VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #5

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So you know I sort of have to agree with SickTanick and Razakel here. There's no benefit to them engaging with anyone here. I'd like to crib some notes from SickTanick on his CDs maybe, but seriously, it would be dumb.

If they had an attorney, and he/she was any good, they most certainly would tell Sick & Razakel not to post here or anywhere else about this situation. They have nothing to gain and maybe something to lose especially if Melanie's parents decide to start looking around for someone to sue.

Remember that Judas Priest was sued when a fan was supposedly influenced to commit suicide by a hidden INAUDIBLE message in their music. And this was despite the fact that the scientific evidence about subliminal messages at the time did not support the merits of the case at all.
So you know I sort of have to agree with SickTanick and Razakel here. There's no benefit to them engaging with anyone here. I'd like to crib some notes from SickTanick on his CDs maybe, but seriously, it would be dumb.

If they had an attorney, and he/she was any good, they most certainly would tell Sick & Razakel not to post here or anywhere else about this situation. They have nothing to gain and maybe something to lose especially if Melanie's parents decide to start looking around for someone to sue.

Remember that Judas Priest was sued when a fan was supposedly influenced to commit suicide by a hidden INAUDIBLE message in their music. And this was despite the fact that the scientific evidence about subliminal messages at the time did not support the merits of the case at all.

But, they did engage this forum.
I lost track of this discussion back in the 1st or 2nd thread, but when / where did the information about the keys in the AC, scented candles/air machines come from? What else has come out since the end of Septmeber?

I sorta wish there were two separate threads--one for discussion/speculation/opinions about the criminal case and a 2nd for all the horrorcore editorializing and discussion. The latter is interesting stuff, but it's devouring the former discussion, making it difficult for more casual followers to keep abreast of updates/changes in this case.

ITA, this case/thread has become beyond cumbersome. No offense to the "in-depth" SKR posters- they are really, really good at digging up info.- but some of us just want to focus on the details/news of the CRIME and not every minute facet of these SKR (I hate even 'naming' them, as they apparently feel soooo superior to us "pathetic online wannabe detectives," lol! I doubt most of them even know how to properly use a TELEPHONE DIRECTORY!! They're just jealous of OUR capability to see thru their trite, pathetic, and been-done-before methods of juvenile "rebellion!!! And most of them still live with mommy and daddy, I'll bet.:innocent:) ANYWAY!! sorry for the rambling- my point is to agree that we could use MORE than one thread... jmo, moo, etc.
Some further questions for the locals....

Any similar sites around Farmville?

"In an ongoing inventory of Virginia cave resources, 23 burial caves have been field documented by the Marginella Burial Cave Project (MBCP). All but one site have been vandalized to varying degrees. In addition to the burial resource inventory, goals of the MBCP include measures for site protection and education. Problems have been encountered by the MBCP in attaining these goals. The sensitive and sacred nature of these cave resources, however, warrant limiting site specific discussions to protected
sites. One burial cave in Montgomery County and two in Lee County are protected by gates because of recent disturbances. Adams Cave (44MY482) served as a party cave, but was not known as a burial site until a student brought a human mandible and two long bone fragments to a college professor and an investigation ensued."


More here:
What's Twain got to do with it?

Well seemingly nothing. But then I started to look into it.

Apparently Twain was one of a small number of famous people who had their palm read by this fellow named Cheiro who was arguably the most famous palm reader in the world. Cheiro reportedly also practiced astrology and Chaldean numerology (aka kabala).

Cheiro traveled in India and some of his practices were learned from sacred texts he examined there:

"It may be interesting to describe here, in as few words as possible, an extremely ancient and curious book on the markings of hands, which I was allowed to use and examine during my sojourn in India. This book was one of the greatest treasures of the few Brahmans who possessed and understood it, and was jealously guarded in one of those old cave temples that belong to the ruins of ancient Hindustan.

This strange book was made of human skin, pieced and put together in the most ingenious manner. It was of enormous size, and contained hundreds of well-drawn illustrations, with records of how, when, and where this or that mark was proved correct. One of the strangest features in connection with it was that it was written in some red liquid which age had failed to spoil or fade. The effect of those vivid red letters on the pages of dull yellow skin was most remarkable. By some compound, probably made of herbs, each page was glazed, as it were, by varnish; but whatever this compound may have been, it. seemed to defy time, as the outer covers alone showed the signs of wear and decay. As regards the antiquity of this book there could be no question. It was apparently written in three sections or divisions: the first part belonged to the earliest language of the country, and dated so far back that very few of the Brahmans even could read or decipher it. There are many such treasures in Hindustan; but all are so jealously guarded by the Brahmans that neither money, art, nor power will ever release such pledges of the past."

Compare Cheiro's description of a "strange book...made of human skin, pieced and put together in the most ingenious manner." with the horror movie motif of Lovecraft's (and Simon's?) Necronomicon which was also reportedly bound in human skin in some versions.


See and
a couple of questions:

1. has Sam's mother ever voiced her concerns since he was jailed?
2. do you think Sam was abused when he was young, when i read that mother was over protective of him when he was in elementary school, even to the point of volunteering in the same school, brought up red flags, as to why was she so overprotective?
3. do you think Sam was fulfilling a role of a ritualistic sacrifice, thus being very attuned to what he was doing, performing the grotesque murders, hanging around (as far as that's what we know) after the bodies were killed, and once the role was accomplished, he called his friend , i believe Siinyster (sp) to let him know he did the killing. and his calm nature about him since those things were done?
5. or had a mixture of drug-induced and psychosis into committing the crime?
6. or a combination of drugs, dysfunctional life, delving into demonism, being spurned by a girl, seething/built up rage that might have helped him do those things?

ok, so these are more than a couple of questions, but i have been thinking about what or why a person, especially a young man of his age, to even do such a heinous act...
i am being more inclined to agree with DM that he was demon possessed... but i have thought of the other aspects as well, the upbringing, and such....
Hey DM I just picked up a cool book, check it out if you ever run across it, so far it is EXCELLENT.

The Dark Arts of Immortality: Transformation Through War, Sex and Magic.

Heavy stuff.
The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

Dollar to the first person who guess who said that heh heh.

That's one of Sam's best quotes… and he's got a lot of good ones. (Sam Clemens, that is.)
(respectfully snipped)

This document also states that the Sharpie was found under the bedroom window.

AND, it's a pink Sharpie. Which leads me to believe that it wasn't used for scrawling Satanic messages. Satanic messages in pink, now that's some cognitive dissonance.
That's one of Sam's best quotes… and he's got a lot of good ones. (Sam Clemens, that is.)

So true! I have an MA in English and totally grew to worship Twain in grad. school. His quotations will have you ROLLING on the floor, he is so funny and such an astute observer of human nature. Just google "Mark Twain quotes" and enjoy. OK, given the content of this thread, here's an unusually serious quote of his that really makes you think- here goes:

...wonder how the fine folks at SKR would "spin" this quote??!!
AND, it's a pink Sharpie. Which leads me to believe that it wasn't used for scrawling Satanic messages. Satanic messages in pink, now that's some cognitive dissonance.

Actually as I understand it the association of pink being a "weak" or effeminate color is a relatively recent development really limited to the later 20th century.

So why not?
Hmm... This is the south. You act like you are innocent until proven guilty. Geesh. I am probaly wrong. Although I think IMO you watch to much CSI TV. No offense given, please do not take it that way. Sometimes I think the good ole boy system here is in effect. Don't you think all the Judges and Lawyers get together and have breakfast and discuss the upcoming cases and decide your fate? Unless you spend some real cash on a lawyer who in turns spends some, you are screwed. What about OJ? Sorry at work bored

I know exactly what you are talking about. I have lived in Southwest and South Central VA my whole life. In the end, no one else wants to deal w/ anyone elses mess and Farmville is hungry for revenge. They will probably do everything possible to keep it there, and b/c of the economy etc, they will let them stay there. I never thought about it that way, but in the end who is going to come to Sam's defense and do anything about it? No one.
I know exactly what you are talking about. I have lived in Southwest and South Central VA my whole life. In the end, no one else wants to deal w/ anyone elses mess and Farmville is hungry for revenge. They will probably do everything possible to keep it there, and b/c of the economy etc, they will let them stay there. I never thought about it that way, but in the end who is going to come to Sam's defense and do anything about it? No one.

His lawyer will file a motion for change of venue. There will be a hearing on the motion. The economy and/or whether law enforcement wants to keep it there has nothing to do on the motion for change of venue. Whether anyone wants to deal with "someone elses mess" has nothing to do with the motion for change of venue. This is a capitol murder case. Everything will be ruled on with the utmost care to make sure Sam gets a fair, constitutional trial and to avoid appealable error.

The judge will rule on it based on prior case law and statutory provisions. If it is shown he wont get a fair trial in Farmville, the venue will probably be changed. If Farmville is hungry for revenge, that shows he wont get a fair trial.
a couple of questions:

1. has Sam's mother ever voiced her concerns since he was jailed?
2. do you think Sam was abused when he was young, when i read that mother was over protective of him when he was in elementary school, even to the point of volunteering in the same school, brought up red flags, as to why was she so overprotective?
3. do you think Sam was fulfilling a role of a ritualistic sacrifice, thus being very attuned to what he was doing, performing the grotesque murders, hanging around (as far as that's what we know) after the bodies were killed, and once the role was accomplished, he called his friend , i believe Siinyster (sp) to let him know he did the killing. and his calm nature about him since those things were done?
5. or had a mixture of drug-induced and psychosis into committing the crime?
6. or a combination of drugs, dysfunctional life, delving into demonism, being spurned by a girl, seething/built up rage that might have helped him do those things?

ok, so these are more than a couple of questions, but i have been thinking about what or why a person, especially a young man of his age, to even do such a heinous act...
i am being more inclined to agree with DM that he was demon possessed... but i have thought of the other aspects as well, the upbringing, and such....

Just for the record, I don't believe in demonic possession. But I don't not believe in it either. Believing in this stuff can be dangerous. Remaining completely agnostic is harder, but much safer.

In this case there are a lot of weird things ranging from the address of the house being the New Mexico area code to the fact that Sam was wandering around smelling like death. These occurrences go beyond Sam's mental illness or his specific crimes. Some of these "coincidences" seem to be leaking from the collective unconscious or whatever you want to call it. I don't really have an opinion on why. Maybe demonic possession is just a way to describe something we don't really understand yet.
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