VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #6

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Since we all know, because he's made it so obvious, that WH is a liar, I think we all might want to take a small step back and really think about what he said in that raw interview (that actually wasn't, it was edited in several places and it's pretty obvious).

1. He knew it was being recorded to go on the air so he said exactly what he wanted everyone to believe. We know honesty isn't WH's strong suit, during interviews.

2. We do know he was interrogated but we don't really know what was said, aside from what HE says, LE said.

3. Interrogation tactics are varied, i.e., good cop/bad cop, psychological mind games, dangling the carrot ('we already know you were here and here, so tell us about why you were also here' - when the suspect doesn't realize the police already know about the first two so he just spills and tells them everything).

4. This is not WH's first rodeo in the hot seat with LE asking him questions about a crime. He knew exactly what they were going to do and he played along.

I'm not really going anywhere with this, just sort of thinking out loud. I believe WH to be a manipulator with many years of experience of getting exactly what he wants. Now, if he were the town librarian or something, with absolutely no criminal background at all, I'd be WAY more inclined to believe him about the kinds of things the LE officers said to him during interrogation. But because he is who he is, I'm reluctant.

My last two cents for now - I just want to say that I fully agree with those of you who have praised JF for how he conducted the interview. My mother is a local news journalist and I definitely understand how challenging it can be when you're faced with a task like his. Especially after hearing WH talk to other journalists. JF was the perfect amount of stern, understanding, provocative, and casual. He sounded like a friend, Glad we had him as our surrogate!
IMO police should be checking a white car that belongs to someone close to WH

Considering those little white cars are one of the most commonly owned vehicle out there (my own son in law was over today, and I looked out the window and saw his car parked in front of the house and immediately thought "oh look, a small, 4 door white car that isn't normally here at this time of day") it's entirely possible WH is close to more than one person with a very similar car. Just a thought...
I am still catching up...

- WH talks to himself after explaining the dog punching scenario...:(...
and says something like...."They also went down a very dark and mysterious road as well..."
What does this mean? Who went down a road... LE?... Dog owners? ...???
And was the road figuratively or literally a road? :crazy:

Just points to ponder...:waitasec:

I can't answer your excellent question but I will say that I've been slowly climbing the learning curve of WH's speech patterns and I think he's "leaking" all over the place. IOW, bits and pieces of real information is seeping out in the way he says things.

For now I believe he's using the phrase figuratively but I also believe that LE should pay close attention to these speech mannerisms. And I'm pretty sure they are.
My last two cents for now - I just want to say that I fully agree with those of you who have praised JF for how he conducted the interview. My mother is a local news journalist and I definitely understand how challenging it can be when you're faced with a task like his. Especially after hearing WH talk to other journalists. JF was the perfect amount of stern, understanding, provocative, and casual. He sounded like a friend, Glad we had him as our surrogate!

I don't know how Joe Fisher kept his composure like he did. I wouldn't have been able to do it and I do a lot of interviews.
It sounds like from what he said in the interview that they are looking at him.
You and me both. My husband called to say he was heading home early from work--and i had to hang up quick and scramble to try and make it look like I did something at home today. I moved the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and threw the unfolded laundry back into the washer, and took out the vacuum, just in time....:angel:

My hubby and kids know I'm absolutely obsessed with finding AJ and thankfully, they ask about her nearly every day. I work from home but haven't actually done much work in the last week. I can't remember the last time I dusted and tonight we had canned soup for dinner. It's just sort of the way it goes.
It sounds like from what he said in the interview that they are looking at him.

WH said they were, in so many words. Probably the only truthful thing he said in the interview. :jail:
Admits to having another cell phone that he didn't tell the police about! That's a big deal to me!

As SOON as I read the transcript this morning and saw that about the second cell, I immediately thought of the baby Delano Wilson case and his creepy liar who lies daddy who had two cell phones on him the day Delano went missing. Now in that case, dude was unemployed so there was no reason for him to have two of them (one personal, one company issued while on company time, etc.) but we did have a pretty in-depth conversation on that thread as to why someone might have 2 cells in their possession. I will say, it's POSSIBLE WH has one personal and one company issued. I will also say it's POSSIBLE, one's a burner he uses for illegal activity.
He was supposedly fishing? I wonder if he did it often and where. And as someone said where is the fishing tackle - rod and reel, tackle box with lures, etc. - and fishing license.

Where to hide something in rural Chesapeake. I've ridden those roads by bike many times and it is different when going at that speed than by car so you see things from a different viewpoint. There are still houses. I would want an area where someone isn't likely to notice me pulling off the road - i.e., within sight of a house. That part makes it tough. You'd HAVE to know where to go and drive the roads. One spot that comes to my mind if I was devious is to turn off Benefit Rd onto Douglas Rd. I'd cross Hwy 17 and go into the area btw 17 and the Dismal Swamp Canal Trail. No houses. I'd do it at night to avoid joggers, rollerblladers or bikers witnessing it since the trail is closed btw sundown and sunrise. The Canal Trail itself is closed to auto traffic. But there are 3 or 4 roads that go into it if you are on foot or riding a bike. Douglas is one of them. You could go down Cornland, but you have to pass one or two houses and that would be unusual for someone driving in there past the houses especially at night. There are probably a few other areas, but I have to be looking for them. Like Backwoods Road (yes, that's actually a road name) off Ballahack Rd and go south toward NC.

Another point comes to my mind. If WH was living away from the household we don't know how long. Would he have known AJ was going to be home that week? Could he have walked in for something else and she was there knowing he wasn't supposed to be.

Hey from Happyshoes, didn't know you were from this area - good job! I think he knew the household routines and I think he couldn't wait to see AJ alone. Chills...
As SOON as I read the transcript this morning and saw that about the second cell, I immediately thought of the baby Delano Wilson case and his creepy liar who lies daddy who had two cell phones on him the day Delano went missing. Now in that case, dude was unemployed so there was no reason for him to have two of them (one personal, one company issued while on company time, etc.) but we did have a pretty in-depth conversation on that thread as to why someone might have 2 cells in their possession. I will say, it's POSSIBLE WH has one personal and one company issued. I will also say it's POSSIBLE, one's a burner he uses for illegal activity.
I think if he had two cell phones for legitimate reasons he would of most likely told LE from the start . The fact now one is missing tells me a lot
So in this jailhouse interview he states he started searching out there Thursday evening. If I think it's in the area that I have figured out. IMO it would be really hard to see things out there at night, especially seeing blue shorts on the side of the road.

His directions on where the items were found is very confusing in his interview. But I drove all around that area this afternoon. If you look at these images post on WAVY you can see there isn't a lot of lights out there. I am not sure if anyone has Google Earth but you can view this address 4000 Battlefield Boulevard South, Chesapeake, VA which is a business address. Right at the end of the street is I believe where the search was set up, in my opinion. On Google Earth you can see an canal opening and shows some boats but that's not there anymore it's just a dry lot now. If the items were found along that road in the ditches it most likely would have been very hard to see at night.

Also that road was very busy the time of day I went. No way someone could throw items out the car and someone not see them unless by some lucky chance there wasn't a car coming along at the time, maybe in the middle of the night or something but not during rush hour time. Also I would think it would be hard for someone to see clothes laying in the ditch unless they were really looking and if it was a busy time of day. He said " It’s the first clothing item we physically saw. We pulled over, the other stuff you couldn’t see from the road, but there was a pair of blue shorts, Norview softball cos Colin kicked them over to see and it said norview on them."

I don't know. I just don't see someone seeing something blue on the side of the road and messaging him directly. I am not sure the exact place there were found but if it was right near the houses what area but those ditches are sort of deep on each side of the road and a person driving their car by wouldn't really be able to see well into a ditch. You can see like trash here in the ditches stuff like that cups, etc. But I could see a this road where people through cups whatever out of their cars. I just wouldn't imagine someone would see some blue shorts and say hey let me talk to this guy. I don't know how many times I have seen a shoe on the side of the road and said let me call someone about this.

That whole area there is a lot of rural areas. A LOT! If you map the area and look at Ballahack Road there is tons of woods, farmland, backroads. And oh don't even get me started on
that Cavalier Wildlife Management Area. It's a small gravel road that all along it runs woods and marshland. We road back there and trust me if you wanted to hide something and didn't want someone seeing you stash it that would be the place to be. No one would find it if they didn't know to specifically look there.
My hubby and kids know I'm absolutely obsessed with finding AJ and thankfully, they ask about her nearly every day. I work from home but haven't actually done much work in the last week. I can't remember the last time I dusted and tonight we had canned soup for dinner. It's just sort of the way it goes.
Offered to take the kids to karate so I can sit on my phone for a straight hour, hope they find her soon.
FTR, I'm not placing AJ in a *runaway* category.

An 18 year old college student may legally come & go as she pleases.

Any conclusion that AJ left her mother's residence of *her own volition* means that it's very possible and even likely that up until and during the "text communications" with JH that AJ was somewhere she wanted to be through her own choice. There is no *official* evidence at this point in time tonight that tells me anything otherwise.

Parsing words is not helpful in my opinion. But an 18 year old who literally vanishes is running away. No contact with any friends or family is running away from something. The legal definition or your definition of a runaway may be different but IF she took off on her own (not a chance) she ran away from something.

The raw interview is troubling to say the least. It is 30 some odd minutes of self serving nonsense. How many times did he even say her name? He didn't offer any insight into what might have happened. If you're falsely accused...arrested without bond...and have real suspicions with "evidence" someone else is responsible...why not say something?!? Oh so now we are to believe he's being noble by not "naming names?" Please. Instead he talks and talks about himself. Nothing about her. Nothing about what a great kid she is. Nothing about how worried he is for her mother. For her siblings. Nothing but concern for himself.

This is obviously my opinion. I hope my pov is clouded but I will not buy what WH is seling. Ever.
You and me both. My husband called to say he was heading home early from work--and i had to hang up quick and scramble to try and make it look like I did something at home today. I moved the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and threw the unfolded laundry back into the washer, and took out the vacuum, just in time....:angel:

Same here! Everything's running when sweetie comes in. I may even need a bath, then dinner. At least he doesn't say "what have you been doing today?", I think he knows, plus I read all the time. And snack..! I have developed such a love for these women who run up against the devil in plain clothing. Evil with a face. I want to think of a way to teach them how not to be predators. I have a hard time watching the shows about clothing/bridal/travel, etc. since I think its more important to help these girls or their families. I guess that's why I put on loud music instead.
As SOON as I read the transcript this morning and saw that about the second cell, I immediately thought of the baby Delano Wilson case and his creepy liar who lies daddy who had two cell phones on him the day Delano went missing. Now in that case, dude was unemployed so there was no reason for him to have two of them (one personal, one company issued while on company time, etc.) but we did have a pretty in-depth conversation on that thread as to why someone might have 2 cells in their possession. I will say, it's POSSIBLE WH has one personal and one company issued. I will also say it's POSSIBLE, one's a burner he uses for illegal activity.

Ugh. I'll never forget baby Delano's parents saying they "had nothing to hide." As House once said - people lie.

If LE was "pissed" about the second phone it makes me lean towards a burner.

...and the cops were very pissed because I had a secondary cell phone. They think I have something to hide,...

That doesn't sound like a work phone. I'm sure LE had already spoken to WH's boss by then.

Oh, and o/t: my dust bunnies have all had litters - anyone want one? ;)
I'm sorry, I meant teach these girls/women how NOT to be prey~ sorry about that. Animals come in all shapes and sizes.
So in this jailhouse interview he states he started searching out there Thursday evening. If I think it's in the area that I have figured out. IMO it would be really hard to see things out there at night, especially seeing blue shorts on the side of the road.

Can't help but stick my opinion in, since I feel very invested. This is the number one thing that stood out to me. It is a scientific fact that it is extremely hard to tell colors apart in the dark. Depending on how bright the lights were nearby and if he saw them in his headlights or not... I mean, it's just not really possible to see navy blue. He specifically makes it a point to say that he saw blue clothing, not just clothing in general. Our eyes' rods work in dark light, and rods don't detect color. Blue, specifically, shares such a similar color gradient w black that it makes it even harder to decipher.
I am still catching up...

But these two things REALLY stood out to me, too....(in the Jail interview with WH...)

Additionally.... (And I apologize if this has been discussed...)

- Motel he was staying at had MD International on the side... When I googled this... The link that popped up was America's Best Value Inn on E. Little Creek....(I believe another WSer already figured this out and shared with us...

- WH talks to himself after explaining the dog punching scenario...:(...
and says something like...."They also went down a very dark and mysterious road as well..."
What does this mean? Who went down a road... LE?... Dog owners? ...???
And was the road figuratively or literally a road? :crazy:

- And... While discussing the found items on Battlefield... WH says LE was mad because he (WH) had a secondary phone... Then he says he "lost it"...
Did he conveniently "lose" his secondary phone?
Or did he "lose it" ... As in he "blew up" .... "Lost his cool"... Etc.?

Just points to ponder...:waitasec:

"They also went down a very dark and mysterious road as well..." I am wondering if he is referring to these boys. I am hoping that he didn't get them involved, in trouble and then threatened them with it later. I am sure those kids trusted him, looked up to him, maybe even idolized him in some strange way. Found him intriguing. They're young and I'm sure impressionable. This is all my opinion though.
This has me thinking about Dylan Redwine. MR sure has said/done some pretty crazy things too.
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