VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #17

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I am on the opposite coast too but I would doubt it. It seems to be that you would only need one in the spring/ summer if any of the pipes had broken. I think they can break from frozen water in them expanding but you wouldn't be likely to find that out until you had tried to use them and you wouldn't try to use them when it is still near freezing temps. Anyone from the East coast know?
In New York We have to "blow the water" out of our sprinkler pipes in the fall. They can't freeze.
I believe the decision to allow us to sleuth/discuss WH was based on the fact that he's been named as a suspect in previous LE investigations, with a violent, criminal history. I don't want to speak for anyone in an official capacity here at WS but in all the cases I've ever followed this is a very odd circumstance where he's considered both victim (parent of missing person) and previously convicted suspect in a case that has been discussed on this site.

I appreciate the TOS here and the tough decisions the mods have to make, especially in super-weird cases like this one.

Thank you for your explanation.. It really is a super weird case. :)
BBM- How would WH know on which side of the driveway AJ parked when she returned from the gas station or when the neighbor saw her return at 2pm? If you believe his story, AJ would have parked twice in the driveway- once after she "departed" him, once when she was seen at 2pm. So how can he be sure it was "moved" from left to right side?

If you believe what he has to say, he seems to have eyes and ears out all over Norfolk. Everyone he quotes knows the exact minute they saw, heard or said something. He says he overheard a "Go pro" conversation between AJ and her bf's mom, too.
I find it striking that a few WS members who have not posted here at all from the beginning of this case until now, express reluctance to suspect WH as the #1 suspect. While, those of us who have followed this case from day 1 have wrestled with all the information and for the most part, we're all seeing ourselves looking right back at WH.

I'd honestly like to hear the thoughts of those who have just recently begun to comment. What is it specifically that you're seeing that you think many of us are not seeing? I believe fresh eyes are always good in any case, and this one is no exception.

I look forward to your thoughts.

I've been playing catch up and working backwards. There have been many times I wanted to comment but the thread had been long closed. Lol
Recently, what I've done, is view the videos of a few people that have not been mentioned on here, yet have been interviewed. It has been enlightening to say the least. We all have analyzed the WH interview, and some of JH, as well. But I am now analyzing EVERYONE that has spoken on the news. Like I said, it's been enlightening.
WH hasn't been named a suspect by LE. His charges so far stem from breaking into a house he believed AJ was seen, JMO but that is excusable behavior for a dad. Right? No. But when you are desperately looking for your child, you just might be willing to do anything to save your child's life or find her.

Does that include compromising the case by planting evidence? How about shifting LE's focus away from other possible suspects and onto yourself?

IF WH is innocent (big if IMO) then you have to wonder how much quicker LE could have done their jobs without him in the picture. You also have to wonder what a good defense attorney can do with a distraught father planting evidence.

Or in other words, with Dads like that who needs enemies?

What if his actions allow a killer to walk free? Upset father or not, idiot or not, he would still be an accomplice after the fact.

He isnt a hero, not by a long shot.
1. Millard residence
2. Hotel
3. storage unit
4. work van
5. red truck
6. ? another family vehicle
7. cell phone
8. cell phone
9. cell phone
10. pond search
11. franklin residence search
12. computer
13. texty kid's house
14. work records - time card etc.
15. camera and/or go pro??

These are just my guesses/possibilities. Another possibility would be alleged-supposed gas station video/surveillance.

Just joining in, you all are great! Have been trying to catch up on this thread for a very looong time and still a few behind.
Could one of them be checking/ bank accounts? Sorry if already suggested.
I am playing catch up after work today...wanted to weigh in here.

If you know your heart is telling you to go to show respect for AJ, then by all means, please go and represent those of us who aren't local who have grown to love her. The only way it would be disrespectful is to go simply to be nosy...and I know from your posts here that is NOT your reason.

Thank you SO much! Already decided earlier I'm going! But thank you!
Are these new warrants, or are they inclusive of ALL warrants since the beginning?
Does that include compromising the case by planting evidence? How about shifting LE's focus away from other possible suspects and onto yourself?

IF WH is innocent (big if IMO) then you have to wonder how much quicker LE could have done their jobs without him in the picture.

Or in other words, with dads like that who needs enemies?

He isnt a hero, not by a long shot.

I understand exactly what you are saying, but hear me out. I have a paranoid schizophrenic (fairly mild on the scale of how bad schizophrenics can be) uncle, whose beloved dog disappeared and was found dead on the side of the road 4 days later, having been hit by a car. My uncle, who has a pretty decent list of past arrests, some violent, decided that one of his neighbors stole his dog. He broke into his home, swore he found her collar there, called the police from the neighbor's phone to report him. He put up really nasty flyers around town about the neighbor; he was arrested for profanity laden threatening phone calls. This poor neighbor had nothing to do with it.

I can only imagine what crazy things my uncle would have done if it had been a family member that was missing. He certainly would have acted inappropriately, like a lunatic, probably would have planted evidence, and would have absolutely hindered the investigation.

I am just saying it is not outside the realm of belief, that WH could just be a complete, unstable moron.

I am also not saying that he didn't murder AJ.

I'm just saying that we don't know everything.
I believe the decision to allow us to sleuth/discuss WH was based on the fact that he's been named as a suspect in previous LE investigations, with a violent, criminal history. I don't want to speak for anyone in an official capacity here at WS but in all the cases I've ever followed this is a very odd circumstance where he's considered both victim (parent of missing person) and previously convicted suspect in a case that has been discussed on this site.

I appreciate the TOS here and the tough decisions the mods have to make, especially in super-weird cases like this one.

Gosh, it's because he was questioned for 15 hours by LE. He told us himself, that LE accused him of know where to fine AJ.
I've been playing catch up. I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again. WH very well might be responsible for AJ's death.

But, there are things that just don't sit right with me. Things that give me pause.

WH hasn't been named a suspect by LE. His charges so far stem from breaking into a house he believed AJ was seen, JMO but that is excusable behavior for a dad. Right? No. But when you are desperately looking for your child, you just might be willing to do anything to save your child's life or find her.

I understand why some would think that way. I try VERY hard to give the benefit of the doubt but sometimes there's just so much OTHER stuff that makes it so hard. I know WH hasn't been named as a suspect yet, and that's always in the back of my thoughts.

There has only EVER been one other case that I followed that I was 100% certain of the guilty party until it was disclosed to me a close, dear friend actually knew the accused (and actually had the accused living with them for a time while they avoided media) and shared with me inside information in strict confidence, that blew my thought process completely out of the water. And when I say completely, I do mean completely. And all of it was documented but kept from the public. UGH! So often what the media shares and what LE doesn't share has a HUGE influence in what the public decides, whether it's legit or not.

So, it's for that reason I always appreciate fresh eyes even if I don't agree with them at first (or, ever, in some cases).
I've been following from the beginning as well. My decision to begin posting comes partly from my confusion about WH not actually being named a suspect, yet being discussed here as though he has. On another recent thread, just an inkling that you might even be dreaming at night that 'mom and dad' had anything to do with it, would bring down the house of "No, No, you can'ts! on you. Since I have been following and reading from the beginning anyway, posting allows me to find my place a lot easier. No big conspiracy here. :)
Apples and oranges. If you have a problem, take it up with a mod or admin in a pm.

The decision was made weeks ago for reasons I won't list now. If you've been following the threads, you already know them. Keep in mind that circumstances vary from case to case, and the mods and admin exercise their discretion when making decisions on what is allowed and what is not.

[h=1]Rules: Etiquette & Information[/h]
She says that AJ's body will be laid to rest on Saturday. To me that means the ME will release it prior to Saturday, unless this is bad reporting. Thoughts?

They don't need the body for the toxicology (that has probably already been sent off) and they are done physically examining it, I am assuming. So they are releasing her back to family for a proper burial...
I understand why some would think that way. I try VERY hard to give the benefit of the doubt but sometimes there's just so much OTHER stuff that makes it so hard. I know WH hasn't been named as a suspect yet, and that's always in the back of my thoughts.

There has only EVER been one other case that I followed that I was 100% certain of the guilty party until it was disclosed to me a close, dear friend actually knew the accused (and actually had the accused living with them for a time while they avoided media) and shared with me inside information in strict confidence, that blew my thought process completely out of the water. And when I say completely, I do mean completely. And all of it was documented but kept from the public. UGH! So often what the media shares and what LE doesn't share has a HUGE influence in what the public decides, whether it's legit or not.

So, it's for that reason I always appreciate fresh eyes even if I don't agree with them at first (or, ever, in some cases).

I'd probably all aboard the WH train if there wasn't something/one else that had my attention.
I've been playing catch up and working backwards. There have been many times I wanted to comment but the thread had been long closed. Lol
Recently, what I've done, is view the videos of a few people that have not been mentioned on here, yet have been interviewed. It has been enlightening to say the least. We all have analyzed the WH interview, and some of JH, as well. But I am now analyzing EVERYONE that has spoken on the news. Like I said, it's been enlightening.

For now on, I would start from the end, and work back to the beginning.
On search warrants dont they have to list what they are looking for, for ea search warrant? IIRC, if they see something in open that pertains that's diff.

From what I understand, a request for a warrant has to have supporting evidence to convince the judge of probable cause. The judge looks over the evidence presented for probable cause and either issues the warrant or... denies it, and essentially says "show me more evidence". I'm probably not sharing anything here many don't already know. I just think it's curious AT LEAST 15 of them have already been issued. That tells me the various LE agencies investigating this crime have LOADS of probable cause that we don't know anything about yet.
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