VA VA - Katelin Akens, 19, Springfield, 5 Dec 2015 #1

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I also had a crazy thought, what if someone on this thread is Katelin.

Funnily enough, I share a crazy number of significant features with the subject of the thread. The similarities between us are actually kind of uncanny. I'm not her, but just looking at my personal info you might come to that conclusion! :crazy:


I noticed some recent comments that reflect what I'm beginning to think happened. My personal theory currently is that she was the one who sent the texts, and that she intended to hang out with friends/hang out in town and make some friends/hang out in town and figure her life out for a while and things went wrong. I think she made the decision to stay in VA, sent the text to her mom that she was at the airport because when you're a bit ashamed of your decisions you lie to the people you don't want to disappoint, and then sent the text to Amber that something had come up because she wanted to tell something close to the truth to her fiance (but not the whole truth, because even Katelin might not have known at the time WHY she was avoiding coming back, just that she was doing so).

She may have made plans with someone in the area (which could be why LE said things in her cell records indicated intent to run away) and then along the way someone disappeared her. If it were the person she was hanging out with, I think we would've found that out by now. She might've headed back into Spotsylvania, since that's the more likely location of people she knows, and then something happened, explaining her luggage being in that area.

I dunno. That feels right-ish to me. Scary and unfortunate, and certainly mysterious, but right-ish.
ITA, I don't think she sent either one. My opinion is that the text to Amber was sent so that Amber didn't get suspicious when Katelin was a no show, unfortunately for whoever did send the text, Amber got suspicious anyway. But that's JMO.

My problem with that is as some have said if your significant other is set to come home from a far away trip and then last minute as they're about to board a flight to return texts you "something came up not coming back today I'll let you know when I get a later flight" something left wide open like that I would immediately wonder what the heck is going on...that just doesn't make any sense as a stall tactic as it would kick the concern into high gear sooner...
I live and grew up in both areas, more so the Springfield area (did go to Spotsy high for a year though too) so, I know both areas. I can't help but to think that investigators are trying to finish up Heather Ciccone's investigation before they get knee deep in this investigation. I'm not saying that there isn't anyone working on this case but I just wonder if right now there is just a lot going on? The lack of anything and everything drives me bonkers.
My problem with that is as some have said if your significant other is set to come home from a far away trip and then last minute as they're about to board a flight to return texts you "something came up not coming back today I'll let you know when I get a later flight" something left wide open like that I would immediately wonder what the heck is going on...that just doesn't make any sense as a stall tactic as it would kick the concern into high gear sooner...

Hence, my thoughts this was some sort of cryptic cry for help.
Several thoughts rattling around in my head.

1. What reason would SD have to disappear Katelin? Could she have been a problem child when he was married to her mom and he mentally felt she was to blame for the break-up? ***SPECULATION ONLY***

2. If a stranger, how would the perp know anything about her life or Amber in Arizona? Of course, this is if she was snatched and grabbed somewhere which I doubt at 19. If she had talked with this stranger just as a standing in line type of thing, then she may have mentioned it, so the stranger knew people were waiting to hear from her.

3. If she did miss her flight and tried to get on another one as mentioned above, there most definitely would be a note on her ticket file.

We don't have the answers to these thoughts, however, I am sure LE does.
My problem with that is as some have said if your significant other is set to come home from a far away trip and then last minute as they're about to board a flight to return texts you "something came up not coming back today I'll let you know when I get a later flight" something left wide open like that I would immediately wonder what the heck is going on...that just doesn't make any sense as a stall tactic as it would kick the concern into high gear sooner...

You have a good point, but IMO, someone covering something up or trying to make it look like she took off voluntarily, may have thought the text would actually keep Amber from being worried. Where if she was a no show at the airport Amber would freak out. Someone who knew enough about the relationship to know that Katelin would text Amber if plans changed, but not know enough about the relationship to realize that Amber would do the opposite and call Katelin's Mom. JMO, but not everyone is going to freak out about the wording of the text. If my husband had sent me a text like that, I definitely would be texting or calling him to find out why, but I would think that he wasn't replying or it was going straight to voice mail because either his phone died or he had no signal. I would wait a bit and try again. If I still received no answer, then I would be contacting whoever he had been with to find out if they knew what was going on. And honestly, if they said that they received a text that he was on the flight, I would just think that whatever happened was fixed and that he was on his way home. It wouldn't be until he was a no show that I would know that something went wrong.
You have a good point, but IMO, someone covering something up or trying to make it look like she took off voluntarily, may have thought the text would actually keep Amber from being worried. Where if she was a no show at the airport Amber would freak out. Someone who knew enough about the relationship to know that Katelin would text Amber if plans changed, but not know enough about the relationship to realize that Amber would do the opposite and call Katelin's Mom. JMO, but not everyone is going to freak out about the wording of the text. If my husband had sent me a text like that, I definitely would be texting or calling him to find out why, but I would think that he wasn't replying or it was going straight to voice mail because either his phone died or he had no signal. I would wait a bit and try again. If I still received no answer, then I would be contacting whoever he had been with to find out if they knew what was going on. And honestly, if they said that they received a text that he was on the flight, I would just think that whatever happened was fixed and that he was on his way home. It wouldn't be until he was a no show that I would know that something went wrong.

Amber's instincts were on point. She knew something wasn't right. She followed her gut feeling.

(Sorry, I'm trying to get used to this whole posting thing)
Amber's instincts were on point. She knew something wasn't right. She followed her gut feeling.

(Sorry, I'm trying to get used to this whole posting thing)

I completely agree!
(And no apology necessary, I'm still getting used to it too! LOL )
You have a good point, but IMO, someone covering something up or trying to make it look like she took off voluntarily, may have thought the text would actually keep Amber from being worried. Where if she was a no show at the airport Amber would freak out. Someone who knew enough about the relationship to know that Katelin would text Amber if plans changed, but not know enough about the relationship to realize that Amber would do the opposite and call Katelin's Mom. JMO, but not everyone is going to freak out about the wording of the text. If my husband had sent me a text like that, I definitely would be texting or calling him to find out why, but I would think that he wasn't replying or it was going straight to voice mail because either his phone died or he had no signal. I would wait a bit and try again. If I still received no answer, then I would be contacting whoever he had been with to find out if they knew what was going on. And honestly, if they said that they received a text that he was on the flight, I would just think that whatever happened was fixed and that he was on his way home. It wouldn't be until he was a no show that I would know that something went wrong.

So did the fiancé's reaction signal a certain lack of confidence or faith in Kaitlins intent to return home? Or did the fiancé read the 'code' in the message correctly?
So did the fiancé's reaction signal a certain lack of confidence or faith in Kaitlins intent to return home? Or did the fiancé read the 'code' in the message correctly?

JMO, but I'm thinking that Amber felt the text had a "wrongness " to it.
You have a good point, but IMO, someone covering something up or trying to make it look like she took off voluntarily, may have thought the text would actually keep Amber from being worried. Where if she was a no show at the airport Amber would freak out. Someone who knew enough about the relationship to know that Katelin would text Amber if plans changed, but not know enough about the relationship to realize that Amber would do the opposite and call Katelin's Mom. JMO, but not everyone is going to freak out about the wording of the text. If my husband had sent me a text like that, I definitely would be texting or calling him to find out why, but I would think that he wasn't replying or it was going straight to voice mail because either his phone died or he had no signal. I would wait a bit and try again. If I still received no answer, then I would be contacting whoever he had been with to find out if they knew what was going on. And honestly, if they said that they received a text that he was on the flight, I would just think that whatever happened was fixed and that he was on his way home. It wouldn't be until he was a no show that I would know that something went wrong.

I can see what you're saying. Just adds possibility of drawing extra attention earlier not knowing how Amber would react IMO. Either way I think the fact Amber received that message at all drastically narrows the possibilities of what happened compared to if that message were never sent..
I can see what you're saying. Just adds possibility of drawing extra attention earlier not knowing how Amber would react IMO. Either way I think the fact Amber received that message at all drastically narrows the possibilities of what happened compared to if that message were never sent..

I agree completely. And everyone reacts differently to things. Although I wouldn't be too concerned right away, I know my sister would have reacted the way Amber did. My sister is a huge worrier, where I am not. I'm one of the most calm people you'll ever meet during a crisis. It's afterwards, alone that I lose it.
I can't speak for Amber but I know in several situations at the exact moment when instincts hit, it may not be a feeling of good or bad but more of something isn't right. When it happens to me, I don't feel it in my gut, I feel it in my heart and in my throat. Thinking about it now, I actually don't think my brain processes the details at that exact moment. All I know, is something isn't right and I react as such.

As everyone else has been saying, it would be a blessing to know the time stamps of each event, shoot--it would be a blessing to know anything really. I just hope if Katelin did make these choices on her own (just to get away from it all), that she doesn't get scared to tell someone she is alive. I don't know, I'd imagine it would be pretty scary admitting you did all this yourself... (I am not saying she would, but you never know how much stress one can handle) but I would hate for her to do something to potentially harm herself. Possibly seeing this situation as doomed.

I don't know. I have so many thoughts going through my head.
This sorta reminds me of the 1975 Lyon sisters investigation. It seemed that the police focused all of their attention on the mysterious "Tape Recorder Man". All along wile the real suspect sat right in front of them.

It seems that the Stepfather and Foul Play has become your "Tape Recorder Man".

Probably due to what someone said on Facebook or something.


To many one track minds.
Exactly, and it is possible that another close relative or even Katelyn may have set up the stepdad. So, ditch a piece of luggage right out in the open and make sure that you leave what looks like important items inside the bag. What if Katelin was in some kind of a mess where she needed to go off the grid. (involved in something or a witness to something...) There is a possibility that a close relative or some relatives or acquaintance/acquaintances may have come up with a plan to get Katelin away and out of sight and in the meantime...kill two birds with one stone by setting up the SD...while they were at it. This just seem like there are many layers to this onion.
Usually I would disagree with you , but seeing how her luggage was found less then 10 miles from the crime scene; then I might agree.

View attachment 85882
And, Heather's home is just off the same road about halfway between where the luggage was found and where Heather was found in her car.
I can't speak for Amber but I know in several situations at the exact moment when instincts hit, it may not be a feeling of good or bad but more of something isn't right. When it happens to me, I don't feel it in my gut, I feel it in my heart and in my throat. Thinking about it now, I actually don't think my brain processes the details at that exact moment. All I know, is something isn't right and I react as such.

As everyone else has been saying, it would be a blessing to know the time stamps of each event, shoot--it would be a blessing to know anything really. I just hope if Katelin did make these choices on her own (just to get away from it all), that she doesn't get scared to tell someone she is alive. I don't know, I'd imagine it would be pretty scary admitting you did all this yourself... (I am not saying she would, but you never know how much stress one can handle) but I would hate for her to do something to potentially harm herself. Possibly seeing this situation as doomed.

I don't know. I have so many thoughts going through my head.

RE: Bolded above---

I totally understand what you are saying here. My good friend had a very rough time when her 15 yr old daughter ran away one summer. She was missing for a couple of weeks and we were beginning to fear the absolute worst had happened.

The upset teen left a note saying that she was going to hitchhike to San Francisco to find her father. She had not seen him since she was about 5. She thought he was a rock musician and just uninterested in being a Dad. but in reality he was a long time heroin junkie, living on the streets, and had mental health issues. My friend really should have told her daughter the full story but it was a big mess when she ran off.

We were looking primarily in the SF Bay Area, and not in Ventura County in Southern Calif where we live. It turns out that her girl was hiding out at a friends house all that time. But her friend lived with her single Dad, who worked a lot. And he never came into her room without knocking. So she was able to hide pretty easily. The family dog finally gave Dad the clue. But the girls felt TRAPPED and were too afraid to tell anyone what they did. They saw the posters up and the online FB and they knew the cops were looking and they did not know how to admit it and were worried about being in trouble.

ETA: Also, the motive for running away was she wanted her Mom to miss her and be hurt so she knew how her teen felt about her Dad not being there for her. I think there is some of that going on in KA's family dynamic too?
If someone was trying make it seem like Katelin was abducted, they'd leave items that showed they belonged to her. They might even leave the luggage in an area close to the home of a murder victim.

Heather posted about a stalker on Friday 12/4.
Katelin goes off the grid on Saturday 12/5 late afternoon.
The DC News reports a missing girl from Franconia-Springfeild Metro station, on the 11:00 PM news, Sunday night.
Heather is shot and killed in her car, between 9:00 and 11:00 PM, Sunday 12/6.
The luggage is reported to be found on Monday 12/7.

The timing and proximity of evidence and the crime scene to where the luggage was found just seems too coincidental, to me.
If someone was trying make it seem like Karelin was abducted, they'd leave items that showed they belonged to her.
Heather post about a stalker on Friday 12/4.
Katelin goes off the grid on Saturday 12/5 late afternoon.
The DC News reports a missing girl from Franconia-Springfeild Metro station, on the 11:00 PM news, Sunday night.
Heather is shot and killed in her car, between 9:00 and 11:00 PM, Sunday 12/6.
The luggage is reported to be found on Monday 12/7.
The timing just seems to coincidental, to me.

I know that LE has said there is no connection, but it is very very coincidental. And I am not sure that LE can track certain ways that teens communicate these days. My daughter and her friends text on snapchat which is not traceable, as far as i know.

I do wonder if she might have been online friends with someone, who said they would pick her up at the mall, and then they lured her, or forced her, to go with them somewhere. And maybe if they were involved in the Heather tragedy, then KA would know far too much.
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