VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #1

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FA how was Amys picture found on that website? I just went over to Aside from the cruise ship personnel that went missing and a few others, the rest look very much "all American" Even the men. I wonder if any of these people might turn up in the same website(s) Amy has?
Notice the cheap metal beds.



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Curaçao, the second of the ABC's (Aruba being the third) and only 38 miles downwind from Bonaire, but a different world. Whereas Bonaire exists almost solely as a tourist destination, Curaçao is a real place with industry, infrastructure and a fine deep water port. True, the industry is heavily focused on the sprawling oil refinery that seems to dominate much of the capital Willemstad, but it is industry nonetheless. Fortunately, the oil storage tanks and flares are not visible from the central shopping area, which is what most tourists see.

Curaçao also has a large and well protected anchorage at Spanish Water where there are often eighty or more cruising (and no longer cruising) yachts at anchor. (...)

In spite of what at first seemed the many attractions, we found Curaçao a strangely unwelcoming place. Hard to put our fingers on exactly why this is, but many other yachties we've met have said the same. It's certainly true that the happy hours and social events seem to split more noticeably along nationalistic, or more accurately linguistic, lines than in any other place we've been before. This certainly reduces the sense of community which normally exists in any seasonal anchorage, though we're not sure whether it is cause or effect.

There's also the fact that Curaçao is, much more than most other places, a kind of floating transit camp. For most boats Panama beckons and they are only in Curaçao waiting for the end of the hurricane season. Who knows? Whatever the reason Curaçao is not number one on our list of return destinations. - 060.htm
I've been reading the reports of the missing and most state they went overboard and are presumed dead. I don't buy it. Based on what we have seen from pictures and from people who have been on cruises it's almost impossible to go overboard. We've been talking about going on a cruise, I think I will stick to land!

Yes. Eduardo Cabrita is the head waiter who was overly attentive and invited Amy to Carlos and Charlies. He is also the one who approached Brad the next morning and expressed how sorry he was to hear that his sister was missing. This was before anyone knew Amy was missing. During his interview with the FBI, Cabrita told them that Iva had been asking what would happen if someone fell off of the ship. Iva never had any discussions with this guy. Iva made several requests for Cabrita to be polygraphed. She was never given any results. The photo below was taken two days before Amy disappeared. Eduardo Cabrita is from Portugual.



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FA how was Amys picture found on that website? I just went over to Aside from the cruise ship personnel that went missing and a few others, the rest look very much "all American" Even the men. I wonder if any of these people might turn up in the same website(s) Amy has?

Amy's photo was discovered on the AAV website by an American man. I don't want to put his name out here without permission, because he's a good guy. He contacted the Bradleys and the FBI, immediately.
I've been reading the reports of the missing and most state they went overboard and are presumed dead. I don't buy it. Based on what we have seen from pictures and from people who have been on cruises it's almost impossible to go overboard. We've been talking about going on a cruise, I think I will stick to land!

Good idea. I won't take another cruise. You are at the mercy of the cruise company in the middle of an ocean. You have no protection.
The next case I'm sinking myself into is this one. I was intrigued by Amy's disappearance years ago. I'm going to read up on everything I can find before I start posting, but before I do that I'd like to say this: I have always believed that Amy was sold into prostitution/slavery. Hope reading everything online changes my mind...

Lemme go educate myself on her disappearance...
"Cruisers" in this case refers to yachters, etc., but (imo) this speaks to FA's previous remarks regarding customs and immigration logs.

For years, cruisers have been coming to Curacao, staying 90 days, then checking out and sailing off to Bonaire or Venezuela for some weeks, or flying to the U.S. or Europe, and then re-entering Curacao for another 90 day stay. It is this second 90 day stay within a calendar year that is now being denied. (...)

Local Wifi operator Hans Roos gave noonsite an insight into the local situation currently in Curacao, “The situation is far from comfortable. For a long time a few Immigration officials have been causing a lot of problems. After making some noise, these officials were relocated. It is however difficult to know what really is going on. (...)"

"We know that within immigration their is friction between management and employees. (...)"

"What also does not help is that the political situation on Curacao is getting less comfortable. There is more and more resentment against the Dutch government, Dutch people in general and particularly those living on Curacao. (...)"

For some reason within immigration they invent new rules as you stay in front of them.
FindAmy, ya know that site that Amy's picture appeared on? Well I remember seeing something on waybackmachine awhile ago. Plus if I remember right, some of the old links in the cached properties within that site's main link still worked. I remember tracing a person in that site to Canada, some to other countries, all of these sites were a back door for prostitution. Several countries legalize sex sales. I'm sure you know this.
No Teche, there aren't. The country of Curacao should have records of everyone who passed through their Customs and Immigration at the terminal, that day. The Bradleys have never seen this information. I have to wonder if it disappeared along with the surveillance tapes.

& more to the point, I wonder if they get kickbacks from the sex sale industry. Sometimes I think that major vacation lines are in on it bc it sure does seem like they intentionally don't see certain things... Or they stand behind a certain country's laws. I hate it.
"Cruisers" in this case refers to yachters, etc., but (imo) this speaks to FA's previous remarks regarding customs and immigration logs.

Curacao is about 40 miles from Venezuela. I have posted photographs of the Floating Venezuela Market in Punda. These wooden boats arrive every morning from villages on the coast of Venezuela. These boats are loaded with vegetables and produce. They line up along the canal in Punda, which is directly across from Otrobanda. I seriously doubt if these boats are carefully checked every morning.

Forty miles isn't really far at all for a large boat or yacht. These boats could easily be crossing without being checked by Immigration. They could be going into the large harbors and canals or they could be docking in more remote areas of the island.
Welcome, Jersey*Girl! I remember you from the Jacob/Jess thread. Heartbreaking. :(
I want to ask that people please don't go to Cabrita's Facebook. This is not a recent Facebook photo. This photograph of the Tazmanian Devil absolutely haunts me, because Taz is the tattoo on Amy's left shoulder.



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See you guys soon...

Welcome aboard JerseyGirl and it is so very nice to see you here joining in with the FindAmy crew.

Good to work with you again and am so glad that you have chosen Amy's case as the next one to sink into!

I am sensing that a formidable team is forming here - awesome!
I've messaged a mod to request that a second thread be opened. Not sure if I did it right, so stay tuned! :)

Sorry to quote myself, but just wanted to say that a mod is looking into opening thread #2. She said that new threads are usually opened at the 50-page or 1,000-post mark, so we're about ready. She'll post more info here when she has it.
Hamilton, Ontario surfaces again.

This man is married with a daughter.

Great article here about Bob Feaver, the guy in the video. He sexually harassed a coworker and she tells about it.

SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2008

A progressive society?

My career began with a boss’s hurtful
comment years ago, yet sexual harassment
still exists today for most women in the

By: Susan Clairmont

He is on a bed with two young
They’ve gone into the room with
him because he’s using his twofor-one ticket before he leaves the
Venezuelan brothel to return home
to Peterborough.
He takes his shirt off revealing his
huge gut and man-*advertiser censored* that one
girl says are bigger than hers. He
begins to touch the girls.
Before things go too much further, the camera operated by a BBC
documentary crew backs out the
doorway, leaving the sex tourist to
have his way with the girls he has
bought for the week.
“I’ll be back in April,” he says in
the next shot as he farewells girl
after girl with a hug and a kiss.
I’m watching this on YouTube
with my mouth open.
I know this guy. His name is Bob
Feaver. I used to work for him. He
was my editor.
And he sexually harassed me.
It was at the beginning of my career. I was fresh out of journalism
school, 22 years old. Working for
The Peterborough Examiner. The
only other woman in the newsroom
was our lifestyles editor.
I was the police reporter. But, as
is the way at a small daily, I had
other duties as well. I took photos.
Wrote a column. Did some sports
reporting. I answered to a number
of different editors. Feaver, known
as Sports Feaver, was one of them.
He’d been at the paper forever,
even then. Was well known around
town, though not necessarily well
respected. He was crass and ignorant. Once, during a staff Christmas gift exchange, he presented a
gay reporter with a feather duster.
I had been at the paper only a few
weeks when head shots were taken
of me. The photographer was at my
desk, showing me the pics and a
few colleagues gathered around to
help me choose the best one.
Then Feaver came by.
In my short time at the paper,
he’d been attentive to me. Came to
my desk a lot. But I wasn’t prepared
for what he had to say this day. In
front of the guys I worked with.
“It’s a good picture, but it would
be better if you were naked.”
Nobody knew what to do.
The guys turned on their heels
and walked away. I sat in front of
my computer, feeling my cheeks
burn and tears well.
What have I done to deserve that
humiliation? I’m going about my
business, doing my job and I get
treated like that? I’ve just earned a
master’s degree and landed my first
newsroom job so I can be treated
like that? By a guy I report to?
People who know me now might
be surprised that I was so overwhelmed that day. After all, I’m not
exactly a shrinking violet. But this
was a long time ago. I wasn’t as sure
of myself. Wasn’t as knowledgeable about my rights and the law
and the definition of sexual harassment. Wouldn’t have realized that
what just happened to me is experienced by 87 per cent of women at
some point in their working life,
according to Statistics Canada.


Even as I watch my former editor
on YouTube, the day’s Spectator on
my desk is open to a column about a
high profile sexual harassment case
at our city hall. Hamilton Police
have problems with a male sergeant
and 12 female complainants.
That day back at The Examiner, I
was devastated. Yet I had to do
I went to my managing editor.
The big boss. It may have been the
first time I’d set foot in his office.
Told him what had just transpired
between me, his newest staffer, and
Feaver, one of his longest-serving
The ME immediately took me
and Feaver into the board room. I
was terrified. The ME asked Feaver
if it was true. Feaver began to cry.
He apologized then left the room.
That was that. I worked with
Feaver for another five years.
I’ve sometimes thought about
that day. Questioned the way I’d
handled things. Wondered how
he’d treated other women who
came after me.
Recently I got an e-mail from a
long-lost Examiner co-worker. He
sent me a link to YouTube and the
BBC documentary that aired in
Britain in December.
I called my old ME. Seems that,
after 30 years on the job, Feaver left
the paper. In December.
My encounter with
Feaver stuck with me,
but I realized he
probably never
gave it another
thought. I decided I’d write about
him. The harassment, the video
and the fretting I’d done in between.
I was going to write this column
without naming him. Then my editor reminded me I don’t do that. I
name names. I make people accountable. Or try to. She’s right.
So I phoned Bob Feaver.
He recognized my name immediately. I told him I was writing a column about him. About the harassment. About the documentary.
“That show was edited to make
me look bad. All the women there
were adults. They all had government papers,” he says.
As for the harassment, he can’t
remember where it took place, but
yes, he does recollect saying something he shouldn’t have.
“It did not become part of my
personnel file. (Our ME) felt it was
dealt with at the time, and that was
it... It was just the old male mentality of cracking jokes.”
He is upset I am writing this column. Doesn’t know why I would do
this to him.
“You hurt me enough at the time,
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