VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #3

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I think it is also worth noting that Mel and Emma were clearly singled out if not 'targeted' by Shrim and Raz. It is clear from video footage and myspace comments and other things that those two were very much singled out and chosen if you will. They made song lyrics about them, they picked them out of the crowd at the SFTW event, perhaps we could go as far as saying Raz doing Mel's hair was the Judas Kiss, just speculation of course but well worth noting along the lines of DM's previous research. Perhaps we are looking at a chosen sacrifice here.

On Razakel's MySpace page there is a depiction of a "dead" ragdoll that seems to have been killed by a bad abortion. The doll is blinded in the right eye...

And then there is Sam the graphic artist who had chosen a name that is a reference to a demon (both Inuyasha and Humbaba are demons) for his online handle.

Edited to add image:

All the reports to date have indicated the girls were killed in their sleep or while defenseless.

Yeah, i know, I was just trying to put an end the brewing speculation that the girls were tied up while Sam killed the mother on the thirteenth.

Whoa! Paradigm shift.... I have to remind myself that in the context of this story, Emma wearing a shirt that says "so-and-so molested me" is hardly worth mention. Debra Kelley must have been coming apart.... :(
Yes thats the ragdoll Emma took her name after, that ragdoll plays an important role in Raz's schtick.

Would you agree that the blinding in the right eye is a symbol of the left hand path? There are multiple heads blinded in the right eye depicted in the original image.

It also depicts an aborted fetus apparently ripped from the demoness' belly.
Whoa! Paradigm shift.... I have to remind myself that in the context of this story, Emma wearing a shirt that says "so-and-so molested me" is hardly worth mention. Debra Kelley must have been coming apart.... :(

Its very sad, Emma would have grown in to a beautiful young lady. I hate to blame marijuana for things but in her youtubes she seemed to be stoned out of her mind and smoking a lot of that crap and I would imagine that played a big role in her problems with depression and anti-social behaviors. Its one thing to smoke it when youre an adult but at her age with all the chemical changes her body was going through and her brain and identity still in its development stages, it can really destroy a life.
Would you agree that the blinding in the right eye is a symbol of the left hand path? There are multiple heads blinded in the right eye depicted in the original image.

It also depicts an aborted fetus apparently ripped from the demoness' belly.

Well I am like you in that I am not a big believer in coincidence so lets leave it at that. I think there is nothing wrong with reading in to such things especially since Shrim and Raz seem to admit their love and use of hidden occult symbolism.

Also your comment about reverse meanings of symbols and things is very important to keep in mind. Albert Pike grand master of the Freemasons speaks alot about that in his masterpeice "Morals and Dogma." He speaks openly about how Masons use reverse meanings of symbols to mislead initiates and sort the wheat from the chaff.
Its very sad, Emma would have grown in to a beautiful young lady. I hate to blame marijuana for things but in her youtubes she seemed to be stoned out of her mind and smoking a lot of that crap and I would imagine that played a big role in her problems with depression and anti-social behaviors. Its one thing to smoke it when youre an adult but at her age with all the chemical changes her body was going through and her brain and identity still in its development stages, it can really destroy a life.


Couldn't resist it...
I am a friend of Sam's and I run the Underground Nation site. He wasn't some crazy drugged out kid like people try to lead on. He is one of the nicest people I know....I personally believe the case will be taking some very interesting turns. ...If the evidence pointed at him solely committing the murders, he would have been charged with all four already.

I am sick of these people trying to make him into something he is not.

Sorry, but he's a cold blooded demonic killer. And, he has now been officially charged with all 4 murders.

Couldn't resist it...

Well you know I am not anti-marijuana or anything but I think like you mentioned earlier these kids sitting around smoking weed and making youtube videos of it just seems a little strange, when you start mixingg heavy marijuana usage with the kind of depression and anti-social behavior that Emma was reportedly dealing with I think the results are not going to be good.

In my day we used to smoke a little and go hiking or swimming or something but we certainly didnt sit around making these strange videos of ourselves getting baked out retarded.

Classic poster BTW...:crazy:
I have no doubt that those of you who knew Sam may have known him to be a good kid with a decent heart even and it must be hard to see all these bad things said about him but even when we think we know someone so well it often turns out that we really didnt know them at all and in the case of Sam he may have had some real demons in him that he was battling and those close to him may never have known it. Demons in a figurative sense of course.
Hey DM re: your interest in lock picking, you really need to read this story and learn more about Marc Tobias, he is probably someone you may want to get to know in your line of business, I know him well from DEFCON and other security specialist type conferences, the guy is a real character and one of the most brilliant people I have ever met, I spent a year following him around as part of an investigative journalistic project I was involved in and it was one of the interesting years of my life!

Marc Weber Tobias can pick, crack, or bump any lock. Now he wants to teach the world how to break into military facilities the Pentagon and corporate headquarters. But to Tobias, pissing off The Man isn't the point, not entirely. Nor is it, entirely, to make himself famous or rich—not that he's allergic to either outcome. The point, he says, is to "make **** better." Tobias thinks of himself as a humble public servant. When he attacks the Kryptonite bike lock or the Club (or those in-room safes at Holiday Inn or Caesars Palace), he's not a bad guy—he's just Ralph Nader with a slim jim, protecting consumers by exposing locks, safes, and security systems that aren't actually locked, safe, or secure. At least, not from people like him.

Story here about 6 pages long and a real fun read:

Sorry to hijack folks but I dont know how to send a PM yet and I really wanted DM to see this article as it pertains to his profession.

Anyway, back to our case...
I think it is also worth noting that Mel and Emma were clearly singled out if not 'targeted' by Shrim and Raz. It is clear from video footage and myspace comments and other things that those two were very much singled out and chosen if you will. They made song lyrics about them, they picked them out of the crowd at the SFTW event, perhaps we could go as far as saying Raz doing Mel's hair was the Judas Kiss, just speculation of course but well worth noting along the lines of DM's previous research. Perhaps we are looking at a chosen sacrifice here.

This is what I've been thinking about all along. I keep seeing all these detailed visits between Raz Emma and Mel. Mostly through photos, but it's very noticeable that they were always singled out, even during their live shows they sang to Emma and Mel, but it seems mostly Emma in a way.
This is what I mean by it seems like a plot that almost everyone played a role in,(besides maybe Emma and Mel) they played on each other and the only 2 left standing can see.
Hey DM re: your interest in lock picking, you really need to read this story and learn more about Marc Tobias, he is probably someone you may want to get to know in your line of business, I know him well from DEFCON and other security specialist type conferences, the guy is a real character and one of the most brilliant people I have ever met, I spent a year following him around as part of an investigative journalistic project I was involved in and it was one of the interesting years of my life!

Story here about 6 pages long and a real fun read:

Sorry to hijack folks but I dont know how to send a PM yet and I really wanted DM to see this article as it pertains to his profession.

Anyway, back to our case...


Since we are off topic, here's a little sample of something for you to check out. This is one is pretty old and it is called "93"


Since we are off topic, here's a little sample of something for you to check out. This is one is pretty old and it is called "93"

View attachment 6074

Oh thats heavy my friend heavy heavy stuff, I will keep this handy and examine it further on some special software I have, I appreciate it! I have seen something exactly like this in my studies of Tibetian Buddhism.
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