VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #11

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So I really just don't understand why we are all still discussing the social security number. I was online at the time it occurred - It was accidentally posted and then as advised by LE it was immediately taken down, corrected then reposted and distributed. It wouldn't have even been up any longer than one minute, if that! So what is the significance of it? Am I missing something?? :dunno: JMO.
She appeared to be over her limit. I wouldnt have let her in either. 1. being there were a bunch of men outside already checking her out and it was really close to closing 2. if she came in an left and got hurt then the bar could be held liable for her being underage and drinking had she been injured.

However in this case I would be regretting not letting her in. I feel bad for the Mcgrady bouncer, he probably feel like crap.

Are you saying that she may have had a fake ID but the McGrady's bouncer wouldn't let her in because she was drunk?
So I really just don't understand why we are all still discussing the social security number. I was online at the time it occurred - It was accidentally posted and then as advised by LE it was immediately taken down, corrected then reposted and distributed. It wouldn't have even been up any longer than one minute, if that! So what is the significance of it? Am I missing something?? :dunno: JMO.

Thank you!
From what I understand...and lord knows I've been trying like heck for days to keep up, he has his arm around here waist in the video taken from the jewelry store. It should be posted at the beginning of each new thread. I think ;)

ETA: video. You can see an arm around her waist if you watch closely!

Thanks for the video link, gawddarnit, you people have good eyes! I just don't/can't see that!! :(
The Police have originals and better equipment than we do.

All an elaborate setup to get JM - and the FBI's in on it too.

The last guy with her is on the lam.

In the Tuel's video, some people said they could see he had his arm around her. I couldn't see it, myself, but I'm watching on my phone and it's kinda tiny.

I could only see it when I put it on a large screen, and kept pausing the video.

Why would any template for wanted posters have a built in slot to pull SS#s? Posters don't generate themselves. Even to pull data from a database you have to put parameters around what data you want pulled. And to not proof a wanted poster - especially in a case where you are going for nation wide attention and creating a wanted poster for reckless driving, I find that impossible to believe. No one looked at the poster at all? I don't believe that it was an honest mistake at all, not even for a split second.

I really honestly and truly believe the first released poster was suppose to be the one that is sent to all LE as an alert to them, and not released to the public. I think it was a simple human error.

I am roughly the same age as the POI and many of us had myspace accts that we just never bothered deleting. My husband's is still up, for example, and 90% of the people friended on there he no longer talks to because it was so long ago. He just never deleted the page because he can't remember the log in info and didn't set it up with any email address he currently uses. So I would be wary that anything found on there is currently accurate at all.

:blushing: I don't even remember if I ever had a myspace or not.

I have never liked the "white man" part of this. I know plenty of "white men" that age and they would not be at the Pedestrian Downtown Mall, alone, "following" a young underage teen. No WAY.

Most men might notice a lonely young lady, but most probably wouldn't follow her. I do wonder if he wasn't undercover, the bouncer mentioned in another article, a bouncer at a different bar, etc. Not sure. Haven't totally ruled him out in my mind though. :scared:

Hannah's posture when walking shows she is tired. Look at in Sal's video her upper body is leaning a little forward with her back slightly hunched. I walked an hour today in my neighborhood and towards the end my lower back started getting sore so I started walking like her to take pressure off my lower back. In McGrady's video what many people think is her playing with her waistband is in fact her grabbing/rubbing her lower back because it is sore form all the walking.

I don't know, but I don't see her holding her back. In the mall area videos, I think she's crying, but that's just by her stance, because I can't view her face well enough. I'm still not sure why if she was truly lost she didn't stay in ONE place, and await help, or call one of the services to come pick her up. She may have been pissed at something from earlier in the evening, and went for a walk/jog to clear her mind, or release stress. Perhaps if that is true, she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. Still doesn't explain why she didn't stop at the gas station, go in, ask for help, get a cup of coffee and gather her thoughts, etc. But she kept going. I've never been in that gas station, but been in many that are similar, and they are always clean, and have helpful locals hanging around. I've gotten directions in many of them, and their bathrooms are always clean as well. I see on while traveling, and think 'safe place to stop'.

Earlier a poster sais he/she found a tweet by Hannah saying she was having trouble getting wifi on her cell. (This happens to me a lot with T-mobile). It was proposed that maybe she wasn't able to use her cell at some point that Am.

I know nothing about the cell coverage in the area, and what cell towers are there, but I did see two cell phone companies near that mall. I do know in other cases members have found cell phone tower maps, so maybe someone can find one for this area. :thinking:

I thought everyone moved out of the apartment last week? Or maybe that was just his roommates.

I only remember reading that his roommates moved out. I don't know if the apartment was ever released back to them, if not, and it was still considered a possible crime scene, they wouldn't have been allowed back though. Hmmm.... I would imagine that investigators from one of the many agencies were keeping an eye on it at any rate. Now I wonder if there was a washing machine and dryer in the apartment, or they used a laundry mat, or if LJ's Mom or Grandma did his laundry. Otherwise, maybe they should check the hospital and see if his clothes are in a locker there. :moo:

I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think retrieving their own items would require a whole new search warrant.

:laughing: Ummm, Mr. Judge, I left the company's gloves at that last search, and am requesting another warrant to retrieve them. :laughing: Yeah, don't think that would happen. It's possible they were looking for clothing that matched what he wore to the station, or who knows really. But it seems to correspond to the lab having results, and perhaps 'something' was significant enough that they wanted to retest, needed a larger sample, who knows...

Weird. That's all I can say. I don't know what to believe.

I'm a local. Sal's and Rapture are on the same side of the street. WG is on the opposite side of the street walking from the direction that is farther from Rapture. He stops, and then HG comes into view. She passes, he falls in behind her, with both of them heading towards Rapture, but still on the opposite side of the street.

ergo Rapture bouncer != WG

Plausible, if WG is walking to work, passes his place of employment, and then comes back. Not if he was already on the job, in the doorway of Rapture.
So I really just don't understand why we are all still discussing the social security number. I was online at the time it occurred - It was accidentally posted and then as advised by LE it was immediately taken down, corrected then reposted and distributed. It wouldn't have even been up any longer than one minute, if that! So what is the significance of it? Am I missing something?? :dunno: JMO.
I saw it up much longer than a minute and it was immediately shared and spread like wildfire on Facebook . . . as things often do
Business owners and people who frequent the mall said they are familiar with Matthew, a well-known and distinctive figure on the mall and within the area’s bar scene, with his big-barreled physique, goatee and dreadlocks. Anthony Williams, a parking attendant at a Charlottesville garage near the mall, said that Matthew is popular and a familiar face among the downtown mall’s bars and eateries.

So JM was well known in the mall. It also mentions he has a goatee so the WG was right about that one.

So, with all the bars on the mall...wonder why he chose one outside of the mall to have a drink?
A reporter said the wanted poster was sent to the media requesting it be shared
I guess that I was being a bit snarky with my suggestion that the items LE went back for were gloves that someone inept had left there the day before. I had been playing catch-up with the messages and was still reeling from the SS# release (although, as a proofreader in my day job, I'm aware that it's easy to miss things when you're in a hurry).

I gotta get some sleep now, but I just wanted to say something. I read a bunch of Hannah's tweets the other day, and all I could think of was how much I think I'd like her if I knew her in person. She reminds me of my nieces and nephews (one of whom graduated from UVA)--similar wit and brains and all-around decency. If, somehow, she is still alive, if she gets through whatever horrors might happen, I have no doubt that she'll recover. And when that happens--if that happens--no, WHEN that happens, I hope I get to meet her someday, maybe binge-watch Parks & Rec with her.
I don't think it was strategy. I think it was the PD's inexperience in handling a case like this.

I dont think they are inexperienced in handling cases like this.

I believe they have more experience handling cases like this then they would like.

Last year they had dogs out there trained out to find cell phones. Thats how they found Alexis's phone.

I know they have their reason for what they do.
About the video and arm around her, I do see a think white line around her that is not her arm. I can't tell for sure if it's someone else's arm or her bare midriff. The lighting is poor and distorting. But her skin is beige, not white so guessing it's his arm. Was he wearing white long sleeves in other videos? If not it's not his arm, is bare arm isn't white.

Besides the WG did anyone else witness the POI with his arm around her? Would this blurry video grab stand up in court to you think?
Are blogs allowed? I can never remember.

Mods, feel free to delete if so.


What is going on up in that corridor?

So, with all the bars on the mall...wonder why he chose one outside of the mall to have a drink?

If he wanted to buy HG a drink and thought she was underage he would choose a bar that he knew would allow it.
But here is the scenario: remember JLM was walking west at first, so he must have past by Rapture, and could have been seen then. Who knows JLM might have been doing to arouse suspicion -- we know he high fives passers by. Bouncer hadn't seen HG yet, but certainly had time to get a little way down the street following behind JLM, but before HG came up the street going east. Then when bouncer sees JLM cross the street following HG, he knows the pair is worth watching.

And then he should have a much better description, especially since JM is a known townie according to reports and this IS a Rapture bouncer, of JM - not just "large man." He also would have seen the approach. JM also passed right in front of Rapture, not on the other side of the street. He likely would've spoken to/high-fived this guy based upon descriptions and his behavior with the two women seconds (?) later.

My concern is the report that "later" he saw her talking to a "large man." His report is he saw her "walking down the mall" and "later" he saw her speaking with a "large man." The time from HG coming into his line of vision to the time she was with JM was seconds. It had to have been. Personally, I don't call that "later." I call that "now," as in it's all one incident. "Later," to me, indicates a second sighting/incident, not a continuous one.

Again, this surmises WG is not bouncer, as bouncer was at work, in Rapture's doorway, not walking towards Rapture on the opposite side of the mall, when he sighted HG.
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