VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #15

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That was the Lea Porter case. I was appalled. She still hasn't been found, and I doubt she ever will be. :(

Wow, I was actually referring to a case re: a male victim...her case too, huh? :shakehead:

Coincidentally, I was referring to Lea's case in a different post just a few minutes ago but couldn't remember her name----didn't the perp have to go out to the locations and search after he confessed or am I dreaming this?
It could be a lot of things in my opinion.

I think they were hip to the general area of where he was working, and with the timing, surmised the disposal site was somewhere nearby. Maybe he participated in past criminal activity at this location (drug deal, etc)...

I'm not sure what electronic footprint info they have if any, but let's say IF they didn't necessarily have anything strong ping-wise, they might have been able to think to look at prior job, it really can be a lot of things...honestly I'm so worn out from the past 2 days here I can barely post...

In summary, I think the possibilities are endless...something led them there, or at least really close, that's for sure!

Hey, this brings up a thought...someone asked way back if there is any chance WH wouldn't take so long for them to find her if he confessed specifically (again, unless she crawled away from the shed maybe). In fact, don't they usually bring the perp out the site with them to show LE exactly where the victim(s) was placed? I've seen that done a lot---Travis Forbes...then there was another young lady recently who was murdered, I can't remember her name right now :(, but IIRC and am not dreaming this he disposed of her in a dumpster...maybe I'm imagining this but they brought him to the landfill to search??
Again, Lea Porter case. They searched that landfill for over a month.
Also he would of had to find another van . Unless your assuming that she was brought to the vacant house in his truck.

Jumping ahead this morning, and maybe this has already been cleared up, but in case it hasn't:

I think you might be getting confused regarding the vehicles, Ibiz. The neighbors near the pond search in Isle Of Wight reported seeing a white work van from Quality Plumbing. This vehicle is WH's work van. The neighbors from the Franlin House reported seeing a dark blue or black Dodge Caravan pull into the yard late at night.

The red truck has been parked at the family residence for quite some time, according to locals. So, I don't think WH has been driving it at all. However, if he has, no one has ever reported seeing that vehicle at either the pond or the Franklin House.
Or green, or dark gray, or any darker shade of paint. No need to go thinking it was a government car

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Jumping off oyur post, vehicle color gets screwed up so often imo! That's why I've said earlier I'm not betting the bank on any vehicle descriptions provided. JMO

Remember, people see colors differently too sometimes on top of it sometimes being dark, speed involved, distance, etc...

(Eta: remember that Oprah experiment years ago? While audience members were lined up waiting to go inside the studio to the taping of her show, Oprah had a purse snatch staged...the witness descriptions were all different. That was the point of the whole thing iirc. :) )
I think WH had an infatuation with AJ, then she left for college and he "missed" her and suddenly animalisticaly lured her to him. I think he should have been labeled a sex predator years ago jmo
Having JUST had two families I know have hidden cameras found in the bedroom belonging to older teen girls - in both cases put there by male family members - and in both cases ending up (obviously) with some degree of confrontation, I'm very much echoing your "hmmm..."

She goes missing basically RIGHT after coming home from school and RIGHT after he's no longer in the home.

Could she have found something and confronted him and he knew his butt would be behind bars immediately if she spoke up (and with his history him realizing she'd be believed over him) and so he silenced her hoping he might manage to "get out of it"? :thinking:

Now that is very plausible. I can feel that scenario right there.
(O/T, any news on Kelsie, Spammy?)

Yeah, a ton. None of it good. You should go to her thread when you get a chance and read the amended lawsuit. Unbelieveable. There's a search today, but I have my 4 yr old granddaughter visiting.
Quit saying how much better than you we are! :biggrin:

LOL, I'm not a reporter, regrettably. I guess. Journalism seems to be in the throes of death. It's a whole different beast now than it was even 5-10 years ago so I don't really blame the reporters for that. I think we are actually to blame for how bad it has gotten. (We, the public, not we at Websleuths.)
So the grass may have grown around her after the snow melted?

The house was abandoned for 2 years. The couple who owns it lives out of state. The home has NOT been maintained. The grass WAS waist high. That's been reported in msm.

I think you guys are thinking of "lawn" type grass. What I'm seeing in the photos is wild grass. Trust me, out here in the country it takes over pretty quickly if you don't maintain your property. We let a feild on our property go for about a year, and had to bring in a bush hog to cut it all down. It was easily up to my thighs...and that was only after a year of neglect.

It's also interesting to note that LE was out at the Franklin house on Wednesday. it wasn't until Thursday that they found her body. So she was NOT immediately visible.
Wow, I was actually referring to a case re: a male victim...her case too, huh? :shakehead:

Coincidentally, I was referring to Lea's case in a different post just a few minutes ago but couldn't remember her name----didn't the perp have to go out to the locations and search after he confessed or am I dreaming this?

Yes, he went there. They had the area where his trash would be dumped in the landfill roped off almost immediately, too.
I suppose that anything is a possibility, but it ought to line up with the evidence that has been revealed so far. Of course, we don't know all the facts, but we do know that there was evidence of cocaine use, and there was a pkg of ammunition found. Those are facts. There was a comment made that no one would ever find the gun, but considering the source, that might have been smokescreen bs.

You have summed this up excellently. I cannot disagree with your summary. A loose set of facts does not add up to a theory of the crime. So, how does one go about constructing such a theory? I know that you are very much at risk of being odd woman out here, and I admire that you are trying to keep a cool head, but websleuths does allow us to speculate, and thus far, they have not called us off WH. Until more facts emerge, what are we left with other than an assortment of statements by a man who seems to be a muddle of lies?

He says he broke into the house. He says he hurt the dog. He says he had the ammunition. He won't admit that he planted the jacket, but it surely seems as if he must have. I can understand being emotionally wrought and wanting the police to focus their investigation on someone you think may have harmed your daughter, but even an idiot should be able to see that those actions would make one's cause very much worse.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, I think the old saying goes in journalism. I think it is applicable here as well but that's JMO. In the meantime, I KISS.


You know anything is possible, but if this scenario is true, he is the sickest SOB I've come across in a long time. Imo
As far as the text that Aj was "afraid" of someone, I think we saw it broken down differently. Possibly Luckey7? Anyone have a quick link (OM) is usually fast at this.
Iirc, "HELP" wasn't really a call for help, it was texty lingo for something not so drastic.
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