VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

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It took me awhile but I finally found what I had been looking for. When admin/owners of WS put FA as 'inactive' and then she was no longer posting or able to read. This is why she is gone. I've also seen her posting on the other site. I had given up on this case out of frustration, and now I'm just casually keeping up, as confused as ever.

***i am not questioning admin/owners decision whatsoever! It just seemed more than a few people were confused by her absence, yet I kept thinking I had read an explanation. It was in thread #2***

The Amy Bradley thread is now re-open for discussion.

Our verified member FindAmy will be taking a break from Websleuths. FindAmy has provided WS with a lot of good information and direction in this case.

FindAmy came to WS with stellar recommendations and we thank FA for their time and contributions. Members, please review and follow along the path FindAmy set forth in the preceding threads.

Although the information provided by FindAmy may be discusssed, please keep in mind that discussing other members on WS is a violation of our Terms of Service (TOS) and may not be discussed.

We see a lot of good sleuthing in this case and we're more than pleased that a lot of our members have chosen this case to follow, research and sleuth.

Please continue and thank you!

Post #646
I found this headboard online and its identical to the heart shaped one (except in white). But I can't figure out how to upload a picture. Did they figure out the company that made the bed? It might help them trace where the picture was taken.
I found this headboard online and its identical to the heart shaped one (except in white). But I can't figure out how to upload a picture. Did they figure out the company that made the bed? It might help them trace where the picture was taken.

Great find, thanks for posting and welcome to Ws!
If the US government , FBI, etc. knew that an American citizen was in danger for fouteen years, but knew where they were and who was responsible... leave that person in great danger because there were bigger fish?

I have watched movies where "spies" have been told that if things go wrong , you are an unknown entity but never heard of anything like this with an ordinary citizen

Don't we all depend on our government to come to our aide in these situations?
"My son was in a fetal position. Ron was vomiting blood, and I had no feeling in my arms."

I think this was from Dr. Phil show Amy's Mom speaking. This supposedly occurred when RC refused to put out a picture on the ship.

The above is an unlikely scene - if true Ron would be in danger of bleeding out he would need emergency medical attention this would even have to trump the search for Amy for the moment. The same could almost be said for the brother (shock (?) and the fetal position would be worrisome - and even the mother since numb arms could presage a stroke surely. I just doubt this happened as described it is either a composite of things that happened at one time or another or is a way of showing how upset they were by giving it bodily manifestations.

Couple of questions and points for whoever:

1. Is it likely that David Carmichael would have been able to see the two tattoos esp. the ankle tattoo clearly enough to identify?

2. I think she had a surprising number of tattoos for that time and place and slightly New Agey selections (?). I would love to know how many fellow basketballers and student peers had a similar number of tattoos or this kind of tattoo. I am just guessing but I would think........close to none. I don't know what this means though. Thoughts?

3. She looks more worried and less happy in her early 20s photos than in the school photos - as if she has a nagging worry of some kind. The transition from basketball star to the next step in life would have been difficult for her. She had a lot of stressors on the face many of them good: getting her own place, a new pet, thinking about plans for the future, a new job now this trip that she was (strangely?) afraid of. Interesting so many new things happening her her life and then she goes missing. (No I am not suggesting suicide)

4. Chesterfield VA location yes of course that makes no sense. And do they mean county or town? Far too famous to be located in either without anything seeing at least without dramatic facial surgery it is almost impossible. Is someone messing with the Bradleys again?

5. I think maybe the mother has become a little addicted to the attention of media and of course being in a state of almost impossible to imagine confusion is "reading" her interlocutors and saying whatever will keep the case going in a dramatic way.

6. The bar with the apparent N. Holloway could easily be a coincidence it is not New York City and most tourists would go to the same bar or the same few bars - there would be nowhere else to go I mean that catered to foreigners.

I think the "nagging worry" of Amy could be linked to her disappearance in other words it wasn't a sudden attack on the ship. I would go back to her hometown and university town and Chesterfield VA could be a "clue" planted by someone who doesn't want to clearly come forward.
FA - The places where AB will be seen, are the exact places she has already been seen. -

So they know the places that are frequented.
"Is it likely that David Carmichael would have been able to see the two tattoos esp. the ankle tattoo clearly enough to identify?"

Answering my own question watched again the TV episode linked to here - so Carmichael speaks of being 2 to 3 feet away and he says Amy seemed to be drawing attention to "several" tattoos he is 100% sure. I am just wondering then if it would not be useful to concentrate on this one "confirmed" sighting a bit. Almost everything else is controversial. Yes this sighting is puzzling enough and proves she was alive 5 months after the cruise.
"My son was in a fetal position. Ron was vomiting blood, and I had no feeling in my arms."

I think this was from Dr. Phil show Amy's Mom speaking. This supposedly occurred when RC refused to put out a picture on the ship.

The above is an unlikely scene - if true Ron would be in danger of bleeding out he would need emergency medical attention this would even have to trump the search for Amy for the moment. The same could almost be said for the brother (shock (?) and the fetal position would be worrisome - and even the mother since numb arms could presage a stroke surely. I just doubt this happened as described it is either a composite of things that happened at one time or another or is a way of showing how upset they were by giving it bodily manifestations.

Couple of questions and points for whoever:

1. Is it likely that David Carmichael would have been able to see the two tattoos esp. the ankle tattoo clearly enough to identify?

2. I think she had a surprising number of tattoos for that time and place and slightly New Agey selections (?). I would love to know how many fellow basketballers and student peers had a similar number of tattoos or this kind of tattoo. I am just guessing but I would think........close to none. I don't know what this means though. Thoughts?

3. She looks more worried and less happy in her early 20s photos than in the school photos - as if she has a nagging worry of some kind. The transition from basketball star to the next step in life would have been difficult for her. She had a lot of stressors on the face many of them good: getting her own place, a new pet, thinking about plans for the future, a new job now this trip that she was (strangely?) afraid of. Interesting so many new things happening her her life and then she goes missing. (No I am not suggesting suicide)

4. Chesterfield VA location yes of course that makes no sense. And do they mean county or town? Far too famous to be located in either without anything seeing at least without dramatic facial surgery it is almost impossible. Is someone messing with the Bradleys again?

5. I think maybe the mother has become a little addicted to the attention of media and of course being in a state of almost impossible to imagine confusion is "reading" her interlocutors and saying whatever will keep the case going in a dramatic way.

6. The bar with the apparent N. Holloway could easily be a coincidence it is not New York City and most tourists would go to the same bar or the same few bars - there would be nowhere else to go I mean that catered to foreigners.

I think the "nagging worry" of Amy could be linked to her disappearance in other words it wasn't a sudden attack on the ship. I would go back to her hometown and university town and Chesterfield VA could be a "clue" planted by someone who doesn't want to clearly come forward.

As I understand it, the only connection to Carlos and Charlies was that she was invited to go there with a crew member.

My opinion is that this is a bar that would be frequented by crew and cruise tourists because of its location, right up from the dock, a very short walk. The truth is , it was a wild place, usually filled with young people after the dinner hour is over.

It, like most carlos and charlies had a reputation as a hard partying bar.

There are many places that a tourist would be catered to, its the main industry on the island.

It depends what you are looking for and if you are looking for a wild and crazy time, carlos and Charlies would be a good choice in those days

Amy never went there
But I certainly understand why crew would go there if they had the night off, location, wild.
I am not sure there is anything sinister about that invitation JMO
I think any parent whose child is missing would be vulnerable, grasping at straws.

I do not feel that in this particular case, Mrs bradley is addicted to attention, however i have seen that happen in another case.
I do feel it would not be difficult to convince a grieving parent of something that may give them hope when they need it most
Later that evening Amy and Brad went to the ship’s nightclub and where Amy had some interaction with ship band members of Blue Orchid. Witnesses claim the bass player was trying to pick her up. According to band member Alister Douglas, who goes by the name Yellow, claims Amy had departed to her room at approximately 1:00AM and used the crew elevator. A ship surveillance video showed Amy and Yellow on the dance floor at approximately 3AM

An obvious lie from Yellow

But why lie?
Her father saw her at 5:30 on the balcony

Was he just trying to distance himself?
Yellow and Amy were dancing, caught on ships video at 3AM
Amy's dad saw her in a lounge chair at 5:30 AM

Did anyone see Amy between 3 and 5:30?
I don't recall
When we think of the word unimaginable, Amy’s parents truly know its meaning. “Our lives have been so drastically changed. Every waking moment is, ‘Where is Amy?’ I just want people to know that when girls disappear outside of the country, they’re disappearing for a reason. And white slavery and sex trafficking is so alive and well, it would absolutely blow you away. We believe with every fiber in our being that someone took her and we want her back. And I have tried to make deals with God. If we find her today, you can take me tomorrow. When they say the worst nightmare, it is. It’s the worst nightmare.”

It seems to me at the time of this interview, the bradleys feel sex trafficking is a valid reason
Its a great idea to look into MCs sighting, but i think the investigation must start earlier
And I believe Yellow is where to start
No matter how many times I view/listen to this video, I get a weird "penny under the tongue" sensation.
[ame=""]Amy Bradley - Compilation - YouTube[/ame]
No matter how many times I view/listen to this video, I get a weird "penny under the tongue" sensation.
Amy Bradley - Compilation - YouTube

It does seem a little creepy, though I can't say exactly why. Maybe it's that sad excuse for music. But then my taste in music may be slightly more discriminating, LOL.

The main thing, Yellow seems to really be cozying up to Amy. They kind of seem to have a thing going, don't they? Also, that first shot of her, the only good one, she looks a little wasted, almost has a drugged look, or maybe just intoxicated.

Obvious to me that she may have had plans to meet up with Yellow. Why else would she stay up late dancing with him, then go back to the suite, then just sit out on the balcony instead of going to bed. Then turn around and leave within a couple hours, only to meet up, according to witnesses, with Yellow again. Seems like a plan to me. I mean for her to meet up with him, not to be drugged then kidnapped. The latter was his plan.

Yeah, IMO, it's Yellow. He's the one. Not the Big Dog, but the one who lured and drugged Amy, then delivered her to..... well, who knows. All for money. It was all about money. Then he just walked away. Sickening, isn't it?

I can say that I have no desire to go on a cruise. I just couldn't accept someone else controlling my life: as to music, food, and where and when I come and go. Life is just too short to be at someone else's beck and call, especially when it's on my dollar. Call me a died in the wool nonconformist, LOL.
No matter how many times I view/listen to this video, I get a weird "penny under the tongue" sensation.
Amy Bradley - Compilation - YouTube

I have watched this video hundreds of times and seem to catch something I didn't see each time. When you reposted it today, at 1:22 Amy seems to be falling over to the left (or maybe I am too old to realize that is a dance move), at any rate, I am wondering if that is why he is holding her hand from then on, to hold her up.
Or she is turning to left to say something to Yellow over the music. Tough to tell if she is high or alternatively dancing in a rather exhibitionistic way for some purpose unknown either way it is very important

If the latter who is her audience? She is very "trancey" overall and this will sound critical but it is almost a bit embarassing to watch her dance this way in this rather corny venue everyone else with one exception is dancing quite self consciouslessly enjoying themselves, but controlled. Very little sign of inebriation and you can see the kids dancing in the fourth sequence they look like young teenagers. All very tame.

In this context I would almost suggest that unless stoned Amy's dancing shows anger.... towards someone.... could be her parents could be someone she knows in her Dad's company or another guest on the boat could be her brother.

The exception is the lady in red a long red dress (sorry I know I have tried this out twice before here) who watches Amy and Yellow intently in the first sequence is not present in the second elevator sequence but is there again in the third sequence right beside Amy dancing with unless I am mistaken the guy who appears in the very first second one zoom shot. At one point she twirls touches Amy I think says something to her and Amy looks upward towards what I assume are the decks and cabins above. Now what does she say or point out to Amy? The following is a guess did they talk earlier did she invite Amy back to her cabin for a drink later and is she pointing out her cabin "that's the one"OR is she pointing out someone on the deck that we cannot see. I again am guessing but think they have spoken earlier o/w it would be impossible to communicate anything in that brief second.

Lady in red with both partners dances ballroom style I would say again nobody else dances like that. So here is something odd the two sets of people who dance differently are Amy/Yellow (combination wining and trancey) and the lady in red and partners ( ballroom traditional also note the red dress).

The penny under the tongue for me is the lady in red and something about Amy, just some kind of pent-up....something.... I am not sure. Yellow of course is a suspect but he was investigated and he didn't fail the polygraph.

One problem is that these stories, in media, always form narratives and it is always necessary esp. in the North America to make the family sacrosanct the happy family, all was well and now this. Which may be true but may not be. Amy looks very very troubled in her older photos. Lots of families have troubles.
She was afraid to go on the cruise for some reason.
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