VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #14

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I don't post a lot of my opinions/questions b/c for some reason they never seem to make as much since typed out as they do in my head but I will say this......
I have been very curious all along WHY WH came up with/out with this whole meeting with AJ at the gas station. I mean not that I believe any of it anyways, but why come out 3 - 4 ish days after she is reported missing and come up with this story. Did someone see them together somewhere that day and this was his answer? Did someone tell JH something about someone seeing them together and she asked him and this is why he made this statement? Because if not then why not just say it from day 1. Am I making any sense at all or should I just go back to lurking???

I think a lot of us have wondered that. I sure do.
I'm sorry, MK. I can't shake those two statements of his.
He's been talking with CH and doing phone interviews with her while in jail.

Past tense.

He refused an interview yesterday....which was as telling in it's own way IMO as his sister taking down the support WH facebook page.
Is it expected that WH will be an offical suspect once identification is released?

Apparently so. (I sure hope everybody here didn't go through gut-wrenching grief only to learn it's not her.)

Oh god are people speculating something lascivious? Whatever is going on with her I feel sorry for them but judging solely on things confirmed there are kids with a missing sibling, a suspicious step father, and a body found. I hope those poor siblings of hers are hanging in there.
I think they bring in a lot of cadets when they do big searches. So I dont think they left the city without police. It's not like they shut down the 911 dispatch in order to cater to this search.

Btw: since others are missing then they may stumble on to other things as well. So I love the presence that they have there.

Also the feds could have been involved early on since Wes did fed-time. LE could have contacted them for background information on him once they started to suspect him. Plus the feds have quicker ways to analyze pings and possible maps than the local PD. Jmo
Just gonna put this out there. This thought has been going through my head since the HG case, also in Virginia. Is it too far out to believe that some kind of system could be put in place for missing persons (think microchip for pets) to help locate them? I don't have any concrete idea how it would work...but like insurance, you don't know how much you need it, until you have to use it. It may or may not deter the evilness perpetrated on fellow human beings, such as AJ, but sure would bring the missing person home, sooner rather than later. Like I said, not sure how it would or could work, but just thinking.

I loooove that you posted this.

Check this out, its not quite like microchipping, but something designed in Jessica Ridgeway's honor.

The Lassy Project:
He would have walked away from that, pretended he didn't know, I think. Why hide her in a stash house, if he did the hiding here, if it were just an overdose? If you look through the Pilot pictures, you'll see technicians wearing masks stepping into the house. Why would they need masks?

I thought about that too HG. Masks would be used for the odor, or if entering the house, there could be toxic gasses from it being unoccupied for so long. Once I ended up in the hospital for breathing hydrogen sulfide in a house.
I don't post a lot of my opinions/questions b/c for some reason they never seem to make as much since typed out as they do in my head but I will say this......
I have been very curious all along WHY WH came up with/out with this whole meeting with AJ at the gas station. I mean not that I believe any of it anyways, but why come out 3 - 4 ish days after she is reported missing and come up with this story. Did someone see them together somewhere that day and this was his answer? Did someone tell JH something about someone seeing them together and she asked him and this is why he made this statement? Because if not then why not just say it from day 1. Am I making any sense at all or should I just go back to lurking???

I'm right there with you. And if it never happened (which I don't believe it did), why the need to lie about it? Sure, the boss knew he was late coming back from work, but he could easily have lied and said he hit traffic or something. There had to be something that placed him with her after 7:30 am on March 2.

Oh....his phone! He said she called him and asked to meet! So there might have been a phone record he needed to explain away. Couple that with the possibility of the boss telling LE he was late returning to work...and voila! Stupid gas station story.
I don't post a lot of my opinions/questions b/c for some reason they never seem to make as much since typed out as they do in my head but I will say this......
I have been very curious all along WHY WH came up with/out with this whole meeting with AJ at the gas station. I mean not that I believe any of it anyways, but why come out 3 - 4 ish days after she is reported missing and come up with this story. Did someone see them together somewhere that day and this was his answer? Did someone tell JH something about someone seeing them together and she asked him and this is why he made this statement? Because if not then why not just say it from day 1. Am I making any sense at all or should I just go back to lurking???

I think WH thinks it's possible that someone saw them together.
My heart is broken for AJ. I wan who did this caught! Thank everyone for all you do.
Do you all remember which station interviewed him where he stated something to the effect of , yes I have ammunition , but they will never find the gun? Am I imagining that or was it an interview ?

Also wondering, can someone direct me to where I can find that photo that one of the local stations took from the air/helicopter and we could see the tent? Something I'm wondering and if it's what I suspect, I will post my opinion.
I had an idea about that a few days back. *If* there was an argument between AJ and her mom, WH may have seen an opportunity. Maybe he contacted AJ on pretense to mediate between them, and score points with JH. If AJ was mad, she might be like my daughter and not speak.

I might even go further to speculate maybe he says, "Let's take a drive while we talk." The distance is so far, it leads me to believe she was not yet gone when they left "town."

I definitely agree with your direction of thinking. A while ago I posted a similar scenario. Maybe AJ and her mom did fight and like you said, WH was that person to them, estranged or not. Mom may have needed help dealing with the situation as it doesn't seem like she's ever been alone. He had time alone with AJ because of the fight and because of how he views himself as the controller, the leader, the man of the house filled with girls, he acted on a long-time feeling and here we are today.

In my opinion, I don't think she was moved but visited. I know I've been told to watch my speculations on WH but I've seen many others speculate so I'll say in my opinion we can't try to look for too much sense in actions here. If drugs are involved who knows what was going on in his mind. I think he was spiraling towards the end, right before he went to jail, so his actions would be even less understandable. Maybe he did move her from one area of the house to outside. Maybe he was coming back to get more of AJ's things to stage somewhere else. The POSSIBLE clothes were found on the 19/20 of March so maybe he was leaving things at the house and went back to grab some to plant. Just thinking out loud on why he would visit beyond being a super creeper.

I hope everybody is doing ok today. Hugs to all. Still hoping it's not AJ because I have to.
Just gonna put this out there. This thought has been going through my head since the HG case, also in Virginia. Is it too far out to believe that some kind of system could be put in place for missing persons (think microchip for pets) to help locate them? I don't have any concrete idea how it would work...but like insurance, you don't know how much you need it, until you have to use it. It may or may not deter the evilness perpetrated on fellow human beings, such as AJ, but sure would bring the missing person home, sooner rather than later. Like I said, not sure how it would or could work, but just thinking.

My husband's company looked into marketing this. The problem is, the item would have to be something the size of a man's watch and couldn't be implanted because the need for battery charging. The chips that are put in place for pets are only helpful if you have the pet in your hand and you scan the chip. You can't locate a pet through the chip, you can only scan and ID it once it has been located.

There are systems to track people - like felons under house arrest - and if you have a person who wanders a lot like a child with a developmental disorder or an adult with alzheimers, it's useful. Otherwise they're really too bulky. Additionally, anyone bent on harming the person could just take it off the victim and that would defeat the purpose.
I think he was leaking. And she was gone by then. He stared, and let what had happened (whatever that may be) sink in, so to speak. And then she "departed his presence". :(

I feel gross for having typed that.

I agree. He also said "the last time she saw me" as opposed to "the last time I saw her." That's an odd phrase, even for WH.
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