VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #14 *ARREST*

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Ahhh I'm just seeing he was camping. I thought he was strolling along the Strand....which he would certainly blend in well there. I'm just shocked as heck he didn't shave his head, and just as shocked he was still in that car!!!!!

I do not think he had a choice!
Punching a lawyer in the face and snatching away his cell after the threatened to call police in a road rage incident isnt gentle.

Neither is seriously injuring someone during horseplay.

Can I get links to these two things, I'd love to read about them.
Yes, JMO, the I-10 corridor which runs east/west through Louisiana was his likely route.

However, news reports and a still photo of JM cited by a previous poster show him purchasing mosquito repellent and water at a Galveston convenience store yesterday.

Three cheers for the citizen who apparently called the police regarding a suspicious person camping on the beach on the peninsula.

BBM- The store has been reported as being in Galveston but according to this interview with the clerk, the store is actually on Bolivar so I am not sure he was actually ever in Galveston. I think it is because Bolivar is in Galveston County that it is being reported as where he shopped even though it is not on the island.

Shows him clearly inside the store in last clip of the story:

Just a hunch, but I think he cut over from I-10 and never drove through Houston and onward to Galveston. I don't know how to imbed a video on here, but this clip shows him very clearly inside and leaving the store on Bolivar Peninsula.
Hi all, coming in here late, but heard the news of JM on the run. I cannot believe he actually tried to flee - height of stupidity.
As a former investigator I would be interested who JM talked to on his cell phone around the time he met HG and afterwards. Would like to check ping his and her cell phone were giving off after they leave the restaurant into next day.
i remember seeing a comment from a friend that said something like that, but i didn't notice that the person was in texas. When i googled the directions from charlottesville to galveston, it was a straight shot down the highway. I think he just got in the car and drove south as fast as he could.

Forgive me if this has been discussed, but my local news in Louisville Ky just said they found some of Hannah's clothes in JM's home. I had not heard that anywhere else. Did LE release that info? I was shocked to hear it.

Wow. If the news did say that I'm thinking it was a leak. Longo had said he wanted to, in other words hold his cards plus see what more is found in evidence.
Jesse Matthews is a predator. His not just a guy that lost his cool after a few drinks. He saw Hannah from a distance, followed her, accosted her, physically interfered with her, took her to a bar, gave her more alcohol, and then she vanished from the face of the earth. I've read through her twitter account and she was a very bright, lively young woman. Her grandmother just celebrated her 102nd birthday. Hannah was creeped out when she smiled at strangers and they got the wrong idea. She was a victim of a predator that had one goal. He did not see a vivacious alive young woman with a full life ahead of her. He only thought of what he could take from her, and he was thinking that well before he accosted her on the street.

Hannah's Twitter Account:

Sure, I think he definitely had a predatory streak when it came to getting sex, but many people here are baffled by how such a skilled "serial killer" could have screwed up so quickly. I do not think this guy had an intention that night of killing someone; I think he was aggressive in his quest to get laid, and that aggression spilled over into murder.

Lots of guys will go after a girl who already impaired, get her drunker, then drive her back to his place and try and get sex. That happened to me on several occasions during my drinking days. Yeah, it is certainly predatory in nature, but the majority of men who behave that way are looking for some sex and are certainly not out to murder someone. I think Matthew is more of guy like that than some serial killer type, or some guy who gets girls and sells them into prostitution.
Contrary to what the younger generation has been conditioned to believe, refraining from judging someone is not a moral imperative. And it certainly doesnt make the person choosing not to judge any better the rest of us....what it does do is artificially limit our intelligence,retards the decision making process between right and wrong that adults perform on a daily basis and in a myriad of situations, censors freedom of speech and prevents the free exchange of ideas. JMO of course.

Go ahead and tell us what you really think.Your opinion, if you'll allow yourself to have one, is just as valid as mine or anyone elses here and your insight could prove invaluable or provide an important break in the case.

You'll feel so much better after you do, I promise you.:please:

I just had to log-in to say Thank You for this post!
I can't imagine the look on that cop's face when he learned that the RP who called it in wasn't phoning in a trumped up "suspicious behaviour" call, but not only had a car that came back hot, but one connected to a missing person case from over a thousand miles away, that's been getting nation and world wide publicity!

Not your average ending to a "suspicious behaviour" call! :crazy:

I'm SO glad someone acted on their suspicions and even called this in - whether or not they had any idea about Hannah's case and it was solely based on just behaviour or something.

And I'm so glad that LE responded quickly enough that JM hadn't moved on elsewhere.

There are a whole lot of places that a suspicious behaviour call easily ends up so low on the priority list, that by the time it gets handled, whatever was going on was long over or the person long gone.

I look forward to hearing the call or at least the scanner traffic when it was relayed to the responding officer and then as things played out once he discovered the significance of why the plates came back wanted!

Yes, I would agree and thank you!

This was a valuable lesson for me because not in a million years would I have thought that JM, a fugitive from Virginia that I had followed closely for the past few days, would wind up on the shores of Texas, somewhere so close to me.....unbelievable...

Always keep your eyes open!

Hooray for Galveston Police Department!!!
Ahhh I'm just seeing he was camping. I thought he was strolling along the Strand....which he would certainly blend in well there. I'm just shocked as heck he didn't shave his head, and just as shocked he was still in that car!!!!!

Yep me too I thought that car would have been ditched days ago!
so far all I see is tunnel vision by the va LE,regarding Mathew. He doesn't fit the profile,at all of a SO or muderder. Citizen in good standing, works in sx the OR fgs, used to drive taxi. I truly believe he is innocent...I see not one scintilla of evidence linking him to,this crime. In light of current affairs in MO, I believe he is AA, employed, in good community standing, and terrified which explains his actions. Most of all I am terrified of the witch hunt behavior here in regards to him for this crime. We Hv so,far not one thing linking. Him to her disappearance, let alone the out theory is sex trafficking. Doesn't fit the profile at all, as a matter of fact, so everyone please take a step back. They want to talk to him, they Hv no evidence to date that he defiled or kidnapped anyone. Sev search warrants are sealed for 180 Days and until then we must wait and not be so quick to hang this man. He has nothing that indicates he is the correct POI and he doesn't fit the profile. I suggest the FBI call in a profiler who is worth is weight in gold. Jmmo. Something isn't fitting here for me. Not at all.

Wow, maybe there is something that I have missed, but it seems way out of line to be referring to body parts and a suspect's intelligence level based on a picture. Seriously? From what I have read and gleaned, LE has no clue or leads other than the video surveillance and witnesses in a bar. The guy has his arm around her in the video. Obviously, there will be transfer of "evidence" on clothing between the two. IF she had been in his car, why was there not sufficient forensic evidence found then? In fact, LE had to go back to the apartment to find something, anything, to issue a warrant so they could haul him in for questioning. They are not saying he is in any way "the" perp. It was a legal move so they could justify a nationwide manhunt to detain him. For all the legal aspects of this (what seems trumped up, IMO) here in a report by the Washington Post.

How in the world are people convicting this man of murder when LE has evidence only for a rather ambiguous charge of abduction with intent to defile? She is seen on video with his arm around her; she willingly entered a bar with him and left apparently too with no resistance. Yes, she was clearly incapacitated from alcohol and/or drugs, so that makes his actions seem pretty morally suspect. That is a big leap from being called out as a murderer.

It strikes me as odd how a thousand people wanted to help search for HG. Where were those people looking out for her best interests when she clearly had too much to drink and was wandering around aimlessly because of it for hours on her own? For all we know she keeled over somewhere from alcohol poisoning, but oh, wait that wasn’t caught on camera, so obviously the last person to interact with her on camera killed her?!?

Is it possible that LJM saw an opportunity to take advantage of a really naïve, sheltered young girl? Not anticipating that anything else might happen and that she could very well may have injured herself or died of natural causes while he was with her, but it did so he freaked out a bit. With all the media attention and mass rush to judgment going around in social media, I would be terrified to talk with the police too.
I am like 20 threads behind, but there is a POI who ran from Police, Hannah is still missing, the POI is the last known person to be seen with her and he bolted, she is still missing. I am of the opinion that the POI is a POI for reasons we have no knowledge of. I can't subscribe to a racial reason for this. If Hannah was last seen on camera with a white frat boy, would you all be so convinced he had been railroaded? No, we would all be talking about his connection with her and if he was a serial predator.
I don't get why someone would leave evidence (clothing) in an apt. they had just moved out of! That would be the first thing I would eliminate!
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