VA VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - #2

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What a sad day. Not the outcome that we were all hoping for. Maybe now they can find out who did this to her. My thoughts and prayers go out to Kelly's friends and family.

My prayers are for peace to fall upon this family as they await confirmation.
My heart breaks ...
Police recover woman's body in Swift Creek

Chesertfield County Police have recovered a woman's body that was found washed up on a small island in Swift Creek, near the Interstate 95 bridge at about noon today.

Police said a citizen was boating in the area, saw the body and contacted police. The body will be taken to the State Medical Examiner's Office for positive identification.
t's not yet certain whether the body is of Kelly Catalano, a 40-year-old Chester woman who disappeared on Jan. 15 while at work at Blue Print Automation Inc. off Ruffin Mill Road. Catalano was last seen at about 10 a.m. that Friday, when she told fellow employees that she was going for a walk along the edge of the plant property, near the confluence of Swift Creek and the Appomattox River.

the picture attached to this article is taken at White Bank might remember that. This is a pic I pulled off of Google weeks ago.

If this is Kelly, I wonder why she wasn't found sooner?
If this is Kelly, I wonder why she wasn't found sooner?

My guess is that the warmer water caused the body to float up. Bodies in cold water can stay submerged a long time... :(

(I'm assuming the weather is warmer, anyway. It's quite spring like here in the NE)
My guess is that the warmer water caused the body to float up. Bodies in cold water can stay submerged a long time... :(

(I'm assuming the weather is warmer, anyway. It's quite spring like here in the NE)

Thanks....makes sense. Whomever this is, it sure is sad. If it is Kelly, maybe she did commit suicide. Hopefully, the ME will be able to determine COD.
<3 I've been saying goodnight to her every night. And checking in every few hours every day......I'm going to be sick....... :(
Now... I could be wrong... but looking at the map it appears that the interstate 95 bridge is UPSTREAM from BPA. So, either it's not Kelly, or she went in somewhere even further upstream, or she somehow floated against the current. Or it's a typo, and they meant the 295 bridge.

I hope whatever happens, this brings peace to a family somewhere...
I think I'm going to be sick....... this article says that the body wasn't submerged....,0,1855768.story

Shutterfly, your post and photos concerning Swift Creek and how it leads toward Rte 95 were so accurate in post 472 on this thread. In fact, one photo of a small red vehicle on a Rte 95 overpass of Swift Creek point in the direction of where the body of a woman was found today.

If this turns out to be Kelly, and I do believe it will be proved to be her, it is as if your photos were used to indicate exactly where she was. I'm sad, but all of this all needed to be revealed--it was so important! Her family, but really all of us, needed to know where Kelly was. And now we do.

As I've said many times on Kelly's threads, Shutterfly you have been amazing in your contributions to finding Kelly. And now you've been a clear vehicle in finding her. I think you've been blessed, Shutterfly. Definitely blessed for all your hard work.
Interesting that you bring that up. I too believe that this was not a suicide but I can't seem to seperate Kelly's disappearance from the water for some reason. Recently I've discovered that the area where Kelly was last seen "sprinting" toward the river, that's been continually quoted as being the Appomattox River, is not. Swift Creek is the body of water that runs alongside Blueprint Automation, or more precisely, it's a tributary of Swift Creek. If you look at this topography map, Swift Creek is labeled, and it's 'mouth' is north of BPA by several hundred feet. This is from the US Geological Survey.

Here's a close-up. The black square is Linens of The Week.

Then there's this....
Search and Rescue Info-Body Float Chart
15. Victims who are dead before they enter the water will not sink and float. We had a victim travel 175 miles in 3 days who was thrown in the river from a motorcycle accident.

Now look at this map to bring it all into perspective....

If Kelly went into the water, she'd have to cross this tributary of Swift Creek bordering BPA, an island, Swift Creek itself, an island, an area where run-off from the Appomattox pools, and then make her way into the waters of the Appomattox itself. With the current flow in that area, if her body followed this tributary into the main body of Swift Creek, then notice Swift Creek seperates from the Appomattox totally and follows a much different path leading it under I95 to the west.

I lived in that area most of my life. I had no idea Swift Creek came up that far until a relative who lives on Swift Creek pointed this out to me three days ago. These pictures I took at BPA? Swift Creek, each and every last one of them......notice in the first picture you see the tributary, the island beyond and another body of water? That's the main body of Swift Creek. You can't even see the Appomattox River from here?!?



What's the point? I'm not satisfied that Kelly isn't in the water. This body of water, whatever you choose to call it, isn't notorious for giving up it's secrets. I've personally witnessed three drownings and three recoveries in the area 2 miles south, on the Appomattox, in my lifetime. Search and Recovery didn't find one of them and all three were not found in the area where they went under.

If this happened, and Kelly went in, it's possible that the body traveled into the main body of Swift Creek, which is at the top of this image. That's assuming, of course that the current runs this way. My guess, from looking at close-up's of erosion is that it does.

So if that happened and she isn't behind Linens of The Week, which I'm sure was thoroughly searched, then the body traveled further if we consider the SAR info-Body Float Chart. If so, this is as far as anything as big as a human being is liable to go without getting snagged or sinking. I95 overpass, west of BPA. Swift Creek runs under it and there is an area to the west of that overpass that's a wasteland. It's about 1.8 miles, by boat, from BPA. We used to play there when I was a kid and according to my relative's children, who live on Swift Creek, not much has changed.
This area.....see where Swift Creek goes under I95?

A closer see 95 running parallel at the top of your image. Swift Creek comes under on the top, left.

So just how big is this Swift Creek anyway....
This is taken in the extreme leftward bend of Swift Creek just under one mile from BPA. White Bank Park...

And this is taken from that I95 overpass...

I'm of the opinion that unless you could drain these two bodies of water in this area, you've no way of knowing for certain whether or not Kelly is there.

I can't help but ask myself, if there was enough time for Kelly to met someone, and potentially be kidnapped without anyone seeing a living soul, then there was time enough for her to wind up in the water at the hands of another as well. Duck hunters? Would their attention likely be focused on BPA? Surely they aren't permitted to shoot duck in the direction of a populated business.

I feel like a dimwit. Had I known Swift Creek came up this far when I was there, I would have searched that area myself as best I could.

I believe she's in the water. Why? Because it just seems to me that there has been entirely too much insistence that Kelly had the potential to be violent and that she could conceivably commit suicide. All of it just strikes me that these things sound like excuses.

Let's do a hypothetical....

Kelly prearranges to meet the mystery person at the river, literally, to avoid the two of them being seen together and potentially risking her job to facilitate this special meeting. Mystery person pulls up behind the parking lot mound, gets out of his/her car, and walks directly to the river from there. Kelly comes out late, running, and heads to the pathway leading from the cul de sac to the river. Mystery person is pacing by the river, annoyed because this is supposed to be so important, yet Kelly is late. Tense words are exchanged but not to the point of screaming. Perhaps mystery person or Kelly turn to go in frustration, trying to avoid the argument that will ensue because they both know their history and one needs to walk away before it escalates. One grabs the other as one tries to walk away. It becomes physical. Perhaps Kelly is stangled or she falls and hits her head. Maybe she loses her footing and falls in accidently, alive, and she tries to swim but the current and the cold is too much for her. All of these things could explain a body that retains it's ability to float for some distance. Without blood or DNA left at the scene there would be nothing to track but a scent, and Kelly had been there numerous times.
No one has been named a POI. No one has come forward to say "oh yeah, so and so cleaned the crap out of their car immediately after January 15th or acted suspiciously.

Spring is coming. People will be out and about and fishing, boating and walking these area's. I truly believe that Kelly will be found but I believe that everything has it's time. I don't know exactly why she hasn't been found but I believe in my higher power, and I truly believe he knows what he's doing up there. When the time is right, he'll bring our Kelly home.

Sorry for the book but I had no computer for almost a week so the withdrawals show. I know a lot of you don't agree that she's in the water but honest to God I cannot get that out of my head!!!:banghead: I remain open to any possibility, as long as it does NOT involve suicide.

Shutterfly you were so correct in everything you said. I thought your post would be useful to see once again
Now... I could be wrong... but looking at the map it appears that the interstate 95 bridge is UPSTREAM from BPA. So, either it's not Kelly, or she went in somewhere even further upstream, or she somehow floated against the current. Or it's a typo, and they meant the 295 bridge.

I hope whatever happens, this brings peace to a family somewhere...

According to

""My investigators tell me that it’s not too far upstream from where we thought [Catalano] went missing," said Chesterfield police Capt. Terry Patterson, who added that those are tidal waters. If the tide was coming in, the body actually could have gone upstream, he said. "
Shutterfly in the pic(previous page post # 574) with the orange arrows on the direction a body would travel if it went in the water , where was this body found? I believe you mentioned a body could only go so far without getting snagged on something. Thanks for that post it was one of the best I have seen with graphics and comments. Thanks
I talked to someone at the Chesterfield PD and she said that Capt. Patterson would be doing a briefing on the news this evening. Also, this was the first that she had heard that this could be Kelly. She also said that the investigators were still at the scene and it may be days before anything is known. She also said to be ware of what you read on the internet/hear on the news.

IF this proves to be Kelly, my heart goes out to her family as well as all that have searched and those that have tossed around ideas on here. I am new to websleuths and I greatly appreciate everyone taking time out of their lives for a cause such as this. In my heart, I hope this is not Kelly, in my mind, I have to be realistic. My heart has sunk and I feel a loss beyond what I could have imagined.
Thinking of Kelly's friends and family at this time.. hoping for a good outcome!
According to

""My investigators tell me that it’s not too far upstream from where we thought [Catalano] went missing," said Chesterfield police Capt. Terry Patterson, who added that those are tidal waters. If the tide was coming in, the body actually could have gone upstream, he said. "

This says the body fits the description of Kelly and the clothes she was seen wearing the day she disappeared....
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