VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #7

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Just curious here, Pax....You have read all the docs in the Caylee Anthony case , as all of us interested have,,, you still don't know if she is guilty? Just asking.

As some of you know I have worked as a criminal defense attorney part of my career and so I cant answer that question and be true to my own principles. In short, it really doesnt matter if she did or didnt, all that matters is if the state can prove it. At this point from what I have seen I am not entirely 100% certain that the state can actually prove 1st degree murder, as all the evidence is fairly circumstantial. But it appears she did have a hand in the child's death in some capacity.

But ok if its just me you and having a beer shooting the breeze and you asked me that I would said I think it looks pretty bad for CA but I dont think she killed her INTENTIONALLY, I think she was a negligent little ***** who pisses me off to no end but I dont think it was premeditated murder. My guess is possibly accidental death and subsequent cover up.

Do I think she will be convicted? Yes, without a doubt.
Peace_gurl, it is never wise to be deceptive.

You seem to know a lot about the social calendars and relationships of Farmville's teenagers. Perhaps you can give us the scoop on how Sam nd Emma spent their first week together hanging around in Farmville?

Also, care to comment on any of the grafitti images I posted yesterday?

Do we know where that grafitti was painted? Was that during SFTW or we dont know?
Hey, yeah, Dangrs, where is that graffiti located??? And what's the timing, do you gno?
I don't the timing of these images but I think they are fairly new. At least they are newly posted to MySpace. One of the images references both Ragdoll and Ms. Free Abortions so I conclude the girls were together when these were painted, but obviously this is speculation. I don't know of any time they were together outside Farmville except at STFW where they were escorted by parental units. So I conclude these are in Farmville somewhere...
Far out.... The week before SFTW would seem likely.... Maybe with Sam there.

Maybe Peace_gurl knows something.
Dangrs,,,please stop pushing buttons...


See also:
Dangrs,,,please stop pushing buttons...

Some people just ask to have their buttons pushed.

If a person posts inflammatory statements or just those that are ill thought out , they should expect these types of repercussions.
Wait a minute...I didnt see this been busy (and on time out) too much lately to keep up! She is saying CA rocks for killing her daughter??

Now I am certainly one who believes very stronly that CA is innocent until proven otherwise but because of Florida's sunshine laws I have read every document and seen all the evidence there is an at the very least it seems proven that CA used her car trunk to babysit the baby girl by knocking her out with chlorophorm and locking her in there while she was screwing around with her boy toys. Whether she killed her or not I dont know yet but isnt looking promising for her. In any case RAZ is one sick ***** if she means by the comment what I think she does.

Isn't the entire point to get this reaction from people as we observe here?

Her black magic is working on you Pax! ;)
Some people just ask to have their buttons pushed.

If a person posts inflammatory statements or just those that are ill thought out , they should expect these types of repercussions.

ROCK I was away a bit and didnt get to respond to you question about what I think in re: Sam acting alone or in cahoots/orders. I will give this some thought and respond accordingly because I think its an excellent question in light of some recent posts by Native Girl and of course the entire body of DM's work here on this case.

I will give you a taste for now by saying I dont see why it should be ruled out yet that he did not act alone but wouldnt say there was direct involvement of others YET but I can see some indirect involvement as certainly being possible and perhaps even probable.
On another note SCARYMARY would you kindly let Sam know who I am and that I am not one of the bad guys, I did write him but identified myself as media/press which I am by credential and he may have tossed it aside with the rest of the bloodsuckers. I have several chapters outlined for a possible book that I would like to shop around after the trial is over and I have NO plans to make it a hatchet job, excuse the pun, on Sam and what he did, it will simply be about him and his life and a sort of true crime story with some interesting twists here and there to make it hot and sexy. So let him know if he would be interested in working with me on something like that that you can vouch for me because you know the body of my work here in this thread about the case has been fair and open minded and I have no intention of making him look any worse than he has done himself but if he would like the world to hear his story in his own words I am confident that I am the person who can make that happen for him if he would like to begin regular dialogue with me during or after trial.

Tell him I write under the name Percy.
New SickTanick track was released yesterday entitled "Unholy Blood, Unholy Grail"; a reference one assumes to the book on which Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code was based.


New SickTanick track was released yesterday entitled "Unholy Blood, Unholy Grail"; a reference one assumes to the book on which Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code was based.


Good book BTW, didnt they sue Dan Brown for stealing their ****? They were on this long before Brown but they didnt have the inside connections he did to take it to a bigger audience. I think their work was superior to DB's personally.

Another few books you should check out DM are:

The Hiram Key and The Templar Revelation. They both make Brown look silly and are full of good and much more factual information IMO.

Did you ever get a chance to look in to the Taxil Hoax, do if you can its very interesting and is the root of what a lot of these books are based on.


You also need to get yourself a copy of Manly P Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages and Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike, these are must have references for any occult studies library and I mean MUST HAVE.

You can find them online if you dont want to buy the books though, that Sacred Texts site I linked you to earlier has the Hall book, Secret Teachings of all Ages.
Good book BTW, didnt they sue Dan Brown for stealing their ****? They were on this long before Brown but they didnt have the inside connections he did to take it to a bigger audience. I think their work was superior to DB's personally.

Another few books you should check out DM are:

The Hiram Key and The Templar Revelation. They both make Brown look silly and are full of good and much more factual information IMO.

Did you ever get a chance to look in to the Taxil Hoax, do if you can its very interesting and is the root of what a lot of these books are based on.


You also need to get yourself a copy of Manly P Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages and Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike, these are must have references for any occult studies library and I mean MUST HAVE.

You can find then online if you dont want to buy the books though, that Sacred Texts site I linked you to earlier has the Hall book, Secret Teachings of all Ages.

I did read up on the Taxil Hoax...

The Pike and Hall books are a bit difficult to get as you know...but there are online versions.

What I want to know: is that SickTanick track dedicated to Paximus?

From Wikipedia:

The Grail is first featured in Perceval, le Conte du Graal (The Story of the Grail) by Chrétien de Troyes, who claims he was working from a source book given to him by his patron, Count Philip of Flanders. In this incomplete poem, dated sometime between 1180 and 1191, the object has not yet acquired the implications of holiness it would have in later works. While dining in the magical abode of the Fisher King, Perceval witnesses a wondrous procession in which youths carry magnificent objects from one chamber to another, passing before him at each course of the meal. First comes a young man carrying a bleeding lance, then two boys carrying candelabras. Finally, a beautiful young girl emerges bearing an elaborately decorated graal, or "grail."

Chrétien refers to his object not as "The Grail" but as un graal, showing the word was used, in its earliest literary context, as a common noun. For Chrétien the grail was a wide, somewhat deep dish or bowl, interesting because it contained not a pike, salmon or lamprey, as the audience may have expected for such a container, but a single Mass wafer which provided sustenance for the Fisher King’s crippled father. Perceval, who had been warned against talking too much, remains silent through all of this, and wakes up the next morning alone. He later learns that if he had asked the appropriate questions about what he saw, he would have healed his maimed host, much to his horror. The story of the Wounded King's mystical fasting is not unique; several saints were said to have lived without food besides communion, for instance Saint Catherine of Genoa. This may imply that Chrétien intended the Mass wafer to be the significant part of the ritual, and the Grail to be a mere prop.
I did read up on the Taxil Hoax...

The Pike and Hall books are a bit difficult to get as you know...but there are online versions.

What I want to know: is that SickTanick track dedicated to Paximus?

From Wikipedia:

The Grail is first featured in Perceval, le Conte du Graal (The Story of the Grail) by Chrétien de Troyes, who claims he was working from a source book given to him by his patron, Count Philip of Flanders. In this incomplete poem, dated sometime between 1180 and 1191, the object has not yet acquired the implications of holiness it would have in later works. While dining in the magical abode of the Fisher King, Perceval witnesses a wondrous procession in which youths carry magnificent objects from one chamber to another, passing before him at each course of the meal. First comes a young man carrying a bleeding lance, then two boys carrying candelabras. Finally, a beautiful young girl emerges bearing an elaborately decorated graal, or "grail."

Chrétien refers to his object not as "The Grail" but as un graal, showing the word was used, in its earliest literary context, as a common noun. For Chrétien the grail was a wide, somewhat deep dish or bowl, interesting because it contained not a pike, salmon or lamprey, as the audience may have expected for such a container, but a single Mass wafer which provided sustenance for the Fisher King’s crippled father. Perceval, who had been warned against talking too much, remains silent through all of this, and wakes up the next morning alone. He later learns that if he had asked the appropriate questions about what he saw, he would have healed his maimed host, much to his horror. The story of the Wounded King's mystical fasting is not unique; several saints were said to have lived without food besides communion, for instance Saint Catherine of Genoa. This may imply that Chrétien intended the Mass wafer to be the significant part of the ritual, and the Grail to be a mere prop.

ROFL I didnt recall telling anyone on here that my real name was actually Percival my mother taught HS lit and that was always her favorite story so Percival it was, (there are various spellings of the Knight in that grail story) I did tell Tapu in PM once, maybe I mentioned it to you but thats funny isnt it, good find! I also posted over at Shrim's site Killmusick as Percival until he banned me once he found out I was working press LOL.
"Oh Lord, My God, is there no help for the widow's son?"




See also: widow's son&f=false

An interesting article about that here and continued at link:

The hidden cipher in The Davinci Code front and back jacket includes the words istherenohelpforthewidowsson. This seems to be a allusion to Masons, Mormons, and likely plot points of his upcoming novel The Solomon Key.

Many people believe that at Carthage jail Joseph Smith went to the window and attempted to utter the Masonic distress cry of "O Lord My God! Is there no help for the widow's son?". With the idea that any Mason's in the group would be compelled to help him. He managed to say "O Lord my God!" before he was shot and either fell or lept from the window.

The words are also the title of an address by the president of the Mormon History Association discussing the connection between the LDS temple ceremony and masonry given to the MHA. Talk is listed below.

Presidential Address
Delivered At The Mormon History Association Convention
April 20, 1974

Dr. Reed C. Durham, Jr.

Someone has said that a historical convention like this - all of these papers that we have heard - are like a pair of steer horns, with a point here and a point there and a lot of bull in between; and in my case, a lot of "Bull Durham."

One thing we won't have to put up with though is the wind blowing - just hot air. And I know the disadvantage that we are placed in, with the dimness of the room, the delightful meal that we have partaken of, and all the applause that we have had all night long - the papers, the busy day - but I hope you will bear with me and we will see what happens.

One historian, who has spent at least 25 years exploring the topic of Mormonism and Masonry, finally concluded that any person who ventured into this area of study was something of a "foolhardy nitwit." So mote it be! Still, I am convinced that in the study of Masonry lies a pivotal key to future understanding Joseph Smith and the Church. Therefore, regardless of the possible incriminations and stigma that might ensue, I should like, in this paper, to interpose some unorthodox findings and fancies upon the more traditional and canonical propaganda of the faith.

In the subject of Mormonism and Masonry, there is still much that is "new under the sun." To begin with, Masonry in the Church had its origin prior to the time Joseph Smith became a Mason. Nauvoo was not its genesis. It commenced in Joseph's home when his older brother became a mason. Hyrum received the first degrees of Masonry in Mount Moriah Lodge No. 112 of Palmyra, New York, at about the same time that Joseph was being initiated into the presence of God and angels and was being entrusted with the sacred gold plates.

Masonic influence on Joseph was further highlighted when the heated anti-Masonic crusades flared up in western New York. His milieu was ripe with things Masonic. Pro-Mason and anti-Mason, the influence was unavoidable from both sources.

Capt. William Morgan was so contemporary with Joseph Smith, both as to time and geography, that it would be difficult to deny the probability of their acquaintance. In fact, Dr. Rob Morris, an American Masonic biographer of William Morgan, wrote that Morgan "had been a half way convert of Joe Smith, the Mormon, and had learned from him to see visions and dreams." Whether or not it was true that Joseph Smith personally knew Morgan during his lifetime, everyone in that area, including Joseph, had heard about Morgan's disappearance and supposed martyrdom, causing most people to take sides on the Masonic issue. Joseph was no exception. He was one of the committee of 10 men who signed their signatures to an impassioned plea which was printed in the rabidly anti-Masonic newspaper, the Seneca Farmer and Waterloo Advertiser.

The committee begged anyone with an ounce of Christian humanitarian concern to come forward and offer assistance to Morgan's unfortunate wife. The many parallels found between early Mormonism and the Masonry of that day are substantial: conferences, councils, priesthood, temples, anointing with oil, the issuance of licenses, certificates for identifying legitimate fellow workers, elders, high priests, and even the Book of the Law.

By the end of 1832, Joseph Smith had welcomed new brethren, along with their influences, into the Church. Men such as W. W. Phelps, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, and Newel K. Whitney, each of whom had been deeply involved in Masonry, from one side or the other, before their entrance into the Church.

Ever wonder WHO the Widow and the Son is? Sort of an inside Mason secret.

Is it Mary Magadelene and was she "widowed" when her husband Jesus died? Or is it a reference to "Hiram Abiff" history's first Mason who was killed by three ruffians when he refused to tell the secrets of the Mason guild?
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