VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #16 *ARREST*

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Foxfire was on here this morning, and we were talking about that. He is of the opinion that Hannah WAS NOT the one that was behind that text. In other words, it was sent to mislead her friends and anybody that may have been looking for her.

I am sorry not to be able to remember the name of the sleuther who said that autocorrect may have turned a typo into "Lost." Same kind of phone, if you type "almost" without the "l" it turns it to "lost." So, it could be she was typing "Almost at..." not "Lost at." Additionally, some sleuthers have reminded us that sometimes a text is delayed in being sent - I have had this happen.

Just some thoughts.

I actually am somewhat taken aback by what has been said on this particular case especially that LE has no evidence on JM tying him to the abduction of Hannah because LE hasn't revealed it.

I don't know if it is because some have never kept up closely with other cases here or what it is.

But those who have, always knows that LE nor the DA ever divulges the evidence they have against ANY suspect before a trial is held. We complain about it all the time in just about every case.:D This case is no different.

It is like.....ok the police aren't telling all the evidence they have on JM to the public at large so therefore that has to mean they don't have any evidence. WHAT? LOLOLOLOL!

The only time we may get a glimpse at some of the evidence the DA has in any case is if a preliminary hearing is held or a bond hearing and the DA isn't wanting the suspect to get bond.

Other than that.... we are very use to having to wait for the trial so we can finally learn all the evidence they have against any suspect. And usually we are shocked to learn just how much evidence they truly had against the defendant all along.


I am not sure what it is called, but the hearing where the Prosecutor gives evidence for Probable Cause? Like in the Josh Harris Case in Georgia. Was that a bail hearing? Will we hear something then from the Affidavit?
JM's lawyer will see the evidence when he propounds discovery.

I'm not from this state but reside here now. So the whole court system is unknown to me. I do know there are lots of differences in md and va and va seems to have a harsher system in different area that I have had the occasion to read about or hear about from locals. jmo idk
My last post regarding the topic of bags being dumped at the hospital. If he entered the hospital there will be a time record of his ID swipe.
It was the first thing I thought of. WTH Supposedly there is evidence that we have not seen, seems that his (JM) lawyer would have to be shown this evidence, otherwise they could arrest people all day under that charge. jmo idk I also don't like that they pretty much went though his phone and wire tapped his family/friends to learn his wwhere abouts. jmo idk

Thank God they did - otherwise he would probably be long gone over the border by now!!!

I actually am somewhat taken aback by what has been said on this particular case especially that LE has no evidence on JM tying him to the abduction of Hannah because LE hasn't revealed it.

I don't know if it is because some have never kept up closely with other cases here or what it is.

But those who have, always knows that LE nor the DA ever divulges the evidence they have against ANY suspect before a trial is held. We complain about it all the time in just about every case.:D This case is no different.

It is like.....ok the police aren't telling all the evidence they have on JM to the public at large so therefore that has to mean they don't have any evidence. WHAT? LOLOLOLOL!

The only time we may get a glimpse at some of the evidence the DA has in any case is if a preliminary hearing is held or a bond hearing and the DA isn't wanting the suspect to get bond.

Other than that.... we are very use to having to wait for the trial so we can finally learn all the evidence they have against any suspect. And usually we are shocked to learn just how much evidence they truly had against the defendant all along.


I get ya' OBE, but you just know many people are going to jump on the word "never". Someone pointed out the Jenise Wright case where the evidence was revealed very rapidly.

In most of these cases though, I totally agree, that just doesn't happen. It depends on what they have and the community situation, I guess. But it is smart not to divulge.

When booked during the medical exam aren't DNA swabs done? I would think that they have been done in Texas and will be done in Va when he arrives and is booked there.

Yes. And I'm anxiously awaiting the results.
As a passenger, this can be uncomfortable too. I was on a short flight recently that was booked on short notice, and I got to my seat at the very back of the plane, only to find that that there was someone in it already. There were two very large gentlemen filling the rest of the row.

I looked at the person in my seat, and opened my mouth to boot him out, when he looked at me. I literally took a step backwards, because I had a massive visceral reaction to him. The FA ran up beside me and said (not quietly, either), that I would have to be re-seated because it was a prisoner transport. Only then did I notice the cuffs. I said "great, I'll take the exit row". The Marshal laughed, but for the rest of the flight I was slightly uncomfortable with that dude behind me.

Nothing bad ever happens on those prisoner flights. Didn't you guys see the Nicholas cage movie, "ConAir" ??
For anyone who followed the Alexis Murphy case do u remember reasoning given for same charges? I do believe they were the same as JM's current. Then of course changed to Murder. I followed the case but not closely. TIA.
To be honest, after reading the probable cause document in the Jenise Wright case, I'm pretty sure I'm going to regret learning the particulars as far as evidence in this case.
"Graham had been seen on surveillance video walking with Matthew shortly after 1 a.m. on the city’s Downtown Mall, headed in the direction of Tempo. Friends said her last text to them was at 1:06 a.m., just minutes before Matthew got to Tempo. "

Which last text is this? The one about "I'm coming to a party...but I'm lost"? Or the one about being lost but mentioning 14th and Wertland? Any timeline of texts?
JM's lawyer will see the evidence when he propounds discovery.

Not really. Criminal law is different than civil. The regular discovery rules do not apply. Instead, evidence can dribble out gradually, to the defense, despite demands for it.
Regarding disposal via hazardous waste. I'm wondering how he would get a body there, even if, and I hate typing this, he chopped her up. It would be a massive risk for him to take a body to the hospital. There could be CCTV in car parking areas. Then he would have to carry multiple bags to the hazardous waste area. Someone would see right? And there has to be regulation for disposal of body parts no? I'd be very surprised if you could just slip extra pieces of someone's body into the waste for disposal, for this very reason.
I came to this site because of Hannah, but with a lot of emotional baggage because I have a daughter at UVA. I was relieved when JM was arrested. But since then, after my emotions died down and my logical side kicked in many aspects of this case are raising a lot of questions for me.

Bessie told us not to talk of mental health issues because there is no evidence he's been diagnosed with such. Those of us that said JM doesn't seem all there mentally based it on actual video of his appearance in a courtroom but are told we shouldn't speculate on that. Yet, posters here theorize that he's a textbook narcissist and that's ok. Narcissism falls under mental health issues, fyi.

I don't discount the possibility that JM killed Hannah and hid her body, but I also don't discount that he may have only dropped her off wherever she wanted to go and something happened to her after that. There were those 3 other assaults that same weekend in the area Hannah was supposedly almost, or lost, at.

Posters bring up Bundy, Gacey, etc. What percentage of rapists or murderers are on that level? I imagine that's rare, more rare than women that claim they were raped when they weren't.

I don't discount that his incident at LU could have been consensual but the girl felt guilty the next day (Christian religions are good at guilt-I know, I'm R.C.) and claimed it was rape. That does happen.

I live in NY, and Tawana Brawley was a big thing here, and that forever changed the way I look at accusations of rape. I'm sorry if that offends, but that's what I meant by an earlier post in which I said not all females are angels.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm seeing WS in a new light. It does take on a bit of the witch hunt here and has gotten caught up in the media frenzy. I'm going to dial back on the media reports, and wait for just the facts, ma'am.

You may all be 100% correct about this case, time will tell. But even if JM is the monster you think he is, I still have empathy for him. For if I lose empathy, I am a monster too.

I hope they find Hannah alive. If not, I hope they find her and her family can get closure.


<BBM for focus>

Thanx for sharing, LI-Mom.. LI-Mom, please don't misinterpret the theories and conclusions of all sleuthers on websleuths as being on a witch hunt, or as lacking empathy for JM. I realize that this is your first experience with this forum and I think that once have sleuthed a few cases, you will be amazed at the diverse skills & expertise, experience, and insight of the many ws members.

Yes, I think that most are aware of the Tawana Brawley, Crystal Mangum/Duke Lacrosse, and Dwight Malachi Z. York/AAC/Nuwaubian cult cases.. All clients of activist Al Sharpton. Usually when Al Sharpton arrives on the scene, red flags are raised.. LI-Mom, there is over 180,000 unsolved missing/murdered persons cold cases in the USA. Not sure about the statistics of false rape accusations since it is estimated that rape is the most unreported of all violent crimes.. It is estimated aprox 33% of rapes are reported..
The victims of the 3 other sexual assaults that same weekend survived.. HG is still missing and the last person to see her alive; JM, is uncooperative. This indicates a lack of empathy for her, her family, and humanity, imo.. >no conscience...

LI-Mom, never mention the word closure to a family member or loved one of an innocent victim of the silent epidemic of the missing/murdered. I made this mistake once..

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Thank God they did - otherwise he would probably be long gone over the border by now!!!

I don't think he had enough money left to get to the border, thus the tent on the beach set-up.

I guess the bright note in all of this would be that at least he didn't kill or injure anybody in an attempt to get what cash they had on them. He could have gone on a REAL crime spree were he desperate enough and crazy enough.
For anyone here who has not followed a Canadian Case you would know even less than most cases here. Once formally charged a Publication Ban is in effect. Until Trial. You may get a bit of news such as the Victim has been found etc. Once Trial starts you learn the facts and details. No camera's just what you read in the press or can follow along in real time on twitter. If something is argued without the presence of the Jury it cannot be reported on or tweeted until after a verdict.
I had thought the initial charges in Alexis' case made a bit more sense, as she was 17. But Hannah is of age in VA.

The thing is, I think many men go out with the intention of having sex that night. So what would show this? Very interesting, anyway.
It was the first thing I thought of. WTH Supposedly there is evidence that we have not seen, seems that his (JM) lawyer would have to be shown this evidence, otherwise they could arrest people all day under that charge. jmo idk I also don't like that they pretty much went though his phone and wire tapped his family/friends to learn his wwhere abouts. jmo idk

It is 100% legal to track a suspect using surveillance via warrant. I'm much more worried about Hannah's right to be alive and society's right to be safe from a suspected rapist and murderer, than the use of legal means to covertly track that suspect.
It was the first thing I thought of. WTH Supposedly there is evidence that we have not seen, seems that his (JM) lawyer would have to be shown this evidence, otherwise they could arrest people all day under that charge. jmo idk I also don't like that they pretty much went though his phone and wire tapped his family/friends to learn his wwhere abouts. jmo idk

His lawyer doesn't have to see any evidence other than the arrest warrant. That is a long way off. I am thinking there will be many more charges against JM by the time this case is wrapped up. Then they have to get a grand jury to indict him. This is going to take awhile..that is why longo said we will not hear much of anything going forward. On Shepherd Smith on Fox today they talked to his attorney & he said he said he talked to JM-2 days ago & told him to not fight extradition back to VA. He also said that he has known this family for years & they are nice. If Jm is nice I don't know what the definition is ...I think by the end of this he will be a monster. IMO he will have other victims. I live in VA & believe me if he is charged with will be a capitol charge. This state is up there with florida where everyone is acquitted...Anthony, Zimmerman, Dunn on and on!
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