VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #1

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In one of the newsletters that Baxter posted after Alexis left, he said that he had control of the content of the website even when Alexis was there. It is in the wayback machine - the "talk" on the internet was "have you got the letter from AAV?". Cripes but I am so horrible with bookmarks - will have to search it out or ask for help finding it from our good WSers on here.

Thanks. Don't make yourself crazy. I just wondered if you happened to have any dates.
It is similar, but I think Amy's bed has a single rail above the heart, not a double one as in this picture.
There is another very important name who was involved with Affordable Adult Vacations, Zaglanitis, and Baxter prior to 2004. His name is Thomas Wild.
Okay, I know this isn't the bed frame, BUT ... check out how the frame is extended on each side. Could the bed in Amy's photo be similarly extended -- perhaps there's no attached nightstand; rather, just an extended headboard with a simple table placed where a nightstand would be? (Not sure if I conveyed that thought clearly.)

Yes. Eduardo Cabrita is the head waiter who was overly attentive and invited Amy to Carlos and Charlies. He is also the one who approached Brad the next morning and expressed how sorry he was to hear that his sister was missing. This was before anyone knew Amy was missing. During his interview with the FBI, Cabrita told them that Iva had been asking what would happen if someone fell off of the ship. Iva never had any discussions with this guy. Iva made several requests for Cabrita to be polygraphed. She was never given any results. The photo below was taken two days before Amy disappeared. Eduardo Cabrita is from Portugual.

A name and a face. I only knew him as the waiter. Why has this loser not had to answer to anything? He is an important contributor to the kidnapping of Amy Bradley. I have thought much about him (not good). Him and ADouglas. They started this nightmare for Amy Bradley and Amy's family.
APR 05 - (New York) – DEA Administrator Michele M. Leonhart today announced today that international arms dealer Viktor Bout was sentenced today to 25 years in prison for conspiring to sell millions of dollars’ worth of weapons, including hundreds of surface-to-air missiles and over 20,000 AK-47s to the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (the “FARC”), a designated foreign terrorist organization based in Colombia. Bout understood that the weapons would be used to kill Americans in Colombia. (...)

“The crimes Viktor Bout committed represent the worst case scenario for modern law enforcement--the merger of criminal international narcotics cartels with their terrorism enablers,” Leonhart said. “... Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of criminal investigators and prosecutors in the United States, Thailand, Romania, Curacao and elsewhere, the ‘Merchant of Death’ has finally been held to account in a court of law for his years of profiteering from death and misery around the world.” (...)

According to the indictment and evidence presented at the trial:

Since the 1990s, Bout has been an international weapons trafficker. As a result of his weapons trafficking activities in Liberia, the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control within the Department of Treasury placed him on the Specially Designated Nationals list in 2004. (...)

Bout said that he understood that the CSs wanted the arms to use against American personnel in Colombia, and advised that, “We have the same enemy,” referring to the United States. He also stated that the FARC’s fight against the United States was also his fight and that he had been “fighting the United States…for 10 to 15 years.” During the meeting, he also offered to provide people to train the FARC in the use of the arms. (...)

In addition, the Romanian National Police, the Romanian Prosecutor’s Office Attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Korps Politie Curaçao of the Netherlands Antilles, and the Danish National Police Security Services assisted, as well as the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of International Affairs who also participated in this investigation.


I'm chewing on many many thoughts right now. Earlier someone posted about how "All American" most of the missing cruise ship passengers looked on CruiseBruise. What if some are being used in trafficking -- weapons, drugs, people -- against the U.S.?
The next case I'm sinking myself into is this one. I was intrigued by Amy's disappearance years ago. I'm going to read up on everything I can find before I start posting, but before I do that I'd like to say this: I have always believed that Amy was sold into prostitution/slavery. Hope reading everything online changes my mind...

Lemme go educate myself on her disappearance...
Glad to see you here Jersey*Girl. I know you will be an asset.
hoping for some answers i have been lurking more than posting the thread is getting to long. maybe we could have the mods close this one and start another thread. for those who are newbiies to ws when a thread gets to so many pages it becomes more difficult to search and read up on all the new post plus the old ones so the mods will close this thread for posting only but you can view it as many times as you want they will then start another thread but it will be like thread 1,2,3,4,5,6 ectetera
When a thread is getting too long a poster has the ability to open a new thread. If FindAmy wants to open a new thread she can or she can request someone else to open a new thread. However, you are correct that to close a thread requires a moderator, but a new thread can be opened by anyone. Am just saying.
Okay, I know this isn't the bed frame, BUT ... check out how the frame is extended on each side. Could the bed in Amy's photo be similarly extended -- perhaps there's no attached nightstand; rather, just an extended headboard with a simple table placed where a nightstand would be? (Not sure if I conveyed that thought clearly.)

View attachment 26290
Looks similar, only painted white.
I'm sorry Jaime, I got distracted and didn't see your second question. He was seen by several witnesses the next morning. These witnesses have tesified that he was in the glass elevator with Amy and that he was in the open disco area with Amy. One witness testified that he gave Amy a drink containing a dark liquid. The witnesses also claim that they saw Douglas going down in the glass elevator, by himself, without Amy. The witnesses have given statements to the FBI, they took polygraphs, and one witness went to Virginia to testify before a Grand Jury.

Alister Douglas cliams that he didn't see Amy in the morning. He claims that he was asleep in his room when Royal Caribbean officials found him. The FBI says that his polygraph was not conclusive. Alister Douglas also claims that he wasn't in Porto Marie the following August, when David Carmichael saw him.

Am I being naive? However, is it due to the laws or no laws, but can't charges be filed against AD and EC? Civil suits?
A name and a face. I only knew him as the waiter. Why has this loser not had to answer to anything? He is an important contributor to the kidnapping of Amy Bradley. I have thought much about him (not good). Him and ADouglas. They started this nightmare for Amy Bradley and Amy's family.

They were never able to prove that Amy was kidnapped from the ship and these two walked away. It took more than just Alister Douglas to drug Amy, move her from the top deck in a freight elevator, and pass her off to whomever took her through the cruise terminal. My personal opion (and that of a few others) is that Eduardo Cabrita was involved. I personally think that Amy was supposed to disappear the night before at Carlos and Charlies in Aruba. Cabrita is the one who asked her to go.
I want to ask that people please don't go to Cabrita's Facebook. This is not a recent Facebook photo. This photograph of the Tazmanian Devil absolutely haunts me, because Taz is the tattoo on Amy's left shoulder.

This is very disturbing. I can't imagine the pain the Bradley's suffer daily. My heart goes out to them. Not a day goes by that I don't think about them, and pray that Amy is brought home to them. I believe. Their nightmare will end.
Am I being naive? However, is it due to the laws or no laws, but can't charges be filed against AD and EC? Civil suits?

There's just no evidence. This group was good. This was well planned and they were very organized. Amy really did vanish without a trace.
This is very disturbing. I can't imagine the pain the Bradley's suffer daily. My heart goes out to them. Not a day goes by that I don't think about them, and pray that Amy is brought home to them. I believe. Their nightmare will end.

We will see these people in handcuffs.
While looking up Alexis, I found a link for this same "letter" question dated May 3, 2008, from this forum. When you click, you're asked to log in.

Yes, I was able to read that forum, just yesterday, freely. Now, it requires registration just to read the postings. From what I recal, it goes back all the way to Before the time Alexis had left.
My guess is that they noticed an increase in traffic or viewers on the forum, did a bit of googling and found the increased activity of forums speaking about Amy, and leading people to peruse their forum, so they shut it off to the public. I do think it just takes a simple registration to view it again.
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