VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #9

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I am having arguments with myself ... Anyone else doing the same?
Argument 1. They seem to be zeroing in on one person, seem to be vilifying one person without apparent evidence.
Argument 2. If this was my child and he was the last person known to be with her "before she disappeared off the face of the Earth" I damn sure would want the same aggressive investigation being done! Maybe if more investigations were so transparent about their opinions than more people would come forward and more perpetrators of crimes would be caught

I have been having the same internal argument. I think it's possible to feel both things -- that if you were a family member you would feel and think one thing and that if you're a person with no tie to the case, who's generally concerned with fairness, you might feel a different way.

ETA: I also sometimes look at it from the perspective of her family and then his. If I were her family, I'd want the biggest circus and the most possible pressure brought on him to bear; if I were his family, I'd want him to be treated fairly by the police, the media, and the public.

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
They are thinking that they have no clue where this guy is, and they are panicked due to it.

He may have been smuggled out of there by some well meaning criminal friends of his, and be halfway to Texas by now.

Yeah but come to think of it, have you seen his FB friends list? They certainly don't look like the criminal type to me...

This case is nuts!!!!

And Hannah is missing and these theatrics need to stop.
I have to ask why his SSN (we call it National Insurance Number in the UK) would be put on a wanted poster in the first place!?

Bizzare (that word again!)

Since he has an extensive record it was probably just pulled up with the other information in their records....?
Everyone is saying "what if he isn't guilty?" Hang on one second, what if he is the person who disappeared Hannah? Why are people so sure this man didn't hurt Hannah? I don't know one way or the other but there are so many people shouting about this guy not being involved. Well he is involved, inasmuch as he's the last person seen with Hannah and he won't co-operate.
I am waaaaay behind and trying to catch up. If you guys are inquiring about purple gloves. I have seen them and used them. They are like a hot violet in color, if you will. I'm sure someone with the skills can post a pic of them. The gloves I am thinking of are nothing close to black.

No, I was inquiring about the black ones. Many times what we consider to be black can have a bluish, purplish or even red sheen to it in the right light.

Think early batman.
what could they gain by accidentally posting his ssn? I am baffled by that one. Have police been in contact with his sister/family?
I think LE knows where JM is. The poster is just bait for the national media to pay attention (as they have been). Just like they said at the PC that he could be anywhere in the world....It is an attempt to get more international attention...Why...who knows...
He was a cab driver in 2009. Could MH gotten into his cab? I'm assuming they will run his DNA.

There is a J Matthew, and a J Matthews in the same area.

The article this picture comes from, of a black man in dreads by the taxi (easy for media to confuse), is of J Matthews, with a S.
I have not seen one thing that is PROOF, not hearsay or someone that hasn't been verified in this thread or an examiner blog post, that confirms this JM, Matthew, is the same person.
You have to have (good credit) to have it stolen.

This guy's financial life was a mess. He had multiple orders for wage garnishments.

Some have said it better already, but no one is getting anything with his identity. Maybe an onslaught of debt collectors beating feet to your door.
So they erred in "losing" him, erred in putting out his SS#...what is going on over there?
This is becoming a semi-farce, Imo. I do not understand why he was not taken in for questioning on Friday.
Listen, this guy is NOT gonna talk.
This needs to somehow go back to being mostly about Hannah, Imo. It is likely already too late to save her, getting close to being too late to obtain much evidence or even cause of death.

fwiw, I don't think Sketch looks anything like JM. Identifying facial features that would stand out to a victim (who would describe for sketch artist) are totally off imo. JM's eyes are closely set, Sketch's are not. Nose is different, lips are different. Sketch looks much older (he's wanted for something that occurred several years ago as well so JM would have been even younger).

Anyway, not to get off topic, but I really don't think they look alike.

I agree. JM looks young to me now, the sketch seems to be of somebody older. The Facial hair is similar but that's it to me. Just my opinion.
Can we stop talking about the gloves? If they were evidence, they would have been taken out of the apartment in a paper bag/evidence bag. They are obviously the LE's gloves.

I think something they found inspired them to go back to his apartment . Whether it's the gloves or not who knows.
OK, Zapped, I conducted my high tech forensic experiment. At your request, I held the black gloves in the strong sunlight, under different angles...they look black to me, no purple sheen imo with these particular gloves.

Did we solve the case, lol?

Thank you for doing that.

Someone else posted that their tattoo artist wears black gloves that appear purple at the right angle/light.

Maybe its brand specific or has something to do with the dye used in them?
I can't help but continue to notice just how much he looks like MH's suspect. The mustache and all. It's alarmingly similar! Take away those dreads and there you have it. JMO.

He actually looks nothing like that sketch. The eyes and the nose is different and the sketch looks older than him. Like more late 30s, early 40s.
LE has some weird desire to turn this local case into a international media circus, like MH370.
Now, if black gloves had blood on them, they may appear purplish...
There is a J Matthew, and a J Matthews in the same area.

The article this picture comes from, of a black man in dreads by the taxi, is of J Matthews, with a S.
I have not seen one thing that is PROOF, not hearsay or someone that hasn't been verified in this thread or an examiner blog post, that confirms this JM, Matthew, is the same person.

Actually, back in an earlier thread there was. There was also a poster whose friend knows JM and verified that he did indeed drive a cab. I don't have the link to that but I remember it.
I think the social security number was on purpose - how could someone not have proofed the poster? I find it very hard to believe that no one would catch that.
Everyone is saying "what if he isn't guilty?" Hang on one second, what if he is the person who disappeared Hannah? Why are people so sure this man didn't hurt Hannah? I don't know one way or the other but there are so many people shouting about this guy not being involved. Well he is involved, inasmuch as he's the last person seen with Hannah and he won't co-operate.

I don't really see anyone posting saying they are sure he didn't hurt Hannah or that he isn't involved. Many people have commented on the fact that to date no evidence has been released that makes him guilty, hence they aren't yet prepared to say he is guilty of hurting her and disappearing her. Can you point to a post that backs up your claims that people are saying they are sure he hasn't hurt Hannah and that he isn't involved? I have read every post and haven't seen anyone say that (except the trolling ghost who was obviously being sarcastic).
Everyone is saying "what if he isn't guilty?" Hang on one second, what if he is the person who disappeared Hannah? Why are people so sure this man didn't hurt Hannah? I don't know one way or the other but there are so many people shouting about this guy not being involved. Well he is involved, inasmuch as he's the last person seen with Hannah and he won't co-operate.

I am still keeping an open mind. I think the issue is that the way LE is handling this case is VERY weird and unusual to those of us who pay close attention to missing persons investigations.
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