VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #5

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Yesterday Raz posted on one of Sick's Myspace pages the following--"i am Lizet Mordeno!
hear me roooooaaaaaarrrr
:hangs up masters degree in the studio:
;)"----That can be seen at the following url--- . Didn't someone on here comment the other day that they doubted that Raz has a masters degree in anything?

I noticed she even has her own smilie here: :razz:
Farmvillian said (on the last thread)

This quote from the article especially offends me

well, if I had Pine-Sol poured on my genitals, I might poop and pee other than in the toilet ... I have NO doubt the child was in physical pain, and most likely had constant urinary tract infections, etc. And to say she was 'forced' to take extreme measures because *gasp* he acted out and ran away ... well, hell's bells, any child would given the trauma inflicted, both physical and mental.

I can't imagine HOW this egg and uterus donor was found not guilty due to insanity. She was capable of setting up motion-detectors, chose to starve the child (which is NOT done in a short amount of time), had to go to the store repeatedly to buy Pine-Sol, bought a surveillance camera, and took the time to tie him to the bed.

None of this happened overnight, and if she didn't think she was doing anything wrong, why did she restrain the poor child? And, while I'm at it ... where the he## was the school's employees. I'm all for families being responsible, and not putting the raising of children off on the teachers (see my previous posts), however, how could they not notice his beaten, starved, haunted little body?

I can't tell you how disgusted I am, that this happened to Rajjon AND that mom got off basically 'scott-free.' :furious:

I now return to being a WS poster, and not a mommy ... thank you for your attention :blushing:

...I totally agree ,that's why i barely post on the threads that involve children,it makes me soooo angry and upset...
And a preacher. And a teacher. And blamed it on Jesus. He came from California to Farmville, Va., met up w/ an underage girl who he met on the internet, is a satanic's pretty mind boggling when you think about it. Suicide really. I don't see this kid living through the next decade. I know several people who are normally against the death penalty who want him dead. Unless he pleads guilty and they take it off the table, but this has horrified everyone so badly I don't see them doing that.

They'll have a venue change, but I don't know about to the DC burbs. It is completely different there than any other part of the state (much more liberal) and I think it would be too complicated. I am still thinking VA Beach or Roanoke, mabye Fredricksburg area. It won't matter though, b/c it is all Virginia. Unless something is really screwed up in the trial, he will get the death penalty. I am fairly certain.

That's why I'm suggesting DC burbs is probably his best bet, the venue for which his lawyer should advocate.
Oh it definitely makes an insanity plea much much more difficult if he did that, it clearly shows he was trying to cover up the smell. The main argument in favor of insanity IMO would be that he was able to hang out with the bodies for several days and not be bothered by the smell etc. This indicates otherwise if what you are suggesting is true.

I wouldn't say this was the "main argument" in favor of insanity. I think the act itself is. But, there's a huge difference between scented candles and clean air machines. Scented candles is a pathetic attempt of disguising the scent of dead bodies. Clean air machines, on the other hand, are a lot more expensive, and perhaps a lot more believable in their efficacy.

Though, the insanity plea relates to at the time of the killings. This would certainly damage his case.
...I totally agree ,that's why i barely post on the threads that involve children,it makes me soooo angry and upset...

Crimes against children and animals really piss me off, I am against the DP but I would have no problem taking those kind of perps out and smacking them around a bit.
Yesterday Raz posted on one of Sick's Myspace pages the following--"i am Lizet Mordeno!
hear me roooooaaaaaarrrr
:hangs up masters degree in the studio:
;)"----That can be seen at the following url--- . Didn't someone on here comment the other day that they doubted that Raz has a masters degree in anything?

I assumed she and her boy were reading this thread. It would be interesting to she what they've got to say for themselves, but I don't expect that will be happening. They aren't used to an audience of non-sycophants.
Farmvillian said (on the last thread)

This quote from the article especially offends me

well, if I had Pine-Sol poured on my genitals, I might poop and pee other than in the toilet ... I have NO doubt the child was in physical pain, and most likely had constant urinary tract infections, etc. And to say she was 'forced' to take extreme measures because *gasp* he acted out and ran away ... well, hell's bells, any child would given the trauma inflicted, both physical and mental.

I can't imagine HOW this egg and uterus donor was found not guilty due to insanity. She was capable of setting up motion-detectors, chose to starve the child (which is NOT done in a short amount of time), had to go to the store repeatedly to buy Pine-Sol, bought a surveillance camera, and took the time to tie him to the bed.

None of this happened overnight, and if she didn't think she was doing anything wrong, why did she restrain the poor child? And, while I'm at it ... where the he## was the school's employees. I'm all for families being responsible, and not putting the raising of children off on the teachers (see my previous posts), however, how could they not notice his beaten, starved, haunted little body?

I can't tell you how disgusted I am, that this happened to Rajjon AND that mom got off basically 'scott-free.' :furious:

I now return to being a WS poster, and not a mommy ... thank you for your attention :blushing:

It might offend you, but understand the duty of the attorney is to his client. He has to make every argument he can to advocate for his client. And, she's not getting off scott-free. She's going to spend a lot of time committed to a hospital.

Cases like this and Sam's evoke a visceral reaction that makes us want to see punishment through retribution. But there are other goals in the criminal justice punishment system that oftentimes get overlooked. Rehabilitation is as big a part as retribution or deterrence.

This woman is clearly sick. What she did is horrible. Spending time in jail isn't going to fix her mental illness. The hospital might help. In my experience, rehabilitation is important in cases like these.
Yesterday Raz posted on one of Sick's Myspace pages the following--"i am Lizet Mordeno!
hear me roooooaaaaaarrrr
:hangs up masters degree in the studio:
;)"----That can be seen at the following url--- . Didn't someone on here comment the other day that they doubted that Raz has a masters degree in anything?

This suggests to me that she's reading this board.
I really have to disagree with you on this. Killing women of any color is practically a sport in America.

And I seriously doubt that the reason most of us are following this case is because four white people were killed by a white kid. IMO, race is the most mundane aspect of this case.

I'll respectfully concede this point as I certainly don't want to get into any racially charged debate. Nor am I insinuating that the reason any of us are following this has anything to do with race.
re: Mark Kropidlowski

He seems to have a problem with the web group Anonymous also. Is he a scientologist?
That's why I'm suggesting DC burbs is probably his best bet, the venue for which his lawyer should advocate.

Requesting a change of venue is a wise move for his lawyer to make, but it's not quite so easy. He would probably fry in Alexandria for instance if found guilty. I'm thinking Richmond, or maybe East of there in Norfolk or VA Beach is his best trial venue. He certainly wants to avoid Lynchburg and probably Roanoke.

It's going to be a tricky thing no matter what, but the relative lack of news this story has gotten will probably help to some extent. The fact that it has been covered fairly well in Richmond probably actually doesn't make that a good choice, so I'd go for Norfolk if I was his lawyer.
Crimes against children and animals really piss me off, I am against the DP but I would have no problem taking those kind of perps out and smacking them around a bit.

It's funny, from movies, videogames, etc. I often feel by being desensitized to a lot of violence, but then I'm hypersensitized to crimes against animals and children.
So Lizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is watching us eh? Hey Razzy!:crazy:

Tell that boyfriend of yours to come out of hiding and come answer our questions. He is probably too intimidated by us though. I would really love to see some of your little group grow a pair (in Razzy's case strap....oh nevermind) and join us here and talk to us.

The first question we have for Mr Shrim is:

Does this:


Equal this:


Given the fact that the blog describing the making of the "in The Name Of" video seems to have been made by a well known Internet loon and spammer, it seems that we can't take anything written there at face value. This includes the comments section BTW...

You may recall that I had been suspicious of the blog from the beginning, especially once I noticed that the video was made years ago, apparently in 2006, and this was before Sam was interested in SKR et al as I understand it. There are some other problems with the blog, such as some weirdly incorrect astrological statements. YMMV.
re: Mark Kropidlowski

He seems to have a problem with the web group Anonymous also. Is he a scientologist?

He seems to be a fundamentalist christian but he could be a scientologist with his hatred of anonymous, of which I know much about.:crazy:
Requesting a change of venue is a wise move for his lawyer to make, but it's not quite so easy. He would probably fry in Alexandria for instance if found guilty. I'm thinking Richmond, or maybe East of there in Norfolk or VA Beach is his best trial venue. He certainly wants to avoid Lynchburg and probably Roanoke.

It's going to be a tricky thing no matter what, but the relative lack of news this story has gotten will probably help to some extent. The fact that it has been covered fairly well in Richmond probably actually doesn't make that a good choice, so I'd go for Norfolk if I was his lawyer.

Yeah, and the lawyer doesn't get to pick which venue. I think in a capital punishment case the defense will get some deference as to they venues they suggest, but it's ultimately up to the judge. I'm only gauging this case from what I pick up on the board, but I think a change of venue is needed based simply on the commentary here.
I found this interesting/puzzling ...why would Razz want baby socks? after they have been worn.

Quote from a poster on raz's myspace page:
"Juice actually watched most of the birthing.With looking away a few times.. Than he went to go see the baby after she was born..And my placenta wasnt fully out of my sn***h yet.. So he looked over and seen that coming out..All chunky n bloody..n was lik O_O grOSS!!...... Of course ill send you a pair of socks after she wears them..Thats fine with But ill do it after she comes home..CAuse they only wrap her in a blanket at the hospital no sockies for her :p "

snipped and bolded by me.

I assume you are fmailiar with Peter Levenda's beliefs about serial killers? I find it very interesting that this particular killer may have been unconsciously influenced by Levenda's own book.
I found this interesting/puzzling ...why would Razz want baby socks? after they have been worn.

Quote from a poster on raz's myspace page:
"Juice actually watched most of the birthing.With looking away a few times.. Than he went to go see the baby after she was born..And my placenta wasnt fully out of my sn***h yet.. So he looked over and seen that coming out..All chunky n bloody..n was lik O_O grOSS!!...... Of course ill send you a pair of socks after she wears them..Thats fine with But ill do it after she comes home..CAuse they only wrap her in a blanket at the hospital no sockies for her :p "

snipped and bolded by me.

Good question.
Here's some discussion on this Mark Kropidlowski's alter ego "Tom Newton" from a blog similiar to the horrorcore one blasting the internet group Anonymous on Encyclopedia Dramatica (a 4chan wiki) (kind of offensive, definitely silly and sarcastic, and may be borderline NSFW, but I'm working from home today).

Edited to say: this isn't borderline nsfw, it's totally NSFW from some banner ads.
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