VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #19

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Has anyone done FOIA or have any of the media outlets published the MP reports etc specific to AJ? IIRC, I read a post here that indicated there were items redacted from a police report. I went on to the documents thread and found the links to the documents regarding Hadsell's criminal activities to the present time. Many thanks for that!!

I am trying to figure out what we already have for reference. :)
Not sure if this is allowed (mods, please remove if it isn't), but since we know from court documents, and WH himself, that WH tried to commit suicide several times, once over the death of his friend Tim, I thought I'd post some background information about Tim's death here.

(Much thanks to the WSer who tracked this down.)

That's so odd as Timothy didn't die in WH's arms as WH claimed but rather he collapsed and the P.E. coach caught him, then another teacher began CPR until medics arrived to take him to the hospital.

While I'm sure it was traumatic to everyone in the gym I can't imagine why WH would have tried to kill himself over Timothy's death.

WH's court documents note that he ran away from home as a teen and attempted to kill himself after Timothy's death. I'd forgotten that he also attempted suicide in 1999 and 2005. It sounds like he never received any mental health counseling.
Has anyone done FOIA or have any of the media outlets published the MP reports etc specific to AJ? IIRC, I read a post here that indicated there were items redacted from a police report. I went on to the documents thread and found the links to the documents regarding Hadsell's criminal activities to the present time. Many thanks for that!!

I am trying to figure out what we already have for reference. :)

Nice to see you, believe09 :)

Mods have may have it here,

It was raysgirl1126 that initially got them for us. I posted them with credit to her in the documents thread.

ETA: There was also a cover letter and I never saved the link to that one, but there was nothing significant in it.**NO-DISCUSSION**&p=11715740#post11715740
Wes had GAME OVER tatted on his eyelids. I have never known anyone with eyelid tatts. I think it is pretty much a prison thing. It would be hard to think that JH did not know that he was an ex-con, since he had just gotten out of prison a couple of months before they met. She knew his family I assume. Someone must have mentioned it? Anyway, as a single mom with three young girls, it was up to her to figure out a new boyfriend's past. You don't move in a new man, withput finding out what he has been up to in the previous years. JMO
Her prev long term relationship resulted from meeting someone online and moving to him correct? Or that's what I have gathered from reading here. Curious if there were relationships between Zach and Wes, but that is against TOS...
That's so odd as Timothy didn't die in WH's arms as WH claimed but rather he collapsed and the P.E. coach caught him, then another teacher began CPR until medics arrived to take him to the hospital.

While I'm sure it was traumatic to everyone in the gym I can't imagine why WH would have tried to kill himself over Timothy's death.

WH's court documents note that he ran away from home as a teen and attempted to kill himself after Timothy's death. I'd forgotten that he also attempted suicide in 1999 and 2005. It sounds like he never received any mental health counseling.

I am not sure who redacted the documents, but the victim's name appears unredacted in a few spots, including the affidavit portion. Just a heads up if it was done by a fellow sleuther.
This is a little off-topic but IIRC, somewhere in one of these threads, somebody mentioned that AJ resembled a person from WH's past. I am just trying to clarify which person from the past they were talking about. I found somebody from his past also that also resembles her so I'm just wondering if it is the same person.

sorry for the kind of off-topic post! TIA :)
That's so odd as Timothy didn't die in WH's arms as WH claimed but rather he collapsed and the P.E. coach caught him, then another teacher began CPR until medics arrived to take him to the hospital.

While I'm sure it was traumatic to everyone in the gym I can't imagine why WH would have tried to kill himself over Timothy's death.

WH's court documents note that he ran away from home as a teen and attempted to kill himself after Timothy's death. I'd forgotten that he also attempted suicide in 1999 and 2005. It sounds like he never received any mental health counseling.

Something I noticed is that he "attempts" suicide after several incidents where he was in trouble and got caught. Note that he is still alive. I have absolutely NO explanation for why he ran away from home after TS's death, or why he tried to commit suicide after that occurred. I could speculate, but I don't think my speculation on that would help us one bit, so I'm not offering it up for discussion.

One thing I do find extremely bizarre is WH's retelling of the events that occurred when TS died. They are quite simply, a bald faced lie. Yet, for some reason, he goes out of our way to tell us about his friend's death. Why?!
I am not sure who redacted the documents, but the victim's name appears unredacted in a few spots, including the affidavit portion. Just a heads up if it was done by a fellow sleuther.

Thanks for pointing that out, Believe. I was hoping that someone would have taken a second to redact that info before posting it. Is there anyway we can redact it now?

There is also information about the victim of the March 6, 2015 break-in on one document. I'd like to see that info redacted as well.
Thanks for pointing that out, Believe. I was hoping that someone would have taken a second to redact that info before posting it. Is there anyway we can redact it now?

The only way I know is the old fashioned way-printing the docs, scribbling it out and scanning/posting again.
I am so confused about what it means to go to folders even though I've read a few people explain it. So there are places we can discuss things but we just have to find the right folder? Or is it just a bunch of links we all are supposed to look at? Sorry, this is my first case that's gone to folders.
I'm sure you are correct in your assertion about what feelings regarding fatherhood that AJ had towards each man. Your post just stuck out to me because my husband calls his Mom and Dad by their first names and has his whole life. It struck me as odd at first to hear him say "Mary and Glenn" when talking about or to his parents, and I wondered at first if they were not that close.

But, that is not the case at all; Chris is very close to his parents.
So, I think AJ calling Wes "Wes" probably had more to do with the fact that she was now on her 3rd father figure (not her fault), and she already knew of her bio dad but had nothing to do with him, had Zach for several years and called him "Dad". And, for whatever reasons, (also not her fault) her relationship with Zach was not ideal after the divorce. So what does a girl, especially with a teenager's mind, decide to call her 3rd go round with a father? I'm guessing she probably wasn't terribly gung ho and optimistic about how this one would work out, not enough to put a ton of effort into what she was going to call him. She likely was like, "Whatever, screw it. I'm running out of dad-type names, (not her fault, either), so I'm just going to call him Wes."

Probably what Zach daughters call him as well. Jmo
Her prev long term relationship resulted from meeting someone online and moving to him correct? Or that's what I have gathered from reading here. Curious if there were relationships between Zach and Wes, but that is against TOS...

Also, seems that she got pregnant with WH's child fairly quickly after meeting him/moving him in...I say this not in a sleuthing way, but just b/c it reinforces my idea of why she stayed with him (prob b/c of baby on the way).
This is a little off-topic but IIRC, somewhere in one of these threads, somebody mentioned that AJ resembled a person from WH's past. I am just trying to clarify which person from the past they were talking about. I found somebody from his past also that also resembles her so I'm just wondering if it is the same person.

sorry for the kind of off-topic post! TIA :)

Yes, you're right, I recall something similar. You may be able to track down the information if you look through the documents and press around his first run in with the law as he took off with a young girl of 15 when he was 20.
I am so confused about what it means to go to folders even though I've read a few people explain it. So there are places we can discuss things but we just have to find the right folder? Or is it just a bunch of links we all are supposed to look at? Sorry, this is my first case that's gone to folders.

There are non-discussion threads at the top of the list. Further down, discussions are divided into threads (just like this) but according to topic. The threads should stay more orderly as we have a particular topic to discuss in a particular place.
Verified Family AJ Hadsell
my main thought was possible overdose whether by herself or with someone

I appreciate Zach's perspective and open responses as we wade through all of this. Has this theory of his been completely discounted?

I am so confused about what it means to go to folders even though I've read a few people explain it. So there are places we can discuss things but we just have to find the right folder? Or is it just a bunch of links we all are supposed to look at? Sorry, this is my first case that's gone to folders.

Hi, Owl. You can post in any thread in the folder you want to post in. Many of the top threads are marked "No Discussion". You can post links in those, you just can't discuss anything there. Any thread not marked "No Discussion" is fair game. Post away...just make sure that what you post is on topic for each individual thread.

Hope that helps.

ETA: And you don't have to be scared to post over there. That is what the forum is for...our thoughts and ideas. Jump on in, we'll help you along if you need us. :)
I am so confused about what it means to go to folders even though I've read a few people explain it. So there are places we can discuss things but we just have to find the right folder? Or is it just a bunch of links we all are supposed to look at? Sorry, this is my first case that's gone to folders.

Forum Location.jpg Navigate from here, top of the page, to the AJ Forum Directory

Open discussion threads.png discussion threads are here

Non discussion threads with info.png post TOS approved links on the threads here (no discussion)
Nice to see you, believe09 :)

Mods have may have it here, SBHack, IIRC, made the request, but it hasn't been linked here yet. Would anyone recall what thread the redacted missing report was discussed?**NO-DISCUSSION**&p=11715740#post11715740

It was raysgirl1126 that initially got them for us. I posted them with credit to her in the documents thread.

ETA: There was also a cover letter and I never saved the link to that one, but there was nothing significant in it.

I appreciate Zach's perspective and open responses as we wade through all of this. Has this theory of his been completely discounted?

Verified Family AJ Hadsell
my main thought was possible overdose whether by herself or with someone
I never saw this post, but I would be inclined to then ask Zach why this would come to mind as a possibility?

If my daughter that is around AJ's age disappeared, this thought would never enter my mind. That being said, I am sure my daughter isn't perfect, this is something I am sure of. Did AJ have any issues with exploring or addiction? If yes, then could this be her underlying connection to WH? I mean, we could go 100 different ways with this, but first, we would really need more clarification from Zach.
Also, seems that she got pregnant with WH's child fairly quickly after meeting him/moving him in...I say this not in a sleuthing way, but just b/c it reinforces my idea of why she stayed with him (prob b/c of baby on the way).

Possible/Probable. BUT...isn't that also kinda same with her daughters from prev marriage? I not sure of ages of her half siblings so I may be off on that if so I apologize. But didn't she meet exhusb online and move across the country with a toddler? Anyone can be anyone online.. as well as in person. Online scary to me. jmho
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