VA VA - Katelin Akens, 19, Springfield, 5 Dec 2015 #1

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I agree it would be interesting to know what time her flight was but as someone mentioned before around bigger cities such as DC with a lot of traffic it's very common to just take the metro/train whatever it may be into the airport rather than have to try and get around all that mess. Every time I go into Manhattan from Jersey I ride the transit and would never do otherwise just bc its so much easier and the traffic isn't worth the hassle. Same if I was going to Newark airport, etc. DC is the same way when it comes to traffic and being easier to just hop on the metro and the Springfield stop is the easiest one if you're coming from the Spotsylvania area. On top of that I've seen and know many people younger than 19 that do that on their own as well so it's not far fetched that he would take her to a train station rather than all the way to the airport IMO.

Agree. But every single flight that I took from or to either jfk or laguardia. I either got dropped off at departures by a friend or relative or cab.

Because I was not trying to be at penn station to connect to anything going to queens with luggage in tow.

The flight and trip to the flight is always made in advance. Jmo.

And my teen daughter would have not been any less in such plans as catching something as important as a plane from va to az by herself.

So traffic or not. It was already scheduled. And the mall was not part of the plan. Jmo
I think it's noteworthy that her fiancé has indicated that Katelin had packed fairly light, I believe it was a single suitcase. I initially felt like the tone of the articles suggested a few pieces of luggage that would be hard to drag through a mall etc. In my commuter city people regularly use transit to access the airport as it is easier than driving, and drop off areas tend to be competitive for stopping, and rushed.

Based on her relationship with her stepfather, perhaps it was a pleasant alternative to more time in the car.
I think it's noteworthy that her fiancé has indicated that Katelin had packed fairly light, I believe it was a single suitcase. I initially felt like the tone of the articles suggested a few pieces of luggage that would be hard to drag through a mall etc. In my commuter city people regularly use transit to access the airport as it is easier than driving, and drop off areas tend to be competitive for stopping, and rushed.

Based on her relationship with her stepfather, perhaps it was a pleasant alternative to more time in the car.

People in my city use transit to get to the airport too, and I know DC traffic can be a nightmare, but if her ex-stepfather had nothing else to do on a Saturday (I'm just guessing) I think he would offer to take her all the way to the airport.

But I don't know. To me the mall thing seems weird. Maybe she just wanted to be independent or shop without him around.

You're right maybe she didn't want to spend extra time with him, but wouldn't she have avoided riding with him at all if that were the case?
It is frustrating . I guess they will at some point release his car picture to see if anyone saw Katelin in there with him or his car during the time unless they know the answers already. Peoples memories fade and get details out of order after to long. I really hope Katelin is okay but I just don't see her stuff ending up in a ditch if she were. Which is sad to consider.

Also really the place her stuff was found makes no sense . The road doesn't have much shoulder and stuff in the ditches along the road is quiet visible compared to lots of other places in the county. Almost like space was needed in a hurry and there wasn't option to be had or they didn't care about it being found.
I get what you mean. Sounds like an afterthought, as in, "Oh hell, I better get rid of this." Which could mean some unexpected event played out quickly and left someone panicked. JMO The cell phone records should fill in some blanks.
I think it's noteworthy that her fiancé has indicated that Katelin had packed fairly light, I believe it was a single suitcase. I initially felt like the tone of the articles suggested a few pieces of luggage that would be hard to drag through a mall etc. In my commuter city people regularly use transit to access the airport as it is easier than driving, and drop off areas tend to be competitive for stopping, and rushed.

Based on her relationship with her stepfather, perhaps it was a pleasant alternative to more time in the car.

She always traveled light. Could mean that she doesn't have much.

But did he state that she always leaves her plane ticket and phone inside of luggage that she is carrying on or checking in.

Since the fiance wasn't part of this trip and she's only 19.

Then its hard to take his word of her normal behavior. Jmo. How would he know. Does she fly from here to there all of the time. Just asking.

Because I wouldn't want my daughter's boyfriend for a year to tell anyone how she usually does things if they have only been together for a year or 2.

So my question is. How many times did Katelin fly back and forth from her fiance. Cough Cough.

She is only 19.
She always traveled light. Could mean that she doesn't have much.

But did he state that she always leaves her plane ticket and phone inside of luggage that she is carrying on or checking in.

Since the fiance wasn't part of this trip and she's only 19.

Then its hard to take his word of her normal behavior. Jmo. How would he know. Does she fly from here to there all of the time. Just asking.

Because I wouldn't want my daughter's boyfriend for a year to tell anyone how she usually does things if they have only been together for a year or 2.

So my question is. How many times did Katelin fly back and forth from her fiance. Cough Cough.

She is only 19.

*she *her *she *girlfriend

Katelin's fiance is Amber Rios. Sounds like you got mixed up xD
Yep, and that's what the article says. They know only that his car was in the area. According to the article, cameras weren't covering the area where he claims to have dropped off Katelin. Do we know that location? In front of Macy's? Penney's?

"Captain Pearce says cameras were not covering the area of the mall that the stepfather says he left Katelin."

Recently, I had to wait for a friend, at night, in that parking lot. I made a point to be near the open stores and the restaurants. There were cameras on that side and it was the side where you can see I95 from the lot. That's why I keep thinking he didn't take her up to the actual entrances.
People in my city use transit to get to the airport too, and I know DC traffic can be a nightmare, but if her ex-stepfather had nothing else to do on a Saturday (I'm just guessing) I think he would offer to take her all the way to the airport.

But I don't know. To me the mall thing seems weird. Maybe she just wanted to be independent or shop without him around.

You're right maybe she didn't want to spend extra time with him, but wouldn't she have avoided riding with him at all if that were the case?

You know what. I'm glad that you mentioned this.

Now my question is personal to this case.

Did mom tell stepdad to drop daughter off at airport? Or was the plan was for him to take her to the Metro shuttle. Or is he 90 years old and just took her word that it will be okay to drop her off at the mall and she would be okay.

Seriously. What was the actual plan. And why would dad divert from that with an important thing as catching a flight.

I went to the Find Katelin page but it is a closed group now. Did this just happen today?
Yes, a couple of hours ago, according to the page.

I bet they would add you. I'm just a random person on the west coast, who's interested in her safe return, and I was accepted within an hour of requesting.
*she *her *she *girlfriend

Katelin's fiance is Amber Rios. Sounds like you got mixed up xD

Sorry. I'm new to this case. But the fiance questions still stands. I think heather which is unrelated to this case was set up by a girl as well. So I'm not that bias to certain things and genders is definitely not one. Because any lover can do whatever even though heather which is unrelated was not gay. .

But in this case. I'm thinking step dad.

So I was just calling out the relevance of her fiance saying that she always traveled light.

So please don't dismiss the totality of my post for mixing up the gender of her lover.

Especially since I been thinking stepdad from question 1.

I never even sluethed her lover. I was just saying that my daughter's lover wouldn't know that much about her if they were only together for a year or 2.

That was my only point. But. I do appreciate you telling me that her fiancé is actually a woman. Because I definitely didn't know and didn't really care since I'm gunning for .......

But thanks.
Sorry. I'm new to this case. But the fiance questions still stands. I think heather which is unrelated to this case was set up by a girl as well. So I'm not that bias to certain things and genders is definitely not one. Because any lover can do whatever even though heather which is unrelated was not gay. .

But in this case. I'm thinking step dad.

So I was just calling out the relevance of her fiance saying that she always traveled light.

So please don't dismiss the totality of my post for mixing up the gender of her lover.

Especially since I been thinking stepdad from question 1.

I never even sluethed her lover. I was just saying that my daughter's lover wouldn't know that much about her if they were only together for a year or 2.

That was my only point. But. I do appreciate you telling me that her fiancé is actually a woman. Because I definitely didn't know and didn't really care since I'm gunning for .......

But thanks.

Wasn't dismissing the totality of your post - just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page is all :)
You know what. I'm glad that you mentioned this.

Now my question is personal to this case.

Did mom tell stepdad to drop daughter off at airport? Or was the plan was for him to take her to the Metro shuttle. Or is he 90 years old and just took her word that it will be okay to drop her off at the mall and she would be okay.

Seriously. What was the actual plan. And why would dad divert from that with an important thing as catching a flight.


I guess I just don't see how it's all that strange for a 19 year old to not be trusted to get to their own flight on time? But then I guess we have to look at it from two perspectives-

If we go under the assumption that everything's normal and stepfather's not involved in any wrongdoing and he's telling the truth then if stepdaughter says "drop me at the mall I'll just take the metro in" then I don't see where it's on him to say "no I'm taking you to the airport"- It's not as if she was dropped off somewhere seedy in the middle of the night by herself this was a mall which you would think is a very public place as is the metro in the daytime on a Saturday and this is an adult who can make her own decisions. Also not truly knowing the nature of their relationship this may not be a parental figure that would say I'm not leaving you alone here we just don't know...

The flip side of that is if he is involved in wrongdoing then we don't know that she ever asked to be left at the mall to begin with and everything after her mother dropped her off with him is up for debate and anything you can imagine may have happened...

I guess my point is unless we just assume the stepfather has a nefarious hand in Katelin's disappearance which means anything could have happened I don't see how whether he dropped her at the mall or at the airport really points one way or another...I guess I just don't understand that part...
I guess I just don't see how it's all that strange for a 19 year old to not be trusted to get to their own flight on time? But then I guess we have to look at it from two perspectives-

If we go under the assumption that everything's normal and stepfather's not involved in any wrongdoing and he's telling the truth then if stepdaughter says "drop me at the mall I'll just take the metro in" then I don't see where it's on him to say "no I'm taking you to the airport"- It's not as if she was dropped off somewhere seedy in the middle of the night by herself this was a mall which you would think is a very public place as is the metro in the daytime on a Saturday and this is an adult who can make her own decisions. Also not truly knowing the nature of their relationship this may not be a parental figure that would say I'm not leaving you alone here we just don't know...

The flip side of that is if he is involved in wrongdoing then we don't know that she ever asked to be left at the mall to begin with and everything after her mother dropped her off with him is up for debate and anything you can imagine may have happened...

I guess my point is unless we just assume the stepfather has a nefarious hand in Katelin's disappearance which means anything could have happened I don't see how whether he dropped her at the mall or at the airport really points one way or another...I guess I just don't understand that part...

We only need to go off the plan that her mother told him what to do. Jmo

Now if he diverted from that plan. Then he will be in the realm until cleared. Jmo
Wasn't dismissing the totality of your post - just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page is all :)

Thanks my friend. Because I definitely didn't know that she had a female fiancé. So thanks again
I guess my point is unless we just assume the stepfather has a nefarious hand in Katelin's disappearance which means anything could have happened I don't see how whether he dropped her at the mall or at the airport really points one way or another...I guess I just don't understand that part...


IMO it's not to suggest anything points to the ex-step-father based on where he dropped her off. It just seems weird. Also IMO it has nothing to do with trusting her to get herself to the airport, it's just a nice thing to do if you're already driving part way there. So if it was his idea - why wouldn't he just take her all the way? If it were her idea - why did she want to stop at the mall and then take transit? Maybe the agreement was to take her to the airport but something happened and someone made a change. Maybe she had plans to meet someone.

Anyway, for me it's just one of the few facts we have and it's interesting to think about and consider the possibilities.

JMO etc.
We only need to go off the plan that her mother told him what to do. Jmo

Now if he diverted from that plan. Then he will be in the realm until cleared. Jmo

I see what you're saying like even in keeping Katelin in the mix as an adult if as the three of them were together when her mother dropped her off the last version of the plan was stepfather would then take her to the airport- Katelin never texts her mom or anyone saying "I just told him drop me at the mall first" or any other deviation from that plan...then mom gets a text saying she's boarded the plane- next thing you know she's missing and never actually boarded the plane and mom never knew of her going to mall or anywhere other than airport logic does lead you to believe somethings fishy there..

I've got you now. I guess I was just reading it as where you said "what mom told him to do" or whatever like Katelin was a little child and couldn't make the decision on her own what to do if she wanted to deviate from that plan but I'm with ya..
And I guess I am just thinking as a concerned parent. But I would have said 'leave your suitcase here, go get what you need from the mall, and I will run you to the airport, or the metro' etc. when you are done.'

I am not saying 19 yr olds are not capable. Just would want to help make sure she had enough time to actually arrive for the flight safely. I probably would be worried about a 19 yr old girl walking in a questionable area with a suitcase, all alone. That makes her look a bit vulnerable, imo.

I am not blaming the stepdad, just wondering if it all happened the way he described it. Wouldn't he wonder if she really had enough time to shop, walk the mile to the metro, take it to the airport, and check in for her cross country flight in time?
I wish LE would give a time frame so that we would know if it was getting dark or if it was early in the day. Why don't we have that info?
And I guess I am just thinking as a concerned parent. But I would have said 'leave your suitcase here, go get what you need from the mall, and I will run you to the airport, or the metro' etc. when you are done.'

I am not saying 19 yr olds are not capable. Just would want to help make sure she had enough time to actually arrive for the flight safely. I probably would be worried about a 19 yr old girl walking in a questionable area with a suitcase, all alone. That makes her look a bit vulnerable, imo.

I am not blaming the stepdad, just wondering if it all happened the way he described it. Wouldn't he wonder if she really had enough time to shop, walk the mile to the metro, take it to the airport, and check in for her cross country flight in time?

And I guess my point on that part of it was yeah he may be concerned she'd be late but it may not be his place to tell her no you can't stop bc you'll be late being as she was an adult. If I was in his shoes though I would've definitely told her mother she wanted to be dropped off at the mall first as opposed to the airport if that was the initial plan as soon as I left there. That would look a lot less suspicious IMO. Also I remember seeing different stories from everyone initially did it ever get confirmed one way or the other if the mother actually said the plan was to take her to the airport or the metro? I thought they couldn't get that straight at first which one the mother actually said the stepfather was supposed to be dropping her off at..
I guess I just don't see how it's all that strange for a 19 year old to not be trusted to get to their own flight on time? But then I guess we have to look at it from two perspectives-

If we go under the assumption that everything's normal and stepfather's not involved in any wrongdoing and he's telling the truth then if stepdaughter says "drop me at the mall I'll just take the metro in" then I don't see where it's on him to say "no I'm taking you to the airport"- It's not as if she was dropped off somewhere seedy in the middle of the night by herself this was a mall which you would think is a very public place as is the metro in the daytime on a Saturday and this is an adult who can make her own decisions. Also not truly knowing the nature of their relationship this may not be a parental figure that would say I'm not leaving you alone here we just don't know...

The flip side of that is if he is involved in wrongdoing then we don't know that she ever asked to be left at the mall to begin with and everything after her mother dropped her off with him is up for debate and anything you can imagine may have happened...

I guess my point is unless we just assume the stepfather has a nefarious hand in Katelin's disappearance which means anything could have happened I don't see how whether he dropped her at the mall or at the airport really points one way or another...I guess I just don't understand that part...

Katelin and Amber have known each other since 2005 according to facebook
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