VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #15 *ARREST*

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While there are a lot of wonderful in the bar and restaurant industry, there are A LOT and I mean A LOT of shady people involved as well. I don't know the people that work at Tempo, but for now I'm taking their press release with a grain of salt.

So true - it's like the only job you can get with a criminal history.
Just catching up this morning...whew!

This exchange at JM's court appearence in TX bothers me. It starts approx. 1:40 into the video, when JM is asked to sign paperwork waiving his right to a court-appointed attorney for both the TX and VA charges:

JM: (indicting paperwork) Is this for Virginia? So, what is the Virginia one again?
Judge: The Virginia warrant is a fugitive from justice warrant, the underlying charge is abduction of a person with intent to defile.
JM: And if I sign this, what does this do?
Judge: It only says that I read you your rights, you're not entering a plea of any kind this morning.

Now, come on. He high-tailed it out of VA, making (what looks like) a desperate attempt for the border, while his name is all over national news in regards to Hannah's case....but he actually has to ask? And he says, "again", so it was explained to him previously. Didn't have to ask about the TX charge a second time. I personally believe he knew exactly why that VA warrant was issued. Have enough respect for Hannah, and for yourself, to not feign ignorance about something so important. Gross.

Secondly, a few pages ago (the link is buried, ahhh!) someone mentioned a search in the Galveston area. While. I don't think that's a bad idea, it also seems unlikely he'd get all the way into TX before dumping anything incriminating. He had...what? Nearly 1,300 miles of road in which to discard anything he wanted.

Now to read this Tempo letter....

I think JM is just confused. I think the legal words don't make any sense to him and he's probably scared out of his mind at the charges- and life- that awaits him. This whole case is just so so sad. I got chills when I saw this tweet about the FBI investigating possible connections to other cases.
They just stopped there because he had to pay that tab and he might have bought her a drink. I think Tempo's letter explains why they were there only a few minutes. They really weren't there together inside.

I think she was familiar with Tempo. The owner is from France and speaks the language.
I, too, am really curious as to what the doorman would say. If she was waiting outside for 15 mins, then I would be shocked if he didn't talk to her.
While there are a lot of wonderful in the bar and restaurant industry, there are A LOT and I mean A LOT of shady people involved as well. I don't know the people that work at Tempo, but for now I'm taking their press release with a grain of salt.

Or that he saw himself on the mall surveillance video and knew it wouldn't be so easy to get away with this one.

He wanted to limit the amount of time people could be looking at his face and realize he was on the video...
1:08 is the last time stamp from the surveillance video at the downtown mall. Tempo is .13 miles away according to mapquest and 55 seconds by car.

That JLM ordered, received and paid for his purchase that quickly is a bit surprising...also seems like he had a pretty firm goal in mind to be moving so fast.

remember all these different clocks are not synced the the millisecond. For there to be 5 minutes of "play" in all the times I don't think would be unusual at all.
In my rush to stay caught up, I have missed the report that stated Jesse was inside Tempo for 15 minutes
Do you have that link? TIA

Ooops my mistake, I thought it said it in the tempo letter, but it doesn't

arrive at 1.10am, left shortly afterwards

Thank you for pointing out my error., I'll amend my previous post :)
“A co-worker at UVa said Matthew’s demeanor changed the week after Graham disappeared. Typically jovial, she said, Matthew became reserved, and began taking his lunch break alone.”

From your link..
Random queries ..
Wondering where a guy" who can't hide anything", would hide somebody?
Maybe a religious upbringing might inspire him to put what he wants hidden near a church or cemetery?
As a sports guy, maybe he is familiar with ' secret nooks' near stadiums and parks ?

“The last time I saw him was two months ago and he was upbeat and smiling,” Moore said. “He always wore his heart on his sleeve, man. You could tell how he was doing by his composure. He wouldn’t know how to hide anything.”

You are assuming the timestamps are all correct.
A time on a receipt is based on the time the register/computer has. Times on videos are based on the time the recording system has.
Times on these devices could have been off be a few minutes.

And after having worked in many restaurants, I would hazard a guess that Tempo's computer was networked and the time on it correct because it queries the network for the time. I have heard that cameras are often a little off. Of course, the owner of Tempos could have meant "around 1:10" and not 1:10 exactly...

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I woke up at 5 am and then again at 7 am with Hannah weighing on my mind. I don't know about you all, but her disappearance has really gotten to me. However unrealistic, I awake with hope they will find her alive and with dread that they have, but is deceased.

Thanks to all of you for the updates. I check here first as MSM is usually behind and I can count on you all to have it covered. There is no doubt we all care and, on some level, can identify with Hannah and her parents.
I have been in food and bev for over 20 yrs..I believe that they would not risk ruining a potential murder investigation over a serving under age ticket.

Would like your opinion as a bartender - do you feel this letter is an attempt to cover for themselves (re: underage alcohol sales)? Do you think the doorman was the source of the info. that they left together? thanks!
Usually to keep open a tab at a bar you give them a card. I know I have given one bar a card for a tab...went down the street to another place, then had to go back to the other one to close my tab and get my card.
I could see that as the scenario. At Tempo, ran up a tab. Left without closing it and getting his card. Talked to Hannah...said hey I have to go back by Temp and close out my tab. She waited outside while he did that.
Right. I guess I'm just saying that Tempo managers, etc. don't have a REAL incentive to lie, as some previous posters were suggesting. Perhaps they were busy that night and didn't see her in there. I would think that the bartender would know, especially if he knew JM, I would think he would notice the pretty blonde girl with him... but, maybe not. Regardless of the conflicting accounts, I just don't think the people who wrote the letter on behalf of Tempo would purposely LIE about what THEY saw, just to try and avoid losing their liquor license.

They have a massive incentive to lie. Losing their liquor license would break them.

I'm not saying they are lying but if there are eyewitnesses who confirm that Hannah was in the bar then they are going to be in trouble. It will come out in the next few days if she was seen in there or just seen leaving with him.

I'm puzzled as to why she would wait any real length of time for him, just stood outside. Surely if she is just standing outside Tempo waiting then there would be eyewitnesses confirming that too. The mall was busy that night with plenty of people mingling around.
After having participated in the official search over the weekend, I was fairly confident that if she was somewhere in the search area she would have been found. I have since heard that 90% of the city has been covered. I don't think the search coverage in the surrounding county is anywhere near as complete. Just yesterday as I was driving to work I remembered that a friend owns 5 acres just a couple of miles west from the apartment complex, and that there is a small barn deep in the woods on the property, which is otherwise undeveloped and unused. As soon as I remembered this I had to check it out.


And here's what makes the task at hand so hard:

Land area of the City of Charlottesville: 10.3 square miles
It took over 1000 volunteers to cover it.
Land area of Albemarle County: 721 square miles

BTW, Thank you for participating in the search for Hannah.
It's unfortunately true that surveillance video time stamps can be wrong. (Local missing person case here some years ago was initially confused & search set off on a wild goose case because video from 2 establishments (200 yards apart) had conflicting time stamps.

So true. The time might not have been set accurately on the device or it might be off on keeping time. My microwave clock runs fast and has to be re-set periodically.
Just catching up this morning...whew!

This exchange at JM's court appearence in TX bothers me. It starts approx. 1:40 into the video, when JM is asked to sign paperwork waiving his right to a court-appointed attorney for both the TX and VA charges:

JM: (indicting paperwork) Is this for Virginia? So, what is the Virginia one again?
Judge: The Virginia warrant is a fugitive from justice warrant, the underlying charge is abduction of a person with intent to defile.
JM: And if I sign this, what does this do?
Judge: It only says that I read you your rights, you're not entering a plea of any kind this morning.

Now, come on. He high-tailed it out of VA, making (what looks like) a desperate attempt for the border, while his name is all over national news in regards to Hannah's case....but he actually has to ask? And he says, "again", so it was explained to him previously. Didn't have to ask about the TX charge a second time. I personally believe he knew exactly why that VA warrant was issued. Have enough respect for Hannah, and for yourself, to not feign ignorance about something so important. Gross.

Secondly, a few pages ago (the link is buried, ahhh!) someone mentioned a search in the Galveston area. While. I don't think that's a bad idea, it also seems unlikely he'd get all the way into TX before dumping anything incriminating. He had...what? Nearly 1,300 miles of road in which to discard anything he wanted.

Now to read this Tempo letter....

I wonder if he was asking in order to see if they have charged him w/ murder yet or not, or if they have charged with anything regarding any other possible victims.
Just catching up this morning...whew!

This exchange at JM's court appearence in TX bothers me. It starts approx. 1:40 into the video, when JM is asked to sign paperwork waiving his right to a court-appointed attorney for both the TX and VA charges:

JM: (indicting paperwork) Is this for Virginia? So, what is the Virginia one again?
Judge: The Virginia warrant is a fugitive from justice warrant, the underlying charge is abduction of a person with intent to defile.
JM: And if I sign this, what does this do?
Judge: It only says that I read you your rights, you're not entering a plea of any kind this morning.

Now, come on. He high-tailed it out of VA, making (what looks like) a desperate attempt for the border, while his name is all over national news in regards to Hannah's case....but he actually has to ask? And he says, "again", so it was explained to him previously. Didn't have to ask about the TX charge a second time. I personally believe he knew exactly why that VA warrant was issued. Have enough respect for Hannah, and for yourself, to not feign ignorance about something so important. Gross.

Secondly, a few pages ago (the link is buried, ahhh!) someone mentioned a search in the Galveston area. While. I don't think that's a bad idea, it also seems unlikely he'd get all the way into TX before dumping anything incriminating. He had...what? Nearly 1,300 miles of road in which to discard anything he wanted.

Now to read this Tempo letter....

At the time the police lost track of him and he went on the lam (and imo we can assume he also stopped using cell phones/credit cards or else the police would have been able to track him sooner) the public did not know that even the reckless driving charges were being raised against him. It's reasonable to assume, if he was sleeping in a tent and was not talking to family, that he did not know he had been formally charged with anything when he was speaking with the magistrate this morning. The last he may have heard was that police just wanted to talk with him about Hannah.

I don't think he is dumb or was even meaning to play dumb when he asked those questions, I think he was just curious to hear the charges and what they might indicate police know about him now. However, I agree, he clearly ran and was off the grid for a reason.
I, too, am really curious as to what the doorman would say. If she was waiting outside for 15 mins, then I would be shocked if he didn't talk to her.

Or just make himself more clear. "I saw her waiting outside, I did not speak to her then I saw her leave with JM"...............or SOMETHING. (Maybe he has told LE all he knows, and we are irked because we don't know). JMO
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