VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #1

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At this point, given the information that has been released, I think she had some sort of accident. She was clearly not in her right mind. An abduction is always possible, though.

Is there water near the mall? Woods?

I tend to agree with you. Similar to the Teleka Patrick case, it would be quite a big coincidence to be witnessed behaving so oddly AND meet with foul play on the same night. I realize that MH was behaving erratically and she did indeed meet with foul play, but it just seems too "unlucky" to happen again.... Just my opinion and I'm not comparing Hannah with Teleka (i.e. not implying she is mentally ill).
Further on down past the mall is the Rivanna River, a good stretch, but not out of the realm of possibility. There are train tracks that run parallel to the mall. Perhaps something happened while trying to cross the tracks, but she would have been found pretty easily I would imagine.

Any hilly, rocky terrain where she could fall and be hidden? Wells, caves, mines ... anything?
And I hope they are telling people to check their property, garages, outbuildings.
I am starting to wonder if there was any predator at all. This is starting to sound like an accident similar to many cases we have seen here on WS.

Also, let's please be careful to clarify what we are stating as speculation vs. what is fact. It can get very confusing when opinions/speculations are stated as if they are fact.

Can't wait until the press conference, hopefully we will get some solid info.
I tend to agree with you. Similar to the Teleka Patrick case, it would be quite a big coincidence to be witnessed behaving so oddly AND meet with foul play on the same night. I realize that MH was behaving erratically and she did indeed meet with foul play, but it just seems too "unlucky" to happen again.... Just my opinion and I'm not comparing Hannah with Teleka (i.e. not implying she is mentally ill).

I am reminded of Teleka as well (although Teleka was truly mentally ill and not intoxicated as far as I know). The odd behavior and Hannah's obvious disorientation make me think it is likely this is a sad accident.
That my worry given how she looked and dress also said to walking funny. Some might have thought she was high on dope or a street worker.

Some homeless are nice will help you in need. But some don't care. Jail is a reward to some of them. As seeing how she is dressed. its not good look.
JMO, but you seem to have an agenda that is not helpful to discussion of the case and does not belong in this thread. JMO.

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Heh. My 'agenda' is speculating on what could've caused her to act bizarrely/out of character in the time leading up to her disappearance. You know, kind of like everyone else is doing.

See: Jamisha Gilbert

Edit - Here is some data from that case that backs up my 'agenda':

As evidence, he cited Harvard Medical School research that has documented “brain abnormalities in young adults who are marijuana smokers. … regions related to decision-making, motivation, and emotional processing in participants tended to be compromised. The findings revealed differences in the mind of young adult marijuana users, at an age when their brains were still developing.”
I have a similar story, was waiting for a friend and having my first beer. It was a regular neighborhood joint where I usually know lots of people- bartenders were good friends. It was a very busy night, lots of strangers, and an annoying guy started to chat me up, and idiot me didn't keep my eyes on him because I was looking away- how you do when you are not interested- and texting my friend to hurry.
Very suddenly I realized I had been drugged and had to get out of there. I scanned the room, and picked the most honest looking guy I could find and went right up to him and told him what happened and to please get me out of there and home. I'm not sure why I didn't tell the bartender. I just thought I needed a big strong honest guy because I would not be able to walk soon, so that is what I did.
I woke up on my couch with a text from the guy who brought me home checking if I was okay. And texts from my friend saying she wasn't going to be able to make it out because of work. Last I remembered we were in the cab sorting out my address and keys. I am so glad I picked a good guy. It can happen to anyone, anywhere.

Wow, you are so lucky on several fronts! You became aware you were drugged early enough to put your safety in someone else's hands, and the someone you chose turned out to be one of the good guys. I was hoping that story was going to end with the two of you (you and the good guy) getting married or something. :) But it ended safely for you, and that's what counts!
That my worry given how she looked and dress also said to walking funny. Some might have thought she was high on dope or a street worker.

Some homeless are nice will help you in need. But some don't care. Jail is a reward to some of them. As seeing how she is dressed. its not good look.

A street worker? In white sneakers? And pants? I doubt any night dwellers would confuse her for a sex worker. That outfit is pretty standard college kid attire and looks as athletic as it does "sexy"

It's the style. It's the fashion. Would I wear it? No. But I suspect she wouldn't be caught wearing the things I thought were cute at her age.
Any hilly, rocky terrain where she could fall and be hidden? Wells, caves, mines ... anything?
And I hope they are telling people to check their property, garages, outbuildings.

Jeesh...Not reallly. Obviously I haven't walked and explored every area through town, but I cannot think of anywhere that she could get "lost" in the terrain. Property checks would be extremely necessary as that is a very densely populated area.
That my worry given how she looked and dress also said to walking funny. Some might have thought she was high on dope or a street worker.

Some homeless are nice will help you in need. But some don't care. Jail is a reward to some of them. As seeing how she is dressed. its not good look.

I'm guessing you haven't ever seen a real "streetwalker" because Hannah was dressed very modestly compared to what passes for clothing among that type of sex worker. JMO

Her midriff and bare arms were showing. She was more dressed than the U.Va. cheerleaders at a football game. I don't believe her choice of clothing is relevant to this discussion, but that is MOO.
I just rode through Monticello Avenue and there are search and rescue teams all over the place. So, they are definitely searching the areas in and around the Downtown Mall.
I just rode through Monticello Avenue and there are search and rescue teams all over the place. So, they are definitely searching the areas in and around the Downtown Mall.

You read my mind. I wondered about the level of search activity. Thanks for the update.
A street worker? In white sneakers? And pants? I doubt any night dwellers would confuse her for a sex worker. That outfit is pretty standard college kid attire and looks as athletic as it does "sexy"

It's the style. It's the fashion. Would I wear it? No. But I suspect she wouldn't be caught wearing the things I thought were cute at her age.

LOL let's be honest - I think we've all seen sweat pants and tweety bird shirts on COPS..
I just rode through Monticello Avenue and there are search and rescue teams all over the place. So, they are definitely searching the areas in and around the Downtown Mall.

omg what if it's like that asian lady who disappeared from a hotel and was later found dead in an air (or elevator?) shaft because she was so drunk she fell into one??
A lot of street worker wear athletic clothing which is not issue I want to stress.. I don't now if you guy a or female not that it matter. Its not about the clothing per say if you understand what I saying.. Its her state of actions and being out of place. then come in the other person wants and desires.

My point most homeless men and some people in general have no rules. Some people go to where the homeless are and pick up the women and attack them too.. I hope you get my concern there. Im not slandering her, not one bit . Just making a point in her set of ways at the time and place at time is not ideal.. Some would not of think "in help and need lost college girl". Some would take advantage of that.
omg what if it's like that asian lady who disappeared from a hotel and was later found dead in an air (or elevator?) shaft because she was so drunk she fell into one??

I think it was a huge rooftop water tank, wasn't it? That was such a weird story.
omg what if it's like that asian lady who disappeared from a hotel and was later found dead in an air (or elevator?) shaft because she was so drunk she fell into one??

It was weirder than that. It was a water holding tank on the roof. Elisa Lam. Not sure she was drunk though, I thought she had an illness that might have made her act less than rational.

You make an excellent point, though, people have turned up in some really strange situations when their mental clarity is compromised.
I tend to agree with you. Similar to the Teleka Patrick case, it would be quite a big coincidence to be witnessed behaving so oddly AND meet with foul play on the same night. I realize that MH was behaving erratically and she did indeed meet with foul play, but it just seems too "unlucky" to happen again.... Just my opinion and I'm not comparing Hannah with Teleka (i.e. not implying she is mentally ill).

But Teleka was not drunk and had been acting strangley for months. I see major differences.
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