VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #8

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Where did you see about someone stalking her on Twitter? How did I miss that?

Paraphrasing here, but she tweeted something along the lines of "Overeager guy from discussion is following me". Hopefully someone can link it so you can get when it was said, and what exactly was said.
I think they have footage of the car somewhere but they do not see anyone in the car , So what they are looking for is someone who saw her or him get in the car.

Since we know people noticed her where ever she went and everyone left the bar in those 20 minutes ,I think they expect to have someone come forward.

We also know she turned down a ride from someone she knew ,which could be the guy she said was stalking her on her twitter for all we know. I find it unlikey she would of got into a strangers car.

Omg, I hadn't heard about her saying someone was stalking her. Sorry I'm somewhat behind on some of the earlier finer points of this case--but could someone fill me in on that deet? (Very interesting--and chilling.) Thanks!
Average base income for a medical transporter is listed as roughly 25k at the link below.

IMO thats more than enough to afford a decent used car. The fact that his job consists of driving, yet a dependable car wasnt a priority for him, makes me wonder what he was spending his money on.

From a 45 year olds perspective the condition of his car and the fact that he's still renting at 33 years old doesnt say much for stability or having his stuff together either.


I think his money goes to going out drinking he is considered a familiar face in that scene. So those drinks add up. He might have a drinking problem but who knows.
Original post deleted. This is my second unintentional duplicate post. Does anyone know why it keeps happening and how I can avoid it? Thanks, and sorry for any confusion (including my own)!
I can speculate sometimes google maps is an annoyance to use.
not when your lost for 2 hours lol , cant be any worse than wondering around for a couple of hours. I never had an issue with google maps always gets me there.
I was still renting at 33. Now I am 42, and we have a 98 vehicle and a 2000 vehicle. Yet, somehow, we are very stable people...

Average base income for a medical transporter is listed as roughly 25k at the link below.

IMO thats more than enough to afford a decent used car. The fact that his job consists of driving, yet a dependable car wasnt a priority for him, makes me wonder what he was spending his money on.

From a 45 year olds perspective the condition of his car and the fact that he's still renting at 33 years old doesnt say much for stability or having his stuff together either.

Paraphrasing here, but she tweeted something along the lines of "Overeager guy from discussion is following me". Hopefully someone can link it so you can get when it was said, and what exactly was said.

Oh I gotcha sorry I do remember that now I had forgotten that..thanks!
LE isn't going to be that blatant unless they are confident they have their man. Evidence breeds confidence, IMO.

I dunno , The amount of cases involving missing and murdered woman and girls numbing. Morgan , Alica, Alexis, Annie, Katie ,kristen ,sophia, samantha ,Heather, Bethany,Lauren.

I am sure I am missing some. I dont really see confidence in the presser. I see someone who is nervous.
I dunno , The amount of cases involving missing and murdered woman and girls numbing. Morgan , Alica, Alexis, Annie, Katie ,kristen ,sophia, samantha ,Heather, Bethany,Lauren.

I am sure I am missing some. I dont really see confidence in the presser. I see someone who is nervous.

seems like a lot but is that above the norm for the population density ?
The way that tweet is worded though looks like it could've been fairly innocent kinda like if I tweeted "OMG that annoying girl from Physics won't stop talking to me.." Not that it was necessarily nefarious...but all possibilities should be explored as well..
Here is the Tweet

Hannah @hegraham25 · Sep 1
Omg I swear over-eager kid from my discussion is following me #help
The way that tweet is worded though looks like it could've been fairly innocent kinda like if I tweeted "OMG that annoying girl from Physics won't stop talking to me.." Not that it was necessarily nefarious...but all possibilities should be explored as well..

Average base income for a medical transporter is listed as roughly 25k at the link below.

IMO thats more than enough to afford a decent used car. The fact that his job consists of driving, yet a dependable car wasnt a priority for him, makes me wonder what he was spending his money on.

From a 45 year olds perspective the condition of his car and the fact that he's still renting at 33 years old doesnt say much for stability or having his stuff together either.


With the state of the economy this is the degree to which many of us millennial have our lives together. I make less than 10k a year as a graduate student, don't even have a car, and I am almost thirty. Many adults live this way. Being poor is not a character flaw.
Re a person's refusal to answer police questions before being taken into custody:

In 2013 the Supreme Court ruled that if a person has not been taken into custody/arrested, that person's silence in the face of police questions can be used against him in court unless that person expressly invoked his right to silence during that questioning. Salinas v. Texas. I believe that refusing to answer all questions is tantamount to invoking the 5th, but if you answer some questions and not others, without expressly invoking the 5th, your silence on those questions can be used against you.
11:50PM Hannah left a party on 14th St Northwest.

11:49-12:45 No one knows where she was.

12:46 She was seen at McGrady's.

If she had left at 11:50 and walked to McGrady's she would have arrived around 12am and would have entered the view of the camera on the left side of the screen.

Somehow, someway she ended up on the opposite side of McGrady's.

View attachment 59596

View attachment 59598


However she certainly arrived at 12:46 from the right side of the screen, walking up Preston (which turns into Grady). She is stumbling.

She walks up and peeks inside the patio area. She then walks towards the door and proceeds to stumble off of the sidewalk. She is visibly inebriated. In physical distress.

She then proceeds to walk back the way she came on Preston, towards the downtown mall.

She would have had to walk completely out of the way through neighborhoods and side streets in order to reach Preston and arrive at McGrady's.

But a whole hour passed and no one has a clue what she was doing in that time. All we know is she arrived at Mcgrady's, got turned away, and then sprinted down Preston street and eventually slowed back down to a walk right in front of the Shell station.

I want to know where the heck was she for that hour? Did she stop by someone else's house and did they server her more booze? Perhaps those people are afraid to come forward?

Did she run down to the mall on some other street and and then run back up Preston?

Did she meet up with ANYONE?

Or are we to believe she was wandering around her neighborhood for an hour, alone, and not one person noticed a thin,pretty, 6 foot tall girl in tight pants and a crop top?

Weird, I pretty much just wrote this exact same post. Are replying to me?

I think she may have left the party, and

hit Grady Street, then turned Left. (This would be OK)

She then Hit Rugby Rd and took a wrong turn.

She turns Right on Rugby and then Walks until she hits the corner of another Rugby and Preston.

So Preston is actually also another Rugby.

SHe then turnes right on another Rugby, which turns into Preston

Then she walks along Preston so she is unable to view street signs indicating the streets numbers are going down.

SHe then finds herself in an area full of Prestons and Gravys.

It seems like a terrible street naming convention, and the road layout is so confusing, I have to wonder if they were initially based on indian trails. Because they certainly aren't based on a standard square plat map grid.

I swear there was a longer shell video, and it shows her not just walking by once, but walking by and stopping, then going back, and then turning around again.

I just cant help put think she is really disoriented, and she is desperately looking for a pattern of rising street numbers, which would indicate to her that she is heading home.
This is bothering me:
If JM showed up at LE asking for a lawyer, did they get him one? Why did he feel the need to speed off?

I've never seen anything quite like this case and LE's response. Part of me wonders if there is something much bigger at play here.

If so...could they be putting all of this public heat on JM to try to get him to rat out someone else?
As far as Hannah's last text, if, big if in my mind, she sent it. . .she wasn't lost in the sense she didn't know where she was. She texted where she was, FFS. She was lost in that she did't know where to go. Have you never knew exactly where you were but couldn't find what you were looking for? You still think and/or say you are lost.

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