VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

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So happy to see this thread nice and active again!

I noticed someone a couple postings back said perhaps Amy did fall overboard or was murdered on the ship. It seems this is the most logical explanation and NORMALLY I would go with it EXCEPT all the sightings - the Canadian tourist who saw her on the beach several months later, the Navy officer at the brothel, the San Francisco sighting, the woman in the Barbados store. It's what makes this case so creepy. Not to mention the VI said that after Amy's disappearance, some men were found taking pics of the Bradley house and I believe sped off when the cops were called. That chills me to the bone.

OMG, it makes me sick to think that in each of the above cases, Amy probably thought it was her chance to be rescued and it didn't happen.
Still wondering if it was as simple as Amy looking like someone who needed to switch places with her, perhaps for her passport to disembark from the boat, or some other reason.
What do you think happened to Amy?

What do you suggest we sleuth?

ever since i read the huffington post article about grateful doe and how many of the "facts" were in fact completely wrong i've really started trying to reanalyze some of the ws cases that i follow.

in ab's case i wonder what first-person information we can gather regarding the sightings. i haven't had time but i want to go back to see what msm still exists and what timeline we have regarding when the sightings were reported. for example - iirc the military guy who saw her in the brothel didn't report it for months (years?). what about the others? the conclusion i want to get to is whether any of the sightings were of the "oh man i saw that missing chick let me report it right away" type or if they were all "i just watched unsolved mysteries and i think some girl i kinda remember seeing two years ago might be the missing girl in that episode".

human memory being what it is, i'd like to see if we have any direct first-hand accounts of people who saw something and reported it right away. if we don't, then i lean much more towards someone hurting her and throwing her off of the ship and the subsequent sightings being well-meaning people trying to fit something weird into this narrative.

even the reports that the ship was too close to shore and she was too strong a swimmer to have drowned seem suspect to me. if we don't know exactly when she went missing how do we know exactly how far off shore the ship was? the idea that she's a good swimmer only matters if she would have been in a position to swim if she was pushed overboard.

anyway, sorry for being long-winded but that's where my head is right now.
I get what you are saying about human memory not being perfect....that well-meaning people might just think that they saw's just that these sightings were so specific. The Canadian tourist on the beach said she tried to approach him when she saw he spoke English, and he described her tatoos. (VI said that Royal Caribbean's lawyers went to his home after all this and tried to intimidate him.) She identified herself by name in the brothel, and she identified herself by name and her home state to the lady in the store in Barbados.
I get what you are saying about human memory not being perfect....that well-meaning people might just think that they saw's just that these sightings were so specific. The Canadian tourist on the beach said she tried to approach him when she saw he spoke English, and he described her tatoos. (VI said that Royal Caribbean's lawyers went to his home after all this and tried to intimidate him.) She identified herself by name in the brothel, and she identified herself by name and her home state to the lady in the store in Barbados.

i'm not disagreeing that those are the "facts", i just want to find specific first-hand accounts of those encounters and not retellings from third parties so i can make a personal judgment regarding the validity of the memory of the witnesses.

for example from what i've gathered -

august 1998, a canadian diver (named in msm, has given interviews) saw a woman on the beach in curacao that he says fits ab's description. a transcript from cnn of an interview with him (about halfway down, this has been linked before so you may have read it):

reading his words directly i certainly think he is being honest. i just question (and this is an opinion everyone can disagree with) how well he remembers the actual details considering he saw her in august 1998, saw an episode of america's most wanted in dec 1998 (and says he tried to report it) and then managed to get someone's attention in may 1999 after seeing an episode of america's most wanted.

again, i think he's being honest i just would feel a lot more comfortable if he had seen her and immediately reported it to le and we had a transcript from that day with all of the details he gave. instead we have a transcript from cnn in 2001 (three years later). memory is a fickle creature and i have some reservations about these sightings that were reported months (or years in the navy officer's case) later.
I get what you mean as we know eyewitness testimony does not tend to improve with time elapsed from the incident. In the case of the Canadian SCUBA diver and the lady in the Barbados washroom, they are both in the Vanished show with Beth Holloway giving their accounts in their own words.

If I recall, the diver remembered the tattoos specifically as she seemed to be trying to draw attention to them in the outside bar and at the time the Tasmanian Devil one wasn't well known. I could be wrong about that.
So happy to see this thread nice and active again!

I noticed someone a couple postings back said perhaps Amy did fall overboard or was murdered on the ship. It seems this is the most logical explanation and NORMALLY I would go with it EXCEPT all the sightings - the Canadian tourist who saw her on the beach several months later, the Navy officer at the brothel, the San Francisco sighting, the woman in the Barbados store. It's what makes this case so creepy. Not to mention the VI said that after Amy's disappearance, some men were found taking pics of the Bradley house and I believe sped off when the cops were called. That chills me to the bone.

OMG, it makes me sick to think that in each of the above cases, Amy probably thought it was her chance to be rescued and it didn't happen.

I take issue with the sightings, as someone else had said (paraphrasing) "are these sightings by people who had known about Amy missing, or is it people who watched a TV show about her and then thought they had seen her?".

I'm not dismissing MSM and Tv shows with memory recall, not at all - but when you watch sensational TV regarding missing persons stories / verses MSM articles, you are hearing about what THEY think happened to her. Sightings will then go towards those theories, like the sex trafficking in this case.

I am VERY interested in this Navy Seal who had "met" her at a brothel. Anyone have the deets on that?

I'm sure there are prostitutes who are smuggled or under the control of a pimp that would attempt to reach out to be saved, but how is it that they do this several times (as reported with Amy) and it's told in the press but the girl is still alive?

And this speaks volumes about anyone who encountered her sexually that supposedly she disclosed who she was and yet they did nothing until it involved press. A girl comes to you scared and in trouble, she places her confidence on you to relay that she's alive and where she's at as well as who she is. Why on earth would someone walk out of that establishment and NOT get to the nearest payphone, or use their cell? I understand being scared and rightfully so - but my god, you can call the police - remain anon - and get the hell out of dodge before they show up! Why didn't this Navy guy stick around or extend his time with her, go back and see her frequently? We do have regulars, this is a customer service industry. All business people associated in customer service (more so sex work) are encouraged to build up a customer service base so that advertising costs go dow and they can depend more on a small circle. Doing this takes the heat off of you as a person (from LE) as well as working less because you have regulars. The more that he would pay to see her the more trusted to the owners he would become, and that would extend to him having "out dates" rather than just right there. *you pay the madam at brothels and not the girls, before the date takes place but after negotiations on cost of time and activity*

One BIG thing to keep in mind is escort reviews. When Amy supposedly was active as "Jas" the internet and sex forums were in the start stages, and if you were online you were considered a bit more classier. Review and ranking systems went onto place with websites like Theeroticreivew (better known as TER), Cityvibe, Bigdoggie and lastly SFRedbook (which covers a lot). Those are the oldest of websites with a review system, and then there is the world wide sex guide - the very first. Here is a link <NSFW>

Did anyone ever think to look to see if "Jas" has reviews? The reviews are explicit and you can see from this link (no photo but explicit content) how much information is shared without a pay membership. I frequently check TER when we have active missing sex workers, because there is so much detail shared.


This is very typical when there's a lawsuit going on of a missing person and a company being responsible. It was probably a private agency hired to stake out their home to see if Amy was actively there. It could also be media, or simply nosy people trying to get crime memorabilia. I wouldn't even concern yourself with the worry of it. Most cases, more so those with lawsuits, have photographers that watch.

I know my neighbor had a lawsuit for an insurance settlement and the insurance company staked out her house to get photos, attempting to prove she was fabricating her injury.
I get what you mean as we know eyewitness testimony does not tend to improve with time elapsed from the incident. In the case of the Canadian SCUBA diver and the lady in the Barbados washroom, they are both in the Vanished show with Beth Holloway giving their accounts in their own words.

If I recall, the diver remembered the tattoos specifically as she seemed to be trying to draw attention to them in the outside bar and at the time the Tasmanian Devil one wasn't well known. I could be wrong about that.

That's the episode I watched when I began on this thread a few days ago. Your recount of the eye-witnesses is correct.
Still wondering if it was as simple as Amy looking like someone who needed to switch places with her, perhaps for her passport to disembark from the boat, or some other reason.

That's a very good theory. I have heard accurate stories of this happening in America for sex trafficked or drug cartel persons'. They assume the identity by killing and disposing of the person whose passport/ID/birth certificate etc is all available for the taking. Normally though they buddy up with the person, get to know their person details and assume their life to an extent (not like Single white female style, more like knowing personal things in order to get passwords etc). The people whose identity is stolen are often murdered, and found ... so that their identity comes to a close. A missing persons whose items are stolen and isn't found deceased wouldn't work too well for the people using the Identification to cross boarders. It would be flagged. Given the crackdown post 9/11, it wouldn't be wise to allow the person to remain undiscovered once killed. I assume they use the Identification to get to the next country and ditch it to become again someone else.
Astrokitty, I appreciate your insight and concern.
Is this ok to bring over?

Iva continues, "At about 1:00, Ron and I decided to go to bed. Some time between 5:15 and 5:30 my husband woke up and he saw Amy asleep on the deck. And about a half an hour later, at 6:00 a.m., he woke back up. He saw that Amy was no longer on the balcony."

"I immediately thought that she was up on the top deck," says Ron, "and so I left to try and go up and find her. When I couldn't find her, I didn't really know what to think, because it was very much unlike Amy to leave and not tell us where she was going."

Iva recounts, "Ronnie woke me up at 7:00 a.m., and he was gray, and he said, 'I can't find Amy,' and I knew immediately there was something terribly wrong. My son went up to look for Amy. He was approached by the band members and they said, 'Sorry to hear about your sister.' How in the world did they know anything about Amy being missing?

"At approximately lunchtime, the captain said, 'She is not on the ship. We have searched every nook and cranny.' And I said, 'Well, you've got to put a picture out.'" And he looked at me and said, 'I cannot do that. It will disturb the other guests.'

"My son was in a fetal position. Ron was vomiting blood, and I had no feeling in my arms.

"The captain made the comment to us that she could have fallen overboard. And I told him absolutely no way. He said that we should get off the boat in case she ended up in Curaçao.

"My gut feeling to this day was somebody saw her, somebody wanted her, and somebody took her."

Right here is all I need to make assumptions, bringing this forward for us to discuss because I think there's a lot right here to read into.
Thanks, Astro, for the JAS escort review suggestion, website names and links. Very useful
So, at 1:00am parents go to bed.
Between 5:15-5:30am Dad awakes and finds that Amy appears to be sleeping out on the deck/balcony of their cabin. Dad goes back to sleep, and awakens approx 30mins later at 6:00am, and sees that Amy is no longer on the balcony/deck of their cabin.

Dad decides to go see if Amy was up on the top deck(at/around 6:00am). He searches around for her with no luck and returns to their cabin and awakes mom at/around 7:00am.

Dad was already gray in color when waking up mom to inform her that he was unable to locate Amy within that approx hour of time(6:00ish-7:00ish), and mom immediately knew something was terribly wrong.

The brother sets out to search for Amy as well and is approached by members of the band saying they were sorry about his sister being missing. According to mom there would have been no way of their having known that Amy was "missing" at the time when they approached the brother(with dad/brother having been searching for Amy I do not find it unusual for members of the crew to have already heard that Amy was "missing").

By lunchtime the family is told by the captain that they had thoroughly searched every nook and cranny of the ship and that Amy was not found to be on board. The family told the captain that a picture of Amy needed to be dispersed to all people on board the ship to ensure they know what she looks like, and that she was missing. The captain declined to do so saying he did not want to upset all other guests on board.

So, by lunchtime the brother was crouching in the fetal position, dad was vomiting blood, and mom had lost all feeling in both of her arms.

The captain made the comment to the family about the possibility of Amy having gone overboard, to which mom immediately, and vehemently was opposed to this possibility, but rather believed then, and now that someone wanted Amy and took her.
I really think it's hinky, all of it. I don't for a second believe she was abducted or is even alive. She either fell over or was pushed over, given the statements by her family I posted above from the Verified insider to the case.

Fetal position, vomiting blood? Uh.. no medic was called about the blood vomiting or the loss of sensation in the mothers' arms? This makes me question what's dramatically altered by her parents and what the truth is. A father reacting that way, well - we've seen it on here before and in those cases they ended up not being so forthright. MOO
I really think it's hinky, all of it. I don't for a second believe she was abducted or is even alive. She either fell over or was pushed over, given the statements by her family I posted above from the Verified insider to the case.

Fetal position, vomiting blood? Uh.. no medic was called about the blood vomiting or the loss of sensation in the mothers' arms? This makes me question what's dramatically altered by her parents and what the truth is. A father reacting that way, well - we've seen it on here before and in those cases they ended up not being so forthright. MOO
I disagree with your assessment. I've read nearly every post on WS and JQ and other sites and all information I can gather she was likely abducted. Witnesses saw her going up or getting off the elevator with the band member "Yellow" early in the morning after she was laying on the patio in her father's room. I still think Yellow is the answer to this case and knows what happened. either he arranged the abduction or knows who did.

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How did she get off the boat and it wasn't docked?
Was she on video in the elevator?
Who said they had witnessed her in the elevator with "Yellow"?
How did she get past her sleeping father, slip out the door and get drugged/kidnapped in the span of 30 minutes? I know it can happen but with a physically strong woman that had a degree in physical education etc., I find this hard to believe. GHB etc take around 15 minutes to kick in, some other drugs take longer based on bioavailability and the amounts of fat in food last digested, grapefruit and of course alcohol.

For this to be plausible, Amy would had to have been subdued instantly and somehow placed where there are no cameras, no eye-witnesses to see a struggle nor anyone able to hear her. There are places to take someone on ships but we are again talking 30 minutes.

Everyone is so convinced she was abducted and put into sex trafficking, why accept that? Where is the proof beyond 2 photos that we aren't sure are her and sightings that really hold no merit.

The facts are what is posted up there regarding the 30 minutes she went from outside her room but still considered her room, with her father asleep RIGHT THERE and not drugged - to being missing completely. How did she manage that or better yet, how did others manage that without awaking her father? That's pretty damn brazen.

I know a few can't tolerate my posts, and that's fine and I truly don't have a theory - none. I am posting information about the industry everyone is so convinced she was taken into against her will and asking questions on why that's so easy to believe. I would have thought people would be open to learning about sex trafficking and sex-work since it's the theory people believe and I assume are wanting to find Amy. It appears that's not the case though, a few want to accept the non-reality of how it all works.

I would love the Navy Seal's name so I can read the book, or at least get an idea of what he says his encounter was. I've asked several times and no one has a link, I suppose it's time I sleuthed and googled.
I disagree with your assessment. I've read nearly every post on WS and JQ and other sites and all information I can gather she was likely abducted. Witnesses saw her going up or getting off the elevator with the band member "Yellow" early in the morning after she was laying on the patio in her father's room. I still think Yellow is the answer to this case and knows what happened. either he arranged the abduction or knows who did.

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I promise you I mean no snark in this, but both websites are opinions unless verified by law enforcement. People posting theories doesn't equal truth. It's opinions, like this one. So while I understand your sentiment, I'm looking at it with fresh eyes and without reading every post through the threads to muddle my opinion. I am giving my 1st opinion of something, I don't understand why there's anything to disagree with in my post - I stated what the VERIFIED insider said and the words from the parents themselves via MSM interview. It's what they said so ... Im kinda lost here.

I have a medical degree and I assure you that if a person is vomiting blood they will be seen by a medic. This can indicate very worrisome things. The same can be said with losing sensation in your limbs, this is often an indicator for a stroke or even a heart attack (depending on how it's described or just a simple panic attack/shock) For them to not be seen by a medic on the boat with the father vomiting blood while the mother is there unable to move her arms, that's insane to me and I'm shocked they didn't sue the cruise for failure to provide emergency medical assistance (even if they chose to not accept it).
I'm really enjoying your posts, AstroKitty. They are very insightful!

I think I may have lead to some confusion over the novel that has been written. It was not by the Navy guy himself, but an individual who was fascinated by Amy's case and decided to write a fiction, x-rated novel based on Amy's encounter with the guy. I believe it is called The Trident Code by Alana Albertson.

I too, wonder about the father "vomiting blood". I had read that years ago and thought, how does someone just start vomiting blood just from stress? Makes me wonder if 1. the family knows more than they are saying and 2. were they just trying to convey how horrible those first few hours were and were just being a bit dramatic about the physical side effects they were going through?
I promise you I mean no snark in this, but both websites are opinions unless verified by law enforcement. People posting theories doesn't equal truth. It's opinions, like this one. So while I understand your sentiment, I'm looking at it with fresh eyes and without reading every post through the threads to muddle my opinion. I am giving my 1st opinion of something, I don't understand why there's anything to disagree with in my post - I stated what the VERIFIED insider said and the words from the parents themselves via MSM interview. It's what they said so ... Im kinda lost here.

I have a medical degree and I assure you that if a person is vomiting blood they will be seen by a medic. This can indicate very worrisome things. The same can be said with losing sensation in your limbs, this is often an indicator for a stroke or even a heart attack (depending on how it's described or just a simple panic attack/shock) For them to not be seen by a medic on the boat with the father vomiting blood while the mother is there unable to move her arms, that's insane to me and I'm shocked they didn't sue the cruise for failure to provide emergency medical assistance (even if they chose to not accept it).
I agree opinion doesn't equal truth. However my opinion was formed based on reports at the time which seem about as close as factual as can be.

some details summarized here:

Don't have time to find MSM articles on this.

The verified insider believes she is being used for something other than sex trafficking.

Your theory of falling overboard is as good as any, however no evidence supports the theory.

Cameras on the ship wouldn't be as prevalent as today.

Motivated people and people who know the ship well could have easily got her off the ship or she could have left with someone.

Sightings are not always reliable however there have been too many and one included seeing her Tasmanian Devil tattoo with basketball which would be a rare tattoo and likely be her.

keep up the discussion/debate. I'm by no way offended. just trying to understand how you come to your conclusion based on available information.

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