VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #10

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Well, I can't keep up
Thread is moving quickly and so many off topic posts

So.. I will just ask

Is there any new NEWS since five PM?
Actually, i think it is simply due to the seemingly high number of missing girls from this area, several of whom have never been found.

It's for the same reason that 'illegal adoption' always comes up when a baby goes missing: it's more palatable than 'raped, murdered, and thrown away like trash' in the minds of many. Sadly, after following so many cases at WS I am not much of a believer in either the sex trafficking or illegal adoption theories. :(
But if we're all supposed to operate under the assumption that the dude is innocent until proven guilty, why WOULD'NT he help the police advance the case. So many here think this guy is innocent for whatever reason: he doesn't look creepy, he's a good Christian guy, he has a job, he said he left Hannah after Tempo, he coaches youth sports and some people think he's great are some of the reasons I've seen cited here. But it seems like the same people who are saying he is likely innocent are saying, "why should he sit down and help the police charge him. Why would he say anything!"

SO my question is this: is he an innocent good Christian youth sports coach with a job and doesn't happen to look creepy, or is he someone who shouldn't help the police charge him? It can't be both ways, so posters saying both things really confuses me. If he is truly innocent, why WOULDN'T he provide the police with his knowledge of that night? Not only could it help save Hannah's life if she is still alive, but it could also clear his name if he did not do anything to her. The information he provides could lead him to the real perp so why isn't he giving up the info?

to be clear i don't think he is innocent, I don't think they'd be going after him this hard if they already didn't have at least something BUT I still think he'd be a fool to talk to them he is either A) guilty or B) likely has nothing helpful to offer. So there is nothing to gain and everything to lose for him.
I understand that people want to lighten the mood, but is it really appropriate to be making these jokes on a public internet thread about a girl that was quite possibly raped and murdered?

I know if Hannah was my daughter or friend I would not appreciate it.

We're on post #700 and counting on the tenth thread; I don't think there has been very much joking, all things considered. MOO.
I am going to take this in a different direction, just to throw everything out there. Say we focus on her behavior from that night. It appears that she has something on her mind. She is drinking heavily and one person has mentioned that she appeared distressed. By looking at the video's it appears that she is on a mission, like she is looking for someone. If she was out to party she would be doing just that, but it seems apparent that she wants very little contact with people based on video observation. She is by herself and left her friends, who I am sure told her they were going to a party. She chose to be by herself, not stay with them. She chose to walk the routes she did. Seeing that the route she took was the most obvious along main highways and streets, seems odd. She could have easily cut her time and walked a different route. Is it possible she took off? Perhaps she had been planning the day and time to do this for awhile now. Maybe she was nervous, because the person who was suppose to pick her up wasn't showing and she was stressed that it would not fall through. Is it possible she did not want to be in the states? Did she have family pressures she didn't want part of anymore? Just some thoughts.
This is my new theory. Hannah left first party to go meet someone downtown at the first bar she stopped at (Mc Grady's? Not positive of the name). She was in a rush because she tried to catch a bus to get there. Missed it so she decided to walk but maybe got a bit lost because it was at night and maybe she was a bit drunk. By the time she got down there whomever she planned to meet was already in the bar and she couldn't get in (probably got carded by the bouncer). So she walked through the area towards the transportation center to go back to campus and saw JM whom she knew. She called to him to say hi and then they walked in that direction together. Then she realized she had to go to the bathroom so they went into Tempo to do that and bought something to be a customer. They left and she walked on to the transportation center and he got in his car and went home. He can't prove that because it was late at night and likely stopped no where else and has no alibi. Something happened to her either before getting on a bus or after getting off near her apartment.

I don't know why exactly but I just feel he was in the wrong place, wrong time. I think Longo saw the resemblance between him and the MH suspect sketch that many of you see and went crazy gung-ho thinking it was going to be HUGE and ran with it.

I would consider this theory except I find the video where he is observed walking from one direction, crossing across the mall in the same direction as HG walking a good distance behind her. It doesn't seem from that video that they would have been in a place to just run into each other.
Well, I can't keep up
Thread is moving quickly and so many off topic posts

So.. I will just ask

Is there any new NEWS since five PM?

Not really.
I'm a thousand pages behind. Hunger, sleep & a job keep getting in my way.

If this has been covered, please excuse my eagerness to share it. National media is covering the Wanted Poster. A Wanted Poster for reckless driving. :scared:

If it were me, I'd be in another country, and Interpol would be after me for my reckless driving, I'm sure.

I have to admit, this is truly bizarre. Longo is saying on CNN that he just found out about the last search warrant a few minutes ago. WHAT?!

Longo is not totally involved in the investigation. Have you noticed in the press conferences how he has the one detective answer certain reporters questions. The detective working the case knows more than Longo.
I think Hannah is dead so I want him to be guilty because if he isn't guilty then I think the trail could go cold.

If they do not find anything in his car or home, it may go cold even if he is guilty. I don't know how they would charge him without blood, a crime scene, a witness, a confession, etc. especially if he eventually says he did take her to his apartment but that she left of her own free will. As far as I know, he has not yet made a statement to LE...only to Grandma...
What really P O's me in this case is all of the fake or seems fake info that LE has put out there

Shaved head goateed guy

No one walking with her
Etc etc etc

Personally I think silence is better than spreading rumor
I'm a thousand pages behind. Hunger, sleep & a job keep getting in my way.

If this has been covered, please excuse my eagerness to share it. National media is covering the Wanted Poster. A Wanted Poster for reckless driving. :scared:

If it were me, I'd be in another country, and Interpol would be after me for my reckless driving, I'm sure.

I have to admit, this is truly bizarre. Longo is saying on CNN that he just found out about the last search warrant a few minutes ago. WHAT?!

??? THAT is weird.
This isn't of much interest, but I don't think it's been mentioned before. Got it from a most recent article. So JM has only been working at the hospital for a little over a month. No wonder he can't afford an attorney, pay hist rent or own a newer car. He's realy in deep straights right now. Attorney advice or not, I think he should tell what he knows. If he is guilty of something, they will get him eventually. If he's not guilty, then only he can try and convince LE of it. It doesn't appear they are going to be looking for any other POI but him.

"The University of Virginia Medical Center confirmed to WVIR that Matthew has worked there since August 12."

I think they got it wrong, as reported by another site (linked earlier in the thread) to be August 2012. I'm betting they confirmed August '12 and it was misread. Seems a bit odd that UVA would give a month and day but no year.
You are mistaken in the fact that he received a lawyer. No. He was able to consult with a lawyer, that's all we know. LE was not sure if he was able to actually retain this lawyer. If he could not afford that lawyer, the lawyer would not have been able to sit down with him while he talked to police.

I think this is the second time I've tried to clarify this for you, I just want to make sure you have all the accurate info.

You are correct. I believe that by issuing the warrant, now JM is the defendent and eligible for a court appointed attorney. JM has been handed an attorney on a silver come on in JM and tell LE what you know.
This could very well be true and I think we agree regarding the process. The basis of my speculation is that had there been a hit already, it seems to me that an arrest warrant for a major charge against JM would likely have followed immediately, IMO. I guess I don't see the point in waiting for all results if any of them came back as a match for HG.

They may (LE) that is, be aware of SOME results, which possibly led them to get another warrant for the apartment today.....JMO Not that they will disregard forensics that they expect tomorrow. JMO
JM WAS provided an attorney. JM spoke to that attorney for about an hour. JM left the PD without speaking to LE. Longo would NOT release the name of the attorney because he didn't know if JM had retained the attorney.

Those are the facts straight from Longo at a press conference.

he only spoke to the lawyer briefly, longo said earlier on today show
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