See I was studying recently in criminal procedure and if I remember correctly, a person cannot be arrested for something found outside of what is detailed on the warrant. Or if they are, that evidence could be thrown out in court. Example: the detail on the warrant "we want to search all countertops" and some cop opens a drawer and finds an illegal sub machine gun or something, they can't take it and charge him with that because the search area wasn't on the warrant. Idk. I'm probably wrong.
That's true what your saying. you not wrong at all.. At the same time the law is always in effect even more during a search. they cant tie you to that item for that crime, but they can tie it to you for being a crime versus the law..
let say for example they warrant my house looking for you. And I got coke bag every where. Now they cant tie that to me for the case of your missing. But they tie those coke bags to me on a different set of charges. The law is always in effect