Found Deceased VA - Kathleen 'Katie' Barham, 32, Portsmouth, 27 May 2015

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DNA Solves
This could be a possibility as to why he was not close with her family. Maybe trying to keep her away from that lifestyle?
I really hope he had nothing to do with this, although it seems unlikely. I just feel for those poor kids.
It always ends up being the kids that get hurt , and the cycle repeats :(
There's just too much of a very foul smell in this case, If Katie was in recovery, which I have to believe she was because of her fb, then all her friends should be questioned as to what kind of life she led, it appears she was a doting parent to her 2 children and may have wanted rf out of her life and threatened him, but, something tragic happened that night and the poi is right under our noses, MY OPINION , something happened in that 2 hour window, ( when he said he was asleep) MY OPINION AGAIN
The delay in releasing the cause of death has me thinking there were no obvious signs of trauma such as gun shot wound(s), knife wound(s), blunt force trauma, ect and the medical examiner is waiting on the toxicology reports to make the final decision as to how Katie died.

If Katie was heavily using drugs and perhaps overdosed, it could explain the delay in releasing the COD.

It has been almost two weeks since they did the autopsy and they can't determain how she died so they must be waiting on Tox reports. JMO.
My question is does anyone know when the moms boyfriend actually arrived to Portsmouth? Why would he come to help with kids and not her mom? How did he know she was missing but the family didn't? One more thing, how did he know she ran out of change? Did he arrive unannounced, met her in the laundry room, her way of leaving out the room was to say she needed more change?

I don't believe that crap. First the article says that hubby didn't let family know that she was missing until he filed the missing persons report. Which was wrong since he waited 9 days after filing the missing person's report.

Also i wouldn't put too much stock in the crack comments. Maybe the family did party. But I doubt katie was out there like that. Especially seeing how wonderful of a mom she was.

Plus those posters started getting racial and making childish comments . So the comments lost credibility in my book.

You're right Dexter. If he had waited to notify the family she was missing until he reported it to LE, there would have been no time lost since, according to RF (the boyfriend/fiance), he filed a MP report the next day. But he DIDN'T notify the family then. He DIDN'T let the family know until 9 days later. This article quotes Katie's Aunt who said that none of the family knew or they would have been out immediately knocking on doors and trying to find her and get the ball rolling ASAP. In my book, this is a huge red flag flying directly over RF's head. Unless he was heavily medicated, he should have been on full alert, extremely anxious over her disappearance, and desperately reaching out for help from anyone and everyone -- especially those who cared about Katie.
All I know is, she didn't hide herself under that tarp in a cluttered homeless camp at 1:30 in the morning.

Back when they found her, they kept talking about how badly decomposed her body was. If her death was due to strangulation or something similar, I could see where the telltale signs of that may have been obliterated. I'm more concerned that they aren't going to find a single thing in the tox reports and due to that, a killer(s) may get away with this.......which of course means he's free to do it again, and probably will.

Sometimes these police departments flat out lie about whether there were signs of trauma or not, apparently because it keeps the media off their back and it gives them a couple of weeks to investigate without having to answer any questions. I've seen them do it with both suicides and murder cases where a gun was used, but after discovering the body, they claimed there was no obvious signs of trauma, but yet the victim had a hole in their head big enough to stick your thumb in.
This case in some ways reminds me of a show I recently watched called "The Perfect Murder". A young wife dies of antifreeze poisoning; and I believe initially they ruled her death as suicide (I missed the first part of the show). During the next year, a very persistent detective follows up on his instincts that the husband was "suspicious". They make an arrest based upon a circumstantial case (the husband was a liar extraordinaire); and on his laptop they find the missing piece that helps to convict him. (Here is a story about this case:
ETA: Link to WS thread for this case:

Now, what is the COD and MOD for Katie? Why are there crickets chirping in this case?? Why no news??

I hope that IF Katie was murdered, I hope beyond hope that there will be a persistent detective to put the pieces together. I honestly wish this for every case. If only every case had that one detective that just wouldn't give up until justice!!!

ETA Link to case I discussed.
agree, i find it doubtful they had anything to do w it. probably returned to camp and saw the body and fled. didnt call anyone because they didnt want to be blamed.

Very interesting information.
Though since her body was found there I always had the idea that probably the homeless people found the body there and fled in fear .JMOO

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Perhaps the state of decomposition was to much to determine the COD. I think it's safe to assume that the medical examiner didn't find any obvious indications as to how she died such as bullet, knife wounds or blunt force trauma. If she was perhaps strangled it couldn't be confirmed since her body was in such bad shape when she was found.

Would be nice to know if the toxicology report indicated one way or the other if there were any drugs in her system. I was thinking she might of overdosed.

I guess I'm still left thinking.

All I know is, she didn't hide herself under that tarp in a cluttered homeless camp at 1:30 in the morning.

Back when they found her, they kept talking about how badly decomposed her body was. If her death was due to strangulation or something similar, I could see where the telltale signs of that may have been obliterated. I'm more concerned that they aren't going to find a single thing in the tox reports and due to that, a killer(s) may get away with this.......which of course means he's free to do it again, and probably will.

Sometimes these police departments flat out lie about whether there were signs of trauma or not, apparently because it keeps the media off their back and it gives them a couple of weeks to investigate without having to answer any questions. I've seen them do it with both suicides and murder cases where a gun was used, but after discovering the body, they claimed there was no obvious signs of trauma, but yet the victim had a hole in their head big enough to stick your thumb in.

What if she did cover herself with that tarp?
That story reports her missing at 10:30pm, I thought it was closer to midnight? Maybe I've been reading too many threads & I'm confused.

10:30 was the last time she was seen, so that would be the time she went missing.

Her boyfriend apparently woke up around 1:30 and supposedly went looking for her.

After about an hour of looking around and calling out her name, he still hadn't found her. Of course it hasn't been reported or we haven't heard from anyone that actually heard the boyfriend calling for Katie or observed him looking for her at this time either. I would think that some frantically looking for their loved one outside of an apartment complex at 1:30 in the morning, calling out her name, it would have peaked someone's interest.

You surely would think he would have possibly knocked on a few doors of maybe a close neighbor or friend of Katie's to see if she was there at the time, but we haven't been informed of that either.

Waiting to call the police for 10? days to report her missing because you didn't want to "jump the gun and make everyone concerned for her" is a little suspicions in my eyes too.

If Katie was killed, time was defiantly on the killers side. The amount of time she was lying in the woods has no doubt not helped in determining how or why she died.

Katie's fiance didn't wait ten days to report her missing. I think he reported her missing immediately. The information was confusing at the beginning because he waited to notify HER FAMILY because he didn't want to "jump the gun and make everyone concerned for her". The Portsmouth police dept. waited 11 days before they assigned a detective to Katie's case.
Somebody just got away with murder. It happens.

Due to the cops not even beginning an investigation into her disappearance for over 10 days, now they will be forced to wait for this same person to attack another innocent victim doing their laundry late at night.
It's a shame, somebody else will have to die in order to figure out who choked the life out of Katie. Shoddy police work, beginning to end.

You can expect another crime similar to this one to occur in that same area within the next few months.
It worked the first time, why not do it again ?

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