Found Deceased VA - Kathleen 'Katie' Barham, 32, Portsmouth, 27 May 2015

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By the way, we still don't have a cause of death yet. So, IF it is a homicide, hiding the body in plain sight mat throw people off

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A simple family search may have found her since she was that close. Was he leading the search parties as well. Or did he think only LE could search.

Dude should have called Wesley Hadsell to arrange a search. In all seriousness, I think the facts around this case in regards to the fiance are very suspect. In his defense, he's likely not a WSer and didn't realize people do go out on foot and search for their loved ones when they are missing. However, the fact that he supposedly did not alert friends and/or family for what, 9 days, is unthinkable to me. IMO.
For what? I'd be willing to bet she was dead before the mp report was ever filed or called in, so tracking her phone would've probably led them on a wild goose chase because there's no telling where her phone really was or who took it to that place.
If you wanna blame someone for her death, blame the actual killer.

Because as tax payers, we expect LE to do their due diligence when someone goes missing, no matter what the outcome may be. In the next case, perhaps someone could be saved, and if LE is not held to any kind of reasonable standards, that is not OK. My fiance, for example, is a firefighter, and sometimes they get calls for a toothache at 4 am. Not even kidding. But, he has to get out of bed and get to the aching tooth guy within 4 minutes because they are held to standards.
Dude should have called Wesley Hadsell to arrange a search. In all seriousness, I think the facts around this case in regards to the fiance are very suspect. In his defense, he's likely not a WSer and didn't realize people do go out on foot and search for their loved ones when they are missing. However, the fact that he supposedly did not alert friends and/or family for what, 9 days, is unthinkable to me. IMO.

Now you speaka my language.

Atleast Wes got out there and played the role.

But this guy act like he was waiting on LE the whole time.

Even though there were signs of her being abducted while drying his socks and tshirts.

Klily444. Thanks for bringing this thread to my attention.

Much obliged.

Imo. He knew she wasn't abducted while drying his underwear and socks at 1am in the less stellar apartment complex's laundromat.

Imo. This guy didn't try hard to alert her disappearance to her family and friends for a reason.
Nothing really leads me in the direction that he did it. (of course I could be wrong).

Hey gang, just read all this tonight. Very sad outcome. The bf is on my crap list for even letting her do laundry at 10:30, letting her go get change at a convenience store by herself at that time, too? <modsnip> Not calling her friends and family for 9 days?? That's insane. Let me know if I am on the wrong track, but I know my husband wouldn't do that. I once went to the drugstore and said I'd be right back, he napped on the sofa and when he woke up 55 minutes later, he came looking for me. I didn't have my phone with me. He was sincerely worried. I said "Oh nobody wants me, I'm not 20 anymore" and he came back with "No, but they want your ATM card" - he is always protective, said that's his job and I love him for it. I went to a Prince concert and was really late getting home, and he had called every girlfriend I have. Don't yall think her children were upset? What about her girlfriends? This is just awful.
Hey gang, just read all this tonight. Very sad outcome. The bf is on my crap list for even letting her do laundry at 10:30, letting her go get change at a convenience store by herself at that time, too? <modsnip>. Not calling her friends and family for 9 days?? That's insane. Let me know if I am on the wrong track, but I know my husband wouldn't do that. I once went to the drugstore and said I'd be right back, he napped on the sofa and when he woke up 55 minutes later, he came looking for me. I didn't have my phone with me. He was sincerely worried. I said "Oh nobody wants me, I'm not 20 anymore" and he came back with "No, but they want your ATM card" - he is always protective, said that's his job and I love him for it. I went to a Prince concert and was really late getting home, and he had called every girlfriend I have. Don't yall think her children were upset? What about her girlfriends? This is just awful.

It was Katie's mother's BF who said she may have gone across the street to go get change.

There is nothing to indicate that Katie's BF let her walk to the gas station (if this is what she did) by herself.
Hey gang, just read all this tonight. Very sad outcome. The bf is on my crap list for even letting her do laundry at 10:30, letting her go get change at a convenience store by herself at that time, too? <modsnip> Not calling her friends and family for 9 days?? That's insane. Let me know if I am on the wrong track, but I know my husband wouldn't do that. I once went to the drugstore and said I'd be right back, he napped on the sofa and when he woke up 55 minutes later, he came looking for me. I didn't have my phone with me. He was sincerely worried. I said "Oh nobody wants me, I'm not 20 anymore" and he came back with "No, but they want your ATM card" - he is always protective, said that's his job and I love him for it. I went to a Prince concert and was really late getting home, and he had called every girlfriend I have. Don't yall think her children were upset? What about her girlfriends? This is just awful.

He says that when he woke up at 1:30 and realized that she was not at the apartment he went out looking for her, calling her name too.

He filed a missing police report the next day. He also says he repeatedly called the police but nothing was being done.

LE says they did not assign anyone to the case until 11 days after he filed the report.
He says that when he woke up at 1:30 and realized that she was not at the apartment he went out looking for her, calling her name too.

He filed a missing police report the next day. He also says he repeatedly called the police but nothing was being done.

LE says they did not assign anyone to the case until 11 days after he filed the report.

Thanks for the facts. Do we know if he was out looking? Friends/family? He just totally left it up to the police? Did he go back to sleep after 1:30 am? I guess I need more info because this just didn't sit well with me at all.
Thanks for the facts. Do we know if he was out looking? Friends/family? He just totally left it up to the police? Did he go back to sleep after 1:30 am? I guess I need more info because this just didn't sit well with me at all.

Looking that night?

He did file a report the next day, May 28th. LE confirms they did not assign someone to the case until 11 days later.

He wanted them to track her phone and they told him they could not do that without a warrant and that it was too much of a hassle for them.
If the clothes were warm in the dryer at 130. That means they had to been in there for at least an 1 hour.

This would jive with her FB last being active at 12:24 am. What do you do when you are waiting for the clothes to be done washing to change them out to the dryer? Hop on your phone and go on FB. Put clothes in around 12:30 or so-would be dry or almost dry around 1:30am.
He says that when he woke up at 1:30 and realized that she was not at the apartment he went out looking for her, calling her name too.

He filed a missing police report the next day. He also says he repeatedly called the police but nothing was being done.

LE says they did not assign anyone to the case until 11 days after he filed the report.

Thanks for the facts. Do we know if he was out looking? Friends/family? He just totally left it up to the police? Did he go back to sleep after 1:30 am? I guess I need more info because this just didn't sit well with me at all.


I wouldn't call those facts? This is the story of the boyfriend/prime suspect (significant other is always the prime, even when not named a suspect)

Has it been confirmed the boyfriend went looking for Katie and calling her name? Did anyone say they heard him calling her name?

The only fact that I know of is that LE didn't assign someone to the case until 11 days later and when the MP report was filed.
To me the key to if the boyfriend is involved or not would be if he tried calling Katie on her cell phone when he woke up at 1:30 or shortly thereafter.

If the boyfriend woke up at 1:30 and went looking for Katie as he say's he did, you would think it would only be logical that he would have tried calling her. If he didn't call at that time it would raise my suspicions of him. I think phone records will play a big role in solving this case. No doubt search warrants have been obtained for several phones.

Did the boyfriend contact anyone else around the apartment complex while looking at 1:30 AM or anytime after including until the body was ID'ed, who can verify that he actually was looking for Katie? Hopefully he was asked this question when interviewed by LE and if so those leads where followed.
May 27, around 10:30PM - left apartment to do laundry (Fegan)

May 28, 12:24AM - Status update on FB tagging two close friends, who later "Liked"the photo (FB)
May 28, around 1:30AM - Fegan awoke around 1:30AM and found the clothes in the dryer (Fegan)
May 28th, ? - Fegan files a MP report with Portsmouth PD
June 2 (approx) - Katie's cell phone stops responding to calls, assuming this is how Fegan knows it was on for four days) (Fegan)
June 6/7th - Fegan notifies Katie's parents she is missing
&#8220;I just didn&#8217;t want to jump the gun and make everyone concerned for her before I was sure there was a problem,&#8221; Fegan says.
June ? - ? - Fegan repeatedly calls PD (Fegan)
June 8 - Detective assigned to the case.
June 9 - Police receive reports of a bad smell in the area, and police are called to the area around 10:45PM on the 9th. June 10th AM, body is found in wooded area approx 400m from Katie's apartment .

"At this time, her death is being considered suspicious."

"None of us knew. Or we would have been all over it knocking on doors and we would have been doing what we have been doing which is trying to get something solved and make something happen,&#8221; (a Tidewater college prof. that knew Katie) Whitener says.

Of note, Fegan said he woke up and she wasn't next to him before the body was found. After the body was found, he changed his story to falling asleep on the couch.

He thought to look in the dryer of the other apt. building, but didn't get around to the woods surrounding the complex?
Paint it anyway you want, the boyfriend/fiance is setting off hinky meters everywhere even if he doesn't have anything to do with it IMO.

There is almost a perceived indifference to the fact that she was missing and the fact that he did not have the "common courtesy" to alert her family is unfathomable to me. Whether your inlaws like you or not, (or vice versa), you let them know that their daughter is missing. If there is animosity within the family you make a call to find out if they have heard from their daughter, sister, friend because that's what a caring person does when their significant other may be in danger. I'm not saying that there was animosity I'm just trying to figure out what would make a person behave in the fashion that we have seen from Fegan. The only reason I can imagine that he did not alert family and friends is because he didn't want them poking around and looking for her.

So then I want to know...was it life as usual after Katie went missing? Did he get the boys dressed, take them school, go to work, make lunches etc. etc. Did someone else look after the boys? Did he tell people at work his finance was missing?

How does your "wife" disappear while doing laundry one night and you are NOT frantically searching for her, calling in the troops, putting up flyers, getting the word out?

He may have called the police on several occasions just to cover his tracks so to speak but not telling family and friends really has me scratching my head.
Exactly! To me, the not calling the parents is a huge deal. No matter how you look at this, that part alone can't be excused.

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IF Katie's boyfriend did this, why hide the body so close to where they live?

Because to get rid of the body the perp needs time. Further from home he hides the body, more time it takes. Now if the perp in question wants to make it look like he spent whole night at his appartment, asleep, he cannot just go away for hours that night. Too risky. Better dump the body quickly, somewhere close.

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