off and started My Wild Vacation. This was not the same resort as Total Satisfaction. Total Satisfaction was started by Paul Baxter. From what I understand, Paul Baxter and Total Satisfaction are the ones who were posting Amy's photo from 2004 until 2005. In 2002, Thomas Wild, Paul Baxter, and Zaglanitis were all together. They split up in 2004.

Were all these guys located and questioned by the FBI? I see a lot of names being thrown out with possible connections to this case but I haven't seen if and when they were located?

Chances are Amy is also being forced to use an alias or more. Wonder what those would be.

IMO, we need to go back to the last person who saw her........I think he holds the key to Amy's disappearance. Where is he?

Why would anyone want to kidnap an American girl to be taken to Venezuela when it's clear they have their own girls to do whatever is demanded of them? And then post some erotic photos online in an attempt to perhaps taunt the family? Why? There have been no ransom demands, have there?

It's just not making a heck of whole lot of sense to expose her in that manner and then her "handlers" risk exposing her in public areas in broad daylight? The next question is how did they get her to travel from one country to another without a passport or ID? Yeah perhaps fake passports and ID's but wouldn't someone notice them on a plane, train? They would have to go through Customs at some point.

What are we missing here?? Something is just not adding up.
The Oaktree Inn

Prince Charles Avenue
Postal town: Durham

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