VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #16

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Vail, you beat me to it. I had to get up and shut my oven timer off. LOL
I'll add those, too. Keep 'em coming everyone. I'm working on very little sleep today and need the help! ;)

Suspect must:
1. have familiarity with and not stick out in AJ's neighborhood.
2. have familiarity with Southampton house location and/or route through area to NC (hwy 258 to Murfreesboro or farther West?)

Suspect may:
1. work with WH.
2. have access to blue/black van.
3. know AJ was home that week.
4. own or have access to a white car.
5. participated in searches.
6. be friend, family, or stranger (not sure if this is at all helpful.. )

It's a bit of a stretch since we don't know what time the neighbor spotted the dark minivan but whoever was driving it was free to be out at night without being closely questioned by anyone or causing suspicion at home. The same could apply to his/her earlier movements.
True, but in a random home invasion type of killing, ALMOST ALWAYS, the body is left in the home or dumped close by, with little attempt to hide it. And there would have been no texts to sister saying she was with friends etc.

I sooo agree with this!

I simply do not believe a complete stranger killed her. We shift facts with impressions here. My impression is that WH, if not the direct person, has to have something to do with it or know a great deal about what happened. However, with the drugs and the probable mania, everything will probably be in as much of a mess in terms evidence as his mind is. I think the police had no choice but to find a way to lock him up.
It's a bit of a stretch since we don't know what time the neighbor spotted the dark minivan but whoever was driving it was free to be out at night without being closely questioned by anyone or causing suspicion at home. The same could apply to his/her earlier movements.

Suspect must:
1. have familiarity with and not stick out in AJ's neighborhood.
2. have familiarity with Southampton house location and/or route through area to NC (hwy 258 to Murfreesboro or farther West?)

Suspect may:
1. work with WH.
2. have access to blue/black van possibly with freedom of movement without arousing suspicion. (or know family will not come forward?)
3. know AJ was home that week.
4. own or have access to a white car.
5. have participated in searches.
6. be friend, family, or neighbor
I have read every single thread so I don't think I've missed this but if I have apologies.

I'm a serial phone loser. And on the occasions I have lost my phone and a honest citizen has picked it up, they've looked for 'mum' in my contacts and texted her to say they've found my phone (I'm making myself look bad here this has happened twice maybe :blushing: so if this was a random stranger texting from AJ's phone to JH in the early hours (I forget the exact time) then yes they'd work out who to send that to pretty easily.

So my question is, when AJ supposedly sent that text to her sister saying she was with friends, was that a random text out of the blue, or was it a reply to her sister texting her wondering where she was?

Sorry if it's already been discussed, I've not seen it. A random stranger would not be able to work out who my brother was, or if he cared about my whereabouts at that specific time, solely by looking at my phone.

I think AJ's sister texted first - maybe Zach told us? But your comment also makes me wonder if AJ had a lock code on her phone. Would that be something a young person who lived in a dorm would do to protect her privacy?

Thank you for taking the time to check, I wouldn't have known where to start!

I suppose I was just looking to clear stranger perp so I can keep on the same track I have been from the beginning. Oh AJ, we're all trying so hard for you... :heartbeat:

I think the stranger/neighbor is the least likely possibility, but at this point cannot be ruled out entirely. Someone could have been looking for WH's stash.
Do we know of anyone that meets these criteria who may spend a lot of time in Murfreesboro, NC? A yes or no would be enough, since we cannot name suspects not named as such in MSM. But the house sits on a relatively direct route from Norfolk to Murfreesboro. That's the closest logical destination along that route.

We are still on the same wavelength and a restounding YES to your question.

Nermal: Thank you for taking that one for me. I didn't want to answer it. Reading it was boggling enough.
As hard as I try, I cannot clear WH at this time. I am admittedly stubborn, so it may be a character flaw that I cannot do so. But there are a few things he has done that make me zero in on him.

Obviously, there is his past. Enough said but it does have some weight.

Also, one tiny indication, that still sways me in his direction was his use of the term, ' when she departed my presence.' I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when he said that. And it is just one of several very odd things in his word salad ramblings.

Also, the way he backtracked on the timeline, and added in his awkward lunchtime meetup with the deceased. I don't think he had told JH about that meeting at first. I think he kept it a secret from her. She would not have given the 7 am time if he had shared that with her, imo. At some point he decided to reveal that to the public and to LE. WHY?

If it was true that they met up at a gas station for a money exchange, why not just say so upfront? Why the initial 7 am 'last seen' timeline?

The thing is, apparently, LE cannot verify that the meet-up ever happened. And I bet they tried hard to verify it. I am sure they wanted to have some footage of her that day. So if she was at a gas station at lunchtime, then imo, LE would have been able to find some footage from some nearby cameras or statements from some workers or customers to verify it. That red truck would have shown up on some cams somewhere nearby since they had the exact time according to WH. But they said they had nothing to verify it at all. :waitasec:

So if it did not happen, but WH felt the need to say it did, even though it altered the original timeline---WHY did he do that. I cannot come up with a reason that an innocent man would do so. Why lie about the last time you saw your missing daughter if you are innocent?
Do we know of anyone that meets these criteria who may spend a lot of time in Murfreesboro, NC? A yes or no would be enough, since we cannot name suspects not named as such in MSM. But the house sits on a relatively direct route from Norfolk to Murfreesboro. That's the closest logical destination along that route.

We are still on the same wavelength and a restounding YES to your question.

Whom are the two of you attempting to allude to here?

Whom are the two of you attempting to allude to here?


I was not alluding to anyone. I was reading the map and saw that the highway she was found on is in a rather straight trajectory from Norfolk to Murfreesboro. My question, as leading as it may look, was really an honest one.
I think AJ's sister texted first - maybe Zach told us? But your comment also makes me wonder if AJ had a lock code on her phone. Would that be something a young person who lived in a dorm would do to protect her privacy?

I have an iPhone as do most of my friends and family, I would say we all have a lock code on, it's a pretty standard thing you do as the natural set up of the phone. Not sure what type of phone she had. I'm in my early 30s and have a lock code mainly for security if it was lost or stolen. But you can bet your life if I was still 18 and either had a room mate or still went home to my parents and nosey siblings, I'd have that lock on my phone.

Maybe AJ was unusual and didn't use passcode security. But if she did, and didn't send those texts, how were they sent and how did they get the passcode.

It's things like this that keeps me awake recently, can't switch off. Just wish I could come up with some useful ideas.
As hard as I try, I cannot clear WH at this time. I am admittedly stubborn, so it may be a character flaw that I cannot do so. But there are a few things he has done that make me zero in on him.

Obviously, there is his past. Enough said but it does have some weight.

Also, one tiny indication, that still sways me in his direction was his use of the term, ' when she departed my presence.' I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when he said that. And it is just one of several very odd things in his word salad ramblings.

Also, the way he backtracked on the timeline, and added in his awkward lunchtime meetup with the deceased. I don't think he had told JH about that meeting at first. I think he kept it a secret from her. She would not have given the 7 am time if he had shared that with her, imo. At some point he decided to reveal that to the public and to LE. WHY?

If it was true that they met up at a gas station for a money exchange, why not just say so upfront? Why the initial 7 am 'last seen' timeline?

The thing is, apparently, LE cannot verify that the meet-up ever happened. And I bet they tried hard to verify it. I am sure they wanted to have some footage of her that day. So if she was at a gas station at lunchtime, then imo, LE would have been able to find some footage from some nearby cameras or statements from some workers or customers to verify it. That red truck would have shown up on some cams somewhere nearby since they had the exact time according to WH. But they said they had nothing to verify it at all. :waitasec:

So if it did not happen, but WH felt the need to say it did, even though it altered the original timeline---WHY did he do that. I cannot come up with a reason that an innocent man would do so. Why lie about the last time you saw your missing daughter if you are innocent?

Great points! I agree with everything you said. I guess while exploring other options I keep getting pulled back to WH just because of things that make sense. I go entertain the stranger idea but then I end up asking myself 200 times "but if it was a stranger WHY would WH have done that? Or said that? Or acted that way?"

Attempting to keep my mind open since I have been so focused on WH reminds me why I was so focused on WH! MOOOO
I have an iPhone as do most of my friends and family, I would say we all have a lock code on, it's a pretty standard thing you do as the natural set up of the phone. Not sure what type of phone she had. I'm in my early 30s and have a lock code mainly for security if it was lost or stolen. But you can bet your life if I was still 18 and either had a room mate or still went home to my parents and nosey siblings, I'd have that lock on my phone.

Maybe AJ was unusual and didn't use passcode security. But if she did, and didn't send those texts, how were they sent and how did they get the passcode.

It's things like this that keeps me awake recently, can't switch off. Just wish I could come up with some useful ideas.

Things that make you go hmmmm.. great catch. So it was either AJ or somebody who knew her passcode. My husband and close friends are free to know my passcode.. Although with newer iPhones you can set it up to be your fingerprint. But still, if it wasn't AJ texting that really narrows it down huh?
Haha for a second I was like wait WHAT! But yea, I see what you mean. Interesting. So we would hope that IF the funds were used for something other than AJ they would be held personally accountable by people who donated. Recently I donated money to a family whose son was killed in a fire at the couple's home. About a week later we all recieved refunds because the person who set up the fund ended up being, well, sketchy. I hope the sites will become a little more see-through!

That's good new! I hope the trend of transparency continues. I also hope (and suspect) the IRS and FBI keep an eye on these fundraisers. I wish fundraising sites kept some sort of clearinghouse site where people could go to see what organizations the promised excess funds actually went to. Not just in this case but for all of them. And not just to verify but also to see what organizations people are supporting. For example, I'd be interested to see how many scholarships have been started in a victim's name - something I personally think is a great idea.
I have always been open to entertaining the notion of WH as the bumbling vigilante. He is still top suspect in MY mind, but it's always good to have a backup theory.

If he was trying to save the day and wanted to use it to win JH back, I can see him trying to be the first to access evidence, hide tips, and do dumb things like the B&E (in that case, probably thinking he had his guy and the ends justified the means). Were that the case, a manic episode could have manifested as a hero complex, even delusions that he was the only one who could solve the case.

Even then, I do agree - still someone known to the family. Probably specifically to WH. If that were the case, is it plausible this person has a score to settle with him, and he knew of what was going on before the report, trying to figure out a way to fix it himself?
Great points! I agree with everything you said. I guess while exploring other options I keep getting pulled back to WH just because of things that make sense. I go entertain the stranger idea but then I end up asking myself 200 times "but if it was a stranger WHY would WH have done that? Or said that? Or acted that way?"

Attempting to keep my mind open since I have been so focused on WH reminds me why I was so focused on WH! MOOOO

Maybe if it was a stranger to AJ but not to WH...and WH thought he needed to cover for the relationship with said 'stranger.' But that's a reach. A thought experiment. So far, out of the criteria we've amassed, WH is still king of the mountain...of suspicious circumstantial evidence.
Well until the police publicly rule out WH. or arrest someone else I can't help believe he is responsible. He lied about when he last seen her, he interfered with the investigation and IMO he planted evidence and invented tips. He punched a dog, the police told him they believe he harmed her,he's being held without bond, he is a drug user, heavy by his own admission, he had ammo and he will not tell police where to find the gun he had. He has a criminal background.
These are my reasons for thinking he's involved and I cannot find a redeeming reason to think he isn't. Why not tell where the gun is anyway. As far as I am concerned WH is exactly where he should be. And if he is cleared of involvement he is still where he should be.
That's so awful, so sad!

And you're right, the old adage says "hindsight is 20/20." I think in the beginning he painted himself as a victim of love. (Vomit). His story was that he and his wife ran away together to get away from her father who hated him - her father that had him brought up on charges. His wife had been on the run with him willingly when he robbed that bank, but he took the rap for both of them. I'm sure he pointed out that the assault, rape, and kidnapping charges were dropped and the original indictment for assault was vacated. I think he was able to make this very believable, and I'm sure his mom and sister backed up his story. Who knows?

Yes, didn't he say on the wavy interview that there was a difference in being charged and convicted?

I can see him skipping over this part of his past or convincing her that it was just a disgruntled father in law.
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