VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #15 *ARREST*

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I'm sure the police had already found out about the sex assault without the help of a tabloid. It certainly makes their tunnel vision on JM more understandable.

I believe LE has a PRC (police record check) which lists all charges against an individual whether they lead to a conviction or not... A centralized system of prior charges available only to LE... Information held in a police database ...
Only actual convictions are recorded on criminal record checks for employment/volunteering - but police maintain records of any prior charges associated with an individual as we'll...IMO JM's history was quickly known by LE the minute he became a POI...

Maybe a WS who is with LE could help explain the police database? (Better than me)
If JM is the guy who did this, I think that probably what happened is that he wanted Hannah to come back home with him so that he could have sex with her (that's pretty much a given). Then, I think there must have been some accident - either Hannah stopped breathing, became unconcsious, or he was assaulting her with such force that he accidentally killed her (like accidentally choking her or something).

Sorry to be so graphic. I am just thinking aloud.

If he was involved in this, the police need to get it out of him ASAP where, I'm afraid, the body inevitably is.

What about a recorked bottle of wine? What if JM ordered a bottle of wine, had a glass inside Tempo, and then had the bottle recorked and took it with him? He can do that after midnight, can't he?

Yes he could. I overlooked that as JLM doesnt seem like a likely wine connoisseur to me. Also thats not really common knowledge. Ive only seen two people do this in 25 years of tending bar and one of them was me.
I would really like to know if she had Tinder or was on plenty of fish or any of those sites. If they stopped to pay his tab at the bar (which he was there before she was with him???) is it possible that he left to meet up with her and then found her and returned to pay his tab?

I am sorry, it still bothers me that she did not jump when he put his arm around her. Do these two have a relationship that has not been explored...
Do those of you familiar with Tempo know if they have an outdoor seating and serving area? If so, they might be in CYA mode and using a technicality because HG sat at an outside table waiting for him to bring a drink out to her. :moo:

From the way the letter is worded there is beyond any doubt an element of CYA to it (honestly I don't remember a place like this releasing a public statement in a case like this before anyone had publicly accused them of anything). The question is how far are they willing to go to CYA. I would hope being dishonest or obtuse about material fact in what will likely be a murder investigation is not something they would do. It does not makes sense its A morally wrong and B the truth is going to come out with this much attention so trying to hind it will only make things worse.
At the time the police lost track of him and he went on the lam (and imo we can assume he also stopped using cell phones/credit cards or else the police would have been able to track him sooner) the public did not know that even the reckless driving charges were being raised against him. It's reasonable to assume, if he was sleeping in a tent and was not talking to family, that he did not know he had been formally charged with anything when he was speaking with the magistrate this morning. The last he may have heard was that police just wanted to talk with him about Hannah.

I don't think he is dumb or was even meaning to play dumb when he asked those questions, I think he was just curious to hear the charges and what they might indicate police know about him now. However, I agree, he clearly ran and was off the grid for a reason.

I feel like he would have known about the charges- generally speaking. I believe it was stated that pings from a borrowed cell phone making a call from LA (Louisiana) were one of the things that helped LE track him. He also retained Camblos as a lawyer days ago. I can't imagine he had no idea LE was actively looking for him with a warrant.
They have only admitted to a possible link to other women in the area AFTER JM was arrested. I think they suspected all along, but did not want to create panic in the community. I think we will hear more about this now. They made it clear he was not linked to Murphy, but fell short of saying anything in regards to MH and others.

From the story.

"Within 15 minutes they were gone from bar, Longo said, and he is pretty sure they left in the dreadlocked man’s car."

This is also in the story:

Longo said at the press conference that “from witness accounts they entered Tempo Restaurant on 5th street,” off of the mall. The man purchased alcohol, police said.


1. Tempo is inaccurately reporting what happened.
2. Witnesses' accounts are unreliable.
3. Longo misspoke.
4. Longo was misquoted.
They have a massive incentive to lie. Losing their liquor license would break them.

I practice liquor law, though not in VA. In my state, the liquor board has discretion when to go after a license for a sale-to-minor violation, and they'll frequently negotiate stipulations and waivers. I have absolutely no doubt that they would let the violation slide provided the licensee agreed to assist LE with a missing person investigation.

VA may be very different, of course, so take this with a grain of salt.
Just because it is not legal for Tempo to sell take-out alcohol after midnight doesn't mean it didn't happen. The fact that JM went back inside the bar he'd already been at suggests he was getting something, whether legally or not. Take-out alcohol, drugs from another patron or employee that he knew (was he a regular there?)....

Tempo should say what exactly he purchased, IMO. Let's see the receipt. And, don't they have cameras inside? (Has this been addressed? Sorry if so!).

I would be very, very, VERY surprised if LE didn't already have all that information.
Apologies if it has been asked & answered-what time did Tempo close that night? Surprised that JM used his credit card both times too, unless Tempo demands a card to run a tab. I am still stuck on Hannah's text-I really believe it was an autocorrect from "almost at". I think she was getting a ride and may have sent the text prematurely as if she was almost at the location. My kids do that when their curfew is approaching and they say they are "almost home, 10 minutes away". When they stroll in 30 minutes later, I know it was a dodge.

BBM. I think this is a very plausible explanation. Do we have anything with the exact wording of the text?
Would also fit with thinking that he offered her a ride home/to a party/etc. But he had other plans.
I think all of HG's actions that night seem strange. I am not blaming the victim, but I think it would be helpful to know the reasons behind her strange wanderings. [...]
WHY did she keep walking from place to place alone all night? Why not stay at one of the places and socialize or go home?
Because she was drunk. Drunk people do things that are inexplicable. Sure, in her inebriated state, she may have wanted to meet someone or go to location X for some purpose, but it's unlikely that she'd have behaved as she did if she was sober. I had college roommates who would regularly get roaring drunk and then decide to make a food run at 11:30pm before the local taco place closed. I'd come out from my room in the back of the house and find the TV or the stereo playing, all the lights on, the front door wide open, and nobody home. Why did they do that? Well, their reasoning would be "we were hungry" but the real reason is "we were drunk". Sober hungry people don't go barreling off on bicycles en masse in the dark of night leaving their house open to any stranger who walks by. But drunk people do.

edit: and just to be sure I'm clear, I'm not judging Hannah. I drank my share in college and so did most everyone I knew. But moderation was rarely practiced; it was common for people to have to ask their friends the next day, "We went where/we did what? Why did we do that?"
"Authorities were concerned that a fugitive charged with abducting a University of Virginia student may have been trying to flee to Mexico.

That’s according to a person familiar with the search for Hannah Graham who spoke with The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the person isn’t authorized to publicly discuss the investigation."
In my rush to stay caught up, I have missed the report that stated Jesse was inside Tempo for 15 minutes
Do you have that link? TIA

This is the part that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. So he bought something (alcohol?) at 1:10a.m. while Hannah was standing outside presumably waiting for him. Did he stand there and drink it for 15 minutes, did he hide it to "sneak" it out to her, or what? It seems long time to leave her cooling her heels at the door.

Also - about the timestamp issue. I remember seeing some true crime show where the timestamps were incorrect and didn't add up - the LE had to check each location - have a certified expert record the number of minutes/seconds each one was incorrect - then re-figure the timeline based on those new times. It was crucial information in that case and led to a conviction. I'm absolutely sure they will check and synchronize the timestamps for this case!
From Parker Slaybaugh FB - press conference at 3pm today.
Kristin Smith ‏@kristin8news 15m
Charlottesville Police holding a 3pm news conference to discuss the search for #HannahGraham. @8NEWS
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