VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #14 *ARREST*

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Oh, I agree with you. Poor judgment can make you look pretty suspicious; however, he doesn't have people raising a $100,000 to foot his legal bills. He probably does have useful info on HG, but his actions just seem like mindless reaction. Your question proves that point, if this was all premeditated why go to where he did and set up camp?
IF he is innocent then he is really dumb for some of his actions that make him look really guilty. Whether he is innocent or guilty, I hope that LE or his lawyer encourages him to tell the truth about what he knows so that Hannah's family gets some answers.

Yes, IF he is innocent, he has just pretty much ruined any chance he had in court. That's a big IF. Either way, whether innocent or guilty, fleeing has just made things a million times harder for him. Very dumb idea.
Thank you i somehow feel like there is three times the empathy on here for a guy who they have at least probable cause to arrest for a horrible act than there is for a TOTALLY innocent young lady who has almost certainly been brutally raped and murdered.

Also some of you need to figure out the difference between "in a court of law" and discussion on a internet message board...

And while I'm ranting .... do some of you really think they haven't talked to his roommates ..... really .... I mean some of this is starting to get ridiculous.

Regarding the roommates, it was reported that the first night LE went to the apartment, no one there had much of anything to say. And then they moved. Tonight is the first I've heard that the roommates have talked with LE...but what did they say? Without knowing anything else as far as they go, in my mind, they have strong potential for involvement. Why do you think this is so "ridiculous"? Do you know what they did or didn't say? If so, could you provide a source so I can read? Thanks...
Why is he already tried and convicted by so many? We haven't seen or hear of a single shred of hard evidence. This worries me.

You can see by the join dates and post counts that many of us seasoned sleuthers have been here for awhile. Those of use who post a lot also tend to have been interested in crime, profiling and missing person/murder cases long before joining. Finally, many of us are well educated and have researched a ton and are super interested because we either work in some capacity or are experienced with the justice system - forensics, search and rescue, LE, probation, missing persons organizations, or have been victims or close to someone who was a victim - or we are people who work in psychology, the medical field, science, etc. - different areas that often link up to crime.

So those of use who believe it is highly likely this guy is guilty and harmed Hannah, that LE has the right guy, feel that way simply due to a long history of experience watching this cases unfold, researching, learning, discussing ad nauseam, and doing a ton of amateur profiling. It's logic and experience.

They never confess...IMHO...I just think back to all the other ones that fooled everyone...Scott Peterson, Joran Van Der Sloot...they all had families that cared for them. They all had a good life. Why do something like this? It is a part of their make-up...some type of wiring.

Some are sociopaths but not all. Many confess. We don;t discuss those here often because if there is a confession, those cases don;t typically get a lot of air time unless the confession came after years. Here are some examples:

1. A North Carolina man named Matthew Gibson confessed to murdering a woman 17 years ago, police told the Charlotte Observer on Monday, Sept. 22. What's most bizarre about his sudden admission is that Gibson came clean after receiving texts from Walmart.

2. PROVIDENCE — A homeless man told the police on Friday that his conscience drove him to reveal something he’d kept secret — that he’d beaten a man to death in South Providence 24 years ago.

By nightfall, Daniel Serrano, 65, was charged with the murder of 32-year-old Michael Holliday — a man he said he didn’t intend to kill, Maj. David Lapatin said.

“He claims he was feeling very guilty about it,” the police major added.

3. A New Jersey mechanic wracked with guilt over his alleged involvement in the 1990 murder of a 15-year-old has turned himself in to police after nightmares and visions of the teen's mother haunted him over the past 23 years, according to the man's close friend.

Steven Goff, 41, has been charged with the May 7, 1990 murder of Frederick "Ricky" Hart, 15, in Galloway, N.J. Goff allegedly stabbed Hart multiple times with a knife in the woods behind Galloway's Clubs Condominiums, according to a statement from the Atlantic County prosecutor's office. No motive for the killing has been made public.

4. The grisly murder and robbery of an elderly couple in Waterloo, Iowa, stunned the community three decades ago. But the case remained unsolved until a 66-year-old man walked into a police station and confessed on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, Pursel, who most recently lived in South Gate, Calif., told Waterloo police details about the crime only someone involved with it would know, said Capt. Tim Pillack of the Waterloo Police Department. The town, located along the Cedar River, is home to nearly 70,000 residents, according to the 2010 U.S. Census.

"He just wanted to get it off his mind," Pillack told "He knew of the family. He said his intention was to go in and rob them and kill them."

5. In a stunning admission that many in New Jersey law enforcement thought might never come, Larry Thompson, a 72-year-old inmate at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola, confessed last month to being the triggerman in the infamous murder-for-hire death of Toms River socialite Maria Marshall in September 1984, authorities said.
Thompson was found not guilty of the crime in 1986, but Robert Marshall, Maria’s husband, was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder and sentenced to death. In 2006, with a moratorium on the death penalty in New Jersey, Marshall was resentenced to life imprisonment with no parole for 30 years. His first parole hearing will be in December.

6. A man who murdered his housemate and buried him in a tomb in their garden has finally confessed to the crime four years later, after his guilty conscience became too much bear.

Sebastian Bendou, 36, stabbed and battered his housemate Christophe Borgye in 2009 along with an accomplice in a brutal pre-planned attack after a row over money.

7. Confession to police two years after killing four year old Kali Poulton:
Mark appeared dejected, as if he was already resolved to his fate. In spite of his mother’s objections, Mark agreed to get a cup of coffee with me, provided that I transport him to his attorney’s office
afterward. Mark sat in the front seat of my unmarked police car beside me, un-handcuffed. He said that he would tell me everything I wanted to know after he spoke with his attorney.
I replied that any lawyer worth their salt would not allow him to speak with me about what happened with Kali,and that meant that her parents would never find out exactly what happened to their baby, or if she had suffered. “She didn’t suffer.” Mark responded.
“I hope not.” I said.
As we drove back towards Rochester, I suggested that we get some lunch. The smell of a good pasta sauce and the sharing of fresh bread can make would-be adversaries become friends.
Mark stated that he felt bad for what he had done to Kali. He said that he had been living a nightmare ever since, haunted by Kali’s face on missing child posters all over the country.,d.cGE
Galveston Co daily arrest log

arrested (B /M/32) Arrest on chrg of Fail To Identify Fugitive Intent Give False Info, M (M), at 2300 Hwy 87, Gilchrist, TX, on 9/24/2014.

Gilchrist is on Bolivar Peninsula

This is very interesting...

sounds like there may have been someone arrested for "harboring a fugitive"...

However... The person arrested is Black/Male/32 years old.... All descriptors of JM...

Could the arrest description read (without as many abbreviations):

Arrested on Charge of Fail to Identify AS Fugitive - (key word "AS" here)

Intent to Give False Information

Just a thought...

Still... very curious...:waitasec:
Thank you i somehow feel like there is three times the empathy on here for a guy who they have at least probable cause to arrest for a horrible act than there is for a TOTALLY innocent young lady who has almost certainly been brutally raped and murdered.

Also some of you need to figure out the difference between "in a court of law" and discussion on a internet message board...

And while I'm ranting .... do some of you really think they haven't talked to his roommates ..... really .... I mean some of this is starting to get ridiculous.

BBM. If you are referring to my post about whether his roomates have provided info to the police: I have ZERO doubt the police have tried to get info from them, what I was wondering is if they are cooperating/answering questions. Don't see what is ridiculous about that thought. Good night all.
Those regulations are out of date. They were revised in 2009 I believe. You can get on a cruise from any US port, that goes into the Caribbean and Mexico, with your Drivers license and birth certificate. I cruise at least once a year.

My son just got back from a cruise to Mexico....passport required
Sleuthers said the apartment was up for rent on about October 4. Whether JM and the others decided to move or their lease was not renewed, we don't know. So it's completely possible the packed stuff was in the works before Hannah disappeared. Just wanted to point that out.

The apartment was posted for rent in August--on Craigslist--with an available date of 10/04/14.
This is very interesting...

sounds like there may have been someone arrested for "harboring a fugitive"...

However... The person arrested is Black/Male/32 years old.... All descriptors of JM...

Could the arrest description read (without as many abbreviations):

Arrested on Charge of Fail to Identify AS Fugitive - (key word "AS" here)

Intent to Give False Information

Just a thought...

Still... very curious...:waitasec:

When I first read the post, I thought it said something like "harboring a fugitive"!
I do not think this guy is a psychopath, a serial killer, or part of an organized crime syndicate. He is just a regular guy who drinks too much and lost his cool when he did not get what he thought he was going to get from an equally drunk girl.

Oh no. Oh my goodness. "Regular guys" don't lose their cool and kill people when they drink when they don't get what they want. God bless em', most men are not a drink and a rejection or two away from murder.
This is very interesting...

sounds like there may have been someone arrested for "harboring a fugitive"...

However... The person arrested is Black/Male/32 years old.... All descriptors of JM...

Could the arrest description read (without as many abbreviations):

Arrested on Charge of Fail to Identify AS Fugitive - (key word "AS" here)

Intent to Give False Information

Just a thought...

Still... very curious...:waitasec:

I believe that charge means he tried to give a false name to hide his fugitive status.
Those of us who have followed many cases know that when a person is a POI (person of interest) and then becomes named as a suspect, LE has some goods on them. JM has been named as a suspect in the abduction of HG. He is charged with her abduction and she has been missing for two weeks now. There really isn't much to read in between the lines on this one, unless you have that little of faith in these LEA with FBI assistance.
(I scrolled down and saw others have recently posted this sentiment, kudos.)
Is he a serial murderer?

I think he knew that there were no cameras in Tempo, which is why he took her there, and that he was unaware that the cameras at Sal's Pizza and Tuel Jewelers would capture this about-face and predatory behavior. He was also unaware of the eye witness that saw him approach Hannah. He had predatory behavior the minute he spotted Hannah, and after she vanished, he acted like nothing happened.

If he has done this before, he probably did the very same thing. If he did this before, he was probably more cautious, and getting away with it made him sloppy. In this case, his story was very straight forward: he saw her, he bought her drinks, then they parted ways. This is probably not the first time he gave a good answer that was completely untrue.

But I don't understand why he would risk taking her to so many places? If this was planned out? I would think the perp would want to be seen in public as very minimum as possible.
Thank you i somehow feel like there is three times the empathy on here for a guy who they have at least probable cause to arrest for a horrible act than there is for a TOTALLY innocent young lady who has almost certainly been brutally raped and murdered.

Also some of you need to figure out the difference between "in a court of law" and discussion on a internet message board...

And while I'm ranting .... do some of you really think they haven't talked to his roommates ..... really .... I mean some of this is starting to get ridiculous.

Since you were responding to someone's response to me, I thought I should say that I do not have empathy for Matthew. I am certain that the police have the proper probable cause to arrest him and charge him with the crimes they had laid out against him. I actually am not as worried as some people when a person is charged with a crime they did not commit. It is devastating, but obviously our criminal justice system is set up for that happening from time to time, which is why the accused gets a lawyer and trial. If Matthew did not murder HG, then I still am not all that empathetic towards him oddly enough. He will have an opportunity to present his defense and his version of that night.

My point was not one sympathy to him at all. I was merely distinguishing between different kinds of killers. I do not see this guy as the clever, sneaky, serial killer type who stalks women. I see him as slimy guy who picked out a girl he could "rescue" take to a bar and get a little drunker, and then bring back to his place for sex. I see him doing all those things and then getting really ticked off when Hannah had other ideas about what was going to happen. Both types of killers are despicable to me. What I was attempting to do was to make an argument as to how a coy predator could have possibly made so many bone-headed moves: it is because he is not a coy predator. He is slimy guy who likes to hang out at the mall when he knows women will be at their drunkest. He acts "friendly" and talks to people walking by, or high fives them or whatever. My guess is that he has had success picking up women this way so he keeps up with it. He has no serious criminal history, because, up until 11 days ago, he was not involved in serious crime.
We never see the evidence in a week or two of the abduction (and probable murder). We are given information during the manhunt because police desperately need help from the public. Now that he has been arrested, we probably won't get too much information. We won't know the evidence until there is a trial. Should we believe that he's innocent until the time of trial? Some may prefer to believe that he is a victim of police stupidity and incompetence, but I suspect that most will trust that police know what they are doing and they are well on their way to arresting the man for Hannah's murder (which of course is still not confirmed). The search for Hannah will continue, but we all know that if she is alive, she would have come forward. Jesse is in this alone ... there is no accomplice, per police.

The only reason that Jesse Matthew has been detained is because police now have evidence to suggest that he is responsible for her disappearance.
If direct evidence is required to trust police work, then best to check back in when the trial starts.

Thank you. Well said.
Hi Otto. I thought Hannah tweeted that night that she was lost. Did they remove the tweet?

I didn't see the account until days after she disappeared, but I doubt that it has been altered. It's really something to get to know her through her quips about her day to day life. She has interests in everything from European history, to current affairs and politics, she comments on criminal offenses, seems to be fluent in French, is well travelled, well educated, a normal, healthy, active, conscientious young woman ... but mostly she's really funny. After reading her thoughts, I find it very difficult to believe that she would willingly be with someone like Jesse Matthew.
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