VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #15

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Today I've convinced myself that LE found AJ's phone in the pond in IOW and it led them to her body. I don't think she was alive when brought to the house, and I think he buried her or covered her to a degree. We think a shed is a more reasonable place to put her - or the deep woods, but that's just it - they are the first place you'd look. I think whatever thin thread of logic was going through his emotionally and possibly drug-frenzied mind, it was telling him that the closer to a structure and more inconspicuous spot, the better. We don't really know what else was back there, it is possible AJ was next to an old compost heap, AC unit, flower garden etc which was the most accessible place to "lay her to rest." I wonder if there were plans to flip this house or build a deck off the back over that spot and WH knew about them.

I expect more info is going to start pouring out over the next couple weeks regarding real leads now that people are being confronted with the reality that she is dead, likely murdered, especially once the ME's full report is released.

I've never been more frustrated to be overseas than I am right now, and never thought I would miss Virginia.

This is interesting to me, the thought that maybe they did find her phone....I have a question for anyone who can answer:

I'e seen in a lot of cases where details re: physical evidence recovered during an investigation has been withheld from the public, but have any of you guys seen a case where a cellphone was recovered and this information was not released publicly? I've seen so so often LE divulge that they have recovered a cellphone (for example, Tim Bosma and Alexis Murphy)...Just wondering, tia!
I have been there. I know exactly what the mania feels like. Thankfully, mine always told me that driving would get me killed, so I stayed away from the car (and still do to a lesser extent). But please dont worry about the bad images that people may conjure up when you share your diagnosis. I have found most people to be very understanding and most have some mental health issues themselves. Speaking out is what will end the stigma.

There is a world of difference between a pastor and this pa$tor. Any real Christian can see it, and most non-Christians can see it as well. Characters like this are a dime a dozen and the sad thing is, they scam a lot of people out of a lot of money on a regular basis. I wish people weren't so gullible but unfortunately, they (we) are.

As a Christian, forgiveness is critical to our faith. That does NOT mean God expects the victim (in this case, the parents and loved ones) of an evil act to rush right over and embrace the person who committed the evil. It does mean however that in time, with grace, and much prayer, and through seas of tears and layers of rage and anger, sorrow and grief, we are expected to let it GO and genuinely leave that person in the court of GOD'S justice. It's not easy and it's not quick... it's a process. For some it takes a very long time to get to that place. Doing lip-service about forgiveness is being dishonest about this process and essentially telling people they shouldn't feel the natural feelings one has when they've been betrayed in the worst way possible. Anger at whoever did this to AJ is natural, and right, and just. Now the process begins for everyone who loved her dearly, to work through it.

Forgiveness also does NOT mean we're not to seek justice. In a civilized society we are EXPECTED to seek justice for such things to keep our society from devolving into madness and chaos.

There's my sermon for the day. FWIW.

Thank you. Perfectly said.
What do statistics say re: perpetrators of homicides of 18 year old females? (I would suspect other 18 year old females would be most likely to threaten, but IDK how many do it.)

Boyfriend/girlfriend, parent/step-parent, friends, strangers?

Then again, it might not be a homicide.


Do you think this case might not be a homicide? If not, what are you thoughts? Suicide/OD?
To be honest I am pissed off at this outcome. This is purely a case where the freaking system failed this rising star. This never should of been allowed to happen.

How do you mean? That WH was allowed to adopt her by the judge? That her mom brought a dangerous criminal in the house? Something that LE did or did not do? I don't understand.
This may be true but if this was the case wish they would have updated status earlier to draw more attention to it . From the beginning they maintained that they felt there was no foul play

I think LE says there is no evidence of foul play, meaning no signs of a struggle, no blood, no crime scene...just FYI. Yall correct me if I'm wrong.
That he might go back to the house? Maybe. If he did it, he might wonder if he actually did it. If it was a crime of impulse and drug-fueled mania, he might go back there to check to see if her really did it. I have a feeling that he may regret doing it. Here is a rather bizarre scenario that occurs to me: At first, he does not think he did it. When he realizes that yes, he really did do it, he becomes a criminal mastermind indeed. In his own grandiose mind! (Fueled by more drugs, of course! I think he really lies about the extent of his drug use.)

Now you all can laugh at me and the unicorn I rode in on! :rollercoaster:

I'm not a very good "sleuther" but several years ago, I worked for the Va. Beach Probation and Parole Dept. for 4 years. My job involved typing and putting together presentencing reports for the court. Those reports consisted of background information about the perp. and intricate details of the crime(s) they committed, among other things. One thing I noticed in many of the reports involving a murder was that the perp. would revisit the scene of the crime, sometimes numerous times, probably b/c of some strange emotional connection. My mind has been going all over the place with this and not in a good way either. It makes me nauseated to think about it.
Depends on the area you are from... Tons of black cars in hampton roads

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Also since that place is in the boondocks; The street lights may no be that bright. So a dark blue car can look black from a distance.
You had me in complete agreement until your very last paragraph. You may be right, IDK.


Katydid's last paragraph said that WH's actions never intended to help police, only intended to deflect and confuse things, not HEROIC actions as he wanted everyone to believe - and you don't agree with that necessarily? Could you elaborate? I'm a curious person, not snarky. Thanks.
There is little doubt in my mind that cops know exactly who did this, if anyone. They didn't pull that location out of thin air.


No, no they didn't. Now I'm not about to go sleuthing the property owners or anything but something lead LE right straight to this address.

Thoughts on what it could have been?

His phone pings?
AJ's phone?
Both of their phones?
Employment records turned over to LE from employer?
Address written down on a piece of paper in WH's wallet?
Address was listed on something WH owns or rented?

Also since that place is in the boondocks; The street lights may no be that bright. So a dark blue car can look black from a distance.

Or green, or dark gray, or any darker shade of paint. No need to go thinking it was a government car

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Certainly would not return weeks later, IMO. Body wouldn't have been left exposed if so.


I realize we have to wait for the ME's report, but I think she has been dead since shortly after she disappeared. JMO
Do you think this case might not be a homicide? If not, what are you thoughts? Suicide/OD?

No, I really was wondering what the most likely demographic was for the perpetrator, if there is one. I can't rule out an accidental death (drug overdose or whatever, then friend/boyfriend/whoever panics,) and I hate to even imagine a suicide, but they are possibilities.

I haven't spoken much, but I've been here following all along. This could be way wrong, but I thought I'd share a thought I had. What if she was taken there without knowing who it was that took her? Maybe she had her head covered or was drugged. What if this person had the idea to keep her there, do what he wanted with her (still alive), but then gradually providing clues to lead everyone to her (while at the same time setting up someone else). In this way, he could fulfill his own sick mental issues and then save the day when she's found alive and get his wife back by being the hero. What he didn't count on was being arrested.. Just a thought I had.
No, no they didn't. Now I'm not about to go sleuthing the property owners or anything but something lead LE right straight to this address.

Thoughts on what it could have been?

His phone pings?
AJ's phone?
Both of their phones?
Employment records turned over to LE from employer?
Address written down on a piece of paper in WH's wallet?
Address was listed on something WH owns or rented?


WH's big mouth?!
Katydid's last paragraph said that WH's actions never intended to help police, only intended to deflect and confuse things, not HEROIC actions as he wanted everyone to believe - and you don't agree with that necessarily? Could you elaborate? I'm a curious person, not snarky. Thanks.

I personally haven't seen anything that couldn't be explained by a very desperate husband & father yet.

No, no they didn't. Now I'm not about to go sleuthing the property owners or anything but something lead LE right straight to this address.

Thoughts on what it could have been?

His phone pings?
AJ's phone?
Both of their phones?
Employment records turned over to LE from employer?
Address written down on a piece of paper in WH's wallet?
Address was listed on something WH owns or rented?


Phone pings are most likely explanation to me, but I don't have as much experience sleuthing as you all do.
Interesting....sorry I missed this...they didn't search the entire pond?

It's hard to tell. There were conflicting reports about how long LE was searching and what all they searched:

Police tell me they've been searching in IOW for two hours this morning, including a pond in search area. @WAVY_News #BringAJHome
7:10 AM - 3 Apr 2015

NPD wrapping up search for day in IOW. They searched small portion of pond for AJ Hadsell. No word if they'll be back tomorrow. #BringAJHome
11:25 AM - 3 Apr 2015

@[redacted] Norfolk police say they didn't find anything related to the search for AJ in their work today. Not finished looking in pond.
4:26 PM - 3 Apr 2015

@[redacted] Not as of right now. One neighbor reports seeing police searching wooded area outside of pond area Thursday night.
4:28 PM - 3 Apr 2015

2/2: Dive team searched roughly 25% of pond in IOW Friday. Neighbors say police told them they were looking for AJ's cell phone. @WAVY_News
8:33 AM - 4 Apr 2015
I haven't spoken much, but I've been here following all along. This could be way wrong, but I thought I'd share a thought I had. What if she was taken there without knowing who it was that took her? Maybe she had her head covered or was drugged. What if this person had the idea to keep her there, do what he wanted with her (still alive), but then gradually providing clues to lead everyone to her (while at the same time setting up someone else). In this way, he could fulfill his own sick mental issues and then save the day when she's found alive and get his wife back by being the hero. What he didn't count on was being arrested.. Just a thought I had.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, I think the old saying goes in journalism. I think it is applicable here as well but that's JMO. In the meantime, I KISS.

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