VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #17

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Well I know we can't sleuth where anyone was that day, ie. JH. So, I'm just curious where EVERYONE was that day. I can't help it, I'm nosy.
Wonder if his DNA would already been in the system because he has previously been incarcerated.
This one?

I understand that there is a person in the media right now, and I will mention her by name [redacted], my brother has a white car. Yeah yeah, he does. My neighbor knows my brother’s white car, you know? My brother works. My brother was at work the whole day. I wanna clear the conspiracy theories, the b.s. involved in this. We have a serious situation here and I would appreciate people’s, ummmm, I would appreciate people’s help as far as helping push the police. Helping with the investigation, not hindering the investigation, not sidetracking the investigation.

Thank you! Interesting that he mentioned it. And we only have his word his "brother" was at work so...
Agree! I feel he is extremely crafty. I also feel there is a certain charisma he must possess since he seems to be a leader to a lot of people.
I always look at the opinions on here and assume a lot of questions raised here would be going through certain jurors minds and will need to be addressed.
Thankfully, I get the impression that LE has SO much more than we realize in this case. That's just the impression I get though. I tend to think once the COD comes in there will be action. No reason for them to rush with
him where they want him.

Let's not forget. He doesn't have to take the stand. Since alot of his explanations he stated on public interviews; Then those statements can be used in court without him taking the stand.Jmo
Hi jbelle, excellent post! I think 99.99% of what comes out of WH's big mouth is coke-addled bull***** with little kernels of truth sprinkled in. Mostly facts that have already been confirmed from a second party where he couldn't lie. And I think the reason he mentioned the key and not being able to get in the home is because he did return to the home after meeting AJ. Unfortunately, I think he had already killed her and now he had HER key and was able to get in and get some of her clothes (to throw off LE) and clean up any evidence of being there.

Yes, and I have some more thoughts:
1. Wondering if it was/can be proven whether or not WH was at work all day aside from the lunch break.
2. Wondering if anyone else who lived in the house has a solid alibi.
3. Don't think she was in the hotel because he was confident police wouldn't find any trace of her there.
4. Yes, as someone mentioned, he is stating (oddly) specific times besides times that day, (he was also in neighbors' house for 18 to 19 minutes), but not specific details, as these could be disproved at some point.
5. The 7-11 on Halprin has no gas pumps... just sayin'
6. As someone mentioned, it is possible that he was not in Franklin all day, as when my husband did work along these lines, he could have worked in 3 different cities in one day.
7. Um, Grammy56 stated that a neighbor saw a van in the back of JH house? Does someone have the link?
8. Those living in the house were aware of WH's past, ammo/weapon in house, "shooting" adventures... this would be considered child endangerment IMO.
9. Maybe other people in the house are being persuaded to stay there so that something doesn't accidentally get spoken that may lead to something.
10. One of the strangest things was the flier incident in the beginning... I just don't get that at all.
Just some thoughts
Search warrant count:

1. Hotel Room
2. Pond in IOW
3. Millard residence
4. Texty's house

Anyone got anything else? We have a long way to go from 4-15.

ETA: 5. Franklin house 6. Quality Plumbing van

Forgive me, just getting back. Are these actual places or theories. (honest not snarky question)

I just got out of class and finished catching up on the thread.

3 things jump out at me immediately:

1. Probable cause is needed for a search warrant in Virginia. I copied the part of the code that pertains to this.

"The warrant shall (i) name the affiant, (ii) recite the offense in relation to which the search is to be made, (iii) name or describe the place to be searched, (iv) describe the property or person to be searched for, and (v) recite that the magistrate has found probable cause to believe that the property or person constitutes evidence of a crime (identified in the warrant) or tends to show that a person (named or described therein) has committed or is committing a crime."

The rest can be found here

2. I know you guys have made a list of things pertaining to items, vehicles and places WH may have been associated with, but thats still one hell of a lot of sealed search warrants.

In comparison JLM was served with just 2 in the HG case if my memory serves correctly

3. IMO needing this many search warrants, can mean that more people are involved or that WH moved AJ to multiple locations.

I would be very surprised if a suspect or suspects arent named and charged in the coming week.
Thank you! Interesting that he mentioned it. And we only have his word his "brother" was at work so...

Might be a silly question, But since I'm on the opposite coast line I'm wondering if there is truly a need for sprinkler repair during the winter in Va?
Not on the west coast , during the winter, with snow on the ground, and freezing temps. Maybe it's different in Va? Anybody?
anyone catch WAVY at 6:00...Not sure if I heard correctly. There isn't a link yet

Heard WAVY report mention the funeral and that there had been 15 search warrants executed in the case but all were sealed. Should be on the live streaming section of wavy but I can't find a link to just that segment. AJ does have her own section on the wavy site under news now but it's not there that I can find.
I find it striking that a few WS members who have not posted here at all from the beginning of this case until now, express reluctance to suspect WH as the #1 suspect. While, those of us who have followed this case from day 1 have wrestled with all the information and for the most part, we're all seeing ourselves looking right back at WH.

I'd honestly like to hear the thoughts of those who have just recently begun to comment. What is it specifically that you're seeing that you think many of us are not seeing? I believe fresh eyes are always good in any case, and this one is no exception.

I look forward to your thoughts.
Might be a silly question, But since I'm on the opposite coast line I'm wondering if there is truly a need for sprinkler repair during the winter in Va?
Not on the west coast , during the winter, with snow on the ground, and freezing temps. Maybe it's different in Va? Anybody?

The pipes can freeze and burst in cold temps, so yes, a need can present itself. I have a neighbor that can attest to that - lol!
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