VA - Johnny Depp's defamation case against ex Amber Heard, who countersued #3

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I’ve been trying to keep up on this case as best I can…..haven’t read thru the thread today so I hope this hasn’t been posted yet.

I happened to overhear a radio show a few minutes ago (Clay Travis & Buck Sexton). They were discussing this case & had a poll on their website asking if the audience believed JD, believed AH or are JD & AH both just awful people?

Believe JD 65%
Believe AH 1%
They’re both awful people 35%

(This trial is clearly not doing AH any favors IMO)
If this is how AH is sober and on public display can you imagine AH on substances and in private?

Well... we HALF can, because we've heard JD's recordings, lol.

We don't have the visual punch of the simultaneously contorted ugly-cry face, but we've got plenty of auditory harpy-shrieking.

This is exactly what I'm thinking/feeling!!!

...the jurors can't all be prone to girlfriends/wives like this, and thus still find this insanity normal, can they??

Have they come straight from fundagelical homeschools?

...I certainly hope there are a lot of friends and family, currently planning on showering JD with love and Twinings over the weekend.
He's constantly slamming her against walls and throwing her on the floor and "whacking her in the face." Did she never require medical attention for any of this?

Nope... just good old "amica", read "arnica" cream.

Which, different people polled informally on this thread have said variously is something which has helped them a lot, vs. those for whom it did nothing (me); and a medical professional who weighed in here saying that it's possible it's a placebo effect and that coconut or olive oil could do just as well (the magic is in having the area massaged, thus dissipating the blood/bruise underneath your skin faster... or not, depending upon your healing time). It's not some magical spackle.
Sky News

Warning: Graphic details of alleged sexual abuse

Amber Heard is now telling the court about an incident of alleged sexual abuse.

There are details in the next post which some readers may find disturbing.

Amber Heard describes an alleged violent altercation she says took place on day two of her trip to Australia to visit Johnny Depp. Towards the end of a protracted fight, she says Depp was sexually violent towards her.

After arguing on the first day of her visit, during which she says Depp was both drinking and taking drugs - and not eating or sleeping - she says their dispute continued.

Heard says Depp shouted at her, "everyone warned me about you and everyone hates you." She says he then grabbed her and shouted: "Do you want to go little girl?"

She goes on: "He just flings me across the room, I land on a ping pong table. I don't know if I was holding on to him [as he threw me] or if he followed me. He's holding me on the games table and we're struggling... We were in this struggle... and we're having this argument about the drinking and he holds up this bottle to me, and I say something like 'did you drink this whole thing?".

Heard says he "taunted her to take it from him... gesturing with the bottle towards me... holding it towards me, then revoking it from me. Maybe the third time I get a hold of it and throw it down on to the tiled floor between us... That really set him off. It was like a lightbulb switch - he started screaming."

She says she was then "thrown to the ground" and by the time she'd picked herself up he threw another bottle at her. She says he then picked up a broken bottle and said: "I'll carve up your face". She describes it as "terrifying" but that it was a threat she'd heard before.

She goes on: "I just remember being in my nightgown... I was flailing... This was after bottles had been broken on the floor... Forgive me, I remember flashes. I remember retreating... I was pulling myself into the bar area and [Depp's] standing in the only place I can exit... I can feel glass breaking behind me... I remember being terrified".

She says it was as she attempted to flee that the couple "got into this struggle, being thrown from the wall to the counter top. He had my nightgown, and ripped it off my chest. I remember him teasing and taunting me... At one point he had my breast in his hand... He ripped my nightgown from off of me... I was naked and my feet were slipping around. I was vulnerable and naked and he's screaming at me that I've ruined his life and he hates me."

She says she managed to move away, meanwhile Depp was "punching the wall", before moving his attention to "a wall mounted phone" which she says he "was smashing over and over again". Heard says "I remember thinking this phone is just disappearing, smashing it to smithereens against the wall".

Heard now describes being back on the counter top, and Depp being on top of her, "I was looking into his eyes, and it was black. I couldn't get through to him - I couldn't see him at all". At this point Heard breaks down in tears, saying "I couldn't breath, I couldn't get through to him, and I couldn't get up. I don't know what happened next. The next thing I remember I was bent over backwards over the bar, my back was on the countertop and I thought he was punching me. I felt this pressure on my pubic bone, and I could see his arm moving, and it looked like he was punching me. I didn't feel pain, just this pressure on my pubic bone. I don't remember what I said, I just remember being really still and not wanting to move. Looking around the room and looking at all the broken bottles and broken glass... I didn't know if the bottle he had inside me was broken... "

She goes on "Please God, I hope it's not broken, I don't know how that ended." Heard goes on to say she recalls "retching" in the bathroom and "loosing control of my bladder". She says there was blood on the floor.

She concludes: "I don't know how that night ended...I remember him begging me not to leave." She says she took two sleeping pills, and didn't wake up until late morning the next day, when she was woken by Marilyn M music "blaring".

Heard says it was clear Depp was still up, and had not been to bed. She describes dried blood on the walls with letters and carpet, and drips of blood on the floor.
How I wish just one of these men would come out and admit that yes, they did sleep with her.

Me too but, people have already accused James Franco in MeToo vis-a-vis some other chick; and neither of our candidates like JD enough to override their own self-interest (read: nobody who has escaped with all their limbs intact, in fact wants to have the laser gimlet eye of Amber turned in their direction again. They were happy to escape the first time around).

Isn't she, with this testimony, calling about 20 people liars. Isn't she defaming them?? She's making me physically sick.

That's why I'm saying I'm not watching, lol.

She's such a liar I'm not sure my TV, or my neighbors' ears, would survive the process.
Today has been very difficult to listen to for a lot of reasons. Horrendous, IMO.

I'm trying to figure out AH team evidence. I think right now we have heavily redacted reports and some vacation type pictures of the house that haven't been referred to. I was trying to figure out how the driveway would come into play but I guess it was just to add to their "stack" of evidence.

And, aside, is it common for doctors to give patients beautiful nightgowns? And why was this brought in? I'd like to think that there is a reason for everything in this script.
couldn't even squeeze out a tear when describing being penetrated (allegedly) with a bottle. Counsel asked her to elaborate (in order to give her more opportunity to work up even one tear but alas the well remains dry)
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